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unpopuliar opinion : EOD is the worst Expac so far

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3 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Having different expansions for different preferences is what I enjoy about GW2.  I don't have to do HoT and I'm glad!  To be fair, I do believe that HoT has some of the best maps and design of anything in GW2.  It's just not for me.  I'm glad that Anet offers other expansion content to meet a varied interest.  If PoF and EoD were like HoT, I would probably have not bought either expansion.


it is also bleeding the game dry. when people buy an expansion, they expect to get some fun out of it

hot should had been a hardcore only zone, sending casuals in there is bound to have a negative effect

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14 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Disclaimer: Said poll represents only people who actively check the forum, actively browse the EoD section, & actively participate in polls. Numbers do not accurately reflect the forum or game population as a whole and may include alternate accounts, but are nevertheless indicative that the OP's opinion may not be as unpopular as initially deduced - at least here.

It’s not so strange, when the forums are basically only used for complaining and there have been thread after thread after thread crying and fussing over the turtle, the DE meta, etc.

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12 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

How is that an unpopular opinion?  Even totally hopeless fanbois are struggling to defend this one.  It just isn't finished.  They need to do some serious work on it.  Bug fixes, redesigns, adding new events that aren't copy/paste, world polish.  It needs everything, basically.

And it seems so freaking empty. I mean New Kaineng is relatively lifeless. Every vertical building might as well be a statue for all the life they have. And green. So. Much. Green. :)

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8 hours ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

. i like how elder scrolls online lets you challenge other players to duels in open world. it could be something like that instead as well and i would do that all the time. lots of great places around where dueling would be fun af

Hard no from me.  Dueling already has its place in GW2.  There is no need to bring it to open world.  Please use the forums search to find previous threads on this mostly unpopular suggestion.

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1 minute ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Hard no from me.  Dueling already has its place in GW2.  There is no need to bring it to open world.  Please use the forums search to find previous threads on this mostly unpopular suggestion.

dueling in the sense im talking about only affects people who would choose to accept a duel. it wouldnt always be on. like you walk up to someone and say hey i wanna duel, and you either choose to do it or not. it would 0% affect anyone who didnt want to duel.

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I just started the first map in EoD today and I'm already having way more fun than the entire HoT xpac put together. HoT is the worst xpac; it has the most horrible map design and the mob difficulty and density there is so overtuned to the point where it's fking frustrating. I bought HoT 6 years too late and a lot of the achievements and map completion is impossible for me because so many of the POIs and vistas are guarded by so many extremely OP mobs, not to mention most of the hero points require large zergs which are nonexistent aside from HP trains (that hardly run when I'm online because I'm SEA timezone). Exploration is impossible or downright frustrating. After completing the story on my main, I have never returned to any of the HoT maps except for Auric Basin meta and actively avoid them like the plague. 

EoD maps are beautiful and fun to explore. I'd imagine the verticality might be a bit annoying if you don't have a skyscale, but at least the maps are open and easy to navigate. Mob difficulty is nicely balanced (I was worried when the Aetherblade were announced as the main mobs for the xpac but they aren't as OP and frustrating as they used to be in LS1). The properly balanced mob density also allows relaxing exploration and map completion. I'm enjoying EoD maps way more than HoT and PoF. 

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I dont think it was ever possible for Eod to surpass Hot and Pof. Both added so many new groundbreaking stuff for the game.

I dont think the expansion is bad, far from it.

What bothers me the most are the dynamic events. I havent noticed many interesting event chains. There are some but they dont feel as connected, unique as previous expansion. Hot for example you have the outpost chains that were all connected into a map meta and lore. You have some great fights in there. Pof is full of great, unique chain events. Not at the scale of Hot but still many very good ones. Maybe I just need to play the maps more. I did find some decent chains in Seitung. In other maps not so much though. I've spent plenty of time in Kaineng and only did a few quite generic and boring chains. The map is big so maybe missed plenty. Echovald I still need to explore more.

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2 hours ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

dueling in the sense im talking about only affects people who would choose to accept a duel. it wouldnt always be on. like you walk up to someone and say hey i wanna duel, and you either choose to do it or not. it would 0% affect anyone who didnt want to duel.

I ask you again to read the previous posts on this topic.  At least as far as the forums go, there is a significant majority who don't even want to see dueling in open world, whether it's opt-in or not.  We just don't want to see players fighting other players in OW.  There already exists a format for it.  There is no need for Anet to spend additional resources for this request.

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I agree with the poster.

I find this expansion... "empty" with no soul (compared to the previous ones).

  1. The best example is Kaineng City map which is a ghost town. It's just a maze but there's no life in there. The thousand of windows on the building let imagine that the city is abandoned or that people are watching Netflix all day and night at home... 😉 
  2. I was also disappointed by the story: a ton of monologues for a too fast paced narration (for me).
  3. The visual effects of some elite specs are a bit "light" for me as well (Vindicator (GS)), Untamed, Willbender...
  4. Finally I liked the fact that when we unlock something, it is account wide. I don't know why it's not the case on this expansions (masteries).

On the other hand I like some new features such as some (other) Elite spec, the Turtle, fishing and the skiff. The OST is (as usual) absolutely wonderful!

Don't get me wrong, I'm no hater, I'm a huge fan of the franchise since day one and GW2 remains my favorite MMO. But I'm just a bit disappointed by the quality of the content. I'm telling myself that it's an expansion developed during the Covid crisis so it should have been harder for the teams compared to the previous expansions. Anyway I look forward to discover the living world, I expect a lot from it!



Edited by Adah.8371
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33 minutes ago, LucianDK.8615 said:

pof just have far too much desert to be truly enjoyable.

At least the views in eod is much better, sans Kaineng City.

I respectfully disagree.  Beauty is subjective.  PoF has been and still is my favorite expansion.  I love the wide open views, the huge maps, how I can really see where I'm going, unlike the quasi-claustrophobia I got in HoT (although I love HoT now too, for the events, metas, rewards, etc.).  I've played EoD for two and a half weeks and don't find it fun; maybe in a few months the bugs will be fixed and the loot will be rewarding, but 'til then I'll be back in older content.

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Just now, Witch of Doom.5739 said:

I respectfully disagree.  Beauty is subjective.  PoF has been and still is my favorite expansion.  I love the wide open views, the huge maps, how I can really see where I'm going, unlike the quasi-claustrophobia I got in HoT (although I love HoT now too, for the events, metas, rewards, etc.).  I've played EoD for two and a half weeks and don't find it fun; maybe in a few months the bugs will be fixed and the loot will be rewarding, but 'til then I'll be back in older content.

Also the gameplay in pof was pretty bad. Look at the unrewarding meta events there, pretty much only death branded shatterer and thunderhead peaks saw any regular runs.

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2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I ask you again to read the previous posts on this topic.  At least as far as the forums go, there is a significant majority who don't even want to see dueling in open world, whether it's opt-in or not.  We just don't want to see players fighting other players in OW.  There already exists a format for it.  There is no need for Anet to spend additional resources for this request.

I don't see how it affects you and I already said there's no money in it so they won't do it anyways lmao

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1 hour ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

I don't see how it affects you and I already said there's no money in it so they won't do it anyways lmao

It affects any players who do not wish to see it in open world.  At any rate, there are plenty of other threads on this point already so I won't derail this one any further.

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7 hours ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

dueling in the sense im talking about only affects people who would choose to accept a duel. it wouldnt always be on. like you walk up to someone and say hey i wanna duel, and you either choose to do it or not. it would 0% affect anyone who didnt want to duel.

Lots of ways to imagine how this would work. They don't change any of the reasons we don't have it ingame. 

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I've always wondered why duellists don't go to an arena. It always seemed like the perfect solution to me. Here's how I'd set it up...

There's a duelling zone that people can hang out at and socialise, a colosseum of sorts, if you will. There are rows of seats, like an auditorium, where players can sit. When a duel is initialised, both duellers are brought to this zone—once the duel is done with, they're taken back to where they started from. In order to not cheese things, a duel can only be instigated from an outdoor area.

There's a short time before a duel begins where the players watching can bet an amount of gold on their favourite fighter, with their PvP stats determining the betting odds. The winning money is split between the winner of the duel and the winner(s) of the bet.

Team duels (3v3) can also be initiated. Players can have a PvP outfit setup to signify their team, such as via colour. Though they'll get a colour outline to indicate that regardless to make it easier for one team to identify the other within an enclosed space.

In this way, duelling can be done without disrupting anyone, while also giving duellists the crowd they desire. The betting system would draw in people and the colosseum would provide an area for PvPers to hang out and chat.

If a developer wanted to, they could even have a PvP duelling track where solo fighters (1v1) or teams (3v3) can register for a tournament with prizes at the end.

That's how I'd  go about duelling anyway.

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I'd have to disagree. Heart of Thorns was the worst expansion. Verdant Brink and Tangled Depths are two of the worst designed maps in the game (note, a good meta does not equal a good map design), the story was pretty bad, and the jungle itself was pre-nerf Orr levels of annoying and bad. Elite Specs were a welcome addition as were gliding and raids, but they don't detract from the map and story issues, especially when you're having to rerun these maps OVER AND OVER again just to get enough exp to help you get the next mastery needed to continue in the maps and story because it's so locked behind those masteries.

Edited by RyuDragnier.9476
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17 hours ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

the solution is pvp not being available during metas, or certain zones like dragons end or dragonstand. and it is entirely possible for them to do, but probably not worth the effort of coding something that will not make them money. i would personally enjoy it, but it will probably never happen. i like how elder scrolls online lets you challenge other players to duels in open world. it could be something like that instead as well and i would do that all the time. lots of great places around where dueling would be fun af

That’s not a solution. Keep pvp out of pve pls. It would be a massive uproar if that happened. Dragons end meta would be peanuts compared. You got dedicated places to do pvp. Either keep it there or ask for more places within that area. 

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i'm in the same boat as a couple of other people, i thoroughly hated HoT so much that i didn't touch it until many years later, when season 3 was nearing its end. i grinded for xp in season 3 zones because even after the nerfs, the HoT zones were too much for my liking. I actively ignore HoT so much i only get HoT hero points through wvw now, which i've done for a majority of my characters. even with mounts, i'm never going back to HoT zones because i despise those maps so much. EoD is LEAGUES better imo. i like the colour, i like the story, i like the difference in tone in a lot of places, the challenges are more difficult than PoF but still soloable (lets ignore dragon's end meta for the moment), overall i've had way more fun in EoD than i did in HoT. i get that a lot of people love HoT but i dont. never going back to that.


side note: for those that want pvp in pve areas, there already is an area to do that in. Suns refuge in season 4 episode 4. you can upgrade it to have a small pvp arena where it's out of the main open world and invite people into it to fight each other. the achievement to do it is easily soloable. that's the best solution to this whole dueling thing, keeps it out of the open world and it already exists in the game.

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1 hour ago, Freya.9075 said:

That’s not a solution. Keep pvp out of pve pls. It would be a massive uproar if that happened. Dragons end meta would be peanuts compared. You got dedicated places to do pvp. Either keep it there or ask for more places within that area. 

what exactly is the issue with it? you just dont want to see it? if so, why not? genuinely would like to understand why it matters to you. cuz it would most likely not affect anyone, besides people who are bored and want to fight their friend on a rooftop or some scenic place within the game world. it's not like pvp is a very popular part of the game to begin with, so its not like there would just be chaos everywhere xD

Edited by scarlettmoonbabe.6932
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23 minutes ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

what exactly is the issue with it? you just dont want to see it? if so, why not? genuinely would like to understand why it matters to you. cuz it would most likely not affect anyone, besides people who are bored and want to fight their friend on a rooftop or some scenic place within the game world. it's not like pvp is a very popular part of the game to begin with, so its not like there would just be chaos everywhere xD

Because it's just not the game's identity. 90%+ of the population doesn't want it. Ime PvP players/PvP games (which I play) in general are also a lot more toxic, and I don't want to see that spill out into the general population of GW2. There's a dedicated PvP game mode; just play that. 

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1 hour ago, kettering.6823 said:

Because it's just not the game's identity. 90%+ of the population doesn't want it. Ime PvP players/PvP games (which I play) in general are also a lot more toxic, and I don't want to see that spill out into the general population of GW2. There's a dedicated PvP game mode; just play that. 

i've been playing a lot of pvp recently and people have been kind, i get the stigma tho. thanks for giving me some understanding. but it's such a great time killer when your standing around waiting for something to happen, that's how i see it. and there's so many places it would be so fun, i'm not saying it should happen, just wanted know why so much backlash for the idea when ive played games with it and literally no one cares besides the duelists xD

sidenote: i pvp, wvw, raid, and do open world. i doubt anyone who's met me and chatted with me calls me toxic. tho i often play devils advocate, which can get on people's nerves xD always open to hear people out tho and give everyone a chance

Edited by scarlettmoonbabe.6932
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