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5/10 patch note

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Warriors: There was a balance patch?

Seriously though, how many patches in the past year have been absent of any warrior adjustments (nerf or buff)?

Are they saving it all for the June patch or something? (J/K it'll just be banners and we all know they'll kitten it up hard cause it doesn't affect the blue or green children)

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8 minutes ago, lightstalker.1498 said:

They just started hearng complaints about willbender. Maybe next small patch will nip them. Need to be vocal about the harbinger if it is a problem, as of right now don't see any chatter. 

Yeah these patch notes seem about 2 weeks late. Im sure willbender will be looked at at least

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3 hours ago, Guirssane.7082 said:

DH finally dead 😁

  • Rune of the Trapper (PvP): Reduced stealth duration from 3 seconds to 1 second.

Yes. I think the stealth trapper game play was garbage. However, as you said DH now is dead. Can we get changes that bring it back to life since trapper is gone?

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3 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Trapper and tailswipe nerfs are like 2 years late. No addressing how harb and willy are god tier in both ranked and ATs. No general sustain or rezzing nerfs.

Meanwhile in wvw... meteor shower op, pls nerf!

eles can't do damage confirmed


cata not getting nerfed cuz there like 4 players across both reagions that are good with it

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Kurzick on Vind was overnerfed. It was already a questionable decision between running that and just running Jalis/Shiro, now you will likely just see a lot more Jalis/Shiro. I guess anets balance team forgot that a spec with a 100 endurance cost and 1 dodge kind of needs good defensive utility or else it's just a punching bag.

Harb and WillB completely ignored. Reading over the notes this patch stinks of not being aware of what's actually being played. Like they decided on this patch 5 weeks ago and ignored the fact that the meta has noticeably shifted since then. The responsible thing to do would have been to postpone and do more research.

Overall will not improve the meta in any way. If anything the death of Treesong means Harb no longer has a good counterpick, which means running condi monkeyspam just got a huge indirect buff.



Edited by Master Ketsu.4569
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More nerfs, more ashes, more disappointment.


The trapper rune changes seem interesting at least. I'm glad they found a way to change that rune without just straight up deleting this one like they did some.


And of course, a big congrats to the vindi mains out there, the only ones walking out of this patch with any sort of buff.

Looking forward to the big competitive balance patch coming later and I hope that they remember that there's 2 other professions in the game by that time.


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3 hours ago, Jayrawrd.6109 said:

As usual mesmer not even bothered to be balanced


3 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Warriors: There was a balance patch?

Seriously though, how many patches in the past year have been absent of any warrior adjustments (nerf or buff)?

Are they saving it all for the June patch or something? (J/K it'll just be banners and we all know they'll kitten it up hard cause it doesn't affect the blue or green children)


With what happened to Core Engi, being overlooked doesn't seem so bad.

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After about 10 games with double harb and/or double willbender I can safely say this is the worst experience Ive had with pvp.

Harb should not be giving pulsing quickness as easily as it does and needs the range reduced.

You have spectres running shadowfall and seal area and then spamming daze on you.

Willbender. Increase the virtue cooldowns. Harb is making this shine more than it should as well.

The only counter comp is to either mirror it or run double support. 


Harbinger is the reason this meta is pepega. It has a brainless mechanic that gives allies 3-6s of quickness with no real cost.

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4 minutes ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

Yeah, that's what i said, mesmer and warrior, the same 2.

At this point, warriors maybe are happy to see their name not appearing in the balance patches, everytime it's there it's either a random useless rework or a nerf, so at this point it's even better this way🤣

The really cringe thing is how they always delay and delay and delay nerfs when it comes to guard and necro, look how much it taken to nerf core necro... Just horrific.


They could just admit: we want the guardian and the necromancer as staple professions in the pvp environment meta.


Or maybe the reason they didn't nerf willbender it's because they overbuffed, and reverting changes would actually make them look like completely idiots who throw the rock and then hide the hand.

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1 hour ago, myun.6395 said:

Or maybe the reason they didn't nerf willbender it's because they overbuffed, and reverting changes would actually make them look like completely idiots who throw the rock and then hide the hand.

You mean changes in the last years (what little there were) have not made them look like that?

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Yeah after playing a few games, sorry anet but this is a garbage-tier poorly thought out patch. People are abusing WB and Harb to the moon. That's generally what happens when you go nerfing the counters of the two top builds while not touching said builds in the slightest. Not exactly the smartest moment in GW2 balance history here.

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31 minutes ago, Master Ketsu.4569 said:

Yeah after playing a few games, sorry anet but this is a garbage-tier poorly thought out patch. People are abusing WB and Harb to the moon. That's generally what happens when you go nerfing the counters of the two top builds while not touching said builds in the slightest. Not exactly the smartest moment in GW2 balance history here.

That they dont nerf Necro and Guardian is something we got used to already... dont we?

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Out of interest... was anyone seriously concerned about the mechanist being a problem to play against?   I play scrapper... found that you had to take a while to beat a mechanist... but the ai of the bot was generally a detriment to the class....   As long as you don't face tank it you were generally alright.  I am curious to know if people thought it was "too effective" in Pvp?

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6 minutes ago, shion.2084 said:

Out of interest... was anyone seriously concerned about the mechanist being a problem to play against?   I play scrapper... found that you had to take a while to beat a mechanist... but the ai of the bot was generally a detriment to the class....   As long as you don't face tank it you were generally alright.  I am curious to know if people thought it was "too effective" in Pvp?

yeah. Personally i felt that, if played right, you could do very little against a mechanist that is going for sidenodes. They just sit there and spam Tranquilizer bolts on you... Weaknes... with every hit... and then slowly widdle you down with their mech. The disables were also really annoying. It felt like Mechanist was sustaining too well for how little you had to actually do.

But as soon as you are not trying to desperatly fight the mechanist his usefullness drops to 0. No kill pressure aslong as you dont try to kill the Mechanist.

Its in a very weird spot, where its completly bonkers when camping a note but is borderline useless outside of that.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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20 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Warriors: There was a balance patch?

Seriously though, how many patches in the past year have been absent of any warrior adjustments (nerf or buff)?

Are they saving it all for the June patch or something? (J/K it'll just be banners and we all know they'll kitten it up hard cause it doesn't affect the blue or green children)

I'm just be happy our yellow cripple didn't get crippled further this time.

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Revenant : The defense nerfs make sense. I am not sure if the damage buff was needed.

Engineer : The signet nerf was coming. I never liked the shield. It brings a ton of cc and defense but those cds are way too high. If they wanted to increase the cd 5 s could have been enough. Some alternative could have been switching the passive stun to a daze or limiting the number of cc to 1 every 2s.

Ranger : Makes sense for untamed but a shame for core ranger.

Specter : No idea

Rune of the trapper : I like that there is still 1s keeping the detarget while making trapper builds easier to hit. This will mostly hit dh but could make builds like condi trapper druid easier to catch.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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