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Poll: Do you have more or less fun in the game because of relics?


Do you have more or less fun in the game because of relics?  

394 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have more or less fun in the game because of relics?

    • Since the introduction of relics, I'm having more fun overall because of the relics.
    • Since the introduction of relics, I'm having less fun overall because of the relics.
    • I've dealt with the relics, but I have neither more nor less fun through relics. Some things are more fun, some things are less fun, but overall it's balanced.
    • I haven't dealt with relics yet

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1 hour ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

"More fun" doesn't require a system to be flawless, just better than it previously was, so you seem to be supporting my point rather than the contrary 

Lol I don't think you're getting my point. The system *can be* better than the old rune system. It *is not* currently, for all the reasons that I have previously listed. I'm excited for when it gets to that point, but it's not there yet.

It's not fun to make players do our own math to figure out how effective relics are (because almost all of them are missing durations or stack numbers for boons/conditions), and it also isn't fun that we previously had ALL the rune 6th effects and now we have 40. And we have to wait for all the rest.

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I wonder how many people who reported "less fun" are:

* Resistant to change

* Liked a specific 6th rune benefit that has disappeared

* Dislike being shoehorned into the 5 or 6 "free" runes that are decent

* Resent having to "re-earn" a build element they had earlier

* Don't think the benefits of the 6th rune stat outweigh the losses

Those dismissing people reporting "less fun" might consider the above, and probably other reasons I haven't thought of.  Fact is, some of the 6th rune benefits I used were lost, or changed to be inferior to the prior iteration.  I don't think system flexibility makes up for that.

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35 minutes ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

I wonder how many people who reported "less fun" are:

* Resistant to change

* Liked a specific 6th rune benefit that has disappeared

* Dislike being shoehorned into the 5 or 6 "free" runes that are decent

* Resent having to "re-earn" a build element they had earlier

* Don't think the benefits of the 6th rune stat outweigh the losses

Those dismissing people reporting "less fun" might consider the above, and probably other reasons I haven't thought of.  Fact is, some of the 6th rune benefits I used were lost, or changed to be inferior to the prior iteration.  I don't think system flexibility makes up for that.

Probably literally like 10% of them lmao, mostly the rune bonuses that haven't made the conversion over to relics just yet are niche gimmick rune sets like the pirate or ogre one. 


I mean yeah I had to "re-learn" a build element too on my condition reaper, however the change have me a substantial DPS buff over what I had before. Re-learning something better isn't a negative 

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Literally removed everything and anything that had to do with auras, not a single one of the new 'relics' has any type of aura love. Less fun for me when my entire build is based around them. At this point maybe ANet should just remove the aura mechanic completely since they keep nerfing/changing them. The whole reason I went with an aura build was because they can't be stripped/converted like boons, and it seemed to be an outlier build that no one else played, but it seems ANet regrets that? Don't know, but it's getting tiresome to constantly have to adjust my playstyle to the point where I don't even care now and haven't been playing as much. 🤷‍♂️

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4 hours ago, Alester.7063 said:

At the same time Pack and Chronomancer exist. (With Chronomancer being a worse version of Pack)

It's a different case, those 2 rune are different rune that happened to collide only because of the 6th bonus (+ the difference in treatment on stat vs boon/conditions duration on rune)

It's the only case known of this happening on 90+ runes and simply showed that they looked for duplicate on similar runes but missed a bit the mark on the big picture.

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My level of fun hasn't really changed. As a general system I prefer runes + relics over just runes. In terms of how they were actually executed, it feels very half-assed. We got some cool effects but also unnecessarily lost some some cool effects too. It currently just doesn't feel like there are enough options. It also doesn't seem like anything was tested and that little effort was put into balancing relics against each other. This was the feature in SotO I was most excited for but I just don't think they put in sufficient time and effort to make it a very successful system.

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I honestly thought I'd get to theory craft with the golem as a relic combined with different rune stats. I don't even understand how 75% of the relics function. I have only equipped one on my main and don't see a difference from before equipping it. This system isn't fun for me atm and I hope it gets better soon. Too much taken away on the front end...

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Maybe if we had literally every existing rune bonus in those relics at start it would be fun, but no, all we've got is set of meh relics with mostly meaningless bonuses.

Even I — a fan of meme open world build that doesn't care about min-maxing, took straight 5% damage boost because it's better than nothing. I feel like they changed nothing for most of my characters.

Maybe some builds can use Chronomacer relic for personal quickness, or Defender for extra survivability (a decent option for power Chrono), but it's not for everyone.

I really want my Rebirth bonus for hfb, so I can stay alive as a healer.
I want my fury from relic of Fireworks.
Or maybe I want to try 10% healing from Vampire runes?
10% Health bonus from Balthazar rune? OK, fine, it's a stat bonus, relics are not supposed to have stats.
Regeneration after inflicting torment?

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I haven't bothered looking into them much. I don't do content where integrating a relic power in my build matters anyway. I've just picked things that look like they may trigger something useful at times on the few characters I've actually played since relics were introduced, without giving much thought to it. I don't feel any of my characters are performing noticeably better or worse.

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Dissatisfied overall, I think they said that they'd bring back all the effects eventually, but with the current ones we have, combat feels less satisfying.  We went from pretty impactful Rune set bonuses to 5-10% damage boosts, regen and stuff.  Not only are the Relics very underwhelming at the moment, its just another thing to keep track of, if you are running Thief or Fireworks.

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Currently very boring and basic, stuff like privateer needs to come back.

Also too much obsession with on casting elite or heal skill. While somewhat true in the old system too, these stand out because there are fewer choices and this stuff does not fit with builds that have elites on long cooldowns (most). And why make me spam my heal skill?

All and all the core ones seem somewhat underwhelming and I don't know if they want to keep the core ones as is.

Granted if they only balance around meta stuff there will be very few and boring choices for the sake of balance. They should not forget about solo play either. Those old boon generating runes were pretty useful for that.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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They need a serious adjustment patch. For example, they shouldn't be soulbound on use, they should behave more like runes (since that's essentially what they are). For another thing, there should be a series of relics that carry the old x6-runes bonuses and special effects, because with them the way they are now they've bourked more than a few builds (including mine, give me my Rune of Rebirth bonus back and then we'll talk). They need better tooltips to tell you what they do, the lack of detail is a problem. The mediocre pretend-bonuses they DO give need reduced cooldowns because right now they're longer than the effect even remotely justifies. There are a few other issues, but suffice to say, the way they currently exist is just kind of cumbersome to use to the point where after I learned they were soulbound I just haven't bothered slotting any into more than two of my characters. 

Edited by Kitala.5840
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7 hours ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

Probably literally like 10% of them lmao, mostly the rune bonuses that haven't made the conversion over to relics just yet are niche gimmick rune sets like the pirate or ogre one. 


I mean yeah I had to "re-learn" a build element too on my condition reaper, however the change have me a substantial DPS buff over what I had before. Re-learning something better isn't a negative 

Yeeeeeessss, because everyone wants carpel tunnel. Just don't be mad when your team healer suddenly has a harder time keeping your boons going or even staying alive for that matter. 

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I'm more dissatisfied with the weapon master addition, most builds that work utilizing it are inferior to full elite spec builds with the exception of a small few. It feels like a waste of time putting any time into a weapon master build when I could be steamroller on something meta. 

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