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53 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

I like to help new player but asking ppl with starter gear are u new seems like an insult maybe... so perhaps a newbi icon can help.

thank u 

Wording is everything. Are you new COULD seem a little rude (not really, but for the conversation). "Have you been playing long" is a good way to find out, while giving you an out of they get offended, by saying something like "I ask lots of people I meet." I think it's all just a matter of conversation. If you just ask, it might seem toxic, since emotion cannot be conveyed through text easily, but talking with people before asking how long they've played blunts the edge a lot. Also, if you whisper someone, and the don't respond, they probably don't want help, but if they do perpetuate the conversation, they may be open to it.

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22 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

You could also have a 9-year veteran playing on a new account.

Or who just finished the tutorial. Or are doing a key run without tomes. One way you could check without asking is to add them to your friends list and see how much AP they have, though that wouldn't help if it's a secondary account.

Though it's easier to pop mentor tag and chat and say if anyone has any questions, you're happy to answer them or help them with an objective. Coming at people bluntly without warning will lead to awkward situations and the assumption you have less than positive intentions, especially when newbie/noob is an insult throughout much of gaming and admitting you're new tends to result in harassment, not help.


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There r 3 things i usually do:

-  ask on map chat if anyone needs help 🙂 (with an explanation how to whisper)

- throw a party somewhere with cake and other stuff. Lots of people might gather 🙂

- stalking people who look lost with a supporter, don't kill their mobs(take a lvl 0 weapon) and give them a slot 8 bag. 


I like your idea 🙂 but it should be optional, because some people just want to find out things alone. So these who r new and need help could activate themselfs an icon next to them. It would make stalking people easier for me  😄


Edited by moony.5780
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I have alt accounts. Some of them are very low level.  A guy not long ago sent me a gold for just being new. Nice of him, but obviously I don't need it, so I sent it back with an explanation.


Lots of people have alt accounts and having a newbie tag would probably be abused by some, even if it was optional.

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You are better off helping people that like to be helped, than randomly bothering people that for some arbitrary reason have a "newbie tag" attached to their account. No automated metric will ever be able to choose which players need and want to have your help. Offering help in map chat is your best bet to find the people you are looking for.

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I think the idea has some merit. I realize that carrying a Newbie icon is something that not many players would (dare to or want to) do, but I could see certain people using it who also want to socialize a bit more and show it that way.   I guess the Mentor icon itself is in some way a flag like this, but the Mentor flag is more for veterans and players who want to get something done and gather players around them(or point out their location on the map). The newbie flag could be showing more of "I am ok with people talking to me". 


I am probably overthinking this  but I would like to see an experiment with such a flag. 

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I often see people on EU servers standing in the starter maps (often near the city gate or the first heart) with a mentor tag on offering to help anyone who needs it. They'll put a message in chat to introduce themselves and explain how to choose a chat channel or send a whisper, then wait around and answer any questions they get or group up with players to help them with things they can't do on their own.

IMO that has a few advantages over a newbie tag:

  • New players who want to figure things out for themselves are free to do so.
  • Players can ask about things they need help with rather than just getting help with whatever they happen to be doing at the time.
  • It opens it up to everyone, returning players who haven't logged in for years might need as much help as a new player, or people who have played for a while but are still stuck on one thing, or just want the freedom to ask a "stupid" question without judgement.
  • It immediately shows that experienced players want to help, not just that the game thinks they should.


2 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I have alt accounts. Some of them are very low level.  A guy not long ago sent me a gold for just being new. Nice of him, but obviously I don't need it, so I sent it back with an explanation.


Lots of people have alt accounts and having a newbie tag would probably be abused by some, even if it was optional.

Something similar happened to me once. I was at the bank in Divinity's Reach and someone sent me a 'new player welcome pack' with a dye, some low level food and a bit of gold. I sent it back and explained I wasn't actually new, but it was really nice to know there's people doing things like that.

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One way to tell new players is the mastery points displayed by their name.  If they have none then they are probably a new player.   This does not rule out experienced free to play players and core only players that can't earn mastery points.  But those are probably few and far between.    And of course there may be some experienced players on alt accounts with no mastery points for login rewards etc.. 

But I don't think putting a tag saying, "Hey I'm a newbie," is something a lot of new players would want.   My suggestion is if you want to help new players go to the starter maps and ask in map chat if anyone wants some help or advice. 

Edited by JustTrogdor.7892
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On 10/15/2021 at 2:17 AM, Balsa.3951 said:

I like to help new player but asking ppl with starter gear are u new seems like an insult maybe... so perhaps a newbi icon can help.

thank u 

How can you tell if they're in starter gear? Some might enjoy the simple aesthetic of that and simply have transmuted it over their legendary armor 😉

Aside from popping a tag and letting ing people indirectly know in map/say chat you're available to help if they want, I'm guessing you can look at a char and tell if they're new based on their level.. ie. lacking the mastery rank star, etc.?

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I don't like when a shop assistant comes up to me asking if I need help, either. Let the map know you are available and let them come to you.

Back in the day, the only reason I made a personal guild was to prevent people from spamming me to join theirs.

Edited by MikeG.6389
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