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Mount Skins I would pay top dollar for:

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Dolyak jackal skins!! Ideally as a 4-pack so we can get a variety as shown throughout Tyria! Forget horses -- dolyaks are where it's at!! Tyria's favorite (real life, non-mythical) animal, with a long history of use and companionship throughout the continent and by all people. <333

I'd love to see more sylvan-themed mounts.

Roller beetle is dying for an isopod skin.

A normal little sailboat would perfect for the skiff. Lots of models of them in PoF regions, and a leafy sylvari-themed one would be very cute, too.

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12 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

An endangered animal charity collab with a few mount skins would probably 1) sell a few gems beause cutesy animals and 2) collect a fair amount of charity money because cutesy animals. Would gel well with the community of the game I'd wager.

Rhino warclaw!

Tbh the mounts modeled after real-life animals are all extremely cool. There's a few of them (road runner\crane raptor, cuckoo springer, hummingbird\manatee\turtle skimmer, fox jackal, armadillo beetle, moth skyscale) and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM SLAPS.

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On 3/4/2024 at 11:18 PM, iceryan.2516 said:

A looooong Mordremoth skyscale skin; skyscales that actually look like the elder dragons.


Skyscales that actually look like the elder dragons could be an achievement questline. A "legendary" skyscale skin could be added that can only be acquired through an achievement and like aurene's gen 3 weps; you can do other things to get a variation of the skin.

Edited by iceryan.2516
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gryphon needs a dragon skin!

and skyskale could do with a more typical dragon skin, i'm not a fan of the stubby noses!

i'd also pay top dollar for a rollerbeetle skin without the beetle, just the hover bike!

the closest we have currently is the tech skin with a big wheel, but i think a hoverbike/speeder skin would be cool.

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Siege Turtle lends itself very well to either a Synergetics hover-tank or a Charr war machine (they already have the jet packs!). I’d instantly buy either/both of those. Ditto for some sort of Siege Devourer.

Apart from that, the turtle is also pretty lacking in skins that make it look like a different animal like other mounts have. A Dumbo-style elephant with big ears that animate when you’re in the air, or a massive pig would be funny to fly. A hippopotamus skin would work very well with the the way it walks along the bottom of the water, too.

Another skin I think would be entertaining and buy is if a Synergetics springer skin turned it into a rocket. The legs could be replaced with jet boosters that do little spurts to “run” across the ground, then a big blast when leaping high. Springer might have been mostly edged out of use by other mounts, but I’d honestly be more inclined to use it if I was blasting myself up on a rocket 😂

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What I want:

A full suite of Synergestics Cyber mounts.

A full suite of plush mounts.

For Jackal:

  • A warhorse, including armor.
  • A unicorn, with a thick mane.
  • A sleek af stallion
  • A big kitten draft horse.

Raptor: More saurs.

Beetle: More skins that leave awesome trails behind them like the Branded version.


Warclaw: Honestly, more big cats without armor.

I don't have anything specific for gryphon or skimmer though.


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Oh...adding on: I love the wolf skins. They were a nice surprise to the game.

I would love to see Warclaw sped up to raptor/jackal speed in PvE so we could see more of those skins shown off in open world. (probably outside the scope of this thread)

And the various theme groups finished out would be nice (Aurene, geode, darkmist, etc.). I really like the Kintsugi and Scaled Hellcat/wing skins and would love to complete those "sets".

As some have said, bears and dolyaks would be great. I really like the various unique animals skins like the Auroch and Primal Spirit , etc.

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Oh! One other thing: when the Gyrocopter glider/chair skin came out, my guild was talking about how it, or something like it, would've made a really neat skyscale skin (maybe with mechanical "legs" to grip onto surfaces?). Since there are always comparisons between the "fighter jet" griffon versus the "helicopter" skyscale...this would just take it to its logical extreme. XD

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Agree with all options you gave OP!

Also I'd soooo so so so love a horse skin for jackal ahhhh! I want to ride a magnificent black horse on my human noble.
Another thing which I'd absolutely love is Kuunavang/Saltspray dragon skin for Skyscale. 
I also know it's not really possible but...I would absolutely adore wyvern models for skyscales q.q 

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14 minutes ago, Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

For Halloween make an invisible mount and name it Mr Gumdrops. 

...oh no, that's going to be their April Fool's joke this year, isn't it? 😂 "Now available: invisible horse mounts!"

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Griffon skins for the skyscale, and skyscale skins for the griffon. Put the Toothless skyscale skin on a griffon and re-enact HTTYD to your hearts' content.

The freaking Kryptis raptor, please. The Kryptis skyscale is lonely and would like another horrifyingly hideous friend, and there are now npc unmounted kryptis raptors (Spitemaws?) running around without riders in Inner Nayos.

A fern hound jackal would be amazing also. Mordrem wolf was a good start but hot dang would I like a regular fern doggo.

More of those coral-themed mount skins like the Jackal we just got in this latest mount set. Those look so cool.

Edited by Caitmonster.9036
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I'd love to see mounts themed after various wild creatures that can be found in-game; skelk could work well thematically as a jackal with their shadowstep, maybe a minotaur-based warclaw to match up with their charge/pounce attack, a griffon or skyscale that resembles the Legendary wyverns like the Matriarch, a young leviathan as a skimmer, maybe a friendly oakheart or willowheart for a less conventional siege turtle skin, or even a giant devourer. Raptors already have a lot of range in skins, but a young stonehead might be fun. For another unconventional option, a rolling devil/bonebreaker could make an interesting roller beetle.

I'm also adding another vote to having a plant-themed mount set! Designs that could pass for either a mordrem or a sylvan creature depending on what dyes you choose would have a pretty broad audience, too. Getting more charr-themed heavy armor skins like the Dreadnought Raptor would be pretty cool, too, or even a 'lite' set in the form of 'Reclaimed' armor mounts. So far only the humans, asura, and norn have racial mount sets so I'd really love to see the rest get their own!

... And it's a bit of a niche wish, but steam creature mounts are something I've always wished for. I admit during the LW1 re-release I'd hoped we'd get some mounts styled after the various Alliance factions or something, but alas. I don't really expect anything like that to happen this late in the game, though.

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  • Any mount that fits to the Olmakhan theme (preferred the ones I use most: Skyscale, Raptor and Warclaw)
  • Motorised mounts fitting to Charr/Iron Legion theme (I'm still dreaming of a bike warclaw)
  • In general more items and less animals.
  • Pogostick as springer. I don't like any springer skin that is currently in game. Gimme the pogostick pls.
  • Turtles without the green. That green is so ugly I don't like any skins with it, doesn't matter if mount or equipment or the engi mech.

Give the jade rocks to the Asura. They'll find ways to changer the color.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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I'd like to see a primeval warclaw and skyscale, I think they're the only ones we don't have primeval skins for yet.

I'd also love a full set of plant themed mounts. Sylvari, mordrem or just generic plants. But not like the mordrem jackal where the undyable skull makes it impossible to make it look like anything except a mordrem wolf.

I also like the idea of a dolyak skin. Maybe for the turtle since dolyak was suggested a few times as a 'tank' mount before the turtle was added.

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10 hours ago, Timey.6853 said:

For another unconventional option, a rolling devil/bonebreaker could make an interesting roller beetle.

I'd buy this in a heartbeat. Not a lot of Roller Beetle options that aren't bugs (I love bugs, but options are good!) so this would be a welcome, lore-friendly, fun addition.

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Yes an undeath horse for jackal is nice.
i got the lunar tiger already. Was instant buy.  
or a moose like in the hobbit. I asked this before. The moose we have now is not good enough for me. 
a balrog as skyscale would be awesome. 
(yes i still have some gems left from soto expansion) 😁
asked for a plated/armored skyscale like the dreadnough raptor, we got some armored skyscale  so i bought it. Not exactly what i wanted but its good enough.
or a skyscale with ‘ashes or alar effect’ yes we had something close, but can be better. Like luminous griffon has. 

ppl often said it was not in the story or original game. But in soto i saw a dwarf for the first time. That stone dwarf doesn’t count. So new races can be added. Same with soto ranger pets were added, they were not in the base game.


Edited by Holmindeboks.3490
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I use the Dreadnought Raptor the most, because it dyes so very well. I am fond of the Kintsugi as well.  I don't like mounts that have parts I can't change. I like them to go with my outfit.  More like that, please!

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8 hours ago, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

I would def buy a mistfire wolf skin for a jackal.  I've always loved the look of the mistfire wolf.


I'd love that!

I've tried a few times to find a jackal skin I could dye to look like the mistfire wolf and it's never really worked.

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