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Why don't you sPvP?

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I don't have the mindset for it. I dislike getting stomped and watching the people who love to stomp others. I also hate being the one doing the stomping - I feel bad. The only time I really enjoy myself in PvP is when it's a close match and people aren't raging. As you can see, that's a very narrow window and mainly not worth it for me. If I get lured back in it's because of a reward I want, not because I miss the gameplay.

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  • No tutorials to help the player engage into the mode. Basically, it can be a fridgin' great duelist/team-player but a terrible PvPer because - no clue. That's why WvW was an easier go-to choice.
  • The lack of a viable option for every class. Yeah, every class is playable, but at a certain tier/rank, you won't move forward until you... sorry for this word... become a 'slave' to the meta. In MOBAs you pretty much have X roles and at least one meta champion/hero for each role... can't find that here for every class. There needs to be more viable options and more meta shaking.
  • The lack of an MMR system. Something that tracks both your individual and teamplay performances. When I tried to PvP, in my first few matches I was placed at low plat and had to face top 50 players, so...
  • Different modes to play: Deathmatch, Flags, Structures, etc. There are only different maps. Surely different maps affect the class you want to play, but give the players a change to how they win.

Even if the game is more casual, it can still get players to play a certain mode. There are PvP-only games, yet you find casual/pro streamers playing it and having fun, so the idea of capping points only needs to be looked at for a bit. I like how the matches are short in this game, which is great for those short on time, but that's not enough.

Hope your post stays in here, so maybe that mode can really find its way to other including me if any great changes were to come. It's sad to have such great combat system in this game and not use it to its fullest.

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Started to play in 2012 and expected to start playing with my old gvg GW1 group....

The momment we saw ANet lamerpath to aoe spam and low skill dps race most bailed out of the game, and my group(IRL friends) never magened to play this game together again.

Lack of REAL team effort gameplayLack of REAL cordenation gameplayLack of PVP GAMEMODES, every class is broken to the cap spam point and leave, no real interection between team is needed.

Gw2 is not a good pvp game... still i do once in a while log in a alternate account and go troll pvp with my Spirit weapon guardian, the tears of my "alies"... i dont think this counts as play pvp lol (i do put effor in the gameplay but VS the low effort gimmicks well u guys know the results ;) )...

Anet will always end punishing players that dont play the easy gimmicks ;) and that for me is a start to think how bad Anet dont want to pay atention to the pvp/wvw gameplay issues.

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The combat is not fun.It's been gradually but steadily declining in quality and fun to play factor through the years.The way I see it combat wise GW2 ticks all the wrong boxes.It became too fast for a fantasy MMO and although the devs try to "balance" PvP by normalising gear /statsand splitting skills between game modes,in the end it's all pointless since every single negative feature related withgames that don't go through this process also exists in GW2.There are also faults with core and fundamental class mechanics.It also became way too dependent on classes and builds with increasingly simplified and over performing abilities.I simply lost all hope that there's any chance of the game reversing direction any time this decade and I'm not going to spendmy time in the forums trying to explain why one shots are counter fun for the combat of a game like GW2, or thatanything that doesn't blow up in 3 secs is in no way a bunker, or why a 360 degree cleave and red circles everywhere may be funin a diablo like game only, etc etc.

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Honestly? I suck. A lot. I rarely get the drop on people because I am just...not motivated to? It's like, some people live for it, live in the fight and the adrenaline. Me? I prefer to heal and to keep people safe. That being said, I'm good at strategy but I don't have the impetus or the confidence to prove said statement. Give me something to protect and I'll go all out and someone will start burning. Also, I don't know, I'm sort of intimidated by all the venom and anger I see; I very much do not like conflict. I'd like to say that I pwn all in this game, but that is not the truth. XD Maybe a few more years to build up confidence. --nervous laugh-

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I played a lot, from the beginning. I stopped around changes in rank exp (i had 50+ rank and after change it jumped to 79 rank). Then i had long break and now pve seems much better than before, so i play it now. Im fed up with spvp.

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Because circlequest is boring and there are no other supported game modes. Also, the balancing is a joke, and my main profession hasn't had a single meta build since PoF launched. If you have even a vague idea about the stale PvP meta from PoF to now, you'll know what profession I'm talking about.

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-Overall I'm just bored and sick of conquest. Over the first year of playing ranked I realised it just boils down to from my perspective; 1: bring your most busted build, 2: outnumber your opponent. Tried ranked again few years later and my perspective hasn't changed.

-While being so focused on conquest to prosper for over 5 years, the other two (deathmatch and stronghold) has very little to nothing invested and left to rot. At one point playing stronghold for nearly 2 years felt more like a breath of fresh air.

-Watered down maps

-The trend of having achievements baked into beta maps. It always lead into people solely choosing the same map, which gets old.

-Having most of my builds I created throughout the years rendered either defunct or obsolete.

-Almost everything appears so spam-friendly to the point I hardly bother counting/timing cds and dodges of enemies in most fights.

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I find the WvW experience to be more varied and interesting. The mechanics at play tend to lend themselves to a more wide open set of encounters and engagements. When I play sPvP I feel like it would be cooler if there were something more to it... I get the limits and it's purpose. It's just seriously lacking in the fun factor that WvW gives me.

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Because there is a holy trinity of classes to faceroll with in pvp. Necro, Guard, Engi. GW2 Devs main focus is not pvp or wvw, which is why there is hardly any good or relevant updates to these modes because everyone would rather afk in cities and change fashion over and over then log out.

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@"Squee Squashington.5189" said:"Too much dmg, getting bursted in 2-3 seconds is no fun.""Anet's focus on "more deadlier gameplay"..."

These. I loved sPvP when I was into it. But the spike damage in this game is WAY out of control compared to other MMO's. This sort of "dodge or die" Dark souls mentality kills the game both in PvP and PvE. It's the same principle as to why so many more people farm AB over raids. If they want to bring player participation into any part of the game I think they really need to address the gameplay mechanics on a fundamental level.

Very much agree! I don’t enjoy “dodge or die” style play in any game mode. I had some fun matches and duels when I played PvP several years ago. All I’ve read tells me this would no longer be the case and insta-death isn’t fun.

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The format is boring and game balance.

The balance of the game has shifted so much from brawling to just whoever can dump so much damage out/rip enough boons to cause downs or pump out enough healing/boons to withstand said onslaughts. So much of the "holy trinity" being bad for gameplay has never been the issue. The issue has and will always be playerbases abusing the most effective means to an end. If that end means using a bugged rune to constantly fear you (that was a fun day fighting (read ignoring) mesmers), to using bunker engies who can just pump out so much healing to everyone.

This doesn't just apply to spvp either. I mainly play wvw these days. But honestly nerf burst damage down, lower condi damage or bring back the cap (we know it still exists but its impossible to hit outside of pve if it has been hit since the "cap removal"), and bring back "brawling" not just nuking everything from orbit.

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I PvP regularly, but the PvP forums seem to be mostly a big whine-fest about which professions are OP, match throwing, ect. For me PvP is just a fun activity--I'm of average skill, place fairly in ranked, and don't really worry about any of the "big issues" a lot of PvPers debate.

To those complaining about toxicity, it's easy to avoid. Putting yourself in "offline" mode, so people cannot whisper you, cuts toxicity down by a lot. And if somebody is being rude enough in team chat to bug me, I just switch my chat box over to a custom one that prevents seeing messages from anyone. You can create your own "Nope Zone" with the chatbox options if you're sensitive.

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@OP - because GW2's sPvP feels more like arenas to me than actual objective based team combat like the battlegrounds/warfronts/etc of other mmos. I never really got into arena type gameplay modes, and prefer the larger team objective type modes. If GW2 introduced some sort of 10v10 or 15v15 type stuff I'd consider giving it a try. For now I'll stick to WvW.

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(Guild Wars Is The First And Last Guild Wars)

(While nothing happens to turn the game around into a healthy competitive learning-effort Fun game, Guild Wars sends out its regard to all players alike that it cares for you and still remains unmoved and Irreplaceable.

Come join us in Guild Wars where healthy competition matters and your time-learning-efforts experiences are valued and are rewarded

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Matchmaking feels random at the best of times and broken most of the time. Hard to invest a competitive spirit when the mode “feels” so unfair. It’s a game after all, I want to feel like I had a chance of victory for my losses and I had the possibility to lose for my wins. Most games are blowouts. I don’t know. Ether anet is really bad at matchmaking or matchmaking itself is extremely difficult to implement.

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