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GW2 Has Become The New WOW


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@zinkz.7045 said:

@"Darcnova.5163" said:There is a "New Hope " called Ashes of Creation I am betting that will surpass anything wow ever did, even my own excitement when I finally got my green fire. Gw2 it is ok boring most of the time, but I do like the graphics, better than wow.

From what i see it has open world PvP, and is in general PvP-heavy, so no, thank you. I prefer cooperative games over competitive ones.

Nearly every competitive game is also cooperative, they are just cooperative in a different way from what you may like, frankly the level of cooperation in a lot of competitive games goes way beyond the rather shallow level that most PvE produces, go see EVE Online for an example of cooperation that makes "cooperative" play in PvE in GW2 look trivial.So? No matter the level and complexity of cooperation, in the end you are still playing
people. The spirit is completely different.
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Nope... not even close it just another game in the market

@"Dawdler.8521" said:It's most definetly not, but it's really quite simple:

GW2 came out.There where lots of new MMOs coming out, like "GW2 killers", Asian MMOs, crowdfunded games and some big developer names. People ranted on this forum about them like it was the second coming of Christ. GW2 would die.The big name games where either broken buggy messes or killed by subscription limitations.The crowdfunded games are still in early alpha stages 5 years later.The Asian MMOs where... Asian.The GW2 killers never even came close because all of the above.So what we are left with is... GW2.

And now we have is TF2 clones, battle royale gamemodes making billions in $$$ (and of course Call of Duty and Battlefield on a yearly basis), no one really care about renewal in the MMO genre anymore, they're just letting the old ones run.

Theres one thing that many players are missing,

What gw2 is doing is nothing new nor inovative, it is just a heavy themeparked game wich this design existed since the beggining and many choose gw2 to play because they are awfull at other games and/or gw2 makes them feel better players since gw2 class complexity is designed to carry players under some gimmicks, why others mmo's kinda failed cause they added new things called sandboxing wichis still has been experimental phaseand that make them choose to improve on one thing and less on another, overall inovation takes time to try out and learn from each others on the game industry and only for 2018> to 2020 decent sandbox mmo's will get better some will try to re-made, if we talk about broken and buggy gw2 also have those issues, just better flow on character movement and more decent graphics than most, in term of gameplay gw2 can be worse than many other mmo's since gw2 is less towards players skill and more towards be carried by build or stack n'spam within a heavy gimick gameplay wich is totaly the oposite of a gameplay designed towards player skill.

One game that im betting that will be trully inovativce will be ashes of creation with true WvW design on pve w/o being instanced, those guys have decent to excelent ideals when it reaches to pvp and they are complete anti-p2w.

IS gw2 a good game for pve only players, yes (altough i despise gw2 pve and their class lameness)Is gw2 a good game for pvp players, no not all and never will be.Is gw2 towards bad players and players that like to be carried w/o understanding much of the game? yes it is, that is what Anet choosed to label as inovation wich made this game a bad to awfull pvp game.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:Nope... not even close it just another game in the market

@"Dawdler.8521" said:It's most definetly not, but it's really quite simple:

GW2 came out.There where
of new MMOs coming out, like "GW2 killers", Asian MMOs, crowdfunded games and some big developer names. People ranted on this forum about them like it was the second coming of Christ. GW2 would die.The big name games where either broken buggy messes or killed by subscription limitations.The crowdfunded games are still in early alpha stages 5 years later.The Asian MMOs where... Asian.The GW2 killers never even came close because all of the above.So what we are left with is... GW2.

And now we have is TF2 clones, battle royale gamemodes making billions in $$$ (and of course Call of Duty and Battlefield on a yearly basis), no one really care about renewal in the MMO genre anymore, they're just letting the old ones run.

Theres one thing that many players are missing,

What gw2 is doing is nothing new nor inovative, it is just a heavy themeparked game wich this design existed since the beggining and many choose gw2 to play because they are awfull at other games and/or gw2 makes them feel better players since gw2 class complexity is designed to carry players under some gimmicks, why others mmo's kinda failed cause they added new things called sandboxing wichis still has been experimental phaseand that make them choose to improve on one thing and less on another, overall inovation takes time to try out and learn from each others on the game industry and only for 2018> to 2020 decent sandbox mmo's will get better some will try to re-made, if we talk about broken and buggy gw2 also have those issues, just better flow on character movement and more decent graphics than most, in term of gameplay gw2 can be worse than many other mmo's since gw2 is less towards players skill and more towards be carried by build or stack n'spam within a heavy gimick gameplay wich is totaly the oposite of a gameplay designed towards player skill.

One game that im betting that will be trully inovativce will be ashes of creation with true WvW design on pve w/o being instanced, those guys have decent to excelent ideals when it reaches to pvp and they are complete anti-p2w.

IS gw2 a good game for pve only players, yes (altough i despise gw2 pve and their class lameness)Is gw2 a good game for pvp players, no not all and never will be.Is gw2 towards bad players and players that like to be carried w/o understanding much of the game? yes it is, that is what Anet choosed to label as inovation wich made this game a bad to awfull pvp game.

I watched AoC promo materials. Heard and saw nothing that wasn't already marketed many many times. I remember how people were joking that Archage or Blade and Soul are going to kill GW2 once and for all. Well... HA!

Don't get me wrong, all power to AoC devs as they are indie company funded via kickstarter. But I don't see anything groundbreaking there.

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@"IndigoSundown.5419" said:WoW is dated and hackneyed and the MMO genre is a minor player in today's market. If GW2 is becoming the new WoW, that is not necessarily a good thing.

Another "MMOs are not that big" argument. Maybe in America, where you exist, but there are other country, too. Like, the asian market still loves MMO's.

And you were so sure of yourself...

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@witcher.3197 said:

@"Leo G.4501" said:From a profit and competitive PvP standpoint, Blade and Soul are about even if not completely surpassing GW2 despite GW2 being advertised more (from my perspective).

the lastest reports i've seen GW2 is out performing alot of the newer games in terms of active population. a few games beat it, ff14, and wow of course. but as far as blade and soul, revelation online and black desert, gw2 has more active population. the report was based on dec 2017 stats.

Every game you listed is beating GW2 revenue-wise by a lot, so I wouldn't conclude that GW2 has a much bigger playerbase.

And no, it's not the new WoW, not even close. GW2 expansions devolved TREMENDOUSLY, to the point where I would call them DLCs and not real expansions. WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.

GW2 is also dropping the ball when it comes to anything other than open world PvE. The game is regressing a lot these days.

Sources? Both you and Galaa have bold claims, but not one of you substantiated them.In terms of Revenue, i'm going to go ahead and say that in 2017, becayse of PoF, GW2 was one of the top 10 premium PC games in terms of revenue (87M$) according to SuperData, the games you mention aren't listed on their report, so i can't comment on your claims, which is why it's nice to post your sources.

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@witcher.3197 said:

@"Leo G.4501" said:From a profit and competitive PvP standpoint, Blade and Soul are about even if not completely surpassing GW2 despite GW2 being advertised more (from my perspective).

the lastest reports i've seen GW2 is out performing alot of the newer games in terms of active population. a few games beat it, ff14, and wow of course. but as far as blade and soul, revelation online and black desert, gw2 has more active population. the report was based on dec 2017 stats.

Every game you listed is beating GW2 revenue-wise by a lot, so I wouldn't conclude that GW2 has a much bigger playerbase.

And no, it's not the new WoW, not even close. GW2 expansions devolved TREMENDOUSLY, to the point where I would call them DLCs and not real expansions. WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.

GW2 is also dropping the ball when it comes to anything other than open world PvE. The game is regressing a lot these days.

Yeah because "Raid or Die" is totally interesting and non-restrictive...

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@"IndigoSundown.5419" said:WoW is dated and hackneyed and the MMO genre is a minor player in today's market. If GW2 is becoming the new WoW, that is not necessarily a good thing.

Another "MMOs are not that big" argument. Maybe in America, where you exist, but there are other country, too. Like, the asian market still loves MMO's.

And you were so sure of yourself...

GW2 isn't big in asian market either. They have their own games, like Lineage.

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@ReaverKane.7598 said:

@"Leo G.4501" said:From a profit and competitive PvP standpoint, Blade and Soul are about even if not completely surpassing GW2 despite GW2 being advertised more (from my perspective).

the lastest reports i've seen GW2 is out performing alot of the newer games in terms of active population. a few games beat it, ff14, and wow of course. but as far as blade and soul, revelation online and black desert, gw2 has more active population. the report was based on dec 2017 stats.

Every game you listed is beating GW2 revenue-wise by a lot, so I wouldn't conclude that GW2 has a much bigger playerbase.

And no, it's not the new WoW, not even close. GW2 expansions devolved TREMENDOUSLY, to the point where I would call them DLCs and not real expansions. WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.

GW2 is also dropping the ball when it comes to anything other than open world PvE. The game is regressing a lot these days.

Sources? Both you and Galaa have bold claims, but not one of you substantiated them.In terms of Revenue, i'm going to go ahead and say that in 2017, becayse of PoF, GW2 was one of the top 10 premium PC games in terms of revenue (87M$) according to
, the games you mention aren't listed on their report, so i can't comment on your claims, which is why it's nice to post your sources.

its not that important to me. ill play gw2 untill im tired of it or it goes under. like everyone else does. if the game makes it or not is up to anet. i and we can feed them every minute of the day on improvement suggestions. at the end of the day its thier call.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"IndigoSundown.5419" said:WoW is dated and hackneyed and the MMO genre is a minor player in today's market. If GW2 is becoming the new WoW, that is not necessarily a good thing.

Another "MMOs are not that big" argument. Maybe in America, where you exist, but there are other country, too. Like, the asian market still loves MMO's.

And you were so sure of yourself...

GW2 isn't big in asian market either. They have their own games, like Lineage.

Which is an MMORPG..

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"IndigoSundown.5419" said:WoW is dated and hackneyed and the MMO genre is a minor player in today's market. If GW2 is becoming the new WoW, that is not necessarily a good thing.

Another "MMOs are not that big" argument. Maybe in America, where you exist, but there are other country, too. Like, the asian market still loves MMO's.

And you were so sure of yourself...

GW2 isn't big in asian market either. They have their own games, like Lineage.

Which is an MMORPG..

Yea so? I mean that's cool these games are popular in korea but it's irrelevant for our market. Or Anet.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@"IndigoSundown.5419" said:WoW is dated and hackneyed and the MMO genre is a minor player in today's market. If GW2 is becoming the new WoW, that is not necessarily a good thing.

Another "MMOs are not that big" argument. Maybe in America, where you exist, but there are other country, too. Like, the asian market still loves MMO's.

And you were so sure of yourself...

Like every statement on these forums, mine was opinion. Take a look at NCSoft revenues for the last two quarters. Compare all MMO revenue to their mobile game revenue. That's just one company. Compare WoW, the biggest MMO's, current sub numbers to the sales for any big non-MMO game (like GTA). I'll wait.

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@Galaa.8475 said:

@"Leo G.4501" said:From a profit and competitive PvP standpoint, Blade and Soul are about even if not completely surpassing GW2 despite GW2 being advertised more (from my perspective).

the lastest reports i've seen GW2 is out performing alot of the newer games in terms of active population. a few games beat it, ff14, and wow of course. but as far as blade and soul, revelation online and black desert, gw2 has more active population. the report was based on dec 2017 stats.

Every game you listed is beating GW2 revenue-wise by a lot, so I wouldn't conclude that GW2 has a much bigger playerbase.

And no, it's not the new WoW, not even close. GW2 expansions devolved TREMENDOUSLY, to the point where I would call them DLCs and not real expansions. WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.

GW2 is also dropping the ball when it comes to anything other than open world PvE. The game is regressing a lot these days.

Sources? Both you and Galaa have bold claims, but not one of you substantiated them.In terms of Revenue, i'm going to go ahead and say that in 2017, becayse of PoF, GW2 was one of the top 10 premium PC games in terms of revenue (87M$) according to
, the games you mention aren't listed on their report, so i can't comment on your claims, which is why it's nice to post your sources.

its not that important to me. ill play gw2 untill im tired of it or it goes under. like everyone else does. if the game makes it or not is up to anet. i and we can feed them every minute of the day on improvement suggestions. at the end of the day its thier call.

Well, i'm not saying otherwise, just asking where are your sources for your claims?

@IndigoSundown.5419 said:

@IndigoSundown.5419 said:WoW is dated and hackneyed and the MMO genre is a minor player in today's market. If GW2 is becoming the new WoW, that is not necessarily a good thing.

Another "MMOs are not that big" argument. Maybe in America, where you exist, but there are other country, too. Like, the asian market still loves MMO's.

And you were so sure of yourself...

Like every statement on these forums, mine was opinion. Take a look at NCSoft revenues for the last two quarters. Compare all MMO revenue to their mobile game revenue. That's just one country. Compare WoW, the biggest MMO's, current sub numbers to the sales for any big non-MMO game (like GTA). I'll wait.

Well in the article i linked above you can actually compare GW2 to GTAV, the difference is ~30M dollars (PC market).But yes, MMORPGs are not as popular as GTA, RPG's aren't as popular either. GTA does merge two of the biggest markets (driving/racing games and shooters) into one big ass open world game, which explains it's popularity.

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@witcher.3197 said:WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.And at the same time destroys all previous content with every expansion because everyone has to scramble to the new last 10 levels and endgame. Also, seems like they have just recently copied a bit of GW2 -ish gameplay with their own (bad) version of scaling.

Maybe WoW is trying to be the next GW2 ? ;)

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  • 1 year later...

@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Leo G.4501 said:From a profit and competitive PvP standpoint, Blade and Soul are about even if not completely surpassing GW2 despite GW2 being advertised more (from my perspective).

the lastest reports i've seen GW2 is out performing alot of the newer games in terms of active population. a few games beat it, ff14, and wow of course. but as far as blade and soul, revelation online and black desert, gw2 has more active population. the report was based on dec 2017 stats.

Every game you listed is beating GW2 revenue-wise by a lot, so I wouldn't conclude that GW2 has a much bigger playerbase.

And no, it's not the new WoW, not even close. GW2 expansions devolved TREMENDOUSLY, to the point where I would call them DLCs and not real expansions. WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.

GW2 is also dropping the ball when it comes to anything other than open world PvE. The game is regressing a lot these days.

@"KeoLegend.5132" said:GW2 is the best MMO these days, period.But the MMO genre is not on the spotlight anymore

Well that is simply an opinion, one with no factual data at all that supports it.

The data for WoW is also very distorted. It had a great fanbase for similar games, Blizzard already had a good reputation and there was barely any competition, especially if you wanted an U.S. game and not something from Asia (e.g. Final Fantasy XI). If you have no real choice like today, where F2P MMOs mushroom and you can choose between like 5 high-quality games, of course you get the highest market share.

It has many players because it did something right and people got hooked en masse, but also dropped the game very quick with a certain expansion pack. Not sure if that is loayality or just the lack of choice. GW2 is "being born" into a different time than WoW. Guess why IBM grew so big. Surely not because they were super duper awesome. Lack of competitors.

I think WoW was great for its time and still does most things better than GW2. I give the nod to GW2 mostly for open world PvE, which they do exceptionally well here. Honorable mention for having much prettier visuals, unique class design, and a faster, more enjoyable combat system. But certainly when it comes to raids/dungeons and PvP, I think WoW is the better game.

I agree. Wow does the instanced stuff better for the most part...but... MMOs weren't defined by instanced stuff. The original thing that made an MMO an MMO was a persistent world. A world that persists even when people aren't in it. That's changed of course, but unless you're talking about open world PvP in WOW, which frankly I'm not sure everyone loves, the PvP is instanced and raids and dungeons are instanced. WoW might as well be a lobby game with everyone sitting in cities waiting for the queues to pop. If I wanted a lobby game, I wouldn't be playing an MMO.

All the the things you list that WoW does well aren't necessarily things that most players are interesteed in by percentage. Rift, when I played it, propelled people into dungeons and raids. There was one story line in the game, and that story line took you through every dungeon and ended on the first raid. I walked away from that game because I have no interest in raiding. And I'm not particularly fond of instances. I don't think I'm alone either. I think a lot of people who play these games play for the open world, even in WoW. So saying this game, you're giving a nod to the open world, makes this the best game for players like me. I think there are more of us than you think there are.

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@Abakk.9176 said:

@witcher.3197 said:WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.And at the same time destroys all previous content with every expansion because everyone has to scramble to the new last 10 levels and endgame. Also, seems like they have just recently copied a bit of GW2 -ish gameplay with their own (bad) version of scaling.

Maybe WoW is trying to be the next GW2 ? ;)

Maybe you should actually check out feature of the new expansions before you make comment like this. Because Blizzard is actually working to address this issue. And that is the difference between Blizzard and Anet. When people call out Blizzard on bad designs they actually work to improve it

On general topic. Bashing and diminishing other games and other player bases doesn't make Guild Wars 2 look better. It just makes this forum seem like its populated by children. I am playing multiple MMOS, and this is only MMO community that I know of which constantly has topics like these where we try to diminish other games on the market

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@kasoki.5180 said:

@witcher.3197 said:WoW pumps out more endgame content in a random patch than GW2 does in an expansion.And at the same time destroys all previous content with every expansion because everyone has to scramble to the new last 10 levels and endgame. Also, seems like they have just recently copied a bit of GW2 -ish gameplay with their own (bad) version of scaling.

Maybe WoW is trying to be the next GW2 ? ;)

Maybe you should actually check out feature of the new expansions before you make comment like this. Because Blizzard is actually working to address this issue. And that is the difference between Blizzard and Anet. When people call out Blizzard on bad designs they actually work to improve it

On general topic. Bashing and diminishing other games and other player bases doesn't make Guild Wars 2 look better. It just makes this forum seem like its populated by children. I am playing multiple MMOS, and this is only MMO community that I know of which constantly has topics like these where we try to diminish other games on the market

You know, that's what people do to justify their choice when they are insecure. And, no I don't play any other MMO or game for that matter. GW2 is the only game I play on all platform. I don't even game on cell phone. I need sudoku lol

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@kasoki.5180 said:Maybe you should actually check out feature of the new expansions before you make comment like this. Because Blizzard is actually working to address this issue. And that is the difference between Blizzard and Anet. When people call out Blizzard on bad designs they actually work to improve itYeah that's why classic WoW is so popular.


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@KeoLegend.5132 said:

@KeoLegend.5132 said:GW2 is the best MMO these days, period.But the MMO genre is not on the spotlight anymore

Well that is simply an opinion, one with no factual data at all that supports it.

Best combat? GW2Best quests? GW2Less grind? GW2More fun? GW2Better graphics? GW2Cheaper? GW2More interesting classes? GW2Best mounts? GW2i could go on and on

it doesnt need any data because anybody with a brain can see that WoW cannot compete with GW2 in terms of which one is the better game. WoW have much more players, thats a fact, but thats not just because its better or worse, Gw2 as great as it is, sucks at merchandising.Do us a favor and go play your lovely WoW instead of planting discord here trying to bash GW2 in its own fórum for no reason. And i cant beleive you find WoW combat good in 2018, i just cant

Have to disagree, The classes in guild wars 2 are bullshit. I mean really? Wow's classes have lore and actual depth tied behind them, this game has damage multipliers and constant need for all sorts of additions atop of their kit for it to work properly. Stronger themes, better lore for them, more nuance around them and they used to have tier sets so you could get cosmetic armor BUILT FOR YOUR CLASS. Guild wars 2 is all about cosmetics and like 90% of our gear looks like trash, literal trash. So no the art for the characters, classes and armor are superior in WoW. Guild wars 2 has good combat, but honestly Give me my warlock or druid and Id be good to go hell im sure my character from WoW would solo Everything in this game. The amount of power you feel while playing is amazing, guild wars 2 has a good engine but the moment to moment gameplay is weak. It's all on who presses the button first in most cases, and the PvE here is no different than over there infact guild wars 2's would be arguably easier than WoW's BECAUSE of wow's limited engine in the combat department. they still expect you to do similar mechanics in WoW as you do in guild wars 2, without the dodge roll or the fast paced nature of it. Goes to show, graphics and "MOBA" like gameplay isn't everything in this genre...

Also they used to have tier sets.... Guild wars could use some of those, class based armor? RACE BASED ARMOR? Please... Most of the crap we have now is ugly. Id also love a shapeshifting CLASS or race locked classes specialized around the theme of the race, but A-net refuse to make anything have meaning so... meh. At least WoW takes itself seriously, and tries to be the best it can be. They mess up but I mean look at this blizzcon they APOLOGIZED FOR BFA and addmited they were wrong and are now going to give players WHAT THEY ASKED FOR. Where A-net couldn't care less about us or the community, rather their in the mojo of "BuY BuIlD TeMpLaTeS NoAw!!!!"

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