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19 Mastery points to auto-looting?

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Isn't this a little steep?

Maybe even more than steep. It's a straight up wall.

Shouldn't such a simple quality of life feature like this be just a default general setting, without the need to grind out 19 mastery points to unlock this basic feature?

19 Mastery points so I don't have to spam "F" all day.

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You call it a basic feature to have auto loot, but surely you just take it for granted in other games? I suppose you think that we shouldn't have to unlock masteries for mount abilities or that the skyscale should be just given to us? I loved the fact I needed to unlock autoloot as it made me appreciate this more and did content I would otherwise skip.

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If you haven't already done so make sure you turn on the AoE loot and Autoloot: Autopickup options (which are available to everyone). They make a bigger difference IMO than the mastery one.

All masteries get both more expensive and less important to have as you go along the tracks, so they all end with something which isn't worth the trouble if you look at it as the only reason to put points into that mastery (in this case saying it costs 19 points, which is the total cost for the entire mastery, not just this one tier). If you don't think it's worth it then the simple answer is to skip getting it. But central Tyria mastery points are relatively easy to get so eventually you may find you have enough without going out of your way to get them.

(Also if you don't plan to make a gen 1 legendary or the first few gen 2 ones you can skip the entire legendary crafting line and if you don't do Fractals you can skip the Fractals line too.)

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3 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Isn't this a little steep?

Maybe even more than steep. It's a straight up wall.

Shouldn't such a simple quality of life feature like this be just a default general setting, without the need to grind out 19 mastery points to unlock this basic feature?

19 Mastery points so I don't have to spam "F" all day.

Pretty sure 9 of the 19 mastery points you need are just open world communes.  Others come just from doing personal story. Doesn't seem like that big a hassle, tbh.

If you have and complete Season 2 you get another 8 btw, which would be 17 of the 19 you need.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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There wasn't such a thing for 3 years in-game, so most of us were more than eager to place Mastery Points in Advanced Logistics (Pact Commander).  Maybe if you play 3 years without, you will appreciate the Mastery Track, as well.  🤷‍♀️

Here's a leg up:  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_point_unlocks#Central_Tyria_mastery_points

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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When we got this mastery line in 2015, I'm pretty sure a lot of us had the baseline achievements for most of the central tyria mastery points (I'd only played a couple of months beforehand, and had plenty of mastery points to spend). The only annoyance I remember was getting the exp to level up masteries, which was a drag.


While masteries are annoying, they are a one off annoyance, so the pain dulls with time.

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14 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

Isn't this a little steep?


Shouldn't such a simple quality of life feature like this be just a default general setting, without the need to grind out 19 mastery points to unlock this basic feature?

19 Mastery points so I don't have to spam "F" all day.

Not really steep imo. Also very recently I've played on a new account, so I had nothing unlocked and was wondering how bad it will be without autopickup. I'd say it's not bad at all. Pretty sure "autoloot:autopickup" and "AoE Loot on interact" are not active by default, so I've checked it right away. At that point it was just pressing F once after fighting the mobs and moving on. I don't see how it's supposed to be a big deal at all.


Maybe even more than steep. It's a straight up wall.

Nope, it is not a wall, it's reasonably easly progressing as you continue playing the game.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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With AoE loot and AoE loot on interact options this is also not as huge of a change as it may seem. One F per encounter, more if you are paranoid but even if you are you can simply look around to see if there are any corpses lying around although it could also be a party member that hasn't picked up their loot yet.

Edited by Khisanth.2948
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1 hour ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

It's hard to pay for without Season 2 unlocked if you end up putting mastery points into the other tracks. A mistake many people make.

there are 83 Central Tyria mastery points, only 16 are gained through LS2 achievements

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I have AoE loot on keybind and I still use it, forgetting that there's this auto loot thing I unlocked years ago.  I was always so used to hitting the interact key as soon as something dies out of reflex.  

Yeah, it's a wonderful mastery, but it isn't game breaking not to have.  There's also a ton of mastery points you can get just by playing the personal story of all 5 races, which takes very little time to do.

See @Inculpatus cedo.9234 correction below.


Edited by Rogue.8235
fixed factual error
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Coming from games that would require you to buy something to run around and pick stuff up for you before an arbitrary time limit runs out and some other player in the area runs off with your loot I'd say this is perfectly fine. It even got easier when a whole bunch of central tyrian mastery points got put into the game just because.

Edited by DaFishBob.6518
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25 minutes ago, Rogue.8235 said:

I ahve AoE loot on keybind and I still use it, forgetting that there's this auto loot thing I unlocked years ago.  I was alsways so used to hitting the interact key as soon as something dies out of reflex.  

Yeah, it's a wonderful mastery, but it isn't game breaking not to have.  There's also a ton of mastery points you can get just by playing the personal story of all 5 races, which takes very little time to do.

There's only 8 Mastery Points total from the Personal Story, no matter how many times you play it.  One Mastery Point for each Level Arc: L10, L20, L30, etc.  It doesn't matter which race you use, you can't get more than one Mastery Point for each Level arc.  

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  • 3 months later...
On 5/25/2022 at 11:05 AM, Tiamat.8254 said:

You call it a basic feature to have auto loot, but surely you just take it for granted in other games?

This is GW2 forums. If you wish to talk about "other games", proceed to their respective websites.

On 5/25/2022 at 11:05 AM, Tiamat.8254 said:

 I suppose you think that we shouldn't have to unlock masteries for mount abilities or that the skyscale should be just given to us? 


On 5/25/2022 at 11:05 AM, Tiamat.8254 said:

I loved the fact I needed to unlock autoloot as it made me appreciate this more and did content I would otherwise skip.

Good for you I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Those 19 are really easy to get. I found Central Tyria masteries only got challenging after I'd maxed Pact Commander and got most of Legendary Crafting.

9 Mastery Insights in core zones

1 Reach level 80

8 Personal story completion

1 Do Tequatl

That's your 19 from core.

If you're really allergic to story and instances:

4 For doing all three lanes of Jungle Wurm

1 Karka Queen

1 All 10 Teq achieves

1 Skritt Queen

1 Map complete core

If you don't mind jumping puzzles, switch any one above out for:

1 Hidden Garden (not a terribly difficult puzzle)

Edited by Gibson.4036
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