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Next expansion selling point ⇒ Cast your votes!


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Every new expansion has a few major selling points, new features that take the game to the next level. Heart of Thorns gave us a new profession, the revenant, plus an elite specialization for each profession, together with gliding, guild halls, raids, and many other things. Path of Fire gave us nine more elite specializations, and five mounts, with a sixth mount being added later after release.

So, what's your favorite next expansion selling point?

  • New profession content (Core professions upgrade, new professions, new weapon types, new gameplay mechanics, etc)
  • New playable races (Tengu, Largos, Stone Dwarves, etc)
  • New PvE game modes (New progression systems, new map meta events, classic questing, procedural dungeons, cooperative missions, hard mode in the open world, roguelike elite missions, new hardcore world bosses, etc)
  • New PvP game modes (Battlegrounds, Heroes' Ascent, Guild vs Guild, Battle Royale, King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, etc)
  • New single player activities (Player housing, new crafting disciplines, crafting updates, fishing, adventure updates, etc)
  • New multiplayer activities (Guild updates, WvW alliances, roleplaying tools, miniature battles, mount race tournaments, etc)
  • Aesthetic upgrades (Dye channels in weapons and back items, swimsuit underwear, wardrobe legendary and infusion effects, advanced mount customization, hats with hair, etc)
  • Old content upgrades (Return of Living World Season 1, integrate gliding and mounts in the old world, World vs World updates, Guild Wars 1 remaster, etc)
  • Technical upgrades (Engine updates, build and wardrobe templates, return of districts, friend list updates, real open world, etc)
  • Guild Wars 3 announcement

Note that recurrent content is not considered for this thread. I'm assuming new elite specializations, new fractals and raids, new mounts, new PvE and PvP maps, new rewards, etc, will keep being included with every expansion. The topic of the discussion is new stuff we do not expect, which will be potentially featured as one of the next expansion selling points.

Cast your votes! =)

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Results from the previous poll for the record:

  • New Playable Race (Tengu, Largos, Stone Dwarf, etc) - 20% - 124 votes
  • New Profession (Monk, Ritualist, Dervish, etc) - 12% - 77 votes
  • New terrestrial Weapon types (Greataxe, Scythe, Crossbow, Spear, etc) - 11% - 71 votes
  • Intricate Minigame (Miniature Battles, Trading Card Game, Fishing, etc) - 1% - 11 votes
  • Player Housing (Like personal miniature Guild Halls) - 17% - 108 votes
  • Return of Dungeons (Like Ascalonian Catacombs, Citadel of Flame, etc) - 8% - 53 votes
  • Return of Hardcore World Bosses (Like Tequatl the Sunless and Triple Trouble) - 3% - 19 votes
  • New Player versus Environment instanced mode (Horde, Random Boss Gauntlet, Elite Mission, etc) - 4% - 25 votes
  • New Player versus Player instanced mode (Guild vs Guild, King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, Battle Royale, etc) - 3% - 22 votes
  • Other - 15% - 94 votes

Recorded at the date of this post (2019-01-01).

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Class balance not an option?

IMO I'd rather have GW3. Gw2 is a hot mess of legacy tactical mechanics mixed with modern ARPG gameplay, visual noise and a scattered design that tries to do too many things and ends up doing none of them well. Only a new game could fix it all. That said, I'm not sure Anet are the ones I'd want to make it. Every patch they keep going in the opposite direction of fixing it :( If it wasn't free I'd have quit a long time ago; at least it's still good for hanging out with friends.

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Can't vote on something that includes so many things that the developers have said they aren't working on: dungeons, new profs, new race, new weapon types.

Worse, I honestly hope that ANet always works on expansion stuff that appeals to them, rather than based on any sort of arbitrary vote. I feel that they have done a good job of delighting & surprising us. There's a lot of stuff I like that is in the game now that I wouldn't have thought I'd have any interest in. And there's a lot of stuff I thought I wanted/needed from expansions that turns out I can leave without, thank you very much.

Instead of running another poll dependent on living in some universe with different rules of finance, why not simply post preferences in one of the several threads that already asks people what they'd like in the next expansion? Then it doesn't depend on the OP's idea of the top 9 things to put on a list.

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Selected ls1, but not far from 5% to happens, but I'm pretty sure we are continuing with new story... bla bla.. new map..... bla bla maybe elite specs.... new activities. New race = ~0% chance to happens, hoping for housing, but 0 hints given about that so ah let's say 5% chance.

As Illconceived said.No new race, no dungeons, no new weapon types.

Just want something stunning, like airship fights, lost underground asuran cities, massive combats, more living guild hall. Weapon swap for engie, more endless environmental weapons. A better way to have superior sigils like for karma or 30 silvers. More aetherblades (I can dream)Super top secret scarlet factory, can become a thaumanova like fractal.

The worst is maybe feeling weak playing your favourite class due to imbalance.

BUT I stay on the first thing I want: Housing.

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They might just go ahead and made a multiclass. A single character that can be any class depending on the traits.I also would love new race and saying this I don't mean tengu, largos etc, those are old races.I mean NEW race, like asuras were for gw1(if my information is correct)

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New profession mechanics are more appealing to existing players. While new races - Tengu would make an excelent selling point for GW1 Veterans as well as already existing players. ANet constantly incentivises players to return to core areas to slay some world boss, get an item needed for legendary gear etc. Why not just add new race with new more polished starting areas which would implement better AI, mechanics and generally be a little bit more challenging?

I went for a more hardcore open world content because what's the point of having fancy new elite specs when mobs die to a few hits anyway. You can even test them in open world. But if I could choose more than one option I would pick first three starting from the top: profession mechanics, tengu and more challenging content. Especially meta events. I am starving for a new HoT like map-wide metaevent because PoF haven't introduced any of them.

I have been a huge fan of WvW until PoF came out. Firebrand and Scourge kinda ruined it for me. There is too much AoE spam on the ground and squads are mainly build out of those two specs. Melee fights do not exist anymore. I hope for some major changes to AoE spam in WvW. I would like to see a new borderland map which has a central objective which keeps the fight going. A map with flat terrain, easy to navigate.

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Biggest Selling point - PvP and WvW are in a place where such as long as PvE'rs don't care about it, it will never see anything good or relevant as far as changes go.
PvP would need a complete balance overhaul.WvW would need a separate instance that allows GvG and people can spectate etc. There needs to be complete reworks as far as balances in WvW go as well. Several members in the GW2 anet team needs to devote their entire work schedule on actually playing more than 30 mins/ hour of PvP or WvW to really understand what could add good changes to competitive game modes.
Or get, you know, actual players who do only that and listen to their opinions to really understand what these need.

Another selling point would be more immersion when it comes to PvE. There really isn't any imo compared to other MMO's I have played. Unless you consider doing tasks and running from a mob that isn't meant to be solo'd immersion. When GW2 1st released I remember that new feeling but I was also caught in a whirlwind of immersion. It was like I felt what was going on around my apprentice elementalist.Now, everyone looks like they're on their way to a comicon- there is no identity to GW2 anymore and I don't feel immersion is possible at this point.

3rd: More character customization. The ability to change length or type of hair. In the beginning of GW2, you could change hair length but it was taken away oddly. Better looking array of mustaches and beards. Long hair for males. More hairstyles. More aesthetics for characters like tattoos/ scars/ lipstick and eyeshadow color alteration.

4th: Fix Charr and Norn armor stretching. Not having this fixed at this point is a sign of not caring.

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Not going to vote, but:

I would pay for an updated gw2 engine with new maps and new specializations and being able to turn down/off particle effect.

I like the core that they have established, just work on better balance and making sure old skills are still viable and new ones aren't OP.

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Veterans need new ways to advance our mains. There is very little reason to stick around once you have ascended gear. And no, most of us do not want to raid with 9 other people who will waste my time. Give us new ways to improve our core skills. Atm there is nothing to do to advance your characters. ESO figured it out, not sure why anet is so far behind.

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I think the next expansion reaaaaaally needs to look at new playable races and how to implement them properly.

I would also love player housing but only if it's done in a specific way that I don't know if GW2 is prepared to handle. See if the just gave you a house to customize in your home instance that'd be extremely disappointing.

Part of the appeal of player housing isn't just having a house you can customize and do stuff in. But creating an entire community and seeing and exploring everyone's homes. The biggest hurdle is how are you going to do it with the mega server system where there's no such thing as a moderately consistent server population.

While Aion's housing felt a bit prohibitively expensive, I think the feel is what you want from player housing. A huge residential district map filled with dozens of houses at various price points that are all in demand. And as you walk around you can know certain houses are owned by certain people and you can see how people have decorated their homes. There was also a monthly tax on housing so that if you weren't playing and using your house it would open up for sale and someone else could move in. You'd have to think of an also Anti Mega Server to deal with it.

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Does it count as more lore and story missions? I just love the story. I feel empty when I finish living world episode and know I have to wait for the next one a couple of months doing... whatever there is to do. I'm not hard to please. Give me yet another big story chapter, maybe including visiting some new region of the world and I'm sold.

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Since a new elite specialization is more or less a given for a full expansion I would like to see greater control over my fashion wars.If I was allowed to pick three, then I would say new Specialization, new PvE game-modes that are challenging and rewarding but have either a solo/public queue type system for grouping e.g. procedural dungeons, and at the very least dye-able back items if not weapons as well.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Can't vote on something that includes so many things that the developers have said they aren't working on: dungeons, new profs, new race, new weapon types.

Worse, I honestly hope that ANet always works on expansion stuff that appeals to them, rather than based on any sort of arbitrary vote. I feel that they have done a good job of delighting & surprising us. There's a lot of stuff I like that is in the game now that I wouldn't have thought I'd have any interest in. And there's a lot of stuff I thought I wanted/needed from expansions that turns out I can leave without, thank you very much.

Instead of running another poll dependent on living in some universe with different rules of finance, why not simply post preferences in one of the several threads that already asks people what they'd like in the next expansion? Then it doesn't depend on the OP's idea of the top 9 things to put on a list.

Not sure youre understanding the poll right., I never read these poll options as "all examples given should be included", and more broad categories.

I simply ignored the category examples, and picked the category which is most important to me.

I also ignored the note at the end, which says its not counting recurring content, though. I feel improvements in the recurring content are totally viable, and expanding systems that are already there and improving them rather than simply adding new features is something that I personally like to see.

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I'm simple ... I will take another mastery line, another elite spec per class and 3-4 more PVE maps. I don't expect anything we haven't seen before.

What might be NICE is some kind of content that you can contribute to over time that results in a spawned event. How to explain; allow players to submit an item to an NPC ... NPC needs 300 (just made up number here), players can farm maybe 3 reliably from completing hearts, doing other map events. NPC spawns event when 300 obtained; players do something to win spawn event. Therefore, event is not on timer, it's farmed; completed as a daily. (can repeat as much as desired, but only get reward once a day as a daily event)

Players get loot from contributing over time and also for completing spawned event. This timer stuff is for the birds.

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