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What are you disliking about spvp? Question to non pvpers


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I want to know why people hate it, or not want to try it Out, this is Not posted into PvP, because i want to know the opinion from non PvP Players.

I saw a Lot of Not liking, or Not even want to enter the PvP in this Game.

For me personaly (a human that played a lot of esport titles), gw2 pvp is outstandingly good designed, even when the balance and the Meta is objectivly Bad it is still a well rounded Game Mode.

So what annoys/borders/dislikes you Guys about it?

Or haven't you Just Not checked it Out so far?

Thanks for your honest answers 🙂

Edited by Avatar.3568
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I find it very repetative. You're running around a little pen, killing and being killed by the same people over and over until some arbitrary target is reached (either points or time). I know the fact that you're fighting real people is supposed to provide variety because they won't all behave the same, but I don't find that exciting enough to overcome the fact that your activities and objectives are the same each time.

WvW can have the same problem, but it usually takes longer to hit that point for me because individual battles are often pretty short and once you've captured a location or defended one you generally go on to doing something different and it will be a while before you come back to doing the same thing in the same location.

PvE could have the same problem if I was the type of person to fixate on one meta-event or the world boss chain and do that every day, but that's why I don't and prefer to skip around different activities doing whatever interests me in the moment.

I suppose I could do one-off PvP matches now and again, within a match it would still be fairly repetative but the overall experience wouldn't be too bad. But it seems like something you need to commit to for it to be worthwhile.

(Edit: Maybe it's also just the fact that it's so disconnected from the rest of the game, which makes it relatively easy to ignore. I don't have a fixed schedule or whatever for playing GW2, I just do what I feel like or what I need to for the objectives I've set myself and it's been very easy to miss PvP off that list.)

Edited by Danikat.8537
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13 minutes ago, Avatar.3568 said:

I want to know why people hate it, or not want to try it Out, this is Not posted into PvP, because i want to know the opinion from non PvP Players.

I saw a Lot of Not liking, or Not even want to enter the PvP in this Game.

For me personaly (a human that played a lot of esport titles), gw2 pvp is outstandingly good designed, even when the balance and the Meta is objectivly Bad it is still a well rounded Game Mode.

So what annoys/borders/dislikes you Guys about it?

Or haven't you Just Not checked it Out so far?


That all there is to it is cap and hold 2-3 points to win no other variations like capture the flag or pushing  a supply cart from point a-b for example.

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5 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

That all there is to it is cap and hold 2-3 points to win no other variations like capture the flag or pushing  a supply cart from point a-b for example.

More game modes would be a big improvement. I used to like playing Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry in GW1, and the Alliance Battles occasionally. Something with slightly bigger groups and more objectives/phases would be more interesting I think.

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I am not a PvP person. I have ADHD so it can make me anxious and I make mistakes and feel like a fool. It makes me a version of myself that I dislike if I do it too much because I get frustrated.

Meanwhile in PvE I hyperfixate so in MMORPGs I can knock my head against the same boss for hours and not be bothered as long as the mistakes everyone makes are mostly new mistakes each time.

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Part of it is that I don’t like to play against other humans. It makes me anxious. We all got feelings while npcs don’t. (Most of us at least 👀) Pvp tend to get too competitive while I’m more a person who enjoys working together rather then fighting someone.

Other part is it’s too repetitive. The times I have done pvp I get anxious at first, and when that fades I get bored. Too much of the same stuff. I enjoy the variety of pve content. It has so much things to do. 

And last part is toxicity. I don’t like that either. Which also is the reason I don’t do raids. Toxicity exists everywhere in the game ofc, but it does feel like it is more in pvp and raids as it takes more then casual gameplay to do. And it’s competitive. So it’s natural it gets more heated there.

that was the view of this pve rat. It doesn’t mean I think pvp sucks though, I know many players enjoy it. It’s just not my cup of tea. 

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Played PvP in other games, just kind of realized I'd rather play with people than against.  It feels very confined, you're in an arena, obviously your opponent is there, and it's not really that fun, more just chaotic. Teams seldom feel balanced.  Currently it's like a pet battle with all the mechs.  Honestly I'm not good at it lol, I have my moments, but I am not that interested in trying to hone my ooh look squirrel tendencies to focus on PvP.

I do enjoy WvW.  But it has more open world feel, and you can flex between roaming, zerging, PvP, or PvE objectives.  

I absolutely know many people who love playing PvP, I fully support them and hope for continued improvements to it.

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Freya said it very well.  I don't generally like pvp in any game.  Either I feel bad for being trounced or I feel bad for trouncing someone else and making them unhappy.  I'm not very competitive, though I do get caught up in doing my best to win.  Maybe because I am a rule follower and the rule in pvp is to fight like you mean it.  Mostly I get trounced.  I'm older, my left hand isn't working great any more, I have a sensitive mouse so I don't have to fling my right hand all over my desk to pan the camera or get to the other monitor, and the faster and more hectic things get the less control I have over movement and targeting.

I have never liked the need to paranoidly scan all over for potential attacks.  It makes me tense, can cause me physical pain as my muscles and tendons don't respond well to physical stress.  So basically, pvp causes me mental and physical distress without much reward.  I do it when needed -- I got all the Warlord's armor I wanted, and I did the recent achieves -- but barring extra incentives it doesn't even cross my mind to step into areas where other players can attack me.

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30 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

Part of it is that I don’t like to play against other humans. It makes me anxious. We all got feelings while npcs don’t. (Most of us at least 👀) Pvp tend to get too competitive while I’m more a person who enjoys working together rather then fighting someone.

Other part is it’s too repetitive. The times I have done pvp I get anxious at first, and when that fades I get bored. Too much of the same stuff. I enjoy the variety of pve content. It has so much things to do. 

And last part is toxicity. I don’t like that either. Which also is the reason I don’t do raids. Toxicity exists everywhere in the game ofc, but it does feel like it is more in pvp and raids as it takes more then casual gameplay to do. And it’s competitive. So it’s natural it gets more heated there.

that was the view of this pve rat. It doesn’t mean I think pvp sucks though, I know many players enjoy it. It’s just not my cup of tea. 

This fairly sums me up as well. I play games to relax, and PvP is not relaxing for me. I do venture into WvW, but am easily ganked even by day 1 WvW'ers I'm sure. It took quite a while for that to not bother me, but even now it is highly annoying.

Nothing against PvP, so long as it doesn't creep into PvE.


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28 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

This fairly sums me up as well. I play games to relax, and PvP is not relaxing for me. I do venture into WvW, but am easily ganked even by day 1 WvW'ers I'm sure. It took quite a while for that to not bother me, but even now it is highly annoying.

Nothing against PvP, so long as it doesn't creep into PvE.


Yea I dont understand why people keep defending sentrys either when its a daily for example.

Quite annoying to have to run back.

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I feel like after waiting in queue for 3-5 mins, then another 2 mins of pre game count downs, to the moment combat finally starts is way too long considering how most games are more or less decided in the first 3 minutes


many games are not of course but the majority really are imo


then there is the static nature of build diversity, nothing new gets brought up through balance changes more than a couple times a year, so even when there is great build diversity it gets rather stale after a month or two


if we had more frequent real balance patches that actually brought up entirely new builds, not just changing a trait or utility slot every couple of months then I wouldn't really mind the long waits followed by short competitive minutes.

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Toxic, unbalanced, brings out the worst in all who enter it, and you can lose and be punished for something out of your control, and continue to lose and be punished. The only worth that mode has is reward tracks and dailies, and those are not worth all of the stress and frustration from all the negative factors.

Edited by Nilkemia.8507
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I used to be a pvper, but I barely play pvp anymore. My issues are:


1) Too much CC. IMO, the balance of, CC to stability and CC breaks, to boon removal, was fine pre Feb 2020 patch. Now, it is not uncommon to get CCed 3-4 times every 10 secs engaged in combat, especially in team fights. More so if you are fighting with the losing team. It makes the experience terrible.


2) Time to kill is so slow. spvp is now in snail pace. To be fair, it has been better than pre EOD. However, it is still not good and Anet is working hard shipping away at anything that vaguely resembles damage.


3) The balance sucks. I can accept that new builds are still being ironed out, but vast majority of older builds either weak or unplayable. 

4) Match making sucks. Ya, it is a product of lower population. Nevertheless, it ruins the experience. Most games are a land slide. Winning or losing this sucks.


5) The class splits from pve has gone too far. Back in the day, it was easy for me to play something I occasionally play in pve and not have issues. But now, it would need me 10-15 games to get the timing of skills I already mastered in pve, And thus, anything outside of guardian is currently unplayable for me.


6) Combinations of all of the above, spvp has became a chore. With the plethora of compounding issues, it has became exceedingly frustrating to play.  

And thus I stick to pve. Sure, not remotely challenging, but far less frustration and thus way more fun.


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I get the feeling with being anxious (I have social anxiety a bit) and the repetitiveness. As a player that plays all 3 game modes I still want to give my feedback to defend PvP a bit.

My anxiety usually appared in premade groups - where you had to use lfg tool and have to play as a pro. Fractal rush really got me into easy (t1 and t2) fractals - when I noticed that not many talking is happening there. And people usually friendly a the lower tiers. For the PvP ... toxic players can happen. But you usually get ranked down if you play not too good. And disabling the chat can help. I rarely get whispers or direct insults - unless I troll or drop the match early. (I try to not do that. Sometimes I can't help though. If others are too toxic I am not too motivated to play seriously.)

For the repetitiveness: I play 3-4 matches each day at each season - until I maximize the seasonal chest. This is not too repetitive. Not that many time spent there. And the matches are fast paced. WvW on the other hand ... can feel like a grind if you want to maximze the chests. Sometimes you have to walk long ways to keep the "participation" up - this can be discouraging if your team is winning and you have to move far away from your spawn to encounter an enemy. (Being attacked and defensive feels much better there.) This tends to get more repetetive for me than PvP. Currencly I only play WvW at reset day each week to max the wood tier - for the +1 pip in the following week. That is enough. The "content" really varies depending on the matchups and server linking. and it feels like it is more about the community + also players (you learn to recognize certain regular names from players that chat a lot) talking in chat. Not always about the game.

I wonder how this will go with the alliances if you play as solo player. (Might lose this community effect as additional motivation - making it even less interesting for me. Unless I join some big server guild to stay together. I think some are accepting members without big mandatory stuff like having to play tons of hours each week. Still .... I usualyl try to avoid joining guilds.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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I simply dislike having a Matchmaker.

The Matchmakers goal is to create balanced matches. Aka 50% Win Chance for both sides.

Which means , regardless of skill, you are supposed to win 50% of your matches.

Whats the point when the outcome of matches are basically predetermined?


In WvW, when im better then 90% of the people, i will win 90% of the time. ( Ofcourse only in theory but you get the point).

Im better = i win more. Something that PvP is not about.


When i farmed my PvP Amulett, i had exactly 100 Wins with 200 games played.

Queueing into a match , knowing that statistically i am supposed to loose is not fun.


PvP is a glorified Coin Toss simulator.


Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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On 9/15/2022 at 11:48 PM, Avatar.3568 said:

I want to know why people hate it, or not want to try it Out, this is Not posted into PvP, because i want to know the opinion from non PvP Players.

I saw a Lot of Not liking, or Not even want to enter the PvP in this Game.

For me personaly (a human that played a lot of esport titles), gw2 pvp is outstandingly good designed, even when the balance and the Meta is objectivly Bad it is still a well rounded Game Mode.

So what annoys/borders/dislikes you Guys about it?

Or haven't you Just Not checked it Out so far?

Thanks for your honest answers 🙂

Bc u all hate teef 😥😅

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For me, sPvP itself is fine--the maps (mostly) make sense and the basic mechanics and whatnot are fine.

The problem is being unable to find pure SoloQ games.  During normal season found it to be less egregious as where I'm at in Gold 2 or lower it doesn't seem to have a noticible effect.  It's super painful in these 'off seasons', like the current TDM one though because most times you are going to run up against comp'd groups.  

Also, working on the legendary back is frustrating due to needing to multiclass, and some of us just don't.  So, you're stuck in a situation learning a class in literal ranked, just to get an item that won't matter for PvP anyway.  That part seems super ill thought out.

Rest of the toxicity and whatnot is pretty normal for GW competitive.  That part doesn't bother me as much since there's no real skill involved in it since it's all team based, so literally cannot have any real personal metrics.  Any of the 'god tier' players I've seen on Twitch and whatnot usually are all partied up and just stomping PUGs, so nothing really to see there.  

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A minor flaw in the thinking of  DanAlcedo.3281: The matchmaker is focused on creating balanced matches - yes. Otherwise it would be boring. (WvW can also be boring if you only farm the enemy and there is no challenge. If you are better than 90 percent of the players but only look for the challenge - trying to fight the other 10 percent ... then you will get killed often as well.)

That does not mean the outcome is pre-determined. I think it is intended that players improve. If you get roflstomped all the time - not knowing that happened ... you can't learn anythng. If you kill everyone easily - same result. You need to fight against slightly stronger opponents to learn to improve. I guess with the balanced matches (sometimes also slightly weaker opponents) ... this can be achievemed. Against slightly weaker opponents you still want to focus and not make any mistakes. Maybe optimizing to win faster - where this still would be a challenge.

This is not fixed. And you still can have win streaks. Or loss streaks. In the end it will balance itself which is good. On WvW you can have it similar - when at the beginning of a re-link for example the own server drops a lot. Then goes up again ... and then stays balanced (once everyone is at their correct tier). That is just on a different level and since the amount of players can fluctuate you won't notice it - if you can group up with a few guild mates and do roaming and gank some easy to kill enemy player for fun - when you just want to get kills and are not seeking a challenge.

If you just say "oh it's predertermint so I don't even need to try" - then of course you can't improve a lot. But I guess everyone has different motivations for playing the game. For people with this reasoning ... I am afraid but I don't think the PvP system would ever get changed here. (Then PvP would be really empty if the top 10 percent could farm the lower ones in  unbalanced matches and the lower ones left. 😄  ... would still lead to a 50/50 chance if only the top players were left to play vs. each other.)

The only thinkg I would find interesting: To have the teams balanced vs. each other while withing the team having stronger and weaker players mixed. (So weaker players might learn from the stronger ones.) The current rating  adjustment calculation system does not allow for this though. Since that is calculated by comparing the individual player's rating vs. the enemy team average/mean score. (Then the higher ranked players would have a much bigger loss if losing the match.)

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On 9/15/2022 at 3:02 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

I find it very repetative. You're running around a little pen, killing and being killed by the same people over and over until some arbitrary target is reached (either points or time)

As someone that used to PvP in the early years, this is it along side amulet removals.. Literally conquest has been the only game mode they bothered to improve and invest into throughout the decade. With game modes like deathmatch and stronghold being neglected to rot, PvP as a whole just become stale. Combined that with amulet/rune removals it just becomes too predictable for my taste as well.


Edit: Along side leaving a bitter taste for being forced to scrap at least a dozen of my builds.

Edited by cyberzombie.7348
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I dislike 5 vs 5 only pvp. 10 vs 10 or at least 7 vs 7 matches should be added. In unranked at least.


I realy really dislike that i can't play with my gear, instead we get some fixed stats via Amulets = bad and lazy design. Anet should add some kind of "only for fun" arenas, where we would be able to play with our own gear, for lvl 80s only.


I dislike that many of my abilities are completely changed in PvP. Sometimes i get a feeling that i am playing a different class. For example: a 12 sec duration becomes a 20 sec duration in pvp for one of my "Owerpowered" skills. 20 seconds becomes 25 seconds etc. 1000 dmg in pve reduced to 300 dmg only for another skill, Daze reduced from 2 sec to 0.5 sec in pvp. Or, for example Elementalist's Staff doing burning on AA and #2 in pve, while in pvp it only deals power dmg and so on and so on. Some skills/abilities are completely reworked for pvp purpose. So confusing. 


I dislike that some specs can do crazy burst dmg while others need ten times as long to kill someone.


Other than that i like gw2 PvP.


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I stopped playing sPvP a while ago. The conquest gamemode got stale and boring, it feels samey and too constricted with very little variety, it's also way too meta focused. They should have implemented battlegrounds and dueling a long, long time ago. They tried something different with Stronghold but the implementation was absolutely terrible and completely missed the mark on what a different game mode should be like.

The structured PvP side of the game feels completely disconnected from the main game and I know it's deliberate. It's all because they want to achive better balance in a much structured enviroment while having immense accesibility (right after level 2). This is good for those that like carefully curated balanced competitive Pvp with less choice on gearing and build selection with the same gamemode for years and years with the ocassional temporary team death match thrown in. Even though I can enjoy some sPvP, it's not really for me anymore. 

I would prefer objective based style battlegrounds with like 20 or 30 players with WvW gear and balance rule set, 10 to 20 minute matches, maps with the appropiate size of course, much like WoW battlegrounds, that would be the dream. This would surely get me back to the game.

And dueling. No self respecting MMORPG with PvP lacks a dueling system, with the sad exception of Guild Wars 2. The workarounds are horrendous (guild halls, PvP rooms, WvW spots).

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On 9/17/2022 at 9:18 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I simply dislike having a Matchmaker.

The Matchmakers goal is to create balanced matches. Aka 50% Win Chance for both sides.

Which means , regardless of skill, you are supposed to win 50% of your matches.

Whats the point when the outcome of matches are basically predetermined?


In WvW, when im better then 90% of the people, i will win 90% of the time. ( Ofcourse only in theory but you get the point).

Im better = i win more. Something that PvP is not about.


When i farmed my PvP Amulett, i had exactly 100 Wins with 200 games played.

Queueing into a match , knowing that statistically i am supposed to loose is not fun.


PvP is a glorified Coin Toss simulator.


Lmao ikr. Played a bit the other day with a bud to chill. 

And as expected after 10 matches, we had 5 insufferable loses and 5 close-easy wins. 



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On 9/17/2022 at 8:18 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I simply dislike having a Matchmaker.

The Matchmakers goal is to create balanced matches. Aka 50% Win Chance for both sides.

Which means , regardless of skill, you are supposed to win 50% of your matches.

Whats the point when the outcome of matches are basically predetermined?


In WvW, when im better then 90% of the people, i will win 90% of the time. ( Ofcourse only in theory but you get the point).

Im better = i win more. Something that PvP is not about.


When i farmed my PvP Amulett, i had exactly 100 Wins with 200 games played.

Queueing into a match , knowing that statistically i am supposed to loose is not fun.


PvP is a glorified Coin Toss simulator.


you can definitely break out of these 50% winrates....

last season i had 23 wins and 3 losses, placing me in p2.


i keep hearing about the forced 50% winrate all the time... but i, myself always end seasons with a winrate way above 50%....

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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

you can definitely break out of these 50% winrates....

last season i had 23 wins and 3 losses, placing me in p2.


i keep hearing about the forced 50% winrate all the time... but i, myself always end seasons with a winrate way above 50%....

Well. Then the Matchmaker doesnt work(low pop) or you are "meta gaming" the system.

In theory, something like that should never happen.

A somewhat higher Winrate in to be expected, if you have a high skill level. Same as having a bit lower winrate when you a re bronze but with a Healthy population and if a player isnt meta gaming the system, the Winrate should always hover around 50%.


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