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Are "Achievement Points" that big of a deal?

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5 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

a not much but it all adds u


6 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

38.5 k AP here.

The good thing on going for Ap it extends ur game dramatically. 

People sometimes say they have nothing to do game is boring and when u look at their ap count u can see that they just woosh over some content or straight out ignored specific parts of the game.

And AP gives u bonus to xp and gold and karma not much but it all adds up over time.



This. So much this.

My account wide bonuses just from XP are:  Gold find 207%,  Karma gain 33%, XP gain on kills 48% and Magic Find 25% (which gives me a base magic find of 325).  Those account bonuses do indeed add up.



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On 12/2/2021 at 7:05 PM, evlover.6270 said:


They're just as important as someone wants to make them, but in the end they mean nothing. I got 42k and the only thing you know by that is that I've probably been playing the game for a long time and did most of the achievements but that's it. Skillwise it doesn't say anything because someone that only plays wvw/pvp or raids and doesn't bother with any pve achies can have under 5k while knowing their profession inside out. I think the reason some people brag with them or feel superior is cause people used to put AP reqs in lfgs instead of killproof cause the (false) logic behind that was that someone with more AP had spent more time playing and thus would be a better player than someone who had a low amount.


It's the same with the KP reqs nowadays in raids/fracts, people ask for them cause it indicates you've done them a certain amount of times, while it still doesn't actually say anything about how you do/did them. A "good" player can perfectly know what he's doing after doing it just a few times and come close to benchmarks, while someone else might have been doing them with a group of friends for half a year while barely having a clue if they never had to do any mechanics, or gets carried every time. AP/UFE/KP/LI are all just a false indication of superiority but people are sheep and just copy eachother while there's plenty of people with <10k and few KP/UFE that would easily outdps 30k+ people. Not promoting to be dps elitist either btw, just using dps to show the other reqs don't mean anything except for a "slightly" higher probability. But again, in daily fracts cm's I've had just as many people in parties with low reqs that were really good, as people in parties with high reqs that couldn't outdps a support alac. In the end it doesn't matter who you get teamed up with anyway, the best players are simply those that don't care and carry whoever they end up with 😜

It is the "slightly" higher probability why people ask reqs though. And for some it is more then a "slightly" higher probability. 

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I am not an AP hunter. I only want an achievement if it also gives something nice. Such as a title. I started playing serious in 2016. Bought the game at release. And still playing casual. I now have 11.600 AP or something. I haven’t finished the 1500AP from daily’s. Need 300 or so from that. 

for me AP are useless. Unless it gives a title or an item. 

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AP is more an indicator of what you did in the game. Someone with 40k+ basically did everything, story, jumping puzzles, exploration, events and festivals, fractals, raids, probably pvp and wvw and ofc dailies...

In some part of the game, there's achievements for almost every event and everything to do in a map, for skins and collections to unlocked, hidden part of instances and stories, world bosses etc...

Nothing to do with personal skill or ability to dps in fractal or rotate in pvp. It only shows the player was curious about everything in gw2. Open world dedicated players tend to have a lot a AP without any vision of competition. 

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On 12/2/2021 at 12:17 AM, Cynder.2509 said:

AP actually had a purpose back when dungeons were popular. You had to have at least 10k to join LFG groups or you'll be kicked upon joining. You could filter out bad and good players back then aside from filtering out the good and bad based on their classes (ranger as a big example. Especially with a bear and that totally annoying bow.)
Unfortunately I currently only have 32,491 AP and I worry about it so much because I should have 40k at least like all the others that play since 2012 too... I feel pretty worthless having such a little amount of them. I feel like I constantly need to proof myself to others. 

Back when dungeons were popular it was incredibly rare to see someone with 10k AP.

And as someone whom definitelly didn't have 10k back then and did run quite a few dungeons regularly, no you were not kicked out of lfg groups if you didn't have 10k AP. And I have seen back then ALOT of players with higher AP than mine that didn't know crap about a game or dungeon they were trying to run, so no, amount of AP didn't translate into good players.

(Also I don't see why do you call ranger bow "annoying" - it is not like average bearbow would get into the range to use that knockdown like ever...... 😉 )

I play (with breaks) from 2012, and atm have "only" like 14880 AP and I don't care any more than "oooh so close to another 400 gem chest!"

Well ok there is also the bit where I really like the radiant backpiece and that one is soooo faaaar awaaaaay 🙂

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On 12/1/2021 at 10:22 PM, Sir Arigius.6294 said:

 I did want to get everyone else's opinion on whether or not AP is important to them. Thoughts?

AP are a good indicator of a player's experience. It means they have a done a lot of content, presumably over a long period of time, including the more difficult achievements. It can be a source of pride, but it shouldn't be something to brag about.

Unfortunately, I have met players who cheat, meaning they let others (their partner, friends) do the work for them (by giving them access to their account), so it's not always a safe indicator of experience.

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The only time I pay attention to my own ap is when I'm getting close to one of the milestone chests that gives extra goodies. Atm I'm 330 ap away from a chest that gives 400 gems and 30 gold so that does have my attention.  🙂 

On the other hand, I don't ever remember even noticing another player's ap. If someone started bragging about their ap to me, I'd just smile and walk away. That would not be someone I would want to hang out with. And, has been said several times in this thread already, I don't take a person's ap number as an indicator of much of anything. Heck, my WvW rank is currently 2011. Sometimes new guildies just getting into WvW start oohhing and aahhing over that rank. I just laugh and tell them all that rank means in my case is that I've been dying in WvW for a long time. I'm still that easy a kill.  😹

On the third hand, I do have a vague sense that once I've gotten all the leggys I want, which are a lot, I will start ap chasing just to give myself a new long-term goal in the game.

Edited by Chichimec.9364
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AP really means nothing to how much knowledge a player can have.

My guild was surprised I knew how to run every t4 fractal with 5,200 AP. Ive been playing on and off since 2013. Sometimes i do dailies, sometimes not.

Edited by vicky.9751
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On 12/7/2021 at 5:29 PM, Raizel.1839 said:

They should really give some more incentives to gaining APs, right now the rewards are too poor and so it's basically up to one's personal goal to go for achievements or ignore them.

Which, IMO, would further devalue APs as players would mostly do them for the incentives.

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3 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Which, IMO, would further devalue APs as players would mostly do them for the incentives.

Like 99% of "everything else" in a videogame?

Let's be honest, most people play fractal/raid/whatever content for its rewards, not for the content itself.


Edited by Raizel.1839
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As personal opinion on this matter,achievement points are no longer a huge deal.

Since PoF when the game have became an achievement fest,I mean real achievement fest not like in HoT,here in PoF where every achievement is hidden behind another X amount of achievements which leads to an group event is not that hard to get points the only two things you need and those two are patience and time.

Now many players I know with huge amount of AP have GW2 the only game they play and for many many years  now,some even have habits around the game.Others who play other games maybe other things to do are stuck around 8k-22k AP but slowly progressing.

Then there are the fractal,pvp,boss train,etc players they just play the game for different reasons than achievement farmers and they are stuck with AP collecting but they know every boss and pattern around the game.

Now back them pre-HoT 4-8k AP meant a lot as far as I remember but one's knowledge about the game cannot be defined from their AP that's sure thing.


So if you want to draw a line about AP points and how much is enough ,here you cannot really do that but  play with players then see what they can.

Personally I was always disappointed of people who decided things upon AP and I hope ANET wont lock everything behind achievement walls again.Not everybody enjoys it,just sayin'


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The number of AP points does matter to a point. If someone with under 1000 AP joins a group there is a decent chance they are really new and have little idea of what to do and how to properly do it. Simply because just playing the game for a bit gets you well over 1k AP very quickly.


Aside from that some people like to be proud of their 30k+ but it doesn't matter it only really tells you how long someone has played. That doesn't mean they are any good. Just that they played for a long time. Essentially once you get past 1-1.5k AP it doesn't matter anymore.

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On 12/9/2021 at 6:23 PM, Raizel.1839 said:

Like 99% of "everything else" in a videogame?

Just want to highlight this, but that's how people play MMOs and "Games as a Service".

For most other, healthier videogames, the game itself is the reward.


This attitude, for me, just highlights  how much MMOs/GaaS have warped gamers' expectations.


I'm not immune to the allures of the Skinner box myself, but at least I know I'm in it.

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