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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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and yeah, i think this topic cannot be poked enough. anet could have closed the thread an eternity ago if they wished to.

@primatos.5413 said:How will alliances stop the bandwagoning? And how will they handle players stop playing? If someone does not log in for a week or two will we be able to fill theses slots with new players? Or will it just lead to dwindling population like it is atm?

after what u could read there, it would have not been possible to hop around constantly. this may been one factor why it wasn't done finally, since they'd have lost the constant transfer gem price from all the bandwagoners.outside of the topic beeing outdated anyways (early 2018!), the concept pretty much explains this pretty well

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@szshou.2193 said:

@Rod.6581 said:I feel ashamed now. I will tell of my great shame to my grandchildren while they continue awaiting for any update on this.

There should be a WvW game mode funeral where all servers siege cap EBG with golems, free open stonemist, and a three-way server truce per match up. Everyone in all matchups who get into EBG jump off the top floor.

For greater participation, jump off the highest point in home Garrison if EBG has a queue.

That way, we can all mourn the death of the game mode together.


this would never happen, but it'd be pretty funny if everyone did and it was captured in a video montage


There actually was a bug one reset years ago where every server was friendly to each other and all spawned at the citadel waypoint, wvw got shut down pretty quickly and it was fixed but it was quite funny.

Remember the bug where some of the people on your server would suddenly turn red like the enemy and they could attack their own keeps and stuff, and kill people on their own side. That created a night of pandemonium until it was fixed. Be funny if this became a random event. Like, suddenly half of your zerg become turncoats in order to even matchups.

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@XatraZaytrax.2601 said:

@Rod.6581 said:I feel ashamed now. I will tell of my great shame to my grandchildren while they continue awaiting for any update on this.

There should be a WvW game mode funeral where all servers siege cap EBG with golems, free open stonemist, and a three-way server truce per match up. Everyone in all matchups who get into EBG jump off the top floor.

For greater participation, jump off the highest point in home Garrison if EBG has a queue.

That way, we can all mourn the death of the game mode together.


this would never happen, but it'd be pretty funny if everyone did and it was captured in a video montage


There actually was a bug one reset years ago where every server was friendly to each other and all spawned at the citadel waypoint, wvw got shut down pretty quickly and it was fixed but it was quite funny.

Remember the bug where some of the people on your server would suddenly turn red like the enemy and they could attack their own keeps and stuff, and kill people on their own side. That created a night of pandemonium until it was fixed. Be funny if this became a random event. Like, suddenly half of your zerg become turncoats in order to even matchups.

“Friendly Fire”

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@LetoII.3782 said:

@"Baldrick.8967" said:someone blew the dust off this thread..just let it die a death already.

I think it's a good thing for this relic to go on reminding people. Wish I could find the post claiming WvW would be "Priority one after HoT is stable."Living story team has given the rest of the game a bait-and-switch for a long time now.

ANet can't really be surprised when the community doesn't react well to their PR events when promises like this are commonplace. On the plus side though, ANet and their empty promises are still a league above the rubbish Bethesda have pulled recently. Not saying it's as good as it could be or that we want it to be, just that it could also be significantly worse.

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They seem to be really focused on skill balance rn, but even after that I can see them just completely abandoning this. Maybe the ppl who thought it was a good idea aren't even around any more, who knows? But I really can't see any good way for anet to actually come out and say 'yeah, we're not doing this any more . . '

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ANet's based articles with No Clear Road Map on How To Save the WvW game mode:


Example article with a Clear Road Map on How To Save the WvW Game mode:


Using a Chapter by Chapter approach that is editable & expandable helps the WvW community see the overall Road Map while allowing changes to the path taken to reach the long-term objectives without losing sight of the End Goal.

Also, I'm curious to know what's ANet's position on the End Goal of WvW?

My personal opinion is that WvW is the End-Game of GuildWars 2 & needs to encourage & nurture 3 Fundamental Concepts

  1. World Server based War that can exponentially scale to Epically Global Proportions
  2. Game Mode that naturally nurtures Long Term Communities
  3. War between Worlds should typically have no borders, but should have limitations to reduce or prevent un-fair matches

The solution implemented, however, needs to first tackle the Top 3 Problems that WvW could never solve

  1. Embrace that Server stacking is a natural part of this game mode & choose to refocus this raw power into creating Healthy Competitive Match-Ups that values the "sacrifices" that players make for their Home Server
  2. Allow Friends & Family to play together even though they're from different Servers
  3. Allow Off-peak capping, but let players to work out a solution themselves

At minimum...Can somebody at ANet create a better article that provides a Clear Road Map & How To Save the WvW game mode, or are we just going to continue to suffer in silence?

Please use or at least study my above example Road Map & How To article in trying to figure out what core WvW players want from ANet while coordinating their feedback for a really wonderful game mode.

Yours truly,Diku

Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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This may not be the time and place as I am not looking to start an ongoing discussion about it here. However, a quick summative commentary does not have to spiral things off topic.

Diku, I oogled through your proposal and I must say that what you describe for world-creation and world-recreation mechanics is inferior to the World restructuring they are already working on. The Alliance system does that better and with fewer moving parts. The Alliance system also adresses the social dimension of the first of your three perennial design problems. If guilds and by extension people who tag up get a measure of control over (and priority to) world piecing then people will not stack for content reasons (ie., access to tags) to the same degree. The access to the tag becomes inherently built into being a member of the tag's guild or apart of that guild's alliance. The second problem you highlight is also solved by the Alliance system: friends = guilds.

If you then want to adress that first of three points in its competetive dimension (stacking to win) you only have to look any map-balancing proposals for scoring, like the one in my signature, to see that server stacking does not have to be a natural part of the game mode. I mean, it already isn't, people stack because they gain something from stacking. They gain access to content which the Alliance system will adress. They gain access to a numerical advantage in coverage that inflates their score and makes them win per default which is much more easily adressed by just dealing with server scores (tied to the immidiate population balance on any active map). Those things actually encourages players to spread out instead if they wish to optimize their own impact on the score. This also makes the third problem in your list solved by map-balanced scoring.

The big selling-point of such a system is that it has already been built. It is the outnumbered buff. All they have to do is make sure that once the outnumbered buff triggers it freezes server score. Stacked servers will trigger the outnumbered buff. Nightcappers will trigger the outnumbered buff. Breaking the spirit of an opponent (and risking to break the rest of the week of the matchup with no comeback) will trigger the outnumbered buff.It is such a simple and effective solution that it is constantly being overlooked, it is right under everyone's noses.

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What I'd like to see is ANet publishing a comprehensive Road Map & How To Future for WvW.

But, instead we're left with old articles to discuss over from employees that are no longer with the company.

I'll pass on discussing the merits of solutions to fix WvW...everybody has their take on this.

My example article above clearly outlines a solid Road Map & How To Future for WvW, and does it in a step-by-step fashion with room to expand & update.

Using a Chapter by Chapter approach that is editable & expandable helps the WvW community see the overall Road Map while allowing changes to the path taken to reach the long-term objectives without losing sight of the End Goal.

I created a Comprehensive Road Map & How To Future for WvW in my spare time.

Why can't somebody from ANet post a comprehensive Road Map & How To Future for WvW that encourages & helps to coordinate WvW community feedback that improves this game mode?

Yours truly,Diku

Credibility requires critical insight & time.

Incredible eSport opportunity...neglected & wasted due to poor decisions & no foresight.

Told you so...

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@Dayra.7405 said:

@primatos.5413 said:Wondering if they seriously feel hurt if people become impatient and tell them to AT LEAST KITTENING ANSWER SOME KITTENING QUESTIONS somewhen like .. 2 years after an announcement and nothing happened ?

Yeah they will be even more careful telling you about things planned/in the pripeline/not ready for deplayment. :(

Well, I would offer that has already happened.

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@Loke.1429 said:Hey @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"I think we deserve an update here, since I hope you guys aim to be open and listen to our input.

does it look like they are?

It's been 2 years and we got nothing. Zero, nada. Apart from their "word", that as by now everyone knows means less than nothing. And all these people who hop every week feeding them money on transfers, what a joke.

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The rest of the game doesn't stop just because WvW needs changes . As a matter of personal taste, I'm not impressed with the new warclaw skin . But I welcome new content and other cool stuff when ever it comes out .Life still goes on in the rest of the game . Let them balance the mess power creep has created first .This should be out hopefully by the end of March and look forward to it. As for the alliance system ? It gets here when it gets here . Let them fix the really badly broken stuff in WvW first.

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