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Yep..Roamers are getting left out with the changes to WvW


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48 minutes ago, tsm.9623 said:

It's now GvGvG and its kittening terrible


literally EoTM could have fixed this issue 

they literally had it

right in front of their face

they even specifically made an arena for it, despite it being absolutely garbage


and they had to go and mess up wvw as a whole, rather than use the sandbox that they already trashed on before (i think? eotm has no rewards or something anymore, right? it's dead space?)

like i need to have several conversations with these devs, i need to understand what's going on in their minds 

i've been working???? like normal humans do, so i guess i missed out on the "you need to select a guild before reset just before the weekend or now you don't get to play with your friends for a week"

posted it in the feedback thread to try and get to the right server, still nothing after a few hours, don't understand how there's not a team eyeballing this issue as much as possible but clearly they have no resources as a company to actually test anything, let alone fix anything on the fly 

Edited by Alpha.1308
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This isn't a full implementation of Alliances, it's just a test of the dynamic teaming infrastructure.


In the future, you can:

1. Join a guild of people you like. Very few WvW guilds have obsessive raiding requirements.

2. Use a personal/vanity/troll guild to join an alliance of people you like. Costs 1 gold to create a bare-bones new one.

3. Try the free agent life. Maybe you'll enjoy it.

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8 minutes ago, ASP.8093 said:

This isn't a full implementation of Alliances, it's just a test of the dynamic teaming infrastructure.

Which still doesn't work. The infrastructure is meant to sort out the population imbalance issue. I being blobbed worse in this Alpha (lets face it it isn't sufficiently developed enough to be a beta) that I was under the server system.

When you struggle to get 14 people together to defend you EB keep against a 40+ blob from one enemy team when the other enemy team have a 30+ blob running rampant unopposed on your home border then there are still population issues.


And personally I'm maxed out on guilds as are some of the people I regularly play with and there is no one guild that is common for all of us which means we have been split between 3 teams.

In just two days I have discovered that playing with people you don't know is a real headache. You can open as many tower walls and keeps to lord as you like but trying to get people to come help with the lord is harder than finding an honest & ethical politician in de Pfeffel Johnson's Cabinet.

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1 minute ago, Nidome.1365 said:

And personally I'm maxed out on guilds as are some of the people I regularly play with and there is no one guild that is common for all of us which means we have been split between 3 teams.

What aspect of this problem can't be solved by your small guilds simply joining an alliance together, when that feature is available?

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3 hours ago, Alpha.1308 said:

literally EoTM could have fixed this issue 

they literally had it

right in front of their face

they even specifically made an arena for it, despite it being absolutely garbage


and they had to go and mess up wvw as a whole, rather than use the sandbox that they already trashed on before (i think? eotm has no rewards or something anymore, right? it's dead space?)

like i need to have several conversations with these devs, i need to understand what's going on in their minds 

i've been working???? like normal humans do, so i guess i missed out on the "you need to select a guild before reset just before the weekend or now you don't get to play with your friends for a week"

posted it in the feedback thread to try and get to the right server, still nothing after a few hours, don't understand how there's not a team eyeballing this issue as much as possible but clearly they have no resources as a company to actually test anything, let alone fix anything on the fly 

tbh, they should have really let us sign up for a week, and also made sure everyone was sent a mail in game telling us to do so, But otherwise this is a beta test, and soon it will be over 🙂

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6 hours ago, ASP.8093 said:

3. Try the free agent life. Maybe you'll enjoy it.

I used to enjoy it until this beta. Just what I'm experiencing now. Because I don't do well in social structures, joining a guild is not an option for me. So point 1 and 2, although good points just don't work for me. All I can do is give that as feedback. Anet will decide what they want to do with that feedback.

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13 hours ago, EyzKold.8247 said:

Looks like Roamers will be placed in different servers at random.  Can't play with friends at all.  Forced to join a guild or else...not really player friendly is it. 

PS...and yes I didn't get to read the patch notes 😞  lol


My experience so far is very close to this, so I'll post my impression here on this thread:

Yes I know, I could have joined a large WvW guild on my server, I haven't done that so far, because
=> running under my own small guild tag gave the opportunity to tactically claim a camp or other structure for supply, which I could not do when a large guild has e.g. claimed a keep on the map. This is a valuable assistance to the commander on the map, whether he is of the large guild or not and PUG commanding.
=> The large guild(s) of my choice (who I did talk to before the beta) has very little room to take new people that are online only an hour a day or so during weekdays and want to have a more committed core of players to plan with - which is perfectly acceptable to me
=> A hand full of commanders on my server know me and my scouting for the server for sometimes years now and trust my judgement after a call out or a whisper, when to map hop to save something we own or to sneak attack something we want to take.
=> Those commanders are willing to put me in squad and give me participation, so I can keep on tasks preparing an attack, scouting a zerg or repairing a structure, which does not give reliable participation to keep it maxed out.

So, what happened with this beta test?
I have been separated from my Server (or the designated Alliance to that server). I have not joined an Alliance where large guilds I know are on or fellow roamers from my server who I recognize. Now I am in a match up, where I know nobody (I have not seen a single name tag I know) and I am put into a position of being a "noob" when it comes to social interactions with my allied players, from the single roamer to the map commander level. When you look at what I have described before, this is not much fun for me and you are kind of forced to either abandon your game style and join a zerg or strongly push towards large guild membership, when Alliances become a permanent thing, to keep in contact with your current fellow players.

I think it is perfectly valid to voice some concern over how roamers are treated by the current beta test and Anet should at least think about the implications of the Alliance system to social and friendship interactions.

Edited by Gorani.7205
some typos
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9 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

But otherwise this is a beta test, and soon it will be over

a week is still an unacceptably long time to go without rectifying some asinine mistake that should never have happened to begin with if they had thought any of this out at all, or had used any form of precautions to revert issues, or sandboxed it to not have such an obnoxious rippling affect through an entire week in the only game mode that's even affected by it, also given the fact that it's like one of the only few game types in its genre that's even out right now that's still doing mildly well for itself

but, still, just goes to show how much of a "coRe PiLlaR" they actually see wvwvw as

i'm STILL not even put back on the correct server after that forum post that they said they'd be looking into 

Edited by Alpha.1308
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When I originally started GW2 I was a bit confused about being in a number of different guilds but representing only one of them. If they have this functionality in the game, why not just have the option to have different guild types? One you can represent in PvE etc and the other you represent and play with in WvW.

Would also be nice if they had specific guild missions for those guilds that were WvW orientated.

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4 minutes ago, Nukk.3492 said:

When I originally started GW2 I was a bit confused about being in a number of different guilds but representing only one of them. If they have this functionality in the game, why not just have the option to have different guild types? One you can represent in PvE etc and the other you represent and play with in WvW.

Would also be nice if they had specific guild missions for those guilds that were WvW orientated.

They do, and they do.

You select 1 guild for world-forming purposes. You can represent any guild you like at any time whenever you play.

There are WvW-oriented guild missions. You can choose to play PvE missions with PvE friends and WvW missions with WvW friends.

It has been like this for many years.

Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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I roam most of the time.  I do it alone.  While I miss a few characters from the server, my play wasn't really effected.  (Wife sometimes comes along so we picked the same 'guild').    With that said, the new structing is going to be great for guilds and do absolutely nothing for roamers.  Add that to the change in participation rules, Anet has shown a disregard for solo & roamer play. 

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Roaming seems to be completely dead atm. Its just blobs and guild groups. This system will have less roamers,less scouts,less solo play and more orientated on Guild groups and blobs. Its not a good thing,it will make certain solo players and roamers drop out completely cus theres nothing to do for em.

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Just playing today:

• A guy whispered me politely to ask questions about siege placement. (Just real standard "how do you treb Bay?" stuff.)

• People were giving someone advice — actually pretty good, clear advice — on Soulbeast builds in team chat.

• Someone in the same conversation asked about legendary armor and people gently encouraged them to take it easy and just enjoy the game instead of focusing solely on the grind.

• There were plenty of solo/duo/trio players to kill, and solo players from my own side would show up occasionally to help me out if I engaged them.

I am just not seeing the widespread social desolation you all are claiming is inevitable here.

Edited by ASP.8093
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9 hours ago, Tiagoht.7549 said:

Lone wolves have never been so lonely! I already miss the scouts and roamers from my server! I feel like I can't trust anyone!

most servers have no real roamers and the scouting is usually bad. u learn by time anyways which scout reports to trust, but it is only one week of betatest.... ofc u won't be besties with everyone within a second, unless u know them yet quite well, eh

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On 12/4/2021 at 8:52 PM, Alpha.1308 said:

literally EoTM could have fixed this issue 

they literally had it

right in front of their face

they even specifically made an arena for it, despite it being absolutely garbage


and they had to go and mess up wvw as a whole, rather than use the sandbox that they already trashed on before (i think? eotm has no rewards or something anymore, right? it's dead space?)

like i need to have several conversations with these devs, i need to understand what's going on in their minds 

i've been working???? like normal humans do, so i guess i missed out on the "you need to select a guild before reset just before the weekend or now you don't get to play with your friends for a week"

posted it in the feedback thread to try and get to the right server, still nothing after a few hours, don't understand how there's not a team eyeballing this issue as much as possible but clearly they have no resources as a company to actually test anything, let alone fix anything on the fly 

Alliances have been constantly talked about in wvw.  In team chat, In map chat, in discords, and on the forums here where you've chosen to post. So clearly you do view these forums. The wvw community has been discussing and meming about Alliances for literal years. And yet somehow you were just utterly and fully unaware of such a big beta test occurring when the majority of everyone else caught wind of it by some miracle? I can't even begin to tell you how many times I was told to be sure I had my alliance guild selected before the beta - this was done in multiple forms, by anet in posts, by randoms in team/map chats, and by people I play with. 

I also work. Really trying to figure out how this is an excuse to just be completely unaware of such a major development in a mode you play. 

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