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Sharp Uptick in Amount of Expletives?

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@"MaliceAwakening.9205" said:just seemed a bit much and unnecessary in some cases.

It's a race of sentient predators who live in a total militaristic society where nearly everyone is taught how to kill before they're even adults.

The entire prologue is about them dealing with the reality that they no longer have anything to channel their hyper aggression on and the decisions that arise from that.

If anything, it was fairly tame given the games "pg13" 'ish rating.

Charr saying "hell" and (word for someone without a father) only seems out of place because this game has been as tame as a Disney movie so far.

Actually noticeably even more so given the language of the last Avengers film.

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I actually did notice this almost immediately. It's something they've been slipping into their writing more and more of late, along with more mature and disturbing themes (Plague, addiction, terminal illness, meaningful family death, alcohol, mind-altering substances, body horror, etc).

I'm not bothered by it, and I doubt the OP is either, but it's jarring next to the "Oh gosh darn diddly doo; the bandits are attacking the ranch!" we've had for so many years. It's a good kind of jarring, because it makes Tyria feel more realistic and more immersive.

Keep it up.

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@"Devildoc.6721" said:I haven't heard a single expletive. I've only heard in universe substitutions for expletives.

Well, that's like saying "I've only heard french substitutions of expletives when I was in France".

Btw, anyone remembers Canach's "Mulch!" is LS4.1 (iirc)? Just to let you know that was somewhat indecent, considering sylvari biology... ;)And while at it - in 4.2 the Commander swears too. Mine's a sylvari, so I got the mulch again, but can someone tell me, what other race Commanders say there?

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@"anninke.7469" said:Btw, anyone remembers Canach's "Mulch!" is LS4.1 (iirc)? Just to let you know that was somewhat indecent, considering sylvari biology... ;)And while at it - in 4.2 the Commander swears too. Mine's a sylvari, so I got the mulch again, but can someone tell me, what other race Commanders say there?Uh, indecent? In what way? Mulch would literally be a long dead sylvari, much like a skeleton is a long dead human.

Would raising your arms and just yelling "bones!" at something be indecent?

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So far I've heard one charr using a word which implies that Kralkatorrik may not have been married to the mother of a branded devourer, but that is probably an accurate assumption. (Not that it can't be used both accurately and as an insult at the same time. See Game of Thrones for examples.)

@Vayne.8563 said:

@"MaliceAwakening.9205" said:Some of these expletive comments make them appear less like battle-hardened veterans and more like tantruming children (especially for Charr leadership).

So, so, so much this! I have been complaining about the overuse of colloquial ("modern teen") language for years now, it makes everything sound so lowbrow in this game.

I have a different take on this. People seem to think a game is more serious if it somehow uses old English, even if the language being spoken isn't English. We're used to seeing midieval fantasy in old English. They characters aren't talking English. It's being translated to modern English for our benefit. There's no reason to translate it into old English which is sort of stuffy and formal and not casual at all. Taimi and Brahm are young and would use whatever current young language is in their vernacular. The decision to apply our standards to a different language that's just a translation seems weird to me.

Also when Old English or Middle English was in use it was viewed in much the same way as modern English - words and meanings would change over time and some people would disapprove of it but couldn't stop it happening. For some reason Shakespeare got away with openly inventing new words just because what he wanted to say didn't fit the metre (and many of those moved into every day use, like words from TV shows do today) but other people faced much the same complaining as kids today...and paid just as much attention.

Of course there's also been times when speaking English at all was looked down on - in England. The nobility spoke Latin or French (or French and Italian) and only commoners spoke English. That's why we call a cow a cow when it's alive and beef when it's dead - the people raising them called it a cow (or cu) and the people eating them called it boef.

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@"Danikat.8537" said:Of course there's also been times when speaking English at all was looked down on - in England. The nobility spoke Latin or French (or French and Italian) and only commoners spoke English. That's why we call a cow a cow when it's alive and beef when it's dead - the people raising them called it a cow (or cu) and the people eating them called it boef.

Oh that's fascinating, thanks, I didn't know that!

As for the expletives, I've not completed the episode yet but I haven't really noticed anything at all. When he used the word "dastard" (ahem, trying to avoid spoilers) I took that to be the second meaning of the word "a thing no longer in its pure or original form." Seemed apt to me but YMMV.

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@"Dawdler.8521" said:

Uh, indecent? In what way? Mulch would literally be a long dead sylvari, much like a skeleton is a long dead human.

Would raising your arms and just yelling "bones!" at something be indecent?

According to the Wiki article, "something like mulch" is the closest description of sylvari digestive waste.

@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@anninke.7469 said:And while at it - in 4.2 the Commander swears too. Mine's a sylvari, so I got the mulch again, but can someone tell me, what other race Commanders say there?

I tried to find the spot in the dialog on the wiki, but couldn't. Do you remember when it is? I love little touches like that!

I recall it being during

! Auren giving intel on the Inquest base in the intense mental-image way of hers.

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@anninke.7469 said:

@"Devildoc.6721" said:I haven't heard a single expletive. I've only heard in universe substitutions for expletives.

Well, that's like saying "I've only heard french substitutions of expletives when I was in France".

Btw, anyone remembers Canach's "Mulch!" is LS4.1 (iirc)? Just to let you know that was somewhat indecent, considering sylvari biology... ;)And while at it - in 4.2 the Commander swears too. Mine's a sylvari, so I got the mulch again, but can someone tell me, what other race Commanders say there?I don't see the problem, every single culture that has ever existed has had words that are "taboo" and used as swears and curses and are used in the same context as the ones we know in english, to express anger, frustration, react to pain (swearing actually increases your pain tolerance), and otherwise use as coping mechanisms for stress. It'd be highly unrealistic for a culture to NOT have swear words and NOT use them.I was just saying I never heard any real world english swears that would hurt poor OP's over sensitive earsies.

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@MaliceAwakening.9205 said:Anyone else thrown off by the amount of expletives being used in dialogue during the Bound By Blood release for Icebrood Saga? I understand that the Charr are meant to be portrayed as a warrior race and edgy, but I expect there are better ways to demonstrate this. Some of these expletive comments make them appear less like battle-hardened veterans and more like tantruming children (especially for Charr leadership).

Just seemed like the game was trying to earn its Teen rating for mild language in some cases.

FYI, I like the vast majority of this new release; this particular topic just seemed a bit much and unnecessary in some cases.

never heard veterans/service members talk have you? lol

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@MaliceAwakening.9205 said:Anyone else thrown off by the amount of expletives being used in dialogue during the Bound By Blood release for Icebrood Saga? I understand that the Charr are meant to be portrayed as a warrior race and edgy, but I expect there are better ways to demonstrate this. Some of these expletive comments make them appear less like battle-hardened veterans and more like tantruming children (especially for Charr leadership).

Just seemed like the game was trying to earn its Teen rating for mild language in some cases.

FYI, I like the vast majority of this new release; this particular topic just seemed a bit much and unnecessary in some cases.

No in my opinion we need more, less babying is actually more interesting.. At least make fantasy writing some what realistic.

@Ryukai.6524 said:Considering there are children as young a 5yo running around using the 'f' word as part of there everyday vocabulary nowadays. The dialogue in question is as sparkly clean as a freshly washed white bone china plate.5 year olds shouldn't be playing this game the age rating is at least 16-18... Thats more bad parenting than the game imo.

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@Dante.1508 said:

@Ryukai.6524 said:Considering there are children as young a 5yo running around using the 'f' word as part of there everyday vocabulary nowadays. The dialogue in question is as sparkly clean as a freshly washed white bone china plate.5 year olds shouldn't be playing this game the age rating is at least 16-18... Thats more bad parenting than the game imo.I think they were talking about the vocabulary of 5 year olds in our world, not about them playing GW2.

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@"Devildoc.6721" said:...I don't see the problem, every single culture that has ever existed has had words that are "taboo" and used as swears and curses and are used in the same context as the ones we know in english, to express anger, frustration, react to pain (swearing actually increases your pain tolerance), and otherwise use as coping mechanisms for stress. It'd be highly unrealistic for a culture to NOT have swear words and NOT use them.I was just saying I never heard any real world english swears that would hurt poor OP's over sensitive earsies.

The thing is, swearwords depend on cultural environment very much and what sounds innocent for an english speaker may be far worse for someone from a different country. Those who speak more than one language might be more sensitive to various types of swearing as they've learnt to understand/use more than one type of it.Saying there are only "substitutes" is kinda misleading, because that's viewing foreign swear words without considering the culture.I was glad to hear sylvari use something different then the typical "thorns and brambles", which doesn't sound like a good swear to my ears because of the brambles. And probably the way they say it.

Maybe the OP got very immersed and thus the swearing felt more real. (Or maybe not.) :)

@Dante.1508 said:No in my opinion we need more, less babying is actually more interesting.. At least make fantasy writing some what realistic.I agree. Not much more, but a little more wouldn't hurt.

5 year olds shouldn't be playing this game the age rating is at least 16-18... Thats more bad parenting than the game imo.I think they meant 5YOs in real life. You know how kids tend to remember and happily repeat the most inappropriate words that ever slip anyones lips...And frankly, I don't really see anything in this game that would in any way harm a kid's soul or development (sitting in front of PC instead of moving and playing aside, but that has nothing to do with ratings). Well, I've never claimed to be a good parent... :D

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@anninke.7469 said:

@"Devildoc.6721" said:...I don't see the problem, every single culture that has ever existed has had words that are "taboo" and used as swears and curses and are used in the same context as the ones we know in english, to express anger, frustration, react to pain (swearing actually increases your pain tolerance), and otherwise use as coping mechanisms for stress. It'd be highly unrealistic for a culture to NOT have swear words and NOT use them.I was just saying I never heard any real world english swears that would hurt poor OP's over sensitive earsies.

The thing is, swearwords depend on cultural environment very much and what sounds innocent for an english speaker may be far worse for someone from a different country. Those who speak more than one language might be more sensitive to various types of swearing as they've learnt to understand/use more than one type of it.Saying there are only "substitutes" is kinda misleading, because that's viewing foreign swear words without considering the culture.I was glad to hear sylvari use something different then the typical "thorns and brambles", which doesn't sound like a good swear to my ears because of the brambles. And probably the way they say it.

Maybe the OP got very immersed and thus the swearing felt more real. (Or maybe not.) :)

Immersed or not, if he got offended, he should grow thicker skin. I actually find it worse in fantasy settings if they DON'T have some sort of cursing or swearing (using their own words for it in their culture of course, they don't have to use our vulgar words but they should use THEIR vulgar words), and we should be able to grasp that what they said was considered vulgar in their world (wheel of time comes to mind where Mat would say "Blood and Ashes!" and Nynaeve would chastize him about his language), based on context of when those words and phrases are said.I suppose you could say they were an alien species that has no physiological need to use any kind of vulgarities to express negative emotions or react to pain or stress, but I think that'd be alien enough that you'd have more trouble relating to them. Lord of the Rings is a great book mind you, but the language can come across stiff, one of the reasons being that the characters are almost never informal much less vulgar in their language, with the exception of orcs. Which makes the entire book read as if it weren't an in person telling of a story happening right then, but rather a memoir of events recalled after the fact, which to be fair, was kind of what it was intended to be, a book that Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam wrote years after their adventures, obviously some of the grittier details would be left out of dialogue.

Some people unfortunately get a bit uptight about swearing and claim there's never a time or place for such words. But there absolutely is, or at the very least, if you use substitution words your mind has to BELIEVE that they are taboo swear words so that you can use them and they relieve tension or pain I remember growing up, and at my daycare the babysitter's husband was a truck driver, and he'd be working on his truck in the garage and you'd hear clanging metal and bumps and bangs and a sudden shout of "Ahhhh HORSEFEATHERS!". He was told not to swear because of the children at the daycare.. but he used Horsefeathers in the same tone, context, intensity, and for the same purpose as he'd be using swear words. He still had a physiological need for language that his brain treated as if it was a curse.

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@"Jayden Reese.9542" said:Maybe they should add a setting to replace these bad words with "kitten" like here on the forums so nobody gets offended

I'd use that. It's a great idea. Even better would be a filter you could add words of your choice to, which would then be replaced with "kitten". Other MMOs have this function (although not with the kitten part).

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@RyuDragnier.9476 said:

@Dragon Priestess.9760 said:Expletives? I've not seen a single F-bomb in the entire game.I think he's referring to a 4 letter word starting with D and ending with N. I've seen that dropped a lot, but in this day and age it's not really considered a cuss word.

Dawn? Man, I've never seen that drop. Some players have all the luck.

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