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Weapons as children’s gifts, really?


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I find that giving weapons to orphans or children is wrongs.  Even if they are toys.  Orphan would have more use of clothes, food, shelter... a family. 😃 
I know it’s just a game but still, teaching children that weapons are a good thing, is in my humble opinion wrong.  🙁


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7 minutes ago, Image.8630 said:

I find that giving weapons to orphans or children is wrongs.  Even if they are toys.  Orphan would have more use of clothes, food, shelter... a family. 😃 
I know it’s just a game but still, teaching children that weapons are a good thing, is in my humble opinion wrong.  🙁


So are nerf guns wrong too?  What about squirt guns?

Edited by enigmatic.3576
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15 minutes ago, firedragon.8953 said:

I'm pretty sure in the dangerous world of Tyria, weapons ARE a good thing.
If little orphan Jane spent more time with the toy sling shot, maybe the centaurs wouldn't have killed her parents.
Just sayin'....

They just couldn't outrun 'em.

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1 hour ago, Image.8630 said:

I find that giving weapons to orphans or children is wrongs.  Even if they are toys.  Orphan would have more use of clothes, food, shelter... a family. 😃 
I know it’s just a game but still, teaching children that weapons are a good thing, is in my humble opinion wrong.  🙁


There was a time not too long ago when toy weapons were a perfectly normal thing for kids to play with.  Now you probably have child protective services called on you if you give your kid a nerf gun.  Heck, now we're even to the point where we're worrying about virtual kids! 🙄

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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Hey! An excuse to bust out the Hogfather quote:


'You can't give her that!' she screamed. 'It's not safe!'
'She's a child!' shouted Crumley.
'What if she cuts herself?'


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3 hours ago, Image.8630 said:

I find that giving weapons to orphans or children is wrongs.  Even if they are toys.  Orphan would have more use of clothes, food, shelter... a family. 😃 
I know it’s just a game but still, teaching children that weapons are a good thing, is in my humble opinion wrong.  🙁


Oh for all the....

Get me off this kittening planet already, or at least send me back to the 1980s.

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Knew some kids that grew up on a little hippie commune in the countryside near the town where I live. Their parents wanted them to grow up non-violent so they never gave the kids any militaristic toys at all. No toy guns or anything like that. So the kids used sticks as pretend guns and they ran around shooting at each other in the nearby woods. True story.

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5 hours ago, Image.8630 said:

I find that giving weapons to orphans or children is wrongs.  Even if they are toys.  Orphan would have more use of clothes, food, shelter... a family. 😃 
I know it’s just a game but still, teaching children that weapons are a good thing, is in my humble opinion wrong.  🙁


Imagine if noone had guns when the orphanage was burnt down, all those orphans wouldn't have to worry about getting toy swords for Christmas, because they'd all be dead, since the good for nothing Seraph wouldn't be able to save them without the Human PC.

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7 hours ago, Image.8630 said:

Orphan would have more use of clothes, food, shelter... a family.

I remember how I used to get socks and oranges for Christmas from my grandmother. As a child. I wanted toys and sweets and not some crap. It was Christmas!
Those were sad times for me. Christmas in my childhood was nothing to look forward to. Creepy Santa and boring "presents" and acting like it was a good time. And afterwards hearing what my friends got (real presents) 😔

I still celebrate with my family, but no Santa and no presents! Just having fun and spending a good time, no acting. If you can't gift what I want, then pls spare me the disappointment. Tyvm.

You don't know what those children want. You may mean good but a family is nothing to give for a Christmas present. A present should be  a present and nothing something for survival.

(I played with the guns my neighbour kids got for Christmas or birthday. And it didn't make me war loving or anything. I was having fun with the neighbours.)

Also this game is a very violent one, most problems get solved with violence. Brutal violence. Again and again. What would you expect to gift in such a world?


Edited by Lucy.3728
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6 hours ago, BjorJlen.9674 said:


   Sorry to the OP, but this has to be a joke right? Right??? I mean, really...

I think it is. I'm pretty sure someone posts the same thing every year (usually earlier than this) and the whole routine has been done in map chat at least a few times this year. Once I saw someone point out that their character started out as an orphan in a street gang (which is a background option for human characters) and they did alright so maybe they're setting these kids up to be future Pact Commanders.

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