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Teams ranked conquest will solve 90% of issues

Crab Fear.1624

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@Crab Fear.1624 @Shao.7236 @Avatar.3568 @Genesis.5169 @Shaogin.2679 @Khalisto.5780 @Paradoxoglanis.1904 @Lucentfir.7430 @Bazsi.2734 @Leonidrex.5649 @Multicolorhipster.9751 @Stand The Wall.6987 @Lacdanon.1483 @Azure The Heartless.3261 

I streamed a test subsample tonight. I logged into an alt and a character name that no one knows. I was able to form a 5man team for unranked in about 2 and a half minutes through LFG and map chat. I was able to form a 5man Gold AT team in about 3 minutes. And this team of casual Gold players was able to take 2nd in the AT tonight.


Conclusion: There are definitely enough players in the community who want to play 5 man teams, who are able to perform well enough to do it competitively, and it is not difficult to form a 5man team even as a player that no one knows.


If you want to skip my 40 minute speech on the topic of 5man vs. solo/duo, skip to 47:00 in the video to see how quickly I form the 5man team for Unranked and how easy it is to do. If you want to skip watching the Unranked matches and hearing me discuss further, skip to 1:27:30 to see how fast I form a Gold 5man AT team and how easy it is to do. If you want to skip watching the AT matches, skip to the end to see us take 2nd place with a Gold level team formed out of nothing through the LFG.

GW2 5man Queue Practical? - Test For Forum - Twitch

I'd also like to point out that not a single person was toxic or nasty or complaining. Everyone had fun tonight and they were happy to have found a team to play with.

This was a real test were I logged in suddenly without any preparation and did this for the forum. This is the reality folks. Enough with the garbage excuses.

I've said & done what I needed to do here. On to a new discussion.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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11 minutes ago, Lacdanon.1483 said:

How arrogant do you have to be to think that your experiences in SPVP are the same for everyone else and that others opinions formed from their own experiences are somehow wrong.


There have been logical arguments from both sides.

  1. Because the counter arguments are largely coming from players who have lived under a social rock for nearly a decade, who never even tried to play team queues. They say "Don't Knock It Till You've Tried It" and I agree wholeheartedly. And that is why I can't take most of these opinions seriously, as they are not coming from a place of much experience on the topic, but rather a place of apprehension, reluctance, fear, or maybe just plain laziness, to care to even try to queue with a team.
  2. I don't know what you deem as "logical" but there is definitely nothing more logical, than evident video documentation. Enjoy, and take heart in the light of a bit of actual proof concerning this debacle, rather than text conjecture.
Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 @Shao.7236 @Avatar.3568 @Genesis.5169 @Shaogin.2679 @Khalisto.5780 @Paradoxoglanis.1904 @Lucentfir.7430 @Bazsi.2734 @Leonidrex.5649 @Multicolorhipster.9751 @Stand The Wall.6987 @Lacdanon.1483 @Azure The Heartless.3261 

I streamed a test subsample tonight. I logged into an alt and a character name that no one knows. I was able to form a 5man team for unranked in about 2 and a half minutes through LFG and map chat. I was able to form a 5man Gold AT team in about 3 minutes. And this team of casual Gold players was able to take 2nd in the AT tonight.


Conclusion: There are definitely enough players in the community who want to play 5 man teams, who are able to perform well enough to do it competitively, and it is not difficult to form a 5man team even as a player that no one knows.


If you want to skip my 40 minute speech on the topic of 5man vs. solo/duo, skip to 47:00 in the video to see how quickly I form the 5man team for Unranked and how easy it is to do. If you want to skip watching the Unranked matches and hearing me discuss further, skip to 1:27:30 to see how fast I form a Gold 5man AT team and how easy it is to do. If you want to skip watching the AT matches, skip to the end to see us take 2nd place with a Gold level team formed out of nothing through the LFG.

GW2 5man Queue Practical? - Test For Forum - Twitch

I'd also like to point out that not a single person was toxic or nasty or complaining. Everyone had fun tonight and they were happy to have found a team to play with.

This was a real test were I logged in suddenly without any preparation and did this for the forum. This is the reality folks. Enough with the garbage excuses.

I've said & done what I needed to do here. On to a new discussion.

I agree that you need a premade team be truly competitive, but you are missing the whole point of ranked. Look at any popular competitive game and there is the option to play in a competitive league as a solo player. Mixing 1-5 man ques creates too many problems with matchmaking and team balance. Combining ranked with ATs, or forcing 5 man ques would kill the gamemode for a lot of people. Im sorry but you really seem to have gone all in with the whole wintrading conspiracy. There are other factors to pvp leagues that are just as, if not more important than preventing wintraders from getting on your team. If you dont like pug teams then keep playing ATs.

In any case, streaming 1 AT isnt proof of anything and coming 2nd with a gold pug team should tell you something about how low the population is. If this were ranked you would be facing the 1st place team every other game, unless you que dodged them which is just match manipulation on your part.

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1 hour ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

I agree that you need a premade team be truly competitive, but you are missing the whole point of ranked. Look at any popular competitive game and there is the option to play in a competitive league as a solo player. Mixing 1-5 man ques creates too many problems with matchmaking and team balance. Combining ranked with ATs, or forcing 5 man ques would kill the gamemode for a lot of people. Im sorry but you really seem to have gone all in with the whole wintrading conspiracy. There are other factors to pvp leagues that are just as, if not more important than preventing wintraders from getting on your team. If you dont like pug teams then keep playing ATs.

In any case, streaming 1 AT isnt proof of anything and coming 2nd with a gold pug team should tell you something about how low the population is. If this were ranked you would be facing the 1st place team every other game, unless you que dodged them which is just match manipulation on your part.

How deluded are you guys? Or are you devs on alts or something who are trying to fuel some kind of agenda to make it look like people don't want 5man?

I mean this is ridiculous. I bolded that one comment because saying that about this situation concerning the rampant match manipulation in ranked is like equivalent to someone who lives in a house that is literally rotting away at the foundation because 50 cats are there that use the floor as a toilet, no one cleans it up, but for some reason the guy who lives there is concerned that I use a coaster on his coffee table when I drink a soda pop.

Have whatever opinion you want boys. Just open up your eyes and keep it real. 

Also, stop changing goalposts man. You guys consistently toss this "OMG WE WILL ALL BE FARMED BY LEGEND TEAMS ALL DAY" but as soon as I toss up that video there, that sentiment quickly changes to: "coming 2nd with a gold pug team should tell you something about how low the population is." So now you're telling me the population is so low that Gold teams can compete in the final rounds of ATs? Make up your mind here. Is the population so low that we will all be farmed by legend teams all day or is the population so low that Gold teams can win ATs? Can you clarify this a bit? I am a bit confused here because it's gotta be one or the other, not both.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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11 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

How deluded are you guys? Or are you devs on alts or something who are trying to fuel some kind of agenda to make it look like people don't want 5man?

I mean this is ridiculous. I bolded that one comment because saying that about this situation concerning the rampant match manipulation in ranked is like equivalent to someone who lives in a house that is literally rotting away at the foundation because 50 cats are there that use the floor as a toilet, no one cleans it up, but for some reason the guy who lives there is concerned that I use a coaster on his coffee table when I drink a soda pop.

Have whatever opinion you want boys. Just open up your eyes and keep it real. 

Also, stop changing goalposts man. You guys consistently toss this "OMG WE WILL ALL BE FARMED BY LEGEND TEAMS ALL DAY" but as soon as I toss up that video there, that sentiment quickly changes to: "coming 2nd with a gold pug team should tell you something about how low the population is." So now you're telling me the population is so low that Gold teams can compete in the final rounds of ATs? Make up your mind here. Is the population so low that we will all be farmed by legend teams all day or is the population so low that Gold teams can win ATs? Can you clarify this a bit? I am a bit confused here because it's gotta be one or the other, not both.

Lol has this really gone into a full blown conspiracy theorist rant? What about low population do you not understand? In that AT you lost to a plat 2 pug team. So yes when a plat 3 pug is playing they will farm everyone. They however dont play all day, people take breaks, get bored, etc. When they arent playing then you have a plat 2 pug farming everyone. And at off peak hours you might see a plat 1 pug winning everything. Occasionally you might have 2 high rank teams match up, and guess what they will do next? Que dodge, wait for the other team to stop playing, kick some people and merge teams...

Can you clarify where this promotes a better competitive experience? How this will improve matchmaking, stop wintrading, improve game quality, or make prestige rewards mean something? Because all you have said is "5 man ques will fix pvp because wintraders" while throwing around bizarre analogies and going on about the "huge" wintrading scene.

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1 hour ago, tacoclaw.8251 said:

The biggest turn off for me is people caring about their rank. I’m pretty okay, but I don’t ever play ranked anymore. There in no on ramp for new players anymore. Over time the pop will shrink. Ironically the ones who want it most drive away the people who can give it new life. 

Maybe being carried a little by your bros could be that on ramp, teams back in ranked!

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2 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Lol has this really gone into a full blown conspiracy theorist rant? What about low population do you not understand? In that AT you lost to a plat 2 pug team. So yes when a plat 3 pug is playing they will farm everyone. They however dont play all day, people take breaks, get bored, etc. When they arent playing then you have a plat 2 pug farming everyone. And at off peak hours you might see a plat 1 pug winning everything. Occasionally you might have 2 high rank teams match up, and guess what they will do next? Que dodge, wait for the other team to stop playing, kick some people and merge teams...

Can you clarify where this promotes a better competitive experience? How this will improve matchmaking, stop wintrading, improve game quality, or make prestige rewards mean something? Because all you have said is "5 man ques will fix pvp because wintraders" while throwing around bizarre analogies and going on about the "huge" wintrading scene.

Read the initial post I made as to why this will make ranked a better experience.

Your only counter is that a plat 3 team will farm everyone else.

Yeah, maybe. But that wont be the only game you will play, and all the other crap is removed.

Nothing wrong with getting stomped out by a better team.

Sounds to me like someone is trying to avoid real competition for their badge....

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Blizzard after 17 years (14 since releasing arenas) - well, new players are having hard time catching up, finding teams, getting into rated pvp. Also population is getting lower. So to encourage people we want to introduce next to 2v2 and 3v3 - solo que. What do you think about it?

GW2 players with even way lower PvP population - bRiNg 5(!) TeAm RaNkEd QuEs To FiX PvP

If you really think that its gonna fix anything, lol, how pink those glasses are? During HoT I played in multiple 5-player teams in rankeds, but thats because you could fight 5vs4+1, or 5vs3+2 etc, ques were dynamic, population was in prime. And even then, 5-teams were rather rare, most people played in teams of 2 or 3 - because it was enough to carry games and faster to team up.

If you want team que, be my guest, but let me tell you how its probably gonna be. Option a - another dead game mode after first week of  'hype' (or even not). Option b - its gonna be the same as in WoW top ladder arenas, the same 5 teams queing up over and over again. Please tell me how any of that gonna fix any pvp problems. Or maybe Im just wrong and magically hundreds of people will que team rankeds creating dozens of teams so you will even be paired with proper divisions! Like for real, if soloque has problem with people from silver/gold getting into one team with plat/leg because of small population, what do you think team que gonna be xD.

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33 minutes ago, Widmo.3186 said:

Blizzard after 17 years (14 since releasing arenas) - well, new players are having hard time catching up, finding teams, getting into rated pvp. Also population is getting lower. So to encourage people we want to introduce next to 2v2 and 3v3 - solo que. What do you think about it?

GW2 players with even way lower PvP population - bRiNg 5(!) TeAm RaNkEd QuEs To FiX PvP

If you really think that its gonna fix anything, lol, how pink those glasses are? During HoT I played in multiple 5-player teams in rankeds, but thats because you could fight 5vs4+1, or 5vs3+2 etc, ques were dynamic, population was in prime. And even then, 5-teams were rather rare, most people played in teams of 2 or 3 - because it was enough to carry games and faster to team up.

If you want team que, be my guest, but let me tell you how its probably gonna be. Option a - another dead game mode after first week of  'hype' (or even not). Option b - its gonna be the same as in WoW top ladder arenas, the same 5 teams queing up over and over again. Please tell me how any of that gonna fix any pvp problems. Or maybe Im just wrong and magically hundreds of people will que team rankeds creating dozens of teams so you will even be paired with proper divisions! Like for real, if soloque has problem with people from silver/gold getting into one team with plat/leg because of small population, what do you think team que gonna be xD.


Oof, huge wall of text, and supposedly to make a point, only to be ruined by mentioning wow.....ooooooooffffff

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All the players who want good pvp left when they removed 5v5 team battles in ranked pvp. They have only helped to kill the game, that is why you get instant trolls who are against premades posting, because solo players who hate pvp is all that's left. The que's would never end if it was not a daily to do. No one plays GW2 pvp for fun anymore. 
Matchmaking is and has always been terrible, the simple fact that its forced a 50% win/loss ratio unless you premade or win trade since game release proves this. They removed Premades and are still trying to remove win trading/botting (at least I hope they are). But thing is, all that means is they are only doing to to keep their forced 50%. Its so annoying that if I get a loss, the next match I win 500-100. That is not good pvp. 
Premades were fun, and have always been fun, it was the best way to pvp back in Warhammer online, had so much fun grouping with guild mates and rocking out all night losing and winning. The fact that GW2 actually prevents fun from happening in pvp proves they don't care about pvp. 

The game modes too dead now honestly to add in premades. Cause they only work if you fight other premades. Would need a lot of players to start pvp'ing again, would need some revitalisation. Just adding it in now won't solve much since the game mode is so dead and filled with bots and win traders/afk people at spawn if that is the match the game has decided you are to lose. 

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Just to clarify though, the game is currently on a high, it has more players playing GW2 then it has had for a long time, they had to increase server sizes to accommodate the people both returning and new players. If Anet did put some good time into pvp, and got more people pvp'ing again, premades would be a GREAT step to reviving the game mode for everyone. 

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Losing massive ratings because of forced random teammates. Who are trying to throw the match. Is what convinced me that Ranked PvP is not worth my time. At least in Smite if I report someone for throwing the match in Ranked they either get a suspension. Or have to make a new account and spend 40+ hours of unranked to meet the requirements to troll Ranked again.

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7 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 @Shao.7236 @Avatar.3568 @Genesis.5169 @Shaogin.2679 @Khalisto.5780 @Paradoxoglanis.1904 @Lucentfir.7430 @Bazsi.2734 @Leonidrex.5649 @Multicolorhipster.9751 @Stand The Wall.6987 @Lacdanon.1483 @Azure The Heartless.3261 

I streamed a test subsample tonight. I logged into an alt and a character name that no one knows. I was able to form a 5man team for unranked in about 2 and a half minutes through LFG and map chat. I was able to form a 5man Gold AT team in about 3 minutes. And this team of casual Gold players was able to take 2nd in the AT tonight.


Conclusion: There are definitely enough players in the community who want to play 5 man teams, who are able to perform well enough to do it competitively, and it is not difficult to form a 5man team even as a player that no one knows.


If you want to skip my 40 minute speech on the topic of 5man vs. solo/duo, skip to 47:00 in the video to see how quickly I form the 5man team for Unranked and how easy it is to do. If you want to skip watching the Unranked matches and hearing me discuss further, skip to 1:27:30 to see how fast I form a Gold 5man AT team and how easy it is to do. If you want to skip watching the AT matches, skip to the end to see us take 2nd place with a Gold level team formed out of nothing through the LFG.

GW2 5man Queue Practical? - Test For Forum - Twitch

I'd also like to point out that not a single person was toxic or nasty or complaining. Everyone had fun tonight and they were happy to have found a team to play with.

This was a real test were I logged in suddenly without any preparation and did this for the forum. This is the reality folks. Enough with the garbage excuses.

I've said & done what I needed to do here. On to a new discussion.

I'm sorry but how did we get from "I managed to form one 5-man team' to "there are enough players who want to play 5v5"?
You proved that you can make a team on your own and nothing more. If anything, getting second place as a gold ranked team just suggests the tournament scene is dying due to lack of players.
If you could get like half of your guild to do this at the same time, that would be harder to argue against. That would mean there are 30-40 teams worth of players are lurking around just waiting for an lfg popup. Which would be quite surprising.

So the conclusion absolutely does not follow from what you shoved us, sorry. I'd like to live in a world where you are right btw, you just happened to be wrong.

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Like the vast majority of people who play pvp I solo queue. I like it, it is very convenient. I can just log on and in a few mins of a queue be playing a game.


I don't want to have to find people to team with every time I log in. I don't want to deal with the community enforced gatekeeping that would spread from raids where you have to ping titles or legendaries. I don't want to be in a pvp guild where they may expect me to play certain specs or roles. I don't want any extra barrier to just clicking queue for ranked pvp and get a game a few minutes later.


If team queue was forced I would stop playing pvp. You may be really optimistic about it and say people will band together and form teams, but it is a risk that they won't. I think the majority of people are like me and it would just make the game mode worse for them. I am not sure that is a coin Anet want to flip, and for them the status quo seems a better option. I wouldn't get your hopes up for team queue.

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8 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 @Shao.7236 @Avatar.3568 @Genesis.5169 @Shaogin.2679 @Khalisto.5780 @Paradoxoglanis.1904 @Lucentfir.7430 @Bazsi.2734 @Leonidrex.5649 @Multicolorhipster.9751 @Stand The Wall.6987 @Lacdanon.1483 @Azure The Heartless.3261 

I streamed a test subsample tonight. I logged into an alt and a character name that no one knows. I was able to form a 5man team for unranked in about 2 and a half minutes through LFG and map chat. I was able to form a 5man Gold AT team in about 3 minutes. And this team of casual Gold players was able to take 2nd in the AT tonight.


Conclusion: There are definitely enough players in the community who want to play 5 man teams, who are able to perform well enough to do it competitively, and it is not difficult to form a 5man team even as a player that no one knows.


If you want to skip my 40 minute speech on the topic of 5man vs. solo/duo, skip to 47:00 in the video to see how quickly I form the 5man team for Unranked and how easy it is to do. If you want to skip watching the Unranked matches and hearing me discuss further, skip to 1:27:30 to see how fast I form a Gold 5man AT team and how easy it is to do. If you want to skip watching the AT matches, skip to the end to see us take 2nd place with a Gold level team formed out of nothing through the LFG.

GW2 5man Queue Practical? - Test For Forum - Twitch

I'd also like to point out that not a single person was toxic or nasty or complaining. Everyone had fun tonight and they were happy to have found a team to play with.

This was a real test were I logged in suddenly without any preparation and did this for the forum. This is the reality folks. Enough with the garbage excuses.

I've said & done what I needed to do here. On to a new discussion.

Lol, the fact that gold team can take 2nd place in AT is a proof that players DONT want to form 5man teams.
AT are kittening dead, despite being streamlined into specific times.
Imagine if the same applied to other games like league.
If I told my friend that gold clash team can take on diamond teams they would straight up laugh in my face, but since 5v5 premades are dead in gw2 its possible.

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9 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 @Shao.7236 @Avatar.3568 @Genesis.5169 @Shaogin.2679 @Khalisto.5780 @Paradoxoglanis.1904 @Lucentfir.7430 @Bazsi.2734 @Leonidrex.5649 @Multicolorhipster.9751 @Stand The Wall.6987 @Lacdanon.1483 @Azure The Heartless.3261 

I streamed a test subsample tonight. I logged into an alt and a character name that no one knows. I was able to form a 5man team for unranked in about 2 and a half minutes through LFG and map chat. I was able to form a 5man Gold AT team in about 3 minutes. And this team of casual Gold players was able to take 2nd in the AT tonight.


Conclusion: There are definitely enough players in the community who want to play 5 man teams, who are able to perform well enough to do it competitively, and it is not difficult to form a 5man team even as a player that no one knows.


If you want to skip my 40 minute speech on the topic of 5man vs. solo/duo, skip to 47:00 in the video to see how quickly I form the 5man team for Unranked and how easy it is to do. If you want to skip watching the Unranked matches and hearing me discuss further, skip to 1:27:30 to see how fast I form a Gold 5man AT team and how easy it is to do. If you want to skip watching the AT matches, skip to the end to see us take 2nd place with a Gold level team formed out of nothing through the LFG.

GW2 5man Queue Practical? - Test For Forum - Twitch

I'd also like to point out that not a single person was toxic or nasty or complaining. Everyone had fun tonight and they were happy to have found a team to play with.

This was a real test were I logged in suddenly without any preparation and did this for the forum. This is the reality folks. Enough with the garbage excuses.

I've said & done what I needed to do here. On to a new discussion.

To some extent 5 qs will be healthy, you just have to lock it for plat players because you know what will happen if they officialy announced 5  qs back in ranked. I'm all in for making the new comer experience the best so he doesn't leave after realizing he got at least 1 bot every match last 10 games. The average players are the most important cuz they bulk the community numbers, we had that wall of gold 1, 2 players that would never let plat vs silver games happen and make matches more  enjoyable for everybody, i think 5 qs  would bring that back.

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I don’t care for team ranked myself, but I definitely think team rank should be a thing, alongside solo rank queue and solo/cooperative queue vs anet ai.

I also think player rankings should have little to do with the team winning or losing and more to do with how the player performed during the match. 



Edited by Abyssisis.3971
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5 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Read the initial post I made as to why this will make ranked a better experience.

Your only counter is that a plat 3 team will farm everyone else.

Yeah, maybe. But that wont be the only game you will play, and all the other crap is removed.

Nothing wrong with getting stomped out by a better team.

Sounds to me like someone is trying to avoid real competition for their badge....

The only points you made were "i can pick who is on my team". That doesnt answer any of the questions I asked.

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So many people afraid of losing to plat players....God this community. This is why pvp is in its state none of you have backbone and are willing to debase a queue to avoid fighting so called plat teams that will not be in your queue unless your g3 or really off hours and if you lost against that plat tam you'd only lose 5 pts

Edited by Genesis.5169
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