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High Elves

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@lokh.2695 said:

@lokh.2695 said:Elf-ear skin for next wintersday and all is well. -->

i actually see this happening

Give it the hat as well, i don't care. As long as no resources are put into cramming a plain high-elf race into a game it doesn't fit in and where other races are available.Can this thread end now?

Yes it can end, so long as the hat/ears come with hair, too! :P

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  • 1 year later...

I am one for the elf race. Then I can finally recreate Legolas and not have to use a non pointy eared human!

Lore point.

  1. The race had been hidden in Cantha as the humans would kill them if found.
  2. Cantha eventually died out because of no contact with the outside world so no supplies after they had lost their resources from the island.
  3. The elves came out and found Cantha desolate while foraging for supplies.
  4. They(the elves) then opened up trade and contacts with tyria.
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@Drizzt.1796 said:I am one for the elf race. Then I can finally recreate Legolas and not have to use a non pointy eared human!

Lore point.

  1. The race had been hidden in Cantha as the humans would kill them if found.
  2. Cantha eventually died out because of no contact with the outside world so no supplies after they had lost their resources from the island.
  3. The elves came out and found Cantha desolate while foraging for supplies.
  4. They(the elves) then opened up trade and contacts with tyria.

So how are the doing nr3 when nr2 already used up all the supplies your bulletpoint dont make sence.

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I am a massive fan of elves, and usually end up playing them when given the choice between a bunch of standard fantasy races in both single player and Multiplayer RPGs. I play an Elezen in FFXIV, I played Night and Blood Elves as mains for a large portion of my time in WoW. Some of my most beloved Dragon Age characters are Elves.

High Elves simply do not need to be in this game. Not every fantasy trope you like needs to be in every game you like.

I mean, even the standard niches High Elves usually feel are already taken up by other races. Sylvari already take up the close to nature wood elf slot. Asura are the magic progidies. Forgotten fill the mysterious ancient lost race with a special connection to the gods thng.

I guess it COULD happen, I fully support the right of devs to introduce new lore and even whole new races, but I'd rather they spend their time elsewhere, and if we get a new playable race, I hope it's one of the existing interesting races already introduced in Tyria.

Anyway, as long as we're on the subject of WoW, I thought early previews of Shadowlands suggested they would allow both Blood Elves and Void Elves to choose standard high elf blue glowy eyes in character creation/appearance change, so in theory you should be able to play a WoW high elf in all but name soon anyway.

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Sylvari are the elves in GW2. I like classic "High Elves" (especially the type "female warrior princess" is sexy) but they don't fit in GW2 and it would be weird to make some reason up why they suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I know Sylvari also was "sudden". But GW2 tries to be different from the usual "generic" stuff (which a lot of people don't like).

I usually prefer the usual "generic" or "classic" races like orcs, humans, dwarves, elves ... cause own stuff often is boring. (Just has a fancy name.) But for GW universe I started to like their own creations.

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I wouldn't be opposed to elves per se because lorewise their existence could make sense if the devs spent enough time to explore them, their society, and their history between the two dragonrises. After all, Glint is said to have shielded the surviving races of the previous dragonrise until all the Elder Dragons fell to sleep and it was safe to emerge again, so who knows how many Tyrian races were included in that bunch over 10,000 years ago before they spread across the world again. The world of Tyria is vast, and devs have confirmed that the current inhabitants haven't even managed to explore every nook and cranny of the planet yet, so lots of surprises could be in store out there in the wilderness of the placeholder names such as Sunrise Crest (which I speculate could be Doern Velazquez's teased human kingdom and possibly the first Tyrian land populated by various human tribes before they began migrating to Cantha, Elona etc.), Not Real, Furious Stretch, Olympus, Forsaken Cliffs etc.

With that said, traditional elves would look too human when we already have actual humans, norn and largos to deal with, so that might get too repetitive even if these elves had a fascinating culture and backstory. It'd be more beneficial to instead explore the society of the largos and flesh them and the Tethyos Houses out more as they already seem to be inspired by the drow to some extent. We've only encountered the assassins and their students so far, but who knows what other professions the largos may have that we've yet to learn about such as lorekeepers, ranchers etc. I'd love to explore Sayeh al'Rajihd's backstory and what event caused her to become indebted to Trahearne, and what the largos rulers are like. So far our contact with the largos has been limited, so they seem a bit one-note, but with proper care and worldbuilding they can easily be more fleshed out like the Awakened and Olmakhan were. :)

The Canthan expansion could easily explore not only the largos (in case the heart of their domain is conveniently close enough to Cantha) but also the greater krait "empire" (imagine if the krait were led by a charismatic high priestess or empress; it's high time we had a major recurring female villain in the game again!) and the hopefully revitalized naga domain and see the complex relationships between these three great aquatic nations and how they may be handling the deep sea dragon's growing influence in the Unending Ocean. We could also explore whether any of the markissios of the destroyed southern quaggan kingdom survived the krait raids so we could have a proper "return of the king/queen" storyline about the markissios heir returning to unite the various varonos of Southern Tyria into one nation again to take the fight to the krait and the deep sea dragon.

As for new races existing out there, Bastion of the Penitent introduced us to one such possibility: Samarog, a prisoner of the mursaat, whose origin Scholar Glenna and the player character speculated on as they had never seen or read about a being like it before. Narrative designer Bobby Stein even wanted to leave it ambiguous whether Samarog is supposed to be a demon or a native creature from the unexplored corners of Tyria. I'd be inclined to bet on the second option because Bastion of the Penitent already had one demon, Deimos, as a boss with a special purpose while Samarog's more mundane backstory and curious enslaving abilities seem to suggests a different kind of origin.

Speaking of other new races, I'd love to see

from the Guild Wars Prophecies trailer appear in game one day. It always bothered me that the trailer introduced these "proto-charr" beasts that never made it into GW1 although at least Aidan, Cynn and Devona (the heroic trio) did; meanwhile, every other GW1 and GW2 trailer was more rooted in actual lore and worldbuilding with the concepts they introduced in the cinematics. Even that bone dragon towards the end could be argued to be Rotscale or one of the many bone dragons from that time. Perhaps this savage orcish race could exist somewhere in the far east beyond the charr lands and could make an appearance one day as new, unique enemies for a zone or two to finally make that old trailer's idea come to life in game as a tribute to past worldbuilders at ArenaNet. :)
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@"notebene.3190" said:Not sure why this was a thing, and why it was a thing again, but let's think about this. Sylvari were GW2's answer to Elves. So how about:

High Biscus


they actually looked better before they redesigned them.........https://i.pinimg.com/474x/e6/bd/f4/e6bdf446084526b40bd994fc5e68b3ef--guild-wars-sylvari-character-concept-art.jpg

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@"notebene.3190" said:Not sure why this was a thing, and why it was a thing again, but let's think about this. Sylvari were GW2's answer to Elves. So how about:

High Biscus


they actually looked better before they redesigned them.........

Ahh, so you just (to nobodys suprise) want them to be "pwettier". Doesn't really look that different to me.Personally, i would like some machine race, like sentient golems or something. Elf races are popular because most people are obsessed with appearances.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@"notebene.3190" said:Not sure why this was a thing, and why it was a thing again, but let's think about this. Sylvari were GW2's answer to Elves. So how about:

High Biscus


they actually looked better before they redesigned them.........

Ahh, so you just (to nobodys suprise) want them to be "pwettier". Doesn't really look that different to me.Personally, i would like some machine race, like sentient golems or something. Elf races are popular because most people are obsessed with appearances.

so you assume i just want it to be pwetty?oh boy, you have absolutely no idea who i am nor what i like and you just go and talk big just like that, good going.....

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@"notebene.3190" said:Not sure why this was a thing, and why it was a thing again, but let's think about this. Sylvari were GW2's answer to Elves. So how about:

High Biscus


they actually looked better before they redesigned them.........

Ahh, so you just (to nobodys suprise) want them to be "pwettier". Doesn't really look that different to me.Personally, i would like some machine race, like sentient golems or something. Elf races are popular because most people are obsessed with appearances.

so you assume i just want it to be pwetty?oh boy, you have absolutely no idea who i am nor what i like and you just go and talk big just like that, good going.....

Then tell me, what do you actually want? That picture doesn't look at all different exept maybe the face. You said that they are not unique but they are a race of plants that were just born some 20 years ago, what should they be then? What would make them interesting?

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Pretty much already in.

Sea Elves = Largos(Don't worry about Games-workshop, they invented Sea Elves quite recently, unlike Largos that has existed for some years)

Wood Elves=Sylvari, all the tree hugging glory and dominating the Ranger art gallery by having atleast 1 more art than others.

High Elves=Mursaat, because High Elves have bullshit abilities that can kill you in few seconds.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:we already got elves. In GW2 they are called humans.

And no, sylvari are not elves. For two reasons:they are not beloved by the godsthey are not an old, dying race on its last gasps.

Why do High Elves need to be a dying race loved by gods?Warhammer 40k and Warcraft does that already.Warhammer has pretty much restored the High Elves along their other kin.

I think the Forgotten would be High Elves if going with that, they're closest to the Gods and they're a dying race, with current situation unknown, since they left into the mists if I remember correct.

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@Drizzt.1796 said:I am one for the elf race. Then I can finally recreate Legolas and not have to use a non pointy eared human!

Lore point.

  1. The race had been hidden in Cantha as the humans would kill them if found.
  2. Cantha eventually died out because of no contact with the outside world so no supplies after they had lost their resources from the island.
  3. The elves came out and found Cantha desolate while foraging for supplies.
  4. They(the elves) then opened up trade and contacts with tyria.

Why recreate Legolas?

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