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Would you keep playing a game that ACTIVELY makes your experience worse just to charge you money ?


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@IndigoSundown.5419 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:This patch is a boon to anyone not using third party addons.

I've never used any third party software, but I am doing much worse now with my legendary gear than before. Equipment templates are the worst, such a lousy implementation.

Go check out the other threads for further explanation, if you are interested.

So how many clicks did you have to do before the templates were added since you didnt use third party software as you claim?

Prior to yesterday, when I entered WvW, I had to do zero clicks. Yesterday, I had to do three (hero panel, select build tab, select build). While that is relatively mild as far as annoyances go, it's still a downgrade for me. My PvE build switching almost never involves more than changing weapons (in which case, my experience may involve another click now) or a skill (likewise). For my play style, I have not seen any increased QoL beyond a few bag slots on characters who carried condi or power armor/weapons. I don't have enough trinkets to let a full set languish in a seldom-used build slot on one character. If I wanted to switch from condi to power before, I had to take the appropriate trinkets off a character I was not using right now. I still have to do that.

I will grant that for players who exclusively (or at least mostly) play either PvE or WvW, who did not have multiple legendary gear pieces and who still carried multiple gear sets, this patch may have been an upgrade. However, it was not a boon to "anyone not using third party addons" as was claimed.

As to the thread topic, I am disinclined to pay games that make my game experience worse to sell me something to mitigate the annoyance. What I find ironic is that my annoyance with yesterday's patch would not be mitigated by buying more "templates." Thus, I have not voted.

I stand by my point, its so easy to switch builds now. Where it previously was a tedious affair. Especially if having to change underwater builds as well. So no, the new templates is a godsend compared to what we had before.

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That's why I stopped playing WoW and ESO. Guess that wasn't the type of response you were hoping for either. After trying the system out, to me it's fine and pretty easy to use. I'm quite okay with it and actually willing to go after getting better equipment/try a different build now that I don't need waste bag space on it.

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Loaded question makes this whole thread kind of invalid. It feels more like a statement rather than asking a realistic question.Then again like some other people saidI also dont play wow (not that i ever liked it much to start with) i surely dont now lol.I also dont play eso very much these days either

Overall anet should include a way to mark a preferred traits/ utilities tabs for pvp and wvw that auto swaps when you enter those modes. A short term fix is using account storage to remember you main pvp and wvw setups but then again being limited to 6 free slots might be ok if you are someone who only plays 1 or 2 classes in all 3 game modes but you still need to remember to swap each time.

Overall thought from my experience the system is technically an improvement i cant say it made the overall quality worse for me. ITs just change... most people myself included dont like change and it takes us time to get use to it.

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@semaj.4756 said:I used to be able to play the game even though i had to change things by memory, but now even switching to pvp is a hassle and requires me to remake my build configuration every time, plus having to carry two extra sets of every weapon just to make sure the system doesn't mess with their configuration.

The only thing it requires is for you to manually select your pvp build in the builds tab. That is litreally the only change, which now requires up to 3 clicks. You having to redo your build is a personal issue since you can easily dedicated one of the character build slots to your pvp build.

The gear system works exactly as before when switching non legendary gear from inventory. For pvp you can simply get some white weapons and put them in those slots where your pve gear used to be. At worst you lose 2-3 inventory slots in very niche cases.

Sorry, but you have both a loaded question in your survey as well as very selective personal inefficiencies at play here.

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Translation:"Dear ArenaNet:I don't like paying money for features because I feel like you're selling me the solutions to problems you created. I also want everyone to sympathize with me while I throw a tantrum, but I don't want it to look like I'm throwing a tantrum, so I'll frame it as information-gathering.plz nerf."

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@LucianDK.8615 said:This patch is a boon to anyone not using third party addons.

@"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

Prior to yesterday, when I entered WvW, I had to do zero clicks. Yesterday, I had to do three (hero panel, select build tab, select build). While that is relatively mild as far as annoyances go, it's still a downgrade for me. My PvE build switching almost never involves more than changing weapons (in which case, my experience may involve another click now) or a skill (likewise). For my play style, I have not seen any increased QoL beyond a few bag slots on characters who carried condi or power armor/weapons. I don't have enough trinkets to let a full set languish in a seldom-used build slot on one character. If I wanted to switch from condi to power before, I had to take the appropriate trinkets off a character I was not using right now. I still have to do that.

I will grant that for players who exclusively (or at least mostly) play either PvE or WvW, who did not have multiple legendary gear pieces and who still carried multiple gear sets, this patch may have been an upgrade. However, it was not a boon to "anyone not using third party addons" as was claimed.

I stand by my point, its so easy to switch builds now. Where it previously was a tedious affair. Especially if having to change underwater builds as well. So no, the new templates is a godsend compared to what we had before.

Stand by your point for yourself all you like. It does not apply to me, and I don't use 3rd party addons in GW2. I took a hit to QOL, so not a boon.

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@BadHealer.3608 said:

@Naxos.2503 said:Probably would be easier if it was simply Requested by the playerbase without being so accusatory.Well, they break it, without informing us nor the accept any bug reports about this. That didn't sound very customer friendly to me.

Bugs can be bugs. Bugs are expected, what I'm saying is, everyone is jumping the gun and essentially saying Everything has been happening on Purpose. I seriously doubt they had planned for default PvP and WvW builds to not properly swap is meant to be a feature. That isn't something the devs willingly downgraded. That serves no purpose.

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@Naxos.2503 said:Bugs can be bugs. Bugs are expected, what I'm saying is, everyone is jumping the gun and essentially saying Everything has been happening on Purpose. I seriously doubt they had planned for default PvP and WvW builds to not properly swap is meant to be a feature. That isn't something the devs willingly downgraded. That serves no purpose.They can sell more build slots this way. So that is surely a big plus for them.

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Used to play this game daily for a couple of hours. Since I'd say February or so this year my game play has consisted of 'Log In > Get Daily Reward Log In Bonus > Log Out' and go play another game.

The amount of updates we get that features actual playable content is among the slowest I have ever seen in a game coupled with them making the decision to literally monetize every little thing outside of Living World Updates is what's driving me away. Not to mention with yesterdays update, they think it's justified to make us wait 7 years for Build Templates that should have shipped with the game's release, not listen to the community feedback AND charge us money for it? Yeah, no. They are definitely not the same company I invested my hard earned money and time into that created the first game.

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@BadHealer.3608 said:

@"Naxos.2503" said:Bugs can be bugs. Bugs are expected, what I'm saying is, everyone is jumping the gun and essentially saying Everything has been happening on Purpose. I seriously doubt they had planned for default PvP and WvW builds to not properly swap is meant to be a feature. That isn't something the devs willingly downgraded. That serves no purpose.They can sell more build slots this way. So that is surely a big plus for them.

But thats still not proof of intent. With the frequency of which we accuse and/or call out Anet for incompetence, it seems kind of inconsistent that they are suddenly acting with such precision of programmed behavior to very selectively place physiological pressure via mild inconvenience in one specific edge case, and warranting a full blown conspiracy around it.

Up until this point, the explanation of "they are not good at what they do" has held up pretty good; and this case hasn't produced enough evidence that this is any different. Still disappointing.... but you don't need to be intentional to be disappointing.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Of course not, what a silly and highly biased/skewed poll. I would never play a game with a bad experience full stop

Luckily GW2 isn’t doing this

^^ This.

Have to say this is without a doubt the WORST poll I've seen on forum in the last few months on forum.

Not even worth crediting it with a YES or a NO answer or explanation of either: I'd advise all players to do the same.

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@Fenella.2634 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:This patch is a boon to anyone not using third party addons.

I've never used any third party software, but I am doing much worse now with my legendary gear than before. Equipment templates are the worst, such a lousy implementation.

Go check out the other threads for further explanation, if you are interested.

So how many clicks did you have to do before the templates were added since you didnt use third party software as you claim?I'm with Ashantara. Never used ARC, still more hassle now with the new system.

Before:PvE -> PvP and back: zero clicksPvE -> WvW and back: one weapon change from inventory

Now:PvE -> any other mode and back: Need to change both build and gear manually

Edit: To answer the OP: I'll keep playing, but I surely won't spend any money on those "features". Using alts seems to be the better option still, what a shame really. What a waste of a feature.

For the builds I'm going to guess you have to change it manually because you haven't bothered to save templates for each of those modes that you want...or don't want to use the templates they gave you pre-setup? I mean, you should be able to have the templates set up for each mode and just switch between them.

For the equipment, because you're using one set of Legendary gear for each mode and have it set up differently for each mode and you can't save those setups in templates happens to be the case why it needs to be done manually?

Once again a poll that fails to have the proverbial third option, in this case it would be neither...and that would be because for me personally I never did change builds and equipment between modes(when I played them at all, which was only somewhat the very first year, have not set foot in PvP at all since then, and WvW only a few times for either a daily or some other reason, now no longer needed for World Completion).

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