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Which are your favourite NPC/PC lines/dialogue from story or instanced content?

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@notebene.3190 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:Ooh, and these three (NPCs in Divinity's Reach):

"Horses are for riding."


Yesss. =) ANet should listen to their own creation. :p

@Trise.2865 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:
Warmaster Forgal Kernsson:
"We're not babysitters, we're tourists. Traveling the same road, taking in the same scenery, and beating the ever-living kitten out of the same idiots as you."

Yes! And his next line: "Now are you gonna tell us where we can't go and who we can't beat up on such a nice day?"

Oooh, right! <3

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Forgal mission with charr renegade in field of ruin, order neophyte vigil storyline.

While burning tents:

Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: By the Spirits, is this some kinda kiddie playground? Wake up out there!

Charr Renegade: It's the Vigil! Get 'em!

Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Whoever trained you must be crying right now. You best run.

Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: That's all you've got? Come on, you mangy runts!

Charr Renegade: I hate all you stand for.

Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: You're the worst-trained, most cowardly loustabouts I've ever seen!

Fighting Pyzor Ironmane:

Pyzor Ironmane: Prepare to suffer!Pyzor Ironmane: I yield! You fight well!

Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: You shuck-brained cur! Where's Ajax Anvilburn? We know he's behind the attack on Ebonhawke. Spill!

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Some from the personal story:

Inquisitor Mirella: Well, Captain Thackeray! A long way from home, aren't we? I thought we saved you for last, but since you're here...Logan Thackeray: Oh dear. Oh, mercy. The White Mantle is upon me. Woe! Lamentation! Is this the end for poor Logan?Inquisitor Mirella: Are... are... are you mocking me? I don't think you understand how this works. White Mantle! Give the captain a demonstration.Logan Thackeray: No, thanks. I think I already have a pretty good idea. Now!https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Sting

Bandit Leader Dola: Not bad, cutter. The whole camp's talking about you. Running this place is a lot like herding cats. So, do you know Waine well?Character name: Absolutely. Waine and I have been old friends since we were tiny, weak, pink fleshlings.Bandit Leader Dola: You mean since you were...children? Right. Okay, got it. Heh. You're pretty funny, cutter. Look, I hardly know the bloke, but he's like a brother to Jat.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Blossom_of_Youth

Cai: Fantastic! It worked! I thought we had no chance.Character name: Hang on. Cai? What happened? Where'd the dredge go?Cai: Dredge... right... wow, that stuff was strong. Don't worry. The good guys won, Waine fell over like a chump, and we've got Caladbolg.Character name: But... the oozes! The oozes! And the dredge!Cai: Hoo, boy. We'd better get out of here, before you start calling me Queen Jennah and thanking me for the tea.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trouble_at_the_Roots

Caithe: Please, all of you. Our time has come. We must help the orders. We've fought the Elder Dragons before.Rytlock Brimstone: And lost. because SOMEONE couldn't keep up with us.Logan Thackeray: You have something to say, say it to my face!Rytlock Brimstone: I would, if you weren't always running away! I should gut you and be done with it!https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Setting_the_Stage

Zojja: Never mind. You're here. We've a job to do. No sass. No backtalk.Zojja: I've been tracking down a nasty piece of work named Kudu. He's using dragon energies in his work.Logan Thackeray: Isn't Kudu a girl's name?Zojja: Focus, here. He's been using Snaff's research, and I intend to stop him.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crucible_of_Eternity_%28story%29

Delivery for these were always my favorite.

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  • 2 years later...
Canach: I was given specific orders on how this was supposed to be executed, and I don't need you to defile it with your inclination to blindly smite.
Rytlock Brimstone: If that's a blindfold crack...
Canach: Minister Caudecus, you've obviously... Oh. He's not here. Rytlock, smite away!
Rytlock Brimstone: My pleasure!
Exemplar Kerida: Don't touch anything!

After awakening the Guardians of Secrets:

<Character name>: Uh-oh!
Exemplar Kerida: You touched something, didn't you.
Exemplar Kerida: Casting the portal now! Where—
<Character name>: Signing off!
and always
Canach: Hm. But the foot key is so satisfying.
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"I'm sure the commander is silently trying to warn you that the little narcissist might be listening."


"Look at that-- you broke Scruffy's sarcasm meters. Anyway. I'll get to work on solving that problem so we'll never be apart again! 'Bye!"


Love the writer's acknowledgement that Taimi can be abrasive. And in a way that's funny.


"I think I've had like... twelve so far? No matter how many times I go back, they keep giving me another one. And here's number thirteen. Outsmarted 'em again, Braham."


"Commander! Commander, it's me! It's Braham! There's a band called Metal Legion here! And...some kind of fire thing! Oh! And FREE ALE! You wanna hear a secret? Charr booze is really strong! I can't feel my face! Wann hear another secret? You're my best friend! Okay, bye! This Brahm, by the way! Woo!!"

I'm not typically a fan of drunk humor, but Braham's dialogue through the communicator during this whole section was funny and moving and took him from a character that mostly annoyed me to affection instead.


And I'll second Miraude regarding the foot key.


Edited by Gibson.4036
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This one made me do a double take:


Krewe Researcher: Flash. Bang. Pain. Pain.

Skritt Forager: What you are experiencing is an unfortunate side effect of the recent explosion at the Thaumanova Reactor. The fallout is affecting us all in a myriad of ways.

Krewe Researcher: Ouchie. Ouchie.

Skritt Forager: Yes. "Ouchie," indeed.'


Never buy anything from asura:

Trader (1): Tired of going hungry? Sick of being surprised by marsh predators?

Trader (2): Hostile monsters and delicious fish all go belly-up with the Tropospheric Galvanator! The natural power of lightning "pacifies" the local fauna and makes harvesting a breeze!

Trader (1): Do you think we'll ever sell any of these things?

Trader (2): We better not. The test model killed three people, and they weren't even using it.



Skritt really are a parody of the player base:

Skritt Courtier (female): Your regalia requires more ornamentation.

Skritt Courtier (male): Really? How many pieces of flash should I have?

Skritt Courtier (female): You can never wear too much ornamentation!


And skritt are essentially defense contractors:

Skritt (1): We've been working on ship for generations. When will ship sail?

Skritt (2): We estimate two to five weeks.

Skritt (1): Hrn. Seems like it's always two to five weeks.


As a marine, this hits home and one of the many many dialogues that makes me relate to Charr

Blood Legion Soldier: Well, well, well. Looks like you need a fight.

Blood Legion Warrior: You know it. All this hurry up and wait is killing me.


Blood Legion Warrior: Got your gear packed, soldier?

Blood Legion Soldier: Armed and armored. Got potions, meat, whiskey, black powder, and slugs. I'm good.

Blood Legion Warrior: Pack better. You'll be fighting your gear more than the bad guys if you don't.

Blood Legion Soldier: Why bother? I was going to drop my pouches after I killed someone with a bigger gun.

Blood Legion Warrior: At least you've got your priorities straight.



One of the most memorable interactions from the player character (for me):

Taimi: Commander, I'm getting an odd reading from the communicator. Your temperature seems to be fluctuating. Wildly.

<Character name>: Oh, yes, that makes sense. I was given a heat barrier from one of the Spirits of the Wild down here.

Taimi: Sure. Yeah. Perfect sense. But seriously what's happening?

<Character name>: I told you. These voices spoke to me.

Taimi: Uh-huh.

<Character name>: Then the ghost tree things told me I should free them.

Taimi: Uh-huh.

<Character name>: And in return, they grant me protection from the high temperatures.

Taimi: Sure, sure... So... You're clearly suffering from heat stroke. But don't panic; I'll send help your way!

<Character name>: Taimi, I'm fine. Or will be. As soon as I liberate more of my magical ghost friends.

Taimi: Oh, boy.



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3 hours ago, Kalocin.5982 said:
This one got a good laugh out of me:
Rytlock Brimstone: Commander, you got a second?
Crecia Stoneglow: We could use your perspective on something.
<Character name>: (annoyed eagle screech)
Crecia Stoneglow: ...Uh.

I wont lie, that was actually my favorite moment of that entire story arc. Everything else was so bad 😞 least i got a laugh outta it.

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I tend to screenshot or record conversations and things with NPCs I like, such as Snargle or with the "main" cast in instances, especially if it is dropping lore (books and journals, too; I have at least one bank tab full of these things -- personal library when??) or makes me laugh.


But if we're going for favourite lines, it will probably be something from Canach. For example, practically everything said in "Confessor's End" (wiki link). DiMaggio's delivery for Canach is so great throughout ("Oh, hi, Anise. I didn't see you standing completely within my line of sight..."; "No, no, bigger. Like eight feet tall." for two that consistently make me smile), and there are also many good lines by others (both amusing and serious) peppered all across the instance.


Since the recent "Return..." achievements sent me back to Siren's Landing, another I really like is Reza: "Dagonet, when did it become acceptable to carry a child locked in one's pack?" The times an NPC reacts to the voice coming out of your backpack are pretty solid every time.




Hmm, these aren't particularly deep or insightful ones. Guess I will need to think harder for that kind of quote... there are good ones all over the world, as evidenced by most of us not repeating in this thread. 


It also seems I have collections of player chat screenshots. People are funny!

Edited by synk.6907
some tweaking of wording
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  • 7 months later...

Canach: "Afraid to leave the plant with the plant food?"

PC: "I just enjoy your company."


PC: "I'm looking for... Something."

Zalambur: "Oh, well we have lots of somethings. Feel free to peruse."

*Awkward silence later.*

Zalambur: "This is the part where you give more detail and explain what is it you're looking for..."

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