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Game is carried by older content

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Everything new since Drizzlewood, or arguably the end of S4, has been poor. It’s all riding on older content for newer players to get into.


IbS gave us grindy achievements requiring you to play the same content 100 times. Then we got filler response missions for half a year.

Then we got revisit LW - in other words, do old content again.

We got the same, rehashed festivals, with what? A single cape skin?

Then we got EoD, with reused assets, defeating the purpose of releasing an xpac over LS.

We got Steam release, which is once again irrelevant for existing players.

We got poor rewards for Prime before, poor rewards for Prime now. A booster? Only relevant for newer players. A Christmas finisher? How cheap can you be?!

Poor birthday reward.

List goes on.


Everything people love about this game is old design philosophy the newer content is built on. The horizontal progression, the fractals, the wardrobe, etc. 

This game is now for newer players, who are clueless to the original design philosophy, rushing to get 80 and then their ascended gear,  for stats alone (lol).

Edited by lezbefriends.7516
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I have to admit that without older content, especially HoT, I would be long gone. Now considering the huge powercreep making even HoT trivial, their new vision for the game (if we can even call it that) and the lack of care I'm not sure I have a long time left in Tyria anyway. At least in GW2's Tyria.

Edited by vanfrano.1325
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I've been thinking along similar lines cause of all the discussion about the 10 year cape and the related achievements. I had this thought like... did they really do the achievements the way they did because they thought they needed another way to push people into checking out WvW and PvP... or did they do it because they know there's a content drought and they figure it's worth annoying some people if it means possibly getting some people hooked in a mode they weren't doing, thereby extending their perception of how much content there is for a little while longer.

I can only imagine how it must feel for someone who has been playing for 10 years and wants to see anything like: new PvE maps, new raids, new WvW maps, new PvP maps, etc. (or just different balance, I'm not always clear on what WvW and PvP types want to see)

EoD at least did the first one (tho some hate them) and kinda sorta did the second in the form of its strikes, but then you've got WvW and PvP apparently stuck with the same meta in the same cycle for a long time. WvW waiting on alliances, idk if PvPers even hope for anything.

This game is great about trying to keep old content relevant, but that should not become a crutch for slow pace of new content release.

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People moaned for years that they wanted more people in older maps, more focus in bringing back ls1, more reasons to play older content. So that’s what they are doing.

Forget the debate over EoD quality and the dreadful end half of IBS, all the other stuff has been positive.

Rehashing old content is not a bad thing, it can be a very healthy thing and in this case, it’s exactly that. That’s not to say new wvw maps, more fractals etc aren’t something to be requested for future new content, but stabilising and tarting up older content is necessary for the game right now.

Edited by Randulf.7614
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12 minutes ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Yeah the games in a really sad state and hasn't gotten a single content patch since it's expac release. That's not normal.

Assuming this isn’t a /s post given LS1 rehashed is still new content to many, HoT dropped about 8 months after Season 2 ended with the only content drop in between being the revamped Lions Arch. HoT dropped in October that year and Season 3 wasn’t until the following summer after a 9 month wait. Icebrood Saga - EoD was also a long wait

Path of Fire set different expectations, but a long content drought isn’t out of the ordinary if you look over the life of the game. Sometimes we received shorter gaps (3-4 months) and sometimes we get much longer ones. Sure LS1 is rehashed, but it likely took a lot of work given it’s old code that needed completely reworking to play out differently to the original version, it can pass as semi-new content.

Plus there’s other reworks in the mix and work on a new expac already started. There’s only so much that they can put out and I’d hate to see the team put back on a silly crunch schedule for an arbitrary release cadence.


Edited by Randulf.7614
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Old content still being relevant is one of the main strengths of this game. Seeing old content become deserted is quite depressing.

The quandary for ANet and GW2's playerbase in PvE is that any additional content--mostly thinking of new LW maps--dilutes the active players on an ever increasing number of maps and activities, unless you can counter that by an equally significant increase in active players. I am not arguing to stop the development of new maps, but producing them too fast can be almost as detrimental to the game as stopping all development.

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6 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

People moaned for years that they wanted more people in older maps, more focus in bringing back ls1, more reasons to play older content. So that’s what they are doing.

Forget the debate over EoD quality and the dreadful end half of IBS, all the other stuff has been positive.

Rehashing old content is not a bad thing, it can be a very healthy thing and in this case, it’s exactly that. That’s not to say new wvw maps, more fractals etc aren’t something to be requested for future new content, but stabilising and tarting up older content is necessary for the game right now.

So this is the sort of white knighting reply that dodges ”confused” reactions..


Every game needs revamps. The problem with Guild Wars 2 is that they’re passing them off as new content, even taking place of new content, to the point where we’ve not gotten *actual* new content in years. Unless you count EoD, but you told us to ignore that slight misstep. 😉

Edited by lezbefriends.7516
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20 minutes ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

So this is the sort of white knighting reply that dodges ”confused” reactions..


Every game needs revamps. The problem with Guild Wars 2 is that they’re passing them off as new content, even taking place of new content, to the point where we’ve not gotten *actual* new content in years. Unless you count EoD, but you told us to ignore that slight misstep. 😉

Its all new content to new players, who are what keeps the game going. Veterans have already bought everything, they've already done everything. They spend very little money in comparison to new players and they tend to crash the econemy due to hoarding rather than stimulate it.


Its like a bunch of old people forgetting that without a new generation everything they worked for fades away, and if you think I'm being hyperbolic, maybe check my signature.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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46 minutes ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

So this is the sort of white knighting reply that dodges ”confused” reactions..


Every game needs revamps. The problem with Guild Wars 2 is that they’re passing them off as new content, even taking place of new content, to the point where we’ve not gotten *actual* new content in years. Unless you count EoD, but you told us to ignore that slight misstep. 😉

I'm sorry, but I've seen more than one thread about Anet taking the time to fix things, and not needing more content. Those first world bosses did need a fix and Anet did that. The Living World Season coming out was absolutely necessary or there was no solid story. I didn't think it would ever happen but it was something that had to happen. Fixing the game, and adding difficult CMs for hard core players may be no new content, but people did say they'd be happy to miss content while Anet fixed the game.

And you know, four strike mode CMs that came out after EoD are actually new content. You may not like them, but some people I know love that those have come out.  This tuesday we're getting an instanced version of the Nightmare Tower, set up the way Dragonstorm is set up, with  public and private instances.  To you this may be nothing, but to me that's content I really enjoyed and now it's coming back, at least in some form.

It's easy to point an finger and try to make someone's argument invalid by using the term white knight, but you know people did say on this very forum that they'd be happy to wait while Anet fixed stuff.   People ASKED for stuff to get fixed.  People ASKED for Season 1 to be released.


You might not be one of those people but it doesn't change the fact that they stuff we've been getting has been asked for by the community...harder core community for the CMs, Season 1 for the casuals.  Sorry if you don't like it, but saying nothing has come out is incorrect.


And for guys like me I've made one Aurene legendary with the variations but I'll be making more of them.

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5 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

So this is the sort of white knighting reply that dodges ”confused” reactions..


Every game needs revamps. The problem with Guild Wars 2 is that they’re passing them off as new content, even taking place of new content, to the point where we’ve not gotten *actual* new content in years. Unless you count EoD, but you told us to ignore that slight misstep. 😉

No I said ignore the quality debate, not the fact it’s content. EoD is very popular with a lot of people. I say forget it’s quality because good or bad, it’s a significant content drop. And yes, ls1 redone does also count as content whether you like it or not. I thought EoD was underwhelming and one of their worst, but it’s still content, so saying no content for years is just making stuff up.

This is not a massive team. The community demands new expac, new ls6, ls1, more wvw, more fractals, more revamps. They can’t do it all. And whilst ls1 should have been done years ago, completing the first era story and then going back to revamps and letting new content go on the back burner makes sense for veteran and new players given the steam release and also good business sense. As I also said, it’s quite normal for 9 month gaps in new content.

I agree the game is a shadow of its former self and hasn’t been the same in terms of quality over the last 2-3 years, but perhaps constructive feedback against that rather than regular moaning and disinformation about things when they are are working would be helpful. Or maybe just walk away from something clearly you utterly dislike.

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And community so: "Why always new content, I have no purpose to play the old maps ever again, old maps are a ghosttown"

And Anet so: "Lets give it more purpose to make it more replayable"

And community so: "Anet only recycling old content, we never get anything new, lazy company! Game getting carried by old content!"

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23 minutes ago, roederich.2716 said:

And community so: "Why always new content, I have no purpose to play the old maps ever again, old maps are a ghosttown"

And Anet so: "Lets give it more purpose to make it more replayable"

And community so: "Anet only recycling old content, we never get anything new, lazy company! Game getting carried by old content!"

I mean Anet releases maps with metas that are farmed for long time, it's not ALL old metas

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4 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Living world season 1?

Removed all rewards from it. One and done.

CMs are FF14 square room simon says musical chairs and only fun for the 0.0001%. They also give laughable rewards - another one and done.

Anet is doing that thing where they design a MMO as a single player "one and done" game again.



EoD itself added a ton of content, the issue is there's no unique rewards besides one and done achievements so once you get your mastery capped in 2 weeks there's nothing left. They dropped the ball on long term rewards.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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The Steam release is relevant to existing players because other players are part of the game's content. Increased population, in theory at least, means PvP queues popping more quickly. It means more dungeon, fractal, strike, and eventually even raid groups to join. It means open world zones more alive. 

This year's birthday rewards were among the best (the best in my opinion) we have ever received. Sixteen unlocks (skins and dyes) greatly outpace any previous year. 6 armor skins, 5 weapon skins, one dye, one mount, 2 capes, one guaranteed wardrobe unlock. Even the free black lion ticket was part of the celebration, bringing the total number of skins, etc to 17.

Cant really disagree with much else in your list.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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I was never able to play season 1 as it was gone before I even knew about the game. So I am really happy to finally get to play the story I’ve heard so much about. I still remember the confusion when I started season 2 and wondered who these new characters are and how do I know them. It’s all new content to me and many other players. 

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Im going out on limb here, but i think part of the issue is they should have made kannig city like LA, instead of little arborstone. I know it dont seem like much, but people like big cities with all the bonuses. I think having such a hub city in EoD would have helped make the zones feel more indepth.  Reality is people gather in city hubs, the EoD zones arent bad per say just awkward, there isnt a lot of amenities like what you see in LA. Portals to major cities the mists fractals ect banks vendors places for people to roam around in. Cantha is so far removed from everything else people like to do, why bother going there?  Interconnected cities and hubs make a world of difference for people. 



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1 hour ago, Artemis.8034 said:

Im going out on limb here, but i think part of the issue is they should have made kannig city like LA, instead of little arborstone. I know it dont seem like much, but people like big cities with all the bonuses. I think having such a hub city in EoD would have helped make the zones feel more indepth.  Reality is people gather in city hubs, the EoD zones arent bad per say just awkward, there isnt a lot of amenities like what you see in LA. Portals to major cities the mists fractals ect banks vendors places for people to roam around in. Cantha is so far removed from everything else people like to do, why bother going there?  Interconnected cities and hubs make a world of difference for people. 



They avoid doing this because players who sit around at the bank, etc count towards the map limit and ruin metas, something we've had problems with in the past. Its also why Obsidian Sanctum had to be removed from Eternal Battlegrounds in WvW, and why most banks, trading posts and other hub-like services were removed from the open-world with only a few exceptions.


The only way is to make part of the city as a separate map like they did with Arborstone, which is technically in Echovald Forest but has been cropped out to have a separate player cap.


So the existing Kaining CIty (which would just be smaller), would be unchanged in population density.


I have my own thoughts on the matter like how Arborstone was a bad choice for a hub and should've been a guild hall, and how a hub should've been built onto Kaining, but oh well. It is what it is and the devs have a history of never revisiting their decisions once they've been made.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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