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Summer Roadmap missing the most important thing.....

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8 minutes ago, xDumplinx.7983 said:

And what happens to those who have paid gems to get the LW seasons (in case they missed it during the free period)? Do you suggest they be refunded? Or are we just giving steam users freebies?

If that is the only objection, probably give steam users freebies

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18 minutes ago, xDumplinx.7983 said:

And what happens to those who have paid gems to get the LW seasons (in case they missed it during the free period)? Do you suggest they be refunded? Or are we just giving steam users freebies?

Most people were fine when HoT was bundled free with PoF, give something for people who bought Living World Season - Something like voucher skin or random mount license.

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20 minutes ago, xDumplinx.7983 said:

And what happens to those who have paid gems to get the LW seasons (in case they missed it during the free period)? Do you suggest they be refunded? Or are we just giving steam users freebies?

Uh, why would this even be an issue.
Just have Steam bundle them together at a new price... 

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Yeah, you just know this is gonna be a top complaint in one review or another. And people coming into their replies telling them it's a good deal ackshully is not going to sell anyone (yes, I've seen that kind of stuff on here). That only flies on the forums because there's a bunch of active superfans hanging out here who dominate the conversation space. Not going to fly in steam reviews.

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Bundle the living world episodes into the steam pricing for the game and expansions. Problem solved.


Won't have any effect on existing accounts but given the prices on steam will thus be higher versus only the expansions without living world episodes, not an issue. 


Since existing accounts won't be add able to steam to begin with, there is nothing preventing an altered pricing and packaging on the platform. On the contrary, being forced to pay more per expansion without being able to opt out of having the living world episodes might shut some people up.🤷‍♂️

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Not to mention if people still prefer to pick and choose what part of the game they want to pay for, they can simply go to the gw2 website instead of Steam.

The main concern is to make it -Clear- what your customers are paying for, what is, and what isn't included in what they pay. Otherwise, you can expect a storm of bad reviews worded such :

"I paid for the whole game, but I had to pay extra for the side stories wth".

It's such an easy fix...

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4 hours ago, xDumplinx.7983 said:

And what happens to those who have paid gems to get the LW seasons (in case they missed it during the free period)? Do you suggest they be refunded? Or are we just giving steam users freebies?

Why should i care. Do these new player steal the gems out of my pocket?

Halve of the player base got it for free anyways. We apparently need to punish them for the grieve crime of not having played that game yet. Also DUDE its a 10 year old MMO new players are for lack of  a better word "behind" the normal player base anyway.

"Jo I heard Strikes are good, how do I get started" 
"easy, just farm a quick 250 gold"

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4 hours ago, xDumplinx.7983 said:

And what happens to those who have paid gems to get the LW seasons (in case they missed it during the free period)? Do you suggest they be refunded? Or are we just giving steam users freebies?

And what happened to those who have paid money to get vanilla game? Right, nothing.

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21 minutes ago, Wintermute.5408 said:

And what happened to those who have paid money to get vanilla game? Right, nothing.

They refunded anyone who purchased the core game within 6 months, they gave an exclusive outfit and there's still the heroic bonuses for buying it today.

If ArenaNet's going to do something, they're either going to offer it as a DLC pack on Steam or do another replay to keep them active for longer.

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2 hours ago, Wintermute.5408 said:

And what happened to those who have paid money to get vanilla game? Right, nothing.

Well there were a number of people complaining about it back then, I've met even couple that have quite the game over it, while going full on haters on AN for audacity of making base game free with HoT release. Some going as far as ridiculous claim of theft on AN side.

I mean personally I wouldn't even mind if they removed gem-gate from LWS completely, (even tho I did purchase some of episodes with gems), but I can imagine alot of people being too selfish to see it as a good thing.

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8 hours ago, xDumplinx.7983 said:

And what happens to those who have paid gems to get the LW seasons (in case they missed it during the free period)? Do you suggest they be refunded? Or are we just giving steam users freebies?

Just because some thing was a way in the past does not mean it should never change. This is a logical fallacy that would have aus all living as subsistence hunter gatherers because nothing could ever be improved.

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the only steam game i play is Hearts of Iron IV.

they basically sell even "music pack", "skin pack" in separate stuff...

just rebrand LSW to "content pack" or "Whatsover Pack". "Living World [x] pack". 


The purchase for it ins't a problem, the problem is make ppl feel scammed.

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8 hours ago, firedragon.8953 said:

Uh, why would this even be an issue.
Just have Steam bundle them together at a new price... 

^that's about it, just make it clear the episodes are not free if you're not there on release and add new bundles (put them in the official gw2 site store too btw). Not a problem that new map/content releases can be paid, lacking transparency is the problem.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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It should be clearly advertised that players without LW seasons will just have massive gaps in the story. And then they need to provide a way, even if they up the price, to bundle them all together. This isn't even just about Steam - it should be an option available when buying the expansions. There's no reason not to provide this.

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8 hours ago, Healix.5819 said:

They refunded anyone who purchased the core game within 6 months, they gave an exclusive outfit and there's still the heroic bonuses for buying it today.

If ArenaNet's going to do something, they're either going to offer it as a DLC pack on Steam or do another replay to keep them active for longer.

I mean, I'd be up for cosmetic freebies. Otherwise, I really don't see how this is different. If anything, the number of people who got episodes for free on their releases is probably more than those who scored vanilla refunds.

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5 minutes ago, Wintermute.5408 said:

I mean, I'd be up for cosmetic freebies. Otherwise, I really don't see how this is different. If anything, the number of people who got episodes for free on their releases is probably more than those who scored vanilla refunds.

It a freebie for playing at the time login in, being exposed to gemstore and being a loyal consumer etc.

So it is not the same as buying the game 10 years later.

Edited by Linken.6345
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I'm disappointed to see that the "everything you need to experience Tyria" verbiage is still on their site on the EoD/PoF/HoT purchase.  While it doesn't say 'experience all of Tyria and its story, that is in fact how newcomers are going to read it.


C'mon ANet.  Prove that you're better than it looks.

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4 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

It a freebie for playing at the time login in and being exposed to gemstore, being a loyal consumer etc.

So it is not the same as buying the game 10 years later.

Just to clarify. The original question was "but what of those who paid for the episodes if they go free on steam". The answer, IMHO, should be "nothing", just like how it was with vanilla transition to F2P. Maybe comsetics - sure, why not.


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