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Soulbeast is not an issue. "Sic 'Em!" is.


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@MUDse.7623 said:

@Ganathar.4956 said:However, your solution does not solve all the problems by itself. Ferocity still scales exponentially with power and precision. Ferocity itself was a mistake of a stat in my opinion. Also, a soulbeast can still make much better use of the extra stats than a pet could, because the soulbeast has more abilities with higher modifiers. That means that even a raw stat boost could end up being overtuned if the gain is not reduced while merged.

if ferocity is an issue then expertise and concentration is too.

I don't see how concentration is and issue. It's the only stat that affects boons. Expertise is not a real issue because it's not nearly as bad as Ferocity, precision, power scaling. It's 3 stats vs 2 and ferocity makes power scale more exponentially which is why soldier stats have been traditionally considered bad, unlike dire stats.

do we need a stat that increases boondurations tho, we got enough boonspamm going on as is.

correct dire does enough damage with condition damage only, yet soldier tickles with only power. doesnt make exponential increases to condition damage better than to power.BUFF POWER!

precision is just an RNG limiter that expertise doenst have.

Obviously you would buff power if you removed ferocity. I am not disputing that. That would make hybridizing with power way better than it is now.

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@Ganathar.4956 said:

@Ganathar.4956 said:However, your solution does not solve all the problems by itself. Ferocity still scales exponentially with power and precision. Ferocity itself was a mistake of a stat in my opinion. Also, a soulbeast can still make much better use of the extra stats than a pet could, because the soulbeast has more abilities with higher modifiers. That means that even a raw stat boost could end up being overtuned if the gain is not reduced while merged.

if ferocity is an issue then expertise and concentration is too.

I don't see how concentration is and issue. It's the only stat that affects boons. Expertise is not a real issue because it's not nearly as bad as Ferocity, precision, power scaling. It's 3 stats vs 2 and ferocity makes power scale more exponentially which is why soldier stats have been traditionally considered bad, unlike dire stats.

do we need a stat that increases boondurations tho, we got enough boonspamm going on as is.

correct dire does enough damage with condition damage only, yet soldier tickles with only power. doesnt make exponential increases to condition damage better than to power.BUFF POWER!

precision is just an RNG limiter that expertise doenst have.

Obviously you would buff power if you removed ferocity. I am not disputing that. That would make hybridizing with power way better than it is now.

rather nerf base condi damage/some applications , buff base crit damage (because precision and expertise are capped at 100% yet expertise will grant +100% dmg while precision only grants 50% without ferocity) and make cleanses work only on non damaging conditions so that expertise has its use.

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@MUDse.7623 said:

@"Ganathar.4956" said:However, your solution does not solve all the problems by itself. Ferocity still scales exponentially with power and precision. Ferocity itself was a mistake of a stat in my opinion. Also, a soulbeast can still make much better use of the extra stats than a pet could, because the soulbeast has more abilities with higher modifiers. That means that even a raw stat boost could end up being overtuned if the gain is not reduced while merged.

if ferocity is an issue then expertise and concentration is too.

Its not the same thing because there is no exponential gain. Adding 10% power to 1000 power is half the boost compared to if you have 2000 power (ie one nets you +100 power, the other nets you +200 power... despite being the same 10% increase). That is exponential gain. Boosts to "damage" work exactly the same.

If you add 10% on expertise/concentration however... you just get +10% regardless if you had 30% of 80% already. Its base will always be 0%. You arent adding 10% on the value of the stat. You are adding stats period.

Ferocity is like a bastard between the two.

Having higher base stats and less boosts across the board wouldnt be so bad.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"Ganathar.4956" said:However, your solution does not solve all the problems by itself. Ferocity still scales exponentially with power and precision. Ferocity itself was a mistake of a stat in my opinion. Also, a soulbeast can still make much better use of the extra stats than a pet could, because the soulbeast has more abilities with higher modifiers. That means that even a raw stat boost could end up being overtuned if the gain is not reduced while merged.

if ferocity is an issue then expertise and concentration is too.

Its not the same thing because there is no exponential gain. Adding 10% power to 1000 power is half the boost compared to if you have 2000 power (ie one nets you +100 power, the other nets you +200 power... despite being the same 10% increase). That is exponential gain. Boosts to "damage" work exactly the same.

If you add 10% on expertise/concentration however... you just get +10% regardless if you had 30% of 80% already. Its base will always be 0%. You arent adding 10% on the
of the stat. You are adding stats period.

Ferocity is like a kitten between the two.

but there is very few like mallyx elite that do add +10% power.and my comment was about ferocity vs expertise/concentration not about power.

if you have ferocity high enough to have 300% crit damage, that is a potential 100% dmg increase IF you already are at 100% crit chance without it, while without precision you wont notice much difference regardless of ferocity as you will rarely crit.if you have condi duration on 100% from expertise, that is a potential 100% dmg increase, if your condition does 2k dmg and you add 100% it will add 2k, if you have more condi damage and the condition would deal 3k dmg then the condition duration will add 3k dmg.or if you have a 20% protection uptime from your skills and add 100% boon duration from concentration then you end up at 40%, that is a 20% protection uptime increase, if you add another protection source in your build for 30% base uptime you end up at 60% protection uptime. so the concentration now grants 30% uptime.

all of those 3 stats provide 'more' stats based on a higher base stat.

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@Substance E.4852 said:

@"oOStaticOo.9467" said:Let's just be honest here. Like Thief, everybody just wants Rangers to be deleted from the game. Ranger has never really had a solid place in WvW. Whenever it starts to get some kind of toe-hold, everybody cries for nerfs. People just plain hate Rangers. At this point we should just all call for Guardians, Warriors, and Elementalists to be the only classes that should play WvW. Warriors for their meat-shield, Elementalists for their DPS, and Guardians for their Heals. That's what everybody really wants. That "Holy Trinity" that makes all MMOs so wonderful to play. Anything else is just too....................weird.

its more like rangers trying their hardest to convince ppl that their obviously op builds aren't bad for the game, and that we should look the other way since this class is a special victim with special privileges.

More like people who aren't as good as they think they are keep getting ganked by rangers so they take to the forums crying their eyes out, asking big daddy Anet to tip the scales back in their favor so they can feel good about themselves again.

Like the people who whined about Arc Divider?

And do any of those specs have an instant cast +40% damage modifier on their bars? No? Mkay then. Bring Sic'em in line with other player accessible damage modifiers, +20% increase for the merged Soulbeast or +40% for the unmerged pet.

"Every class has the exact same performance and damage in all scenarios so they should all have the same skills and modifiers"

lol kay

Not what I said mate. Its okay, it sucks when you see the nerf you don't want to happen coming.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@"oOStaticOo.9467" said:Let's just be honest here. Like Thief, everybody just wants Rangers to be deleted from the game. Ranger has never really had a solid place in WvW. Whenever it starts to get some kind of toe-hold, everybody cries for nerfs. People just plain hate Rangers. At this point we should just all call for Guardians, Warriors, and Elementalists to be the only classes that should play WvW. Warriors for their meat-shield, Elementalists for their DPS, and Guardians for their Heals. That's what everybody really wants. That "Holy Trinity" that makes all MMOs so wonderful to play. Anything else is just too....................weird.

its more like rangers trying their hardest to convince ppl that their obviously op builds aren't bad for the game, and that we should look the other way since this class is a special victim with special privileges.

More like people who aren't as good as they think they are keep getting ganked by rangers so they take to the forums crying their eyes out, asking big daddy Anet to tip the scales back in their favor so they can feel good about themselves again.

Like the people who whined about Arc Divider?


And do any of those specs have an instant cast +40% damage modifier on their bars? No? Mkay then. Bring Sic'em in line with other player accessible damage modifiers, +20% increase for the merged Soulbeast or +40% for the unmerged pet.

A bit more detailed reason why you are not making sense...

Guardian 1 shot build...

F skill step 1- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Virtue_of_Justice

Slot skill step 2- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Judge%27s_Intervention

Slot skill step 3- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smite_Condition

Weapon skill step 4- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mighty_Blow

Weapon skill step 5- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hammer_Swing_(guardian_skill)

Guardian 1 shot build recap... 1F skill, 2 slot skills and 2 weapon skills used. That’s 5 actions in total...

Ranger 1 shot build

Elite skill step 1- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Strength_of_the_Pack!%22

Pet skill step 2- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smoke_Cloud

Weapon skill step 3- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Call_of_the_Wild

Slot skill step 4- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickening_Zephyr

Merge with Smokescale step 5- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Beastmode

Slot skill step 6- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Sic_%27Em!%22

Merged pet skill step 7- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Worldly_Impact

Heal skill step 8- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22We_Heal_As_One!%22

Swap weapons step 9- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weapon_swap

Weapon skill step 10 if opponent at a distance- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Swoop

Weapon skill step 11- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Maul_(ranger_greatsword_skill)

Alternative weapon steps 10 and 11 include using longbow or axe skills

Ranger 1 shot build recap... 1 elite skill, 1 non-merged pet skill, 1 merged pet skill, 2 slot skills, 1 heal skill, 1 weapon swap, 1 merge and at minimum 2 or 3 total weapon skills depending on range to target. That’s 10 or 11 actions in total.

Guardian doesn’t have Sic ‘Em, yet it’s way simpler to pull off a “1 shot” kill.

...This thread is nothing but players making excuses for getting their pixels sent back to spawn. And the reality is that power creep is over the top compared to player health, and that’s the real issue.

Edit- Even Mesmer has less steps than Ranger to perform a “1 shot” kill... And for these examples, neither Guardian nor Mesmer has to waste a Heal or Elite skill to pull it off...

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@"oOStaticOo.9467" said:Let's just be honest here. Like Thief, everybody just wants Rangers to be deleted from the game. Ranger has never really had a solid place in WvW. Whenever it starts to get some kind of toe-hold, everybody cries for nerfs. People just plain hate Rangers. At this point we should just all call for Guardians, Warriors, and Elementalists to be the only classes that should play WvW. Warriors for their meat-shield, Elementalists for their DPS, and Guardians for their Heals. That's what everybody really wants. That "Holy Trinity" that makes all MMOs so wonderful to play. Anything else is just too....................weird.

its more like rangers trying their hardest to convince ppl that their obviously op builds aren't bad for the game, and that we should look the other way since this class is a special victim with special privileges.

More like people who aren't as good as they think they are keep getting ganked by rangers so they take to the forums crying their eyes out, asking big daddy Anet to tip the scales back in their favor so they can feel good about themselves again.

Like the people who whined about Arc Divider?

And do any of those specs have an instant cast +40% damage modifier on their bars? No? Mkay then. Bring Sic'em in line with other player accessible damage modifiers, +20% increase for the merged Soulbeast or +40% for the unmerged pet.

A bit more detailed reason why you are not making sense...

Guardian 1 shot build...

F skill step 1-

Slot skill step 2-

Slot skill step 3-

Weapon skill step 4-

Weapon skill step 5-

Guardian 1 shot build recap... 1F skill, 2 slot skills and 2 weapon skills used. That’s 5 actions in total...

Ranger 1 shot build

Elite skill step 1-

Pet skill step 2-

Weapon skill step 3-

Slot skill step 4-

Merge with Smokescale step 5-

Slot skill step 6-

Merged pet skill step 7-

Heal skill step 8-

Swap weapons step 9-

Weapon skill step 10 if opponent at a distance-

Weapon skill step 11-

Alternative weapon steps 10 and 11 include using longbow or axe skills

Ranger 1 shot build recap... 1 elite skill, 1 non-merged pet skill, 1 merged pet skill, 2 slot skills, 1 heal skill, 1 weapon swap, 1 merge and at minimum 2 or 3 total weapon skills depending on range to target. That’s 10 or 11 actions in total.

Guardian doesn’t have Sic ‘Em, yet it’s way simpler to pull off a “1 shot” kill.

...This thread is nothing but players making excuses for getting their pixels sent back to spawn. And the reality is that power creep is over the top compared to player health, and that’s the real issue.

Ummm wtf lmao. U mean merge,roll ur fingers over sic em and owp or lotp and rapid fire? Not alot of steps lol takes like 1 second. I realize u can make the burst high with more steps but those are usually enough to down most classes with one rapid fire. Guards one shot burst puts it in melee with used CD where as slb is still 1800 range,there's a big difference. I've used core guards one shot burst many many times and neither is hard to do difference is slb is unblock able and leaves ranger still at a safe range outa reach if most player. The opponent has to use a gap closer on a ranger or whatever it has to survive getting into its effective range of the slb while getting pew pew by powerfull auto's etc.

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@"oOStaticOo.9467" said:Let's just be honest here. Like Thief, everybody just wants Rangers to be deleted from the game. Ranger has never really had a solid place in WvW. Whenever it starts to get some kind of toe-hold, everybody cries for nerfs. People just plain hate Rangers. At this point we should just all call for Guardians, Warriors, and Elementalists to be the only classes that should play WvW. Warriors for their meat-shield, Elementalists for their DPS, and Guardians for their Heals. That's what everybody really wants. That "Holy Trinity" that makes all MMOs so wonderful to play. Anything else is just too....................weird.

its more like rangers trying their hardest to convince ppl that their obviously op builds aren't bad for the game, and that we should look the other way since this class is a special victim with special privileges.

More like people who aren't as good as they think they are keep getting ganked by rangers so they take to the forums crying their eyes out, asking big daddy Anet to tip the scales back in their favor so they can feel good about themselves again.

Like the people who whined about Arc Divider?

And do any of those specs have an instant cast +40% damage modifier on their bars? No? Mkay then. Bring Sic'em in line with other player accessible damage modifiers, +20% increase for the merged Soulbeast or +40% for the unmerged pet.

A bit more detailed reason why you are not making sense...

Guardian 1 shot build...

F skill step 1-

Slot skill step 2-

Slot skill step 3-

Weapon skill step 4-

Weapon skill step 5-

Guardian 1 shot build recap... 1F skill, 2 slot skills and 2 weapon skills used. That’s 5 actions in total...

Ranger 1 shot build

Elite skill step 1-

Pet skill step 2-

Weapon skill step 3-

Slot skill step 4-

Merge with Smokescale step 5-

Slot skill step 6-

Merged pet skill step 7-

Heal skill step 8-

Swap weapons step 9-

Weapon skill step 10 if opponent at a distance-

Weapon skill step 11-

Alternative weapon steps 10 and 11 include using longbow or axe skills

Ranger 1 shot build recap... 1 elite skill, 1 non-merged pet skill, 1 merged pet skill, 2 slot skills, 1 heal skill, 1 weapon swap, 1 merge and at minimum 2 or 3 total weapon skills depending on range to target. That’s 10 or 11 actions in total.

Guardian doesn’t have Sic ‘Em, yet it’s way simpler to pull off a “1 shot” kill.

...This thread is nothing but players making excuses for getting their pixels sent back to spawn. And the reality is that power creep is over the top compared to player health, and that’s the real issue.

Edit- Even Mesmer has less steps than Ranger to perform a “1 shot” kill... And for these examples, neither Guardian nor Mesmer has to waste a Heal or Elite skill to pull it off...

And what part of my saying that you'll still one shot people with a 20% sic'em instead of a 40% sic'em do you not grasp? You'll just not be able to do it on a mounted player from 1800 range anymore.

Or is this that you really are fine with powercreep so long as it is for your preferred class and not others?

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@"oOStaticOo.9467" said:Let's just be honest here. Like Thief, everybody just wants Rangers to be deleted from the game. Ranger has never really had a solid place in WvW. Whenever it starts to get some kind of toe-hold, everybody cries for nerfs. People just plain hate Rangers. At this point we should just all call for Guardians, Warriors, and Elementalists to be the only classes that should play WvW. Warriors for their meat-shield, Elementalists for their DPS, and Guardians for their Heals. That's what everybody really wants. That "Holy Trinity" that makes all MMOs so wonderful to play. Anything else is just too....................weird.

its more like rangers trying their hardest to convince ppl that their obviously op builds aren't bad for the game, and that we should look the other way since this class is a special victim with special privileges.

More like people who aren't as good as they think they are keep getting ganked by rangers so they take to the forums crying their eyes out, asking big daddy Anet to tip the scales back in their favor so they can feel good about themselves again.

Like the people who whined about Arc Divider?

And do any of those specs have an instant cast +40% damage modifier on their bars? No? Mkay then. Bring Sic'em in line with other player accessible damage modifiers, +20% increase for the merged Soulbeast or +40% for the unmerged pet.

A bit more detailed reason why you are not making sense...

Guardian 1 shot build...

F skill step 1-

Slot skill step 2-

Slot skill step 3-

Weapon skill step 4-

Weapon skill step 5-

Guardian 1 shot build recap... 1F skill, 2 slot skills and 2 weapon skills used. That’s 5 actions in total...

Ranger 1 shot build

Elite skill step 1-

Pet skill step 2-

Weapon skill step 3-

Slot skill step 4-

Merge with Smokescale step 5-

Slot skill step 6-

Merged pet skill step 7-

Heal skill step 8-

Swap weapons step 9-

Weapon skill step 10 if opponent at a distance-

Weapon skill step 11-

Alternative weapon steps 10 and 11 include using longbow or axe skills

Ranger 1 shot build recap... 1 elite skill, 1 non-merged pet skill, 1 merged pet skill, 2 slot skills, 1 heal skill, 1 weapon swap, 1 merge and at minimum 2 or 3 total weapon skills depending on range to target. That’s 10 or 11 actions in total.

Guardian doesn’t have Sic ‘Em, yet it’s way simpler to pull off a “1 shot” kill.

...This thread is nothing but players making excuses for getting their pixels sent back to spawn. And the reality is that power creep is over the top compared to player health, and that’s the real issue.

Edit- Even Mesmer has less steps than Ranger to perform a “1 shot” kill... And for these examples, neither Guardian nor Mesmer has to waste a Heal or Elite skill to pull it off...

And what part of my saying that you'll still one shot people with a 20% sic'em instead of a 40% sic'em do you not grasp? You'll just not be able to do it on a mounted player from 1800 range anymore.

Or is this that you really are fine with powercreep so long as it is for your preferred class and not others?

No I'm not fine with power creep. I prefer a much more balanced design... https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28024/increasing-ttk-undoing-old-split-changes-and-eliminating-skill-splitting

I'm not some zerker kiddie who runs to the forum every time my pixels get beat up. I was a competitive support player before E-Sports and GW2 existed, who thinks GW2 has very poor balance all around and poor support designs. GW2 has a great combat system design at the core, but it's wasted on neglect and there is very little effort given to evolve professions.


















Edit- And what part of every profession can still 1 shot do you not grasp? So you nerf Sic 'Em and everyone can still 1 shot... Like nerfing Sic 'Em does anything at all to improve the state of power creep across all professions... Still don't get it?

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Buddy, Sic'em + RF kills more than pve zerker toons in WvW, stop being in denial over it. You just admitted to not wanting powercreep, well people are pointing out powercreep that Soulbeast has been able to avoid having nerfed for a long time, so own up to it, or get over it like other classes have had to do.

I have my own Soulbeast. Sic'em +RF is too powerful, because of sic'em. Its too powerful just like the new Arc Divider was too powerful. The nerf is coming, pray Anet is merciful (lol).

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Buddy, Sic'em + RF kills more than pve zerker toons in WvW, stop being in denial over it. You just admitted to not wanting powercreep, well people are pointing out powercreep that Soulbeast has been able to avoid having nerfed for a long time, so own up to it, or get over it like other classes have had to do.

I have my own Soulbeast. Sic'em +RF is too powerful, because of sic'em. Its too powerful just like the new Arc Divider was too powerful. The nerf is coming, pray Anet is merciful (lol).

Like seriously, what is the disconnect here? Players are complaining about getting killed in 1-3 seconds, and you’re saying that even if we nerfed it you can still 1 shot a player...

You are not thinking at all. Nerfing Sic ‘Em does not prevent the problem of 1shots on Ranger or any profession... So that solves nothing lol...

I sincerely hope you don’t need more explanation that that.

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Buddy, Sic'em + RF kills more than pve zerker toons in WvW, stop being in denial over it. You just admitted to not wanting powercreep, well people are pointing out powercreep that Soulbeast has been able to avoid having nerfed for a long time, so own up to it, or get over it like other classes have had to do.

I have my own Soulbeast. Sic'em +RF is too powerful, because of sic'em. Its too powerful just like the new Arc Divider was too powerful. The nerf is coming, pray Anet is merciful (lol).

Like seriously, what is the disconnect here? Players are complaining about getting killed in 1-3 seconds, and you’re saying that even if we nerfed it you can still 1 shot a player...

You are not thinking at all. Nerfing Sic ‘Em does not prevent the problem of 1shots on Ranger or any profession... So that solves nothing lol...

I sincerely hope you don’t need more explanation that that.

The issue is that you understand powercreep is unhealthy for the game and want balance across the board, yet you protest it happening to an individual skill. You seem to expect ANet to adjust every profession and elite spec in one go otherwise it's "unfair" because something is being singled out.

Your expectations and definition of balance are so far from achievable reality you may as well ask ANet to start the game over from scrap. It doesn't matter how many examples you give because you're constantly comparing apples to oranges and calling them the same.

I wish I could say I respect that you want equality for everything without having a personal bias, but you're so infatuated with that perspective that you contradict yourself. You want the game to stay toxic because if one thing can achieve similar results to another thing, regardless of risk or effort, neither of them should be adjusted unless they both (all) are.

The fact of the matter is that we won't know how it would perform until it were changed ( unless they made it so that "Sic 'Em!" doesn't effect the Ranger at all ). Fortunately, ANet is capable of making multiple adjustments and can always come back for further tweaks. It's not like anything has ever been nerfed in to uselessness and never made a return to meta or viability. Everything has had it's time in the shadows and it's time in the sun. "Memebeast" has been going strong and untouched, even buffed for almost 2 full years.

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Buddy, Sic'em + RF kills more than pve zerker toons in WvW, stop being in denial over it. You just admitted to not wanting powercreep, well people are pointing out powercreep that Soulbeast has been able to avoid having nerfed for a long time, so own up to it, or get over it like other classes have had to do.

I have my own Soulbeast. Sic'em +RF is too powerful, because of sic'em. Its too powerful just like the new Arc Divider was too powerful. The nerf is coming, pray Anet is merciful (lol).

Like seriously, what is the disconnect here? Players are complaining about getting killed in 1-3 seconds, and you’re saying that even if we nerfed it you can still 1 shot a player...

You are not thinking at all. Nerfing Sic ‘Em does not prevent the problem of 1shots on Ranger or any profession... So that solves nothing lol...

I sincerely hope you don’t need more explanation that that.

The issue is that you understand powercreep is unhealthy for the game and want balance across the board, yet you protest it happening to an individual skill. You seem to expect ANet to adjust every profession and elite spec in one go otherwise it's "unfair" because something is being singled out.

Your expectations and definition of balance are so far from achievable reality you may as well ask ANet to start the game over from scrap. It doesn't matter how many examples you give because you're constantly comparing apples to oranges and calling them the same.

I wish I could say I respect that you want equality for everything without having a personal bias, but you're so infatuated with that perspective that you contradict yourself. You want the game to stay toxic because if one thing can achieve similar results to another thing, regardless of risk or effort, neither of them should be adjusted unless they both (all) are.

The fact of the matter is that we won't know how it would perform until it were changed ( unless they made it so that "Sic 'Em!" doesn't effect the Ranger at all ). Fortunately, ANet is capable of making multiple adjustments and can always come back for further tweaks. It's not like anything has ever been nerfed in to uselessness and never made a return to meta or viability. Everything has had it's time in the shadows and it's time in the sun. "Memebeast" has been going strong and untouched,
even buffed
for almost
2 full years.

This sums it up. Time to move on.

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

@"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:Buddy, Sic'em + RF kills more than pve zerker toons in WvW, stop being in denial over it. You just admitted to not wanting powercreep, well people are pointing out powercreep that Soulbeast has been able to avoid having nerfed for a long time, so own up to it, or get over it like other classes have had to do.

I have my own Soulbeast. Sic'em +RF is too powerful, because of sic'em. Its too powerful just like the new Arc Divider was too powerful. The nerf is coming, pray Anet is merciful (lol).

Like seriously, what is the disconnect here? Players are complaining about getting killed in 1-3 seconds, and you’re saying that even if we nerfed it you can still 1 shot a player...

You are not thinking at all. Nerfing Sic ‘Em does not prevent the problem of 1shots on Ranger or any profession... So that solves nothing lol...

I sincerely hope you don’t need more explanation that that.

The issue is that you understand powercreep is unhealthy for the game and want balance across the board, yet you protest it happening to an individual skill. You seem to expect ANet to adjust every profession and elite spec in one go otherwise it's "unfair" because something is being singled out.

Your expectations and definition of balance are so far from achievable reality you may as well ask ANet to start the game over from scrap. It doesn't matter how many examples you give because you're constantly comparing apples to oranges and calling them the same.

I wish I could say I respect that you want equality for everything without having a personal bias, but you're so infatuated with that perspective that you contradict yourself. You want the game to stay toxic because if one thing can achieve similar results to another thing, regardless of risk or effort, neither of them should be adjusted unless they both (all) are.

The fact of the matter is that we won't know how it would perform until it were changed ( unless they made it so that "Sic 'Em!" doesn't effect the Ranger at all ). Fortunately, ANet is capable of making multiple adjustments and can always come back for further tweaks. It's not like anything has ever been nerfed in to uselessness and never made a return to meta or viability. Everything has had it's time in the shadows and it's time in the sun. "Memebeast" has been going strong and untouched,
even buffed
for almost
2 full years.

You don’t seem to even understand problem solving... Figured being a platinum rank player you’d know the issues are far beyond 1 skill. Silly to nerf 1 skill when everyone can 1 shot each other anyway, so nothing is resolved...

Yeah, and that’s how balancing the combat system works, but obviously you don’t get it.

Go ahead, nerf Sic ‘Em, and you’ll cross better players that will 1 shot you on any profession, then you’ll be back to the forums trying to identify that 1 skill to nerf to make up for your loss... And seriously, when a 1 shot guardian, who doesn’t have a skill that provides the equivalent of Sic ‘Em, comes along and wipes you, then what’s going to be your excuse?

I also like how you conveniently avoided responding to all those videos I posted. It’s pretty telling.

Edit- “You want the game to stay toxic because if one thing can achieve similar results to another thing, regardless of risk or effort, neither of them should be adjusted unless they both (all) are.”

That’s called balanced...


But you want 1 skilled nerfed on 1 profession, although professions are all pumping out massive damage.. So what do you call that? That’s balance to you?

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Yea, no the issue isn't just Sic Em, it's their damage across the board in combination with a few different traits and skills that stack onto any attack in combination with ez access to the best buffs in the game. The class across the board is way too much damage with way too little effort with way too many escape mechanisms and way too much everything basically.

I am a bit salty just got hit by a 17,392 winter's bite with 2 button clicks and zero effort.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:how do I unsubscribe from thread? ijits keep multi quoting me.

U might have missclicked and favorited the thread, there’s a star icon that must be yellow at the top right of the thread or in category page u can see the thread icon as well.

I don't see the star, all there is is this bookmark thing. also what category page are you referring to? anything you can tell me is appreciated.

edityeah see the star but this post isn't in it. I don't think these forums have an unsubscribe from thread option.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Throwing traps would be nice, but that would have interesting interaction with trapper runes.

This used to be the case. They nerfed the skills by making them not throwable anymore at some point around the release of HOT I recall. I think they did it to balance them for pvp. They should’ve only made the change for pvp.

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@DeathPanel.8362 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Throwing traps would be nice, but that would have interesting interaction with trapper runes.

This used to be the case. They nerfed the skills by making them not throwable anymore at some point around the release of HOT I recall. I think they did it to balance them for pvp. They should’ve only made the change for pvp.

Probably easier to do that than spit that sort of thing between game modes though.

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