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Do you want more mounts in the future?

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@kylo.4092 said:It would be awesome to have a flying mount without energy problem. So that we could protect our height while we move further or go even higher. And also underwater mount could be different... Just imagining...

But then we would just stay up in the air for as long as we wanted. The energy on the Skyscale is so you can't maintain altitude forever. Just look at what happened with WoW. They introduced flying mounts and nobody ever set foot on the ground again.

That being said, I think an underwater mount would be nice if the next expac is underwater themed. It would help to have an underwater mount when you have a verdant brink size and style map underwater.

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I voted no.

I use the warclaw because I am a wvwer, but only to go faster from one point to another, or to catch back delay on squad, what is hardly more than 20% of the time I spend in WvW.In PvE, I use raptor and springer all the time, skimmer once in a while, griffon once in a blue moon, the others close to never.I feel no need for the skyscale. I do the treasure hunts because I like treasure hunts, but with no real objective to get it. If anything in the next steps should be a bother to me, I would probably stop and never complete.

So, in short, out of 8 mounts, I use 3 only out of which one - the warclaw - for quite limited use and one - the skysale - that I don't even have yet because I feel no need for it.

From there, I could say I don't care that more mounts will come in the future, but fact is I care. At each new mount, I fear that something will be made possible with nthe new mount only, forcing me to stuff I don't want to do. I am lucky it is not the case with the skyscale (at least up to now, I can do everything with other mounts), but what will be with next one? From that perspective, I prefer not to see one more mount any time soon.

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At this time I see no reason to add another mount. I feel like all forms of Travel are covered with the exception being underwater which at this time isn’t really a huge part of the game. If going forward we do end up with more underwater content, the. Perhaps an underwater mount (shark, seahorse, jellyfish, w/e) could be added, otherwise, I see no reason to add anything else. :/

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No, there's enough already, but I would like to see the existing ones improved:

  • Raptor: It could jump off of objects after leaping at them, for a double leap, making it truly the king of movement.
  • Springer: It could do a double hop mid-air, allowing you clear "tabletop" terrain instead of hitting your head (a very common problem in PoF/LS4 maps). Many games implement mid-air jumps in this manner.
  • Skimmer: It could go underwater (instead of just the surface), in fact I believe this will be neccessary for future content. The only real role that we're lacking in mounts is one that is underwater so this would fit the bill I think.
  • Jackal: It gets stuck on terrain alot. It could blink vertically instead of just horizontally, not on the same level as Springer, just enough to clear objects so that you're not having to swtich to the Springer or Griffon every few minutes.
  • Griffon: Its usefulness is often limited to needing to reach a high up place first, It could take off from the ground by sacrificing an endurance bar, similar to how the Skyscale works, but more like a jet taking off (it would need a runway, etc.).
  • Rollerbeetle: It could have a "cruise control", that lets you move at a fixed speed, but slower than optimal. This would make it the best mount for map completion and other "exploration-based" tasks.
  • Skyscale: Needs a few general improvements already..
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I'd rather they update old mounts with new abilities. Imagine if the core 5 PoF mounts got an update and a few new mastery levels. Things like:Raptor being able to jump mid air.Springer being able to cling to walls and leap off of them to get higher than before. (A lot like the skyscale now.)Skimmer being mountable under water to either float back up quickly or act as an aquatic mount; Alternatively, float a lot like how the skyscale does.Jackal being able to teleport in any direction.Griffon regaining the ability to pull up mid dive-flap again or an extra endurance bar for flight.

I'm just really underwhelmed by what the skyscale can do after getting a nice, albeit, niche mount with the warclaw and a really cool roller beetle.

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I am not against an underwater mount, but there will never be more underwater combat. Not sure what the point of underwater mount now. Outside of Strats of Devastation and the map with claw of Jormag (forgot its name) there is not much water content to cover in most maps that cannot be covered by the skimmer and just diving for 5-10 secs.

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I'm only for an underwater one.

I use a controller and it's becoming quite awkward to keybind mounts...also don't use most of them and I still don't have the griffon.

I think it's time to move in another direction. Anet has done mounts and very well, but lets move on.

Id prefer in game collections for some mount skins.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:The beauty of the mounts is that one doesn't replace the other. Sure, you could use the Jackal to go from A to B, but it won't do any damage upon engaging mobs like the Raptor, while the Raptor can't run through a corridor of branded without taking tons of damage. Each mount has their unique strength, and so long as ANET continues this philosophy, they can add as many mounts as they want (just please, no more collection debacles like Skyscale)

While the jackal fills the niche of a 4 legged mount that is somewhat between a dog and race horse; I've always felt that the jackal's sand portal ability is a bit of a kludge because they didn't want to use updrafts or ley-lines.

Given the overlaps in abilities that mounts seem to have I wonder if they are planning a wall crawling mount since the skyscale can cling to walls.

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