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why did all of you have such high expectations for the aug 30th announcement?

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@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:when things are ready, anet will let us know. its unrealistic to expect updates or even new content in some ambiguous announcement.

I feel your pain, but cmon.

It wasn't an ambiguous announcement...they notified us a month ahead of time, a few devs made posts on the forums helping with the countdown. Twitter posts were made with screenshots, Greg Miller even commented during the stream on how the devs were worrying about "if people would like what is being shown" so clearly this was a bit of a "big deal".

Also yes ANet will "let us know" about things...a week before they launch should we want any kind of details about them. Then it will release, likely cause issues and then get left alone.

All we found out from this "announcement" that was any kinds of "new" was the thing about Strikes. Thats it. We already knew LW Season 5 was coming they told us as much before the stream even happened, we already knew Build Templates were being worked on, we already knew about Swiss Tournaments and WvW Alliances and I'm pretty sure only Swiss tournaments got a passing mention.

I didn't have any expectations for this stream, I really didn't. Zero. None. I went into it expecting much of what I saw, which was nothing but even then its still astounding that this is really all they could muster. Zero expectations and I still reacted with "Thats it?"

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:when things are ready, anet will let us know. its unrealistic to expect updates or even new content in some ambiguous announcement.

I feel your pain, but cmon.

Yeah, too much complaint this time around.

They actually announced save/load build templates, but no one is even mentioning it or praising it in any way.

Makes the community look bad imo.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:when things are ready, anet will let us know. its unrealistic to expect updates or even new content in some ambiguous announcement.

I feel your pain, but cmon.

Yeah, too much complaint this time around.

They actually announced save/load build templates, but no one is even mentioning it or praising it in any way.

Makes the community look bad imo.

Yeah, Build Templates are nice and all. But for that to be the best takeaway from a month long awaited announcement stream that was supposed to reveal more about the future of GW2...and the "highlight" is a Quality of Life mechanic...what is this company even doing?

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The thing with build templates is, while nice of them to mention it, it should've been a day 1 feature that's taken them 7 years (maybe more) to implement. It was a defining feature in GW1 and should've been in GW2 at launch. So the fact that build templates is sort of the only noteworthy new feature they talked about in a 30+ minute keynote is not a good look, and even then it's something they've talked about for a few years.

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Build templates are great and all, but it's a quality of life feature that has been asked for since release. So, great. It will be more convenient to switch builds.

Sorry, let me rephrase that. It will more convenient to switch to the same builds we've been playing for the past 2 years in the same gamemode we've been playing since release.

I hope that helps people see the issue.

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@TrollingDemigod.3041 said:I expected nothing and I was still disappointed.

Isn't that like... a good thing?

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Yeah, too much complaint this time around.

They actually announced save/load build templates, but no one is even mentioning it or praising it in any way.

Makes the community look bad imo.

You have to understand how things only add to the negative image. I mean, build templates weren't even specifically designed for PvP, neat as that is. The only attention we really get is a new armor set, which I don't think addresses any major PvP concerns over the past year or two.

People are a little justified, imo.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:Build templates are great and all, but it's a quality of life feature that has been asked for since release. So, great. It will be more convenient to switch builds.

Sorry, let me rephrase that. It will more convenient to switch to the same builds we've been playing for the past 2 years in the same gamemode we've been playing since release.

I hope that helps people see the issue.

Have to agree with shadowpass here.Have fun playing the same builds, pressing the same combos, same skillset for another two years.Pretty sure people won't be bothered by doing so and the pvp scene will stay strong!

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@KryTiKaL.3125 said:We already knew LW Season 5 was coming they told us as much before the stream even happened

lol wasn't this whole announcement about lw? that's why i'm confused.

Why would you hold a big show just to say that we will get plantiffs and some icy maps and (mostly irrelevant) new masteries? You don't need this fanfare for a LW, except maybe if it is placed in Cantha, or includes a new playable race, or new specs, or new weapons. Maybe was only a feble attempt to counter the fact that other MMOs are still releasing expansions.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@TrollingDemigod.3041 said:I expected nothing and I was still disappointed.

Isn't that like... a good thing?

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Yeah, too much complaint this time around.

They actually announced save/load build templates, but no one is even mentioning it or praising it in any way.

Makes the community look bad imo.

You have to understand how things only add to the negative image. I mean, build templates weren't even specifically designed for PvP, neat as that is. The only attention we really get is a new armor set, which I don't think addresses any major PvP concerns over the past year or two.

People are a little justified, imo.

Completely agree.

But at this point, we also have to recognize & accept our altered set of standards of expectation from Arenanet. I mean, looking at the track history here, getting save/load templates is amazing progress. Like.. I'm not even trying to be insulting here. Being completely serious.

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Because i couldn't believe that they do such a big announcement (long pre stream, build up hype) more than for the last expac only to talk about PvE stuff. Not even near an expansion worthy content (not even for PvE). I mean ok don't do PvP/ WvW related stuff but at least give us some new elite specs to play to shake up meta when you can't do meta shake up balance patches. Also you have new content for all gamemodes with that.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@KryTiKaL.3125 said:We already knew LW Season 5 was coming they told us as much before the stream even happened

lol wasn't this whole announcement about lw? that's why i'm confused.

Yes, it was which was why I didn't expect anything beyond that. However they made an announcement for it a month in advance, rented out a theater, got a presenter, hyped it up with a 36 hour count down plus devs on the forums and twitter counting down and posting photos, and it was all for announcing a release date and vague details?

The highlight of the whole thing was probably build templates, which is a Quality of Life mechanic...and maybe Strikes which is just more of ANet not fixing a problem with the game and just adding some shiny new thing to cover up the festering wound of problems the game already has.

This could have been a blog post, it did not need this kind of hype. It was nowhere near warranted for what was shown.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@"Stand The Wall.6987" said:when things are ready, anet will let us know. its unrealistic to expect updates or even new content in some ambiguous announcement.

I feel your pain, but cmon.

Yeah, too much complaint this time around.

They actually announced save/load build templates, but no one is even mentioning it or praising it in any way.

Makes the community look bad imo.

I mean, it's not like we asked for it for 7 years, and modders implemented it long before ANet dropped the news.

Modders do this for fun. Arenanet does it for their JOBS. But modders were able to implement this function much faster, with much fewer people.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@"shadowpass.4236" said:Build templates are great and all, but it's a quality of life feature that has been asked for since release. So, great. It will be more convenient to switch builds.

Sorry, let me rephrase that. It will more convenient to switch to the
builds we've been playing for the past 2 years in the
gamemode we've been playing since release.

I hope that helps people see the issue.

Have to agree with shadowpass here.Have fun playing the same builds, pressing the same combos, same skillset for another two years.Pretty sure people won't be bothered by doing so and the pvp scene will stay strong!

I'm having fun creating all sorts of builds against the metaslave scene! What does it hold that people can't have fun with all the tools they are given? Get good? Innovate? Improve? GW2 might be an MMORPG, but it doesn't go the way WoW or Runescape does, y'all need to try and work around your options instead of just always wanting to do the same thing so "easily" and "fast". What happened to having "fun" anymore? Is winning all that fun when you're always doing the same thing?

It's also the playerbase fault for being so self centered at one very specific ideal and asking for Anet to pump so much content where as it's already hard enough to come up with new ideas that won't overshadow the older ones that everyone so on neglects as they aren't so bad. If you're gonna play GW2 like the game it isn't, go play something else. Complains won't do you anything, you're wasting energy.

On the grand scheme of things everyone seems to forget how this game works and how it was designed. It fills a very specific niche that is the most least MMORPG there is out there by being:

1: Not a grind first for levels. Only fancy items that have the exact same stats lower levels have at the expense of added features that also motivates the player to do. The end game will always be fashion.

2: WvW/PvP are not the popular scene for many reasons that aren't just Anet to blame but also the players themselves because they want more than the game in concept can mostly give (Or reasons above.), again they can't just pump out content all too easily because they have better ways to make revenue. If you have the skills as a game content creator for their team them by all means go there and make some concepts for them to use and be added to the game. (It's not proven that Anet actually prefers to have their work force entirely driven to one thing, they clearly have a distinct lack of employee's to do the job in all game modes.) One thing for sure, they do have job a lot of job applications in the work and so that way you know they could use more people to help their game.

3: PvE is the more popular scene that allows the game to expand. All in the while if they find time to make more maps for other game modes as they do it, they will likely do so like Djinn Dominion. As far it goes, PvE is also a safer bet compared the other modes where people don't seem to stop complaining in a while as of currently the game balance as been pretty healthy lately.

5: GemStore is here to stay and you don't have to care for it, but care that Anet still have some form of revenue to keep their team going, providing a constant incentive to invest money into the game is what every companies do and yet we are being offered a game that is F2P from start with and no sub fee whatsoever.

There's more points to cover, but GW2 is a very special game and it should not be looked upon like any other.

If the idea of having variation that to a degree remains the same and you don't like that. You prefer endlessly grinding as a sense of gameplay progress. You have no incentive to be the least creative outside of the "I need the best so I can be at the best." You will be sad playing this game that costs nothing but 2 expansions to enjoy.

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I was expecting something big and not in anyway like another normal living world announcement. Living world content is something to be expecting not something to be hyped up in my case. I don't think I even have one living world story complete. I don't even think I have more then 5 episodes done out of all of it. So this big announcement was nothing but a big let down and dissapointment for me.

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