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Essence of Luck after you max luck

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I'm not sure why these automatically being deposited as currency in your wallet isn't already a thing.

I'm quite honestly sick and tired of having to consume these for absolutely no reason, and there is no way I'm expending inventory or bank space for them. Even a free 9999 slot in your materials would be better.

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I don't think being able to buy bags would be a great idea, i mean we even have farms based on stacking bags and opening on lows. Let veterans have access to more resources than new players is clearly what anet doesn't want to do with MF so i believe karma would be the best trade.

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@Haleydawn.3764 said:The first three are ok. You’ll never get Luck to Laurels.A suggestion that is always brought up is to add a recipe to craft a 1hr 50% Magic Find Booster, that doesn’t stack with the others preferably.

I hadn't heard that before, and as someone that just hit 300, I like the idea of using on temporary boosters so it's a sink rather than direct conversions to currency.

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Other idea:We already can convert Essences of Luck into higher tiers. When account luck is at max, consuming the exotic essences grants 20 minutes MF buff (+10 %?), stacks duration.

They could re-use the New Years Gift buff for consuming Lucky Drakentails (and some other consumeables, see link)

They are 40 copper on TP. Duration is 5 minutes. Drooburt's Ghost converts 1 exotic essence into ~ 1s 40 copper = 3.5 Drakentails. So it would be cheaper to buff up with essences of luck than converting luck to gold and purchasing the Drakentails.

If consuming is not possible to implement, add the buff-up feature to the standard merchant. There you could select how many exotic essences you want to consume, maximum of 72 which equals 1 day boon duration.

Accounts which are not at the MF limit have to use the regular consumeables.

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@Rukario.1695 said:I'm not sure why these automatically being deposited as currency in your wallet isn't already a thing.

I'm quite honestly sick and tired of having to consume these for absolutely no reason, and there is no way I'm expending inventory or bank space for them. Even a free 9999 slot in your materials would be better.

Because they were used as crafting materials, and they NEEDED something highly visible to the player to maintain their awareness of MF as a reward system. You can read up about this a bunch of places, but its repeated shown that Players respond much more positively to highly tangible, highly visible, and non-abstract short term rewards. (Firefall being a major case study in the phenomena) This is also clearly seen in the fact that many players lose track of currency and material drops, unless it is part of something they are specifically focused on. For instance... how aware are you of Coin drops from mobs? Most players rarely think about it, and some players don't even realize they do. But Harvesting map currency from nodes..... thats so front and center, that I've seen the far more well described arguments about the gather rate involving those then any other bottleneck in the game (that isn't a Time Gate).

Switching it to a currency doesn't fix anything..... all it really does is highlight the problem long lived MMOs have with perpetual rewards and their presentation.

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@starlinvf.1358 said:

@"Rukario.1695" said:I'm not sure why these automatically being deposited as currency in your wallet isn't already a thing.

I'm quite honestly sick and tired of having to consume these for absolutely no reason, and there is no way I'm expending inventory or bank space for them. Even a free 9999 slot in your materials would be better.

Because they were used as crafting materials, and they NEEDED something highly visible to the player to maintain their awareness of MF as a reward system. You can read up about this a bunch of places, but its repeated shown that Players respond much more positively to highly tangible, highly visible, and non-abstract short term rewards. (Firefall being a major case study in the phenomena) This is also clearly seen in the fact that many players lose track of currency and material drops, unless it is part of something they are specifically focused on. For instance... how aware are you of Coin drops from mobs? Most players rarely think about it, and some players don't even realize they do. But Harvesting map currency from nodes..... thats so front and center, that I've seen the far more well described arguments about the gather rate involving those then any other bottleneck in the game (that isn't a Time Gate).

Switching it to a currency doesn't fix anything..... all it really does is highlight the problem long lived MMOs have with perpetual rewards and their presentation.

Again, storing them in materials wouldn't be a bad idea then because it's already considered a crafting material. According to your logic if it's not in the materials list then players are likely never going to know that you can craft with it. However if they ever look for recipes, they are going to see they need it, and in that case it could simply be stored in the currency; if it's in the currency, it could just be there -- however, make it show up in the crafting materials area at all times as long as you have it on you in the correct quantity. I don't really see what is a bad idea about that.

This only has to be a "thing" for people who have already capped on luck. Those who still need to increase their luck can simply either 1) Use it or 2) Store it in Materials -- but 99/100 people will likely simply use it. The problem is that you cannot do anything with it later after you cap it, unless you want to waste space trying to store stack after stack after stack.

As it stands I'm trashing every stack of it I get and I don't really have a choice not to. How is this good?

How aware am I of Luck, it's crafting purposes, and if coins drop from mobs? I've known this info for years. Whatever the game does not tell you itself, you dive into the Wiki for--that's how it's always been. Most people do not care about the gold drops from mobs because it's so minute that it has no impact on their wallet. If the player ever used a guild banner they would know "Gold Find" is a thing and that roughly translates to "Oh, I get gold from things outside of selling."

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This topic has been discussed at length in these very forums. The OP might want to take a look at these threads:

(And that doesn't include all the discussions in the old forums or posted since the most recent time I posted this list, less than a month ago.)

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:This topic has been discussed at length in these very forums. The OP might want to take a look at these threads:...(And that doesn't include all the discussions in the old forums or posted since the most recent time I posted this list, less than a month ago.)

I know there have been many discussions out there but sometimes issues fall through the cracks and posting a new thread refreshes it as an issue hopefully bringing it to the attention of the devs. By posting as a poll I hoped to spark some sense of direction the community might want the devs to go to on this and speak up about it. Tomes of Experience used to be useless after awhile but eventually enough attention was brought on the issue that the devs allowed us to sell them for spirit shards. If the community comes to a consensus on what they might want maybe the devs would enact a solution.

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  • 1 month later...

@HawkXtream.1538 said:Converting to Karma is the best choice because if it is converted to own currency, newer players have no access to it.it is not realy best, it is ok, but not best. Why? karma is something that you now can't directly buy from gold. May be is should stay as is? not sellable value,m that you can get only from events, dungeons, karma bonus ant etc.

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@Fenom.9457 said:

@Brother.1504 said:Just need a luck eater and perhaps some guild decorations that use luck.

During Lunar New Year's, Drooburt's Ghost will exchange 1000 luck for 8 Red Festival Lanterns, worth a total of 7.04s.

That’s a pretty terrible value. Plus it’s only up a few weeks each year.

A terrible value for something you get as a side effect of something you would do anyhow?I agree the limited availability is annoying. I still prefer it to having to keep track of luck for something important.

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