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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Shared Inventory Slots are on sale and many of us can't buy more, it's been a while since there has been an increase to the max number we have more things we'd like to keep up there.  How about a boost Anet? Take our money!

Edited by Echostorm.9143
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On 2/22/2023 at 11:52 AM, KawsMeCal.5923 said:

Put some sort of meta event or something in Edge of the Mists area so I can get Raiders of the Lost Parts 2 and also give people a reason to actually do that area as it's never touched now.

I just did that achievement last week. Why does there need to be an event there for you to do it?

I just ran in and grabbed the part.

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I think the "area sensitivity" to the cautionary message we get while fishing before going "offmap" needs to be adjusted. I've got the message at the same time my skiff & all my stacked buffs disappear (no I am not blasting around on "3" speed.)


Edited by BnooMaGoo.5690
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Please list the "time remaining / reset time" in all time-limited Achievements, like Weekly WvW, etc, so that we know how long we have before they reset.

This is already done for Dailies, so would be awesome to get the consistency for all of them.

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The effects whenever you gain experience (which is basically for everything you do) are driving me crazy. Please add an option to turn this off.

I disabled UI sound effects, which removes cash ringing sound, so the game doesn't sound like I'm playing a casino game anymore. However, this also mutes other, potentially important sounds (e.g. alert target). I also have an immersive HUD, i.e. everything but chat off (skill bar on during combat), which disables the animation of XP floating into the XP bar most of the time.

So, there are workarounds. Still, there should be an option to make this more discrete. I don't play the game for its dopamine shots every few seconds, but for the game itself, and I know that I'm gaining XP for everything I do. These effects are extremely annoying.

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On 2/7/2023 at 12:18 PM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Add an option to display all the weapons we have equipped simultaniously.
Allow us to choose where we want certain weapons to be held, such as swords and axes on the back, rather than on waist.

Quoting this, I'd like to see both equipped weapon, with the possibility to disabilitate this feature / hide the secondary equipped weapon if wanted. Not so shure about the possibility of storing weapon in the back rather then on the waist but it could be cool too.

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1 hour ago, Val.7826 said:

Quoting this, I'd like to see both equipped weapon, with the possibility to disabilitate this feature / hide the secondary equipped weapon if wanted. Not so shure about the possibility of storing weapon in the back rather then on the waist but it could be cool too.

If something like this is implemented, it should be the other way around.

It's deactivated by default, but people can have the option to show the second weapon set.

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On 3/5/2023 at 9:41 AM, Kimppari.9427 said:

Quite the long post to say something like "give us AI,".


I did get a little carried away this time trying to make a point. I admit. 


But I really do want this feature and believe it would make ANet lots of income.... mercenaries for private instances, private dungeons, Raids, etc. And everywhere possible.

I'm a social player, don't get me wrong.

So much so, that WvW has been my favourite game mode for years now.

I really enjoy playing with other people.

However, I also would really like to have the option to create a party of my own characters in this game to use in private instances.

Hope this comes a reality sometime soon.


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7 minutes ago, Val.7826 said:

Fair enough, I agree

Having a tick box to display all weapons equiped, it wouldn't really matter which came by default, once implemented. 

But I can see their reasoning. So yeah, if it came disabled by default, we'd have to go through all our characters to tick the box and display all weapons.

In my case the whole 27 of them.


It would be really neat to be able to carry an axe and a sword crossed over like an X in character's back.

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<sigh> ANet support directed me this way. Despite me stating my reluctance to post in open forums.

This is a request for a fairly minor game improvement. One that most players will probably not understand the need for. Despite the personal nature of this request, ANet support said they couldn't do anything and I needed to submit my request here... so here I am. 😔

Like about 8-12% of genetic males, I have a color vision issue. I can cope with a most in-game content and the in-built Windows 10 color filters can help a bit too. However, there is something I really struggle with... Commander Tags!

I've had the commander capability for years, but I rarely use it... When you want to create a squad, you have to select a tag (plain or catmander... I have both) in a particular color. When I go to select one of these, there are no tooltips stating the color you are selecting. As a result, I don't have any clue what color tag I'm picking. On one memorable occasion, I tagged-up for a daily bounty in the Domain of Vabbi. I posted in map-chat "Bounty on white tag" and the immediate response from map chat was "What white tag???" Yes, you've guessed it. I had picked a
pink tag but I had not realised. Yay! 😖

The same sort of thing happens if I pick green, orange or yellow; because they're basically interchangeable colors as far as I'm concerned. So I avoid them like the plague! If I have no idea what color commander tag I'm picking, I can't tell anyone what color tag to
follow for an event. As a result, I don't tag up much. Even my guild don't understand why I don't tag up. I have >34AP and know a lot about the game, so they really don't understand why I'm so reluctant to tag-up. It's a stupidly simple thing. I don't know what color tag I am!!!!

stating the commander tag color would be incredibly helpful.

Edited by Rockhound.9605
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Generally there is a tiny part of the population that don't like  green effects .

And rather than having people winning about future expansions  too , shouldn't there be a slider that allow us to change the color , to let's say a more "gentle" orange.

Also if the same could happen for any crystals effects (SooWon) , to be more icy with minimum colors in it . The down left  + upper right side  of it , with 15% of it's  surface to have some rainbow colors


Edit: Rather than bloat the UI all the time , there could be a Merchant ingame that sells : "Tourist Hue Glasses"

Edited by Ryuk.6840
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Hey ArenaNet,

I'm a long time GW2 fanboy who wants to share this game with my Japanese friends. I also would love to type in Japanese with them in game to help improve my Japanese. GW1 allowes you to type in Japanese but in GW2 you simply cannot. Please consider adding Japanese IME support. You don't need to localize the game just support the input method! It would mean the world to me... 💖😊


Edited by DreamyAbaddon.3265
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On 3/10/2023 at 3:20 PM, Rockhound.9605 said:

<sigh> ANet support directed me this way. Despite me stating my reluctance to post in open forums.

This is a request for a fairly minor game improvement. One that most players will probably not understand the need for. Despite the personal nature of this request, ANet support said they couldn't do anything and I needed to submit my request here... so here I am. 😔

Like about 8-12% of genetic males, I have a color vision issue. I can cope with a most in-game content and the in-built Windows 10 color filters can help a bit too. However, there is something I really struggle with... Commander Tags!

I've had the commander capability for years, but I rarely use it... When you want to create a squad, you have to select a tag (plain or catmander... I have both) in a particular color. When I go to select one of these, there are no tooltips stating the color you are selecting. As a result, I don't have any clue what color tag I'm picking. On one memorable occasion, I tagged-up for a daily bounty in the Domain of Vabbi. I posted in map-chat "Bounty on white tag" and the immediate response from map chat was "What white tag???" Yes, you've guessed it. I had picked a
pink tag but I had not realised. Yay! 😖

The same sort of thing happens if I pick green, orange or yellow; because they're basically interchangeable colors as far as I'm concerned. So I avoid them like the plague! If I have no idea what color commander tag I'm picking, I can't tell anyone what color tag to
follow for an event. As a result, I don't tag up much. Even my guild don't understand why I don't tag up. I have >34AP and know a lot about the game, so they really don't understand why I'm so reluctant to tag-up. It's a stupidly simple thing. I don't know what color tag I am!!!!

stating the commander tag color would be incredibly helpful.

You’re not alone. Better accommodation for different color perception has been a recurring request.

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To ArenaNet devs,

Currently, it is not possible to set the “Vertical Position Far” setting far to the left (minimum) when in Action Mode. It is currently locked in the middle (50%).

This restriction is making it hard to use flying mounts because the camera is not aligned to the character when flying. You think you're aligned to the target, but the mount is actually lower vertically/altitude.

It works fine if you are in RPG mode, but is bad in Action Mode.

Thank you for your consideration.


Screenshot: Guild Wars 2: Vertical Position Far setting is locked to 50% when in Action Mode

Edited by YourOnlyOne.4937
Added screenshot
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