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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Invisible Mounts

Maybe a weird idea at first, bear with me.

I love my mounts and the various skins I have collected, but I also love the personal fantasy of my character being imbued with magic (or supernatural abilities, whatever you want to call it) and being able to perform extraordinary feats like leaping 80ft high (springer) or levitating over water (skimmer) or flying (skyscale, griffon).

I would love to buy invisible versions of all my mounts as well as my glider.
I personally think it would be epic to press my summon mount button only to have my character personally imbued with some sort of magic aura and be able to run at great speeds and leap chasms, or shadowstep, or jump really high, or take to the air under his own power.

Along these same lines, I wish the glider / jade bot had a setting to take off from a standstill up into the air and then begin a glide. I think that would be neat.

I have no idea if many other people would enjoy this as well, but I imagine I am not alone in saying that I would be happy to throw some cash at this were it an option.






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Thanks to a bug I've had invisible mounts a few times, always in crowded metas (eg Aetherblades, Amnytas).  It's actually harder to fly an invisible skyscale than I'd have thought, it makes maneuvering feel very guesswork clumsy.  Ditto with landbound ones, I can't tell where their feet are.

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2 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

Thanks to a bug I've had invisible mounts a few times, always in crowded metas (eg Aetherblades, Amnytas).  It's actually harder to fly an invisible skyscale than I'd have thought, it makes maneuvering feel very guesswork clumsy.  Ditto with landbound ones, I can't tell where their feet are.

I dont actually think that making the mounts literally invisible would work. I guess I just wrote that as a sort of shorthand to paint a picture of the concept that is in my head.
I have learned from experience that it is not worth my time (or anyone else's) to write a 1000 word essay and fully explain an idea that no one wants to read.

I would think that Anet would need to change each mount model into an invisible entity that is summoned when Mount Summon is pressed and which in turn activates a set of animations for the character model to perform.
The idea is probably more work than Anet wants to put into this, but still, I think its worth suggesting the idea. I sure would love to see it implemented.


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5 hours ago, walkingstick.7319 said:

With Warrior's upcoming access to staves, can we get some actual spear skins in-game? Simple spears, ranseurs, halberds, naginata, and the like would be very appreciated!

Halberds and Naginata aren't spears though. Halberd is a word derived from the old German term Halmbarte and refers to axe on a stick. And Naginata are basically Japanese glaives.

But I'd like to see more of those skins, as well. Especially ones that aren't needlessly caked in particles or overly decorated like the white tiger one.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Food (and utilities) serve as a gold sink, so it's doubtful that anet would introduce a "best of slot" item with unlimited uses which effectively removes that gold sink.  The birthday cake is probably as close as we'll get to unlimited food, and as a side note it would be nice to get the equivalent of the birthday cake platter for utilities.

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Make background for Character Select screen to change with in which part of World (right now it only have one image for each expansion which is static or random depending on setting) that your character have been located when you logged out last time.

It would make it easier to know where your character are supposed to be instead of reading the small box for location and other limited information.

My suggestion would be to at least make use of those image that exist to instead change with which part of in game World one have left character instead of only having the same image for every character like now or have a random image which isn't related to characters location. 

While talking about info box for Character Select, maybe also add some information for each character about level in crafting and not only show that you have activated crafting would be helpful.

With several character that might have unlocked the same crafting discipline, but not fully levelled it up yet, it would make it much faster to find out which character that one would want to log into.


World (for WvW) in Character Select (which is displayed in info box) could just have been moved up to the larger info box in Character Select as that is the same for every character (at least before we get to Alliance where Guild would be more important to see when it will be depending on character for WvW).

I would also want to see in that smaller info box for selecting character on what stage one have character for story progression like some info about active chapter or episode.

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Idea about the Jade bot recyclers:

Why dont make it that players who have a jade bot recycler equipped can decide themselves which items are recycled and which not?

What i m talking about is that the junk items that are currently recycled keep getting recycled but additionally players who have a recylcer equipped can right click on any item and get an option if the jade bot recycler should recycle this item in future or not? According to the wiki (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jade_Bot_Junk_Recyclers/research) you get 1 jade sliver (or 10 karma etc) up to 20 copper, so wouldnt it be nice if it calculates the vendor item-worth of it and gives materials based on that?

If you want an item to be not be recycled anymore, the jade recycler could get an option by right clicking on it that shows all items it currently salvages based on categories like green rarity, blue rarity and so on.

Well maybe thats too complicated and time-consuming to implement.
But if it would be possible i believe it would be pretty awesome.

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GUI > skill bar > stacked combo box menus on each end (the small up-arrows/triangles attached to buttons with selectable options)

Please slightly increase the size of the combo box selectors if possible. The main button size and even the up/triangle graphic can stay the same if the selector can be enlarged a few pixels. The clickable area is just too small and easy to mis-click, resulting in accidentally using the button instead of changing its selection, especially with mouse cursor contrast turned on making it even harder to target.

The horizontal selector bars on the upper buttons (template selector, mount selector) could be taller by just a few pixels.

The much smaller vertical selector bars on the lower buttons (activate mastery skill, change novelties) need to be be wider by roughly the same amount.

It's just a tiny tweak, but it would really improve the usability of those skill bar controls.

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This probably isnt the correct place to suggest this however, In the current political climate I would really appreciate arenanet hiring a dedicated team or promoting trusted community volunteers to moderate public chats in-game. Since coming back to gw2 in winter 2020 the most obvious difference is the overall toxicity created by trolls in map chat regardless of the map across the game. Especially in competitive game modes like HoTM. It didn't used to be this way and it doesn't have to be. 

What I'd like to see:

1. Volunteer'd chat mods or dedicated chat moderation teams.

2. A method for identifying these players with how their name appears in chat and above their character. (The goal here being visibility which would also act as a deterrent)

3. A simple system for dealing with these situations using a 3 strikes you're out system. Strike 1-3 you will be muted for a designated time period. If they continue after the 3rd mute regardless of which moderate applied the mute the game automatically kicks them and they wont be able to log in for a longer period consider it a time-out. 

4. If players continue to push it even after repeated Time Outs it goes up the chain to support or an automated system suspends the account for a longer period. It could also be a system similar to dishonor in sPvP where the timeout period just doubles with consecutive timeouts

5. (optional) Use this to bring back the Dhuum feature from GW1 which adds in some entertainment for players and acts as a form of transparency so players know something is being done. 


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On 11/11/2023 at 7:12 PM, CoffeePlease.3082 said:

Not sure if this is the thread for this feedback, but it would be a massive QOL update -- the bots in the game seem to be a bit out of control. I don't personally mind someone farming open world mobs for dust or whatever, but it's especially bad in specific maps/events, most notably Dragon's End.

Trying to get a full squad into the map only to see a stack of bots at Soo-Won's platform literally every single run is just the norm these days. Even organized groups that force a new map have bots infiltrating them. Add on the players that jump off the platform after Soo-Won phases the first time and leaves the squad so they can afk somewhere till it's done and still get full rewards, and the entire event has just become a frustrating mess. 

An anet employee response to one of my tickets confirmed that this was indeed against the TOS, but even after sending numerous tickets with the information that they request (time of event, name of players, screenshots, etc), I still see the same bots in their various farming timezones. 

I now just get the scripted response of "We understand that their behavior can be frustrating and we appreciate your patience as these investigations take time." Out of curiosity I checked the first time I reported some of these bots and it was back on June 9th, yet they still seem to just be allowed to take up space on the map.

I've mostly just given up on even bothering reporting this anymore and have just accepted this is what life is like in gw2 as I am sure many others have, but it was made especially frustrating today as my internet briefly crashed and I had to queue back into the map, only to be removed from queue when the map inevitably closed. Today we counted 10 bots on the boss platform when we got up top (all mechs named Chill), so even though my DC wasn't the games fault just knowing all that time I spent doing the prep and escorts has now gone to waste -- meanwhile someone multiboxing several accounts and literally doing nothing but tagging the boss -- just makes me not want to bother logging back in for now.

There we have it.
Anet never ever did anything about botfarming.. why bc they just don't bother.. it doesn't really have any influence on the gameplay of other ppl.
While I think it is against the TOS and they just look like kitten standing there in groups making it harder for other ppl to complete a heart.
Now they have advanced (like AI is advancing i guess?) They are now programmed to join instances and maps and even go to the locations?
If you saw 10 bots on one map, for a map that only allows like 50-60 ppl for the meta.. and then they even take your place if you disconnect... thats really kittenedup. I'd be mad.
The only thing that can maybe help is keep reporting bots.
If I see my map has bots, I'd legit try to get into a new map, but the hassle..
Anet pls fix this

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maybeee, it would be nice if we could have:

- an option to change the appearance of hunter pets (some are too big and kind of umm... scarry? - we want cute hunter pets too);

- smaller weapons, please! especially the daggers, swords or pistols - some of them are the half size of my character 😅

- smaller fishing rods;

- festival decorations for home instance;

- someone suggested a  libray to store all the books we collected - that would be nice;

- some more fishing power to the fishing rod;

- an option to disable the grunt/yelling that characters make: for example my norn yells as if its being stabbed when gathering nodes(the asura too); and the VERY loud yelling some charaters/npcs make when they die(most of them make that sound AFTER they die) - now imagine farming or gathering for hours ; and no, mute the sound effects also mutes the other nice sounds like some weapons skills.

- a hunters contract for soto as well, maybe? 😄



Edited by Efar.8153
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I get why this feature exists - it's in Anet's fiscal interest to build habit and addiction in their player base, but I should not have to interact with it in any way if I have no interest in doing so, and it is absolutely wild that Anet (or any company) thinks it's okay to pester me with reminders that it's there.  I will play the game whenever I feel like it and the game should respect that choice, and not try to guilt trip me into playing it in any other fashion.

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It's amazing how many trolls are coming on to the forum to complain about the same minor things like the Vault notification icon.

to answer the complaint however: Vault objectives don't display in the Content guide unless you mark them at tracked(with the exception of the 5AA daily login)
the Menu bar can be hidden using the Dynamic Hud options to hide the menu bar(let's be honest here, we all know out perosnal keybinds for these options, who really needs to see the bar)
However all of this is solved by just opening the vault and clicking the chests, which takes less than a second.

you are literally complaining for the sake of complaining, and i would hazard a guess to say that since your account is less than an hour old, you've probably made a new account to evade a ban.

Edited by Parasite.5389
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12 hours ago, Wave.7035 said:

This probably isnt the correct place to suggest this however, In the current political climate I would really appreciate arenanet hiring a dedicated team or promoting trusted community volunteers to moderate public chats in-game. Since coming back to gw2 in winter 2020 the most obvious difference is the overall toxicity created by trolls in map chat regardless of the map across the game. Especially in competitive game modes like HoTM. It didn't used to be this way and it doesn't have to be. 

What I'd like to see:

1. Volunteer'd chat mods or dedicated chat moderation teams.

2. A method for identifying these players with how their name appears in chat and above their character. (The goal here being visibility which would also act as a deterrent)

3. A simple system for dealing with these situations using a 3 strikes you're out system. Strike 1-3 you will be muted for a designated time period. If they continue after the 3rd mute regardless of which moderate applied the mute the game automatically kicks them and they wont be able to log in for a longer period consider it a time-out. 

4. If players continue to push it even after repeated Time Outs it goes up the chain to support or an automated system suspends the account for a longer period. It could also be a system similar to dishonor in sPvP where the timeout period just doubles with consecutive timeouts

5. (optional) Use this to bring back the Dhuum feature from GW1 which adds in some entertainment for players and acts as a form of transparency so players know something is being done. 


Aside from abusive behavior, that is not likely to happen. 

If someone is directly attacking you, by all means report them for the harassment to ANet! they generally are pretty good about addressing such things.

If it is just chat that offends you, there is no real way for Anet to police that. You are basically asking them to censor all those who you do not like what they say, which they would need to apply evenly to all 15 million or so active players. Not only is that logistically impossible, but what offends you may not offend others, and could even lead to you being censored for something that you think is totally "normal" that someone else was offended by.

If it is just something you find offensive, block that user. Simply right click their username in the chat and select block. You will no longer see any new messages from that user. 

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17 minutes ago, Ollie B.8597 said:

Trying to unlock the Jackal Mount it says Help Drojkor, Spirit Squall, control jackals: One of the ways is to Use the Jackal's Pounce skill on Tormented Remnant Dust Devils - I pounce on them and it does nothing so that needs fixing. 

Probably related to the bug mentioned on the wiki page (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Help_Drojkor,_Spirit_Squall,_control_jackals#Notes) and has been that way for as long as I can remember. Would be nice to get a fix, but not holding my breath on this one since there are other ways to complete the heart that work.

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Ability to hide individual dynamic HUD objectives has been requested by players already. Between personal story, special/bonus events, and multiple nearby events, the game can clutter the objectives list with useless info and hide the event that the player is working on. It's an even bigger issue for players who have to play with large user interface (to be able to read the objectives) since we get even less space.

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23 minutes ago, Ollie B.8597 said:

Trying to unlock the Jackal Mount it says Help Drojkor, Spirit Squall, control jackals: One of the ways is to Use the Jackal's Pounce skill on Tormented Remnant Dust Devils - I pounce on them and it does nothing so that needs fixing. 

Just collect the nodes floating around and deliver them to the middle.

The pounce just doesn't work. As far as I remember, it never worked and they never bothered fixing it.

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Jade Tech Offensive/Defensive Charge buffs should persist on home and guild hall instances.
I understand that they get cleared on mission instances and dungeons etc. but they aren't usable in home or guild hall instances so there's no reason to clear them.
Going to those instances clears your buffs and makes you go back to Cantha and restack them. Maybe make stacking them or getting battery charges easier as well.

Edited by Umut.5471
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Please, Anet, release weapon skins with each new weapon proficiency that are coming to the game that are thematically tied to the professions. I want a shortbow with engineer-aesthetics. I want a scepter with the mistward/revenant aesthetics. I want a rifle with mesmer aesthetics. I want a staff that is warrior-thematic.

It'll be just like with elite spec weapon collections. Ascended stats and a bunch of collectibles and missions.

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15 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And each of these mean what exactly?

Means a Bolt Thrower skin for Engi from Resident Evil 4R. Also a large flag-banner for Warrior.

Are the Thief axes already useable in the game? I don't recognize them other than Kanaxai (who Dual Wields them).

I assumed we'd get collection weapons but War and Rev weapons were easily recognizable as in game already.

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