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Who's going to die in EoD?


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If its any of the main cast aka dragon watch or aurene, they’ll just revive 5 minutes later, so does it even matter? If its any of the side cast, majority probably dont even remember their name so kinda same thing. As for baddies id bet deep sea dragon has been death since before zaithan in core story, as cantha seems to be so technologically advanced and apperantly the strongest nation on the planet, as for main villain he or she will be the new filler no name jack, who dies when main character says hello. Anet just dont really do meaningful story development anymore, but then again they really dont have to.


tho it will be kinda funny when brahm or taimi dies and players crack open champagne and party hats and next thing they hear is ”oh hey think i just revived, brobably cause of that (insert deus ex machina number_x) thing that i licked earlier, oh well back to it, eh commander!”

Edited by NIHILUS.4168
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Again, Taimi's got my vote.

Or all of them as previously said.

The Teen ( i know, technically she's 23 now) & the Rejects having continents to save and armies who report to them is already stretched beyond belief.


Also, I didn't travel to other continent to listen to the same voices with the same expressions all over again. Give me Canthan characters to care about!

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As much as I want to predict which character will die, I will not say for now since we don't know much about EoD story bridging with current story for now. A lot of major death moments have usually been characters we did know for a while but were not part of the Main character party or were side characters we only known for a few moments. Any major death main character party wise was mostly in Heart of Thorns and that was years ago.


Also, I think people need to step back a bit on how a character can retire from the storyline. Far too many seem to think, in my opinion, that a Main character can only retire is by Death. There are countless other ways a character can retire from Main Character status plot wise without dying and we not even guaranteed that everyone from our current group of friends will ended up as companions in the new storyline set after the Elder Dragon Story ends. They may just have everyone from the current group retire from Main character status to pursue their own life goals while the Commander meets and create a new group of Main character companions.


Main characters can retire from the storyline alive as shown by several major characters having retired and only return once in a while as side characters due to their job after they retired from Main character status. Logan and Rox are both officially retired from main character status at this point as examples.



Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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6 hours ago, EdwinLi.1284 said:

As much as I want to predict which character will die, I will not say for now since we don't know much about EoD story bridging with current story for now. A lot of major death moments have usually been characters we did know for a while but were not part of the Main character party or were side characters we only known for a few moments. Any major death main character party wise was mostly in Heart of Thorns and that was years ago.


Also, I think people need to step back a bit on how a character can retire from the storyline. Far too many seem to think, in my opinion, that a Main character can only retire is by Death. There are countless other ways a character can retire from Main Character status plot wise without dying and we not even guaranteed that everyone from our current group of friends will ended up as companions in the new storyline set after the Elder Dragon Story ends. They may just have everyone from the current group retire from Main character status to pursue their own life goals while the Commander meets and create a new group of Main character companions.


Main characters can retire from the storyline alive as shown by several major characters having retired and only return once in a while as side characters due to their job after they retired from Main character status. Logan and Rox are both officially retired from main character status at this point as examples.



well tbh, with Canach and Rox changing voice actors I rather hope we don't see them again as at least when we hear Rox's old voice in Fractals that all still makes sense. Also retiring them right is hardly a thing in GW2's favour as the writing is never good enough to retire right besides Rox and even then you don't really see it actually happen yourself, you are still just told it happened. Really should be show don' tell but again, that would require better writers then GW2 has. 

I would have had Almorra retire and pass the Vigil a long. She did good work and took down Kralk, shoulda just had her hang up her crown as age caught up to her and let her retire peacefully, close her story that way. 

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Highly doubt Braham will die, as much as it would have made more sense for him to during the Icebrood Saga and he won't be in the expac anyways.

I'm guessing Taimi will get a cure for her condition using a combination of Jade tech and/or dragon magic.

Aurene definitely seems most likely for me, likely in a sacrifice-type situation similar to Traeherne to stabilize the Balance, or as the final boss from becoming corrupted. It makes the most sense plotwise, considering the name of the Expac and would remove the obvious Aurene ex machina card that has to keep being avoided repeatedly in the story (oftentimes in a contrived way). Also, one of the earlier Guild Chats on EoD (the first look one) had them saying there will be "moments that make you cry" while showing Aurene laying on the ground not looking too good, @25:50 in the video (I don't think we've seen this scene yet iirc) in a similar pose as Glint's body we saw in LWS4.


Edited by Poormany.4507
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25 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

You act like we're talking about real people here. Get a grip.

Exactly, and this thread was made entirely because that is all GW2 writers know how to do, when a characters story is finished they get to die. Never retire or written off, but killed for no reason. 

I mean Taimi's been "Dying" now for years and years. Like "hey lets see how many times we can use a "near death" excuse for shock value just like the many characters we kill". 

But tbh if Aurene dies that just sounds so incredibly dumb and the writer who wrote that should be fired. It'll make the entire gw2 story pointless. She's supposed to be our way of balancing all the magic we have unleashed onto the world. If she's gone the worlds doomed and if they make up terrible bad excuses as to why that's not the fact, then Joko was right all along, we are the bad guys. 

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1 minute ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Exactly, and this thread was made entirely because that is all GW2 writers know how to do, when a characters story is finished they get to die. Never retire or written off, but killed for no reason. 

I mean Taimi's been "Dying" now for years and years. Like "hey lets see how many times we can use a "near death" excuse for shock value just like the many characters we kill". 

But tbh if Aurene dies that just sounds so incredibly dumb and the writer who wrote that should be fired. It'll make the entire gw2 story pointless. She's supposed to be our way of balancing all the magic we have unleashed onto the world. If she's gone the worlds doomed and if they make up terrible bad excuses as to why that's not the fact, then Joko was right all along, we are the bad guys. 

I mean, they kinda tossed that out the window when Jormag and Primordus vomited into each other's mouths for a grand finale to IBS, soo....

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1 hour ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I mean, they kinda tossed that out the window when Jormag and Primordus vomited into each other's mouths for a grand finale to IBS, soo....


Which still makes no sense how that follows Jormag literally saying to us "I won't do that" Like we missing multiple episodes where we trick the trickster. So maybe anything goes 

Edited by Gorem.8104
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On 2/22/2022 at 9:02 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

To be honest the only npc that seems to make sense is Taimi since we are concluding story arcs. I expect something to happen soon with her.

Me, too. She will either go full golem like Blish, be magically cured with the help of Jade Technology, or will enter the Mists.

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3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Me, too. She will either go full golem like Blish, be magically cured with the help of Jade Technology, or will enter the Mists.

Taimi takes Jade tech and goes full Borg. Then usurps Rata Sum, turning the cube into a ship capable of flight, assimilates more asura with Jade tech, flies the cube into The Mists and appears in a new galaxy. Meanwhile, a new Borg invasion event coincidentally releases in Star Trek Online. A guy called Kirk appears in LS6, goes back in time, falls in love with Scarlet, punches Braham in the face and resets the timeline and thus putting Tyria back on track, with only minor violations to the Prime Directive.

Readng between the lines of the last ten years, I’m certain this has been the overarching lead-in the writers have moving towards

Heard it here first

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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Taimi takes Jade tech and goes full Borg. Then usurps Rata Sum, turning the cube into a ship capable of flight, assimilates more asura with Jade tech, flies the cube into The Mists and appears in a new galaxy. Meanwhile, a new Borg invasion event coincidentally releases in Star Trek Online. A guy called Kirk appears in LS6, goes back in time, falls in love with Scarlet, punches Braham in the face and resets the timeline and thus putting Tyria back on track, with only minor violations to the Prime Directive.

Readng between the lines of the last ten years, I’m certain this has been the overarching lead-in the writers have moving towards

Heard it here first

Braham struggles against the tubes and wires that constrain him. 

"Taimi! Was our whole friendship a lie?" he screams, his voice as effective as his struggling.

Taimi doesn't offer a smile, she really doesn't offer anything for a few beats and then:

"You are just a means to an end; resistance is futile"

The lights dim around him as his mind slowly seeps into the inky void of obscurity; where all the NPCs go to die. 

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4 hours ago, Tsakhi.8124 said:

Braham struggles against the tubes and wires that constrain him. 

"Taimi! Was our whole friendship a lie?" he screams, his voice as effective as his struggling.

Taimi doesn't offer a smile, she really doesn't offer anything for a few beats and then:

"You are just a means to an end; resistance is futile"

The lights dim around him as his mind slowly seeps into the inky void of obscurity; where all the NPCs go to die. 

Even the Borg wouldn’t take Braham

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