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Weapons as children’s gifts, really?


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We have this thread every year. Gift something else then or skip the event entirely. No one asked for your moralism. The game is rated 13+, it contains violence use of alcohol and curses. You knew that, because it says so on the tin. No one forces you to play the game or to give it to someone you don't want to see playing it.

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12 hours ago, Image.8630 said:

I find that giving weapons to orphans or children is wrongs.  Even if they are toys.  Orphan would have more use of clothes, food, shelter... a family. 😃 
I know it’s just a game but still, teaching children that weapons are a good thing, is in my humble opinion wrong.  🙁


Yuri Orlov: [first lines, to the camera] There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?

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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Give an urchin a fish and he will eat for a day, give him a sword with which to rob the fish merchant and he will eat  for a lifetime.

Ah the child becomes overconfident and fails the robbery.  At least they get prison rations until they are killed by unsafe prison labor practices.

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15 hours ago, Image.8630 said:

I find that giving weapons to orphans or children is wrongs.  Even if they are toys.  Orphan would have more use of clothes, food, shelter... a family. 😃 
I know it’s just a game but still, teaching children that weapons are a good thing, is in my humble opinion wrong.  🙁


how else the game has a constant supply of Bandits than ??? 


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8 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think it is. I'm pretty sure someone posts the same thing every year (usually earlier than this) and the whole routine has been done in map chat at least a few times this year. Once I saw someone point out that their character started out as an orphan in a street gang (which is a background option for human characters) and they did alright so maybe they're setting these kids up to be future Pact Commanders.

Nop, no joke or a repeat.  Just my humble opinion. 🥰  Maybe it's all the killing that is happening now that affect me more this year. 🤷‍♀️ 

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16 hours ago, Image.8630 said:

I find that giving weapons to orphans or children is wrongs.  Even if they are toys.  Orphan would have more use of clothes, food, shelter... a family. 😃 
I know it’s just a game but still, teaching children that weapons are a good thing, is in my humble opinion wrong.  🙁


Seriously, go into the orphanage, look at blackboard and realize what those kids are being taught. Hint: it's siege engine ballistics. Having them get used to weapons (even toy weapons) from the early age seems to go along fine with that kind of upbringing, don't you think?


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OP, you need to learn to separate a fictional world from the real one. I'm surprised that this is what you have a problem with when our player characters, walking from point A to point B in Queensdale, kill a few dozen bandits and centaurs with ease - to say nothing of any later maps...or the personal story...or anything else in the entire game, which revolves around defeating opponents.

The heck are you doing even playing this game if you start clutching your pearls over a wooden sword? 😂

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5 hours ago, Yttris.2945 said:

Yuri Orlov: [first lines, to the camera] There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?

The answer is apparently Karma and wrapping paper. Bet he didn't see that coming.

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My one (very minor) complaint with wrapped gifts is it is a 2 step process - buy the skins, then head to the next vendor to buy the wrapping paper & gifts.  The wrapping paper and gifts made some sense when we got food and other drops that we could then wrap, but when they removed the food, they made the skins purchasable, because otherwise there would have been no way to get the wrapped gifts.

So just let us buy the gifts directly for the appropriate karma (1008 - skin costs 504, paper costs 504 right now) and let me save a step.  And then people can imagine that the gift contains whatever they want, since there is no actual way to know what it might contain.

Of course, if the orphans were smart, they should all line up right next to vendor that sells the gifts - they would get a lot more gifts that way vs them hiding in various spots in the city.


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7 hours ago, Image.8630 said:

Nop, no joke or a repeat.  Just my humble opinion. 🥰  Maybe it's all the killing that is happening now that affect me more this year. 🤷‍♀️ 

I see, and personally I can emphasize with you with RL things going on. So I have a joke for you too... 🙂

   "Let go of the mouse, and step away from the keyboard slowly..." 😛

 Cause it is just a game after all. Ohhh, and then go watch some Loony Toons...
   Oh, wait... 😉 

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53 minutes ago, BjorJlen.9674 said:

I see, and personally I can emphasize with you with RL things going on. So I have a joke for you too... 🙂

   "Let go of the mouse, and step away from the keyboard slowly..." 😛

 Cause it is just a game after all. Ohhh, and then go watch some Loony Toons...
   Oh, wait... 😉 

"It's been in the family for yearrrrs...."

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i think we should worry more about the fact that we're wrapping up ice cream and cake. even if we somehow have a way of preserving them in the presents, that's some pretty bad stuff to be giving to starving orphans and would likely do them more harm than good!


seriously though, in the first few years we had ugly sweaters, socks, and so on, but for some reason they were removed.

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Since the game company is located in the US it is a wonder that the ingame NPC kids don't get assault rifles as presents. 😄
You can still give other stuff instead of the wooden weapons. It is optional and some kids like to play with weapons I think. There are even those wo play Destiny's Edge.

And it probably won't hurt Kryta if some of them get to like the swords early - then thy can continue later and join the Seraph. Their HR department probably is happy.

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Actually, I just remembered something...
   There was that incident when I overheard a small child beg Warmaster Yosif (who is guarding a door in the Vigil Keep, located in the North East corner of Gendarran Fields) to help out the Vigil by sweeping floors and such. And when he basically said no, the kid said he would give up most(?) of his rations so he could help out. In response, Yosif was so impressed that he told the kid that maybe he could help out by cleaning some weapons. 🙂

   So as you can see, in this war torn violent land of Kryta, kids of all ages very much know how dangerous the world is, and are into weapons big time. And that doesn't even take into account kids who are Norn or Char, which have been known to say that they want to grow up to be the fiercest warriors in the world. The bottom line here is that in this game, kids love weapons (generally speaking) and want to fight against such things as the Dragons who are threatening the world's very existence, and those they love and admire. So in this world, gift wrapped toy swords are perfectly understandable, if not desired by the orphans (again, generally so).

   Besides, when was the last time anyone heard or saw any in game kid ask for a Smartphone, Toy Train, Game Console, Doll, or PC... 😉

Edited by BjorJlen.9674
Spelling, sigh...
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On 12/29/2023 at 7:17 PM, Image.8630 said:

I find that giving weapons to orphans or children is wrongs.  Even if they are toys.  Orphan would have more use of clothes, food, shelter... a family. 😃 
I know it’s just a game but still, teaching children that weapons are a good thing, is in my humble opinion wrong.  🙁


Then you’re the problem with the world 

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On 12/30/2023 at 10:17 AM, Image.8630 said:

I find that giving weapons to orphans or children is wrongs.  Even if they are toys.  Orphan would have more use of clothes, food, shelter... a family. 😃 
I know it’s just a game but still, teaching children that weapons are a good thing, is in my humble opinion wrong.  🙁


in an ideal world: of course.


in a safe street: yes, as long as the orphan stays in the safe street, and the criminal stays out.


in a safe world country state city town neighbourhood: mebbe

in tyria: no

in most of the real world: theory is irrelevant. and until you have the ability to make the word a safe place (with ...... bigger guns btw), no


the only way to enforce a relatively-safe zone for kids is to have bigger guns intel than and good intel on the criminal.




big-nose ted lived just down the street from the orphanage and hospital, for goodness sake. you had to choose whether to save the kids from fire or save the sick from fire .... 








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Well for the conscientious objector, there is always the wand.  Offering the enemy a pot of tea does not exactly pan out here.  But on the upside, the orphan's got considerably more gifts than the game supporters this year.

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On 12/30/2023 at 5:48 AM, Tiviana.2650 said:

I dont know about you op but my parents got me a .22 when i was 12 irl. its different in rural areas.

Yes, comparing RL weapons that kill with virtual weapons (and toy weapons nonetheless) is so on point. Not.

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