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Disclaimer: I haven'thad the time to play in any of the betas so far but will be able to in the upcoming one. I wanted to get this out before that, so my opinions on the various specs and features will be made under the same circumstances. I will adjust this thread as time moves foward and as I have time to do so.

Also, in this thread I will list my OPINIONS on the various features that have been CONFIRMED for EoD. These are not truths, these are not facts, these are opinions. And while some discusion can be made about opinions, those discusions differ from discusions about wether or not someone is right or not. Keep that in mind and try to keep things civil.

Thanks a lot and have a nice day.

Not so much. giving the class an off-hand weapon gives the players less new buttons to press than with other specs. The added mobility aspect of it will probably shine in small scale WvW and PvP. What concerns me the most is, being a guardian main, the prospect of again playing GS/Sc,F and again going for radiance and zeal feels boring.

Looks good and definitely new. Can't say much about it to be fair, I have my Warri for BS and story purposes and if the Bladesworn will bring something new to that experience, I will be happy about it.

Looks cool, will be great in WvW and open world due to the cleave and overall utility I guess. However, hardlocking players into the new legendary stance feels lazy. The concept is cool and all, but since it's not getting extended to the rev's core legends, it seems like the "new F-skill" should do something else that is usefull in general and for all legendary stances.

Well, I never played Mesmer a lot and the simpler the class gets, the better it is for me. Maybe Virtuoso will be a mesmer spec I can actually play to its full potential. I know that I may be alone with this one and I see how many players who love the mesmer might be underwhelmed by the blandness of it though.

It looks like a new twist to core but as such lacks direction. Will probably end up being a different flavor of Weaver, i.e. it will be used instead of or as an alternative to weaver in many places.

Definitely a new take on the shroud mechanic and definitely stirring things up with it. But the traits and gameplay look boring so far. Probably won't bother too much with it tbh.

Love how it is "ranger through the eyes of an engi" and the golem definitely is a good looking asset. How good it will be depends a lot on the AI of the golem I think.

Looks all around great and I look forward to actually managing my pet. However, the change to pet UI(i.e. having all the pets abilities available) should be a core feature of the class and being softlocked into using a hammer feels strangely rigid, much like the design choice with Vindicator and its F-skill.

Well, again definitely a shakeup from the usual thief gameplay. How good or usefull targetedd single target healing/buffing will turn out to be, we'll see. I see it hapening in small scale WvW or PvP rather than open world or raids/fractals. Overall might not be my cup of tea.

As someone who owns PoF and has a fully upgraded Skimmer available at all times, I don't see the functional appeal of Skiffs. Sure, maybe some things can be done with it, but unless there is Terrain, a Skimmer can't cross, where I need a Skiff and maybe an according mastery, this is more or less an RP-feature for me, which I will use, as long as there are AP attached to it and then probably will never use again.

Same as above. For me GW2 has one of the best and most engaging combat systems in any MMO. That's what I'm here for. Sure, there's community things to do and whatnot, but a fishing minigame is just one of my least missed features in this game. Will do it as far as AP are attached to it, then never fish again probably.

...Siege Turtle
The idea of a multiplayer mount with combat abilities sounds fun on paper and as much as skiffs, might be a fun RP thing to do in tyria. But I can't see that going far. Better said, there's so much that can go wrong with it, that I doubt that ANet will take many chances, which will end up with a boring feeling mount. If the combat abilities are too strong, people will be pllaying the turtle game instead of GW2, and I doubt ANet wants that to happen, so the combat ability needs to be sub par. If the ability is sub par, why use it in the first place? Same goes for usability in WvW. If it's too good, it will warp the format around the turtle, if it's not actually usefull(like the warclaw door pull) it will not be used so why add it?
I see lots of potential, but also don't quite know what to make of it. Even the posibility to taxi players around on your turtle seems less exciting than walking new players wherever they need to go.

...Cantha as the setting of EoD
Haven't played GW1 and I'm usually not so much into depictions of asian cultures in games and other forms of mainsteam media. Too often it gets boiled down to stereotyping and fantasy fullfillment of the lowest common denominator(catgirls, school uniforms you get what I mean). But Cantha looks good and distinct so far and I'm looking forward to the exploration side of EoD. However, I wouldn't have gone for another "nostalgie trip". PoF was already catering to the "make GW2 GW1 again" crowd and having the following expansion go down the same route seems, well, uncreative. But we'll see how this turns out.

This is a great thing to put at the start of an expansion and I hope they will introduce similar areas to earlier expansions and the core game.

Will judge when they happen.

...Focused on replayability
Will judge when it happens. I hope they will lean more towards HoT with its metas and rewards. Those maps are still played today, whereas PoF maps have a hard time filling up outside of dailies.

Another RP-feature that's probably not for me. Will do it as long as there are AP in it I guess.

...Springer and Raptor availability
This won't do much for me as I have PoF but it's definitely a "nice move" for new or returning players who don't. Also the selection is a good one. These two mounts, alongside the Skiff gives those players a glance into the possibilities of mounts in GW2 and will probably sell some copies of PoF on its own.

...Continuation of Strike Missions
I never really liked the strikes although I like to raid a lot and the two could basically be the same. I can't point my finger on what's the reason for that though. Maybe it's the way how raids tell a story and are a bit longer(three or four bosses), I don't know. I think it will boil down to design. Maybe if they look pretty enough I'll do and like the new strikes.

...Difficulty settings for Strike Missions
This is a great feature when the rewards are scaled according to difficulty. But ANet did well with Fractals in this regard, so it might turn out very well.

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Ooh, I'll play. PHM stands for personal hype meter.

I like the idea of a more mobile Guardian, but my brief trial of Willbender left me cold. Didn't feel like it hit very hard, and the mobility felt clunky, unlike the fluidity of Mirage/Holosmith/Daredevil/Dagger Ele, all of which I enjoy. PHM: 4/10, because maybe it gets fixed?

Meh. Nothing here to interest me much. It's called a "blade"sworn, wields a gunblade, but they called the item a gun"saber"? I don't know, I don't get the appeal. PHM 2/10

I keep wanting to like Revenant. It's a really powerful profession. It just never seems to click. This e-spec with all it's skill flipping seems to go in the opposite direction I would want. It doubles down (pun intended) on the fiddly swapping mechanic that always makes me park my Revenant at the rich quartz crystal in Crystal Oasis. PHM 2/10

I really like Mesmer, specifically Mirage. But my Condi Mirage, though awesomely survivable and able to build nice damage, is slow to ramp up. When I just need to blow up a bunch of chump mobs in lower level zones, I'm jealous of all those other professions going "boom, everythings dead" and moving on. Virtuoso looks like I might be able to pop it on in that kind of situation. Especially when the heart wants me to take out objects that won't receive conditions. PHM 6/10

Yikes. I want my D/D ele back. Or a mobile range caster. I don't want... whatever this is. PHM 1/10

I don't play necro. Let the evil people raise the dead and put together meat golems to fight for them. I know, I know, necromancy isn't evil in Tyria. Call it a personal quirk. PHM 1/10

I'm looking forward to slapping on 6 runes of golemancy, traiting an Asura elite Golem, and summoning my Mech. Largely for the luls, though. I don't expect much from this anywhere I need to do anything meaningful. Love my Holo. PHM 7/10

Agreed with OP 100%. Weird that this profession is defined by "better pet control", which should just be a QOL update to all rangers. Also don't care to be locked into one weapon. Swapping the buffing green vine state back and forth seems like it could be cool gameplay, though. PHM 6/10

Very excited about this, but we'll see how it goes when I get to try it tonight. I'm hoping there's some cool things it can do when it's not buffing someone else, but I also play a lot with my son, and it'd be sweet to be his backup, or vice versa. I love both daredevil and deadeye, and hope this adds a unique, less squishy playstyle just to mix things up. I'm aware I'm going on very little information so far, so I'm trying not to get too hyped about it. PHM 8/10

I don't get it. I'd rather skimmer, especially now we can underwater. If they let us have SWIMSUIT skins, it might be worth a swimming party off the back. Or, if I can stand on it and take out underwater creatures without having to use my frustrating underwater skills, I'll change my tune. PHM 2/10

I don't even get it. Fishing in real life is just an excuse to be still. Maybe talk to someone if you're fishing with them. Why would I want to do that in a video game? The fishing, not the talking to people. I talk to people in GW2 quite a bit. PHM 1/10

...Siege Turtle
I love what they did with all the other mounts. It's possible they've really thought this one through, and there will be really good uses for it. Again, as someone who plays frequently as part of a duo, could be fun. Hopefully it's as meaninful to drive the thing as to pewpew from it's back. I just don't know enough to be hyped about it, though. PHM 4/10

...Cantha as the setting of EoD
Very excited about this. Played all of the original Guild Wars while I was waiting for GW2 to launch. I'm most excited about Kaineng City, though a little nervous. The stacked tenements from overcrowding and the sewer tunnels under the city had such atmosphere in the original game. I hope they don't pretty it all up and lose that. PHM 7/10

Glad for some more tutorial to help onramp people. Wish they would use more restraint in the color palette, though. PHM 6/10

Excited for this. PHM 8/10

...Focused on replayability
I haven't really seen information about this, so no hype meter to gauge.

Silly, and smacks of autowalk to next quest feature of some Korean games. Mounts feel so dynamic in GW2, why remove all that dynamism? Do people really need this as an advert to get their own mounts? I don't really get the appeal. PHM 1/10

...Springer and Raptor availability
A good idea. If they're going to design around mounts, and let you buy EoD without PoF, then it's necessary. No hype meter though, as it's kinda neutral to me.

...Continuation of Strike Missions
Not really a big fan of organized instanced PvE. I've only done one strike mission so far, for the achievement in the prologue. Probably will need to try more as we get the rest of the Return To chapters. Maybe they'll grow on me? I like the idea of shorter instanced PvE, as I don't have the life circumstances to allow me to schedule several hours to do raids. PHM 3/10

...Difficulty settings for Strike Missions
Don't know much about this. Will watch and see.

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I'm a cantha fan on gw1 But for the moment nothing pleases me about this expansion, I find it even sad to ruin such a potential with such a jewel in the hands

I'm waiting to see the look of the echovald forest, the jade sea, kaineng and the level of the strikes before deciding but for the moment I'm very very negative about this expansion, no hype.

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Ranger and ele are terrible, hammer should never have been a first option choice on either. Its terrible, and both elites are suffering because of it. Willender is bad off in a way that can be fixed it needs a damage boost and virtues looked at but for the most part is mechanically sound. I love mech and specter they will be good in eod they need minor tweaks but are sound otherwise.

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Honestly no. And it's a shame cause I loved this game for so long. Knowing this will be the last espec we get and this is how the game will continue makes me think its probably time to look to other games. I don't care for Cantha look, I didn't like it to be honest. I loved it in GW1 but I'm not getting that vibe here. I don't get the point on skiffs unless they force you to use to do something, like exclusive fishing spots that only skiffs can get, but other than that it looks like it came of the PS1 game.


Over all this expansion looks more and more like a final cash grab attempt before completely going to maintenance mode.


But my deal breaker is how BAD e-specs are.Specially Bladesworn which besides personal taste, it just doesn't make any sense at all why they wasted time and money on that specifically and not something that would actually add value to the game. Making specs that replace old specs is just wrong if you really care for long term. Same can probably be said about all other specs but I play warrior the most so I base my opinion there.

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Hyped for the continent. I do hope they tone down the coloring a bit, it looked way of from what it used to be.


Not hyped for the elite specs, its clear the HoT and PoF ones were made by people who are no longer working at Anet. They are terrible at best. Only the Mechanist feels fun.

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I wasn't going to preorder until they made changes to allow all the ultra shiny cosmetic effects (player sourced and environmental) to get toned down so we could actually see what's going on without hurting our eyes. Now I'm actually thinking even more conditions need to be fulfilled before I consider preordering.

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I'm not as hyped for EOD as I was for POF, but I'll still get it. I've recently added two new character slots -- one for a charr Vindi, one for a sylvari Mechy -- to my main account, but I'm thinking it may be time to retire my alt account. So, ya know, there ya go.


I really wish EOD was the start of a whole new campaign, though, with new starter zones and personal stories. With 'tangu' and those underwater blue guys added to the roster of playable races. And land spears! I've been tired of dragons since, hmm, let me think... Zhaitan! Not sure why our rousing defeat of old zombie-lips couldn't have inspired others around Tyria to step up and do their part -- off camera! While we moved on to dealing with new threats and menaces. Invasion from the Mists! New 'gods' arriving, bringing along a new invasive species! Inquest Termination: Rise of the Golems! The Return of the Gargoyles! Alas.


I just hope it all turns out better than it looks.

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2 hours ago, Tachenon.5270 said:

I'm not as hyped for EOD as I was for POF, but I'll still get it. I've recently added two new character slots -- one for a charr Vindi, one for a sylvari Mechy -- to my main account, but I'm thinking it may be time to retire my alt account. So, ya know, there ya go.


I really wish EOD was the start of a whole new campaign, though, with new starter zones and personal stories. With 'tangu' and those underwater blue guys added to the roster of playable races. And land spears! I've been tired of dragons since, hmm, let me think... Zhaitan! Not sure why our rousing defeat of old zombie-lips couldn't have inspired others around Tyria to step up and do their part -- off camera! While we moved on to dealing with new threats and menaces. Invasion from the Mists! New 'gods' arriving, bringing along a new invasive species! Inquest Termination: Rise of the Golems! The Return of the Gargoyles! Alas.


I just hope it all turns out better than it looks.

Still login to the alt account for the daily rewards tho.

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On 10/26/2021 at 12:53 PM, lokh.2695 said:

...Cantha as the setting of EoD
Haven't played GW1 and I'm usually not so much into depictions of asian cultures in games and other forms of mainsteam media. Too often it gets boiled down to stereotyping and fantasy fullfillment of the lowest common denominator(catgirls, school uniforms you get what I mean). But Cantha looks good and distinct so far and I'm looking forward to the exploration side of EoD. However, I wouldn't have gone for another "nostalgia trip". PoF was already catering to the "make GW2 GW1 again" crowd and having the following expansion go down the same route seems, well, uncreative. But we'll see how this turns out.

This, so much this.

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I'm not hyped, but that doesn't mean I won't pick it up and try it out. There's not much else in the market these days and IMO GW2 is still the best MMO when it comes to just having fun with lots of open world content. Perhaps even too much open world content as the vast number of zones has spread the player base thin.


As far as elite specializations go, I think they'll all add something fun and new to unlock and try out. I still haven't unlocked some specs from previous expansions, but when I feel like giving my main a break, it's a breath of fresh air trying the other professions out.

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Not really hyped. Bladesworn looks cool... and that's it.

Cantha won't live up to the expectations. People didn't love Cantha because it was an Asian setting. Tons of games have Asian settings. It's about the atmosphere. In GW1, you weren't exploring Asia. You were exploring a declining China as it was being wrecked by a zombie plague. You trudged through sewer cities where the people were coughing their guts out as Jeremy's Soule melancholic music played. You told mothers that you had allowed their sons to die for nothing. You picked a side in a blood feud between two different clans. You were roped into being the pawns of the gods' scheming.

GW2's Cantha won't be that. GW2 has never been that. GW2 is a generic bright heroic fantasy. EoD's Cantha won't have a strong flavor like GW1's. GW2's Cantha will just be yet another generic fantasy asia but with GW1 names plastered on it. Maybe some GW2 players might be okay with that, but I'd imagine most people will be puzzled and think "this is what all of the hype was for?". That isn't to say that I dislike bright asian fantasy settings. I loved Pandaria, after all. But GW2's Cantha just isn't going to have a strong, memorable feel like GW1's. It's also rather disappointing that of the four maps announced, all are GW1 locations I've already seen before. Maybe there is a secret brand new fifth map that hasn't been announced yet, but I'm not holding my breath.

Story wise, EoD looks to be very boring. We're probably going to barge into Cantha, force it to reopen and accept outsiders like the blind Matthew Perry idiots we are, yadda yadda. Fight another boring dragon. I don't care about any characters in this game except Rytlock, Canach, and Ryland (RIP). And I guess maybe Aurene a tad bit. Couldn't care less about anyone else.

The only thing I'm expecting from EoD to be good are the setpieces. I wonder what the Deep Sea Dragon's gimmick will be. Maybe it isn't actually one creature, but a massive school of fish swimming formation to look like a dragon? IDK.

Otherwise, EoD just doesn't have anything else going for it. No interesting game mechanics like mounts, probably won't have the vertical map design like HoT's, and so on. The only other notable thing about EoD is that this will likely be GW2's swan song, given how Anet couldn't have cared less about the franchise over the past several years and kept trying to jump ship to other projects.

Edited by Valfar.3761
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The reality ... I'm only interested in the new map and history, otherwise I'm sorry to say ... EOD is a failure, I explain why:

They could have taken advantage of this expansion to make a big change and offer what many players asked for, instead of focusing another expansion on new elite specializations, they should have focused on reworking some skills and attacks with weapons in terms of effects as there are many Skilles and weapons in each class that are almost in the background, almost unused. New weapons, such as being able to use a spear out of the water, even that some classes such as the warrior or guardian could use them together with a shield or war horn, katars or fists, chackras and magic orbs and a great etc that could give many options to each class without the need for a new forced Elite and without much sense.


They could also put many options and game mechanics, such as being able to change class skills just as you can change weapons, that is, except for the healing and elite skill, the 3 class skills, giving a button could rotate to another bar where you have configured another 3 class skills, that way there would be many more options for builds.

A basic mount (if I know that many do not agree) but as POF will be left behind, for the new ones it would be comfortable, practical and beautiful a mount at level 10 or 20 specific to each race, that is, humans would have totally different from the ones. asura, etc. With no other options than to move a little faster. So in the end the POF mounts would be better, but it is still practical.


New Stamps and ascended runes with new effects, you could do a rework of dungeons to be able to get these objects or items necessary to make them, as well as new infusions that give new stats.


Enchanted equipment, that is, apart from the stats that a team may have, (for example knight or berserker), exotic equipment onwards, when obtained or manufactured, can have a probability of being enchanted with a separate stat, for example, an enchanted helmet with 100 hardness, and apart may have the configuration Berserker, knight, etc. This would give more life to the auction trade.


In short, what I want to convey, that there are many options and possibilities that could have been used for a new expansion ...

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I am hyped but have reservations. GW2 has a long history at this stage of not handling content carried over from GW1 very well, whether that was Lazarus, fleshing out Elona fully in LWS4, and most recently, Primordus. I am hoping they carry over Cantha as a continent from GW1 into GW2 well.


Seeing the color palate of Shing Jea leaves me nervous about what they are doing with other areas like the Jade Sea or Kaineng. Shing Jea really does NOT look like its GW1 counterpart. I don't mean graphics, more just the atmosphere and color palate feel wrong. Kaineng I expect to be a lot different and more developed so I am not as concerned there. I do wonder what the Jade Sea and Echovald forest will bring.


Sure they are not big ticket items like gliding or mounts but I see fishing and skiffs as nice RP-features. 


As for the elite specs, the names feel all wrong and I really don't understand their naming scheme. A "virtuoso" would have made sense for a bard like spec for example, that name does not at all fit what that spec is. As for the actual gameplay I think they will need a lot of work. As a guardian main, I am hard pressed to see where I'd ever choose a Willbender over DH or FB specs. 


Honestly, feels a bit like HoT. They announced it then took a whole year to actually release it and by that point I wasn't really hyped anymore. PoF on the other hand hyped me a lot with how they handled that release. EoD feels more similar to that HoT one in that we've known about it forever, and it's taking forever to come out and the LW content we got in that time was severely lacking and cut down that is might as well have been another "content draught" like the one leading up to HoT release. IBS did not garner any goodwill so I am left with reservations and hope that EoD isn't another screwup like IBS.

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It's probably gonna be a fun expac once it's released, everyone is playing the new specs, and more insight comes in on how to change the specs for the better, but right now the release feels a little too early only because I think they really have a bad foundation on some of these specs and it's a little too late to go back to the drawing board so we're all kinda stuck with some version of what we have been shown.  I think that's the worst part, and that we all know anet for the most part refuses to go back and change things when it's become clear that what it is isn't working. It took them forever to redo scrapper and some other specs that when we are in the postion we are in now, we all get sorta somber and doubtful. So honestly, I think a lot of the lack of hype is due to our collective lack of trust of having anet listen to the community. I don't think the reality is as bad as people feel about it, but I do think people don't have the faith that it's going to get any better. 

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not sure, i came back and did not have PoF, i pre-ordered end of dragons, but do not really care much about EoD. To me i bought PoF and got EoD for free. If it turns out good great, if it does poorly i do not really care.


As long as it is better then Black Wood in ESO i am going to be happy. Black Wood was fun for like 2 weeks, but broke the economy, i was able to buy 10 years worth of dlc in 2 days by selling purple rings on auction house and then trading gold for crowns.


As long as EoD does not do that, lmao its going to be fine

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No not at all..

Kinda regret pre ordering.. I should have followed my trend with HoT and PoF and waited till a deep sale a few years after release.. the specs are all just rehashes of ones we already have and bad ones at that..

Very let down as Cantha was my favorite in GW1.

Edited by Dante.1508
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I am pretty hyped, yes! Gorgeous new maps, epic new story with new characters, lots of cool new masteries to collect, new customisation, interesting features and greatsword revenant (yesssss!). I am pretty happy so far, and am looking forward to seeing the upcoming map tours. Echowald Wilds look incredible! 🙂

Edited by Kotarnus.6217
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I Played this game almost eveyday since it came out i pre ordered hot and pof but eod i have not payed for yet i don't know but bein half afk on a boat move My mouse from side to side to pick up a fish Thats not why i play a mmo its boring to me..  Not worth the money if u ask me. I can fish in real life if i want to but I cant slay big dragons or fight thug raid bosses. 

Edited by Nightcore.5621
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No hype for me. I preordered EoD because I like having full access to the game as soon as content is released, but at the time of making that purchase as well as now, I have zero hype. Others have already mentioned most of what disappoints me about how EoD seems to be shaping up so far. The only thing I'll add in direct response to OP is that I do not think Untamed deserves any positive feedback at this time. It is both a conceptual and mechanical failure to me as a ranger main. I would actually prefer no new ranger elite over Untamed, as I feel Untamed is actually an insult to ranger players.

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