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Gw2 need some good cinematic


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I did not see wow's new cinematic. I did see Diablo 4's CGI trailer. It was very well made. Still i like the art trailers (like the GW 2 Icebrood prologe trailer) more. They have more soul and heart to me. The concept art coming to life style i like to call it. Everyone his own taste i guess. I also think that the full cgi trailers which Blizzard uses are very expensive to make and only viable with a new paid expansion together with a good promotion campaign, and it does not look like that is a thing at the guildwars 2 horizon at this time.

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Whilst you are right in their drawing power, such cinematics cost a significant sum. Blizzard have a budget which is colossal in comparison to what Anet can draw upon.

I think cinematics have certainly improved though and as has been said, the prologue one was very strong and seemed to generate a massive amount of interest - and I noticed t pulled back some lapsed players even briefly

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Well ... I also watched the new wow trailer for shadowlands and one of my thoughts has been what a huge difference there is in wow between the cinematic trailers and the ingame graphics lol. Personally I prefer trailers which give a better (more realistic) impression about the ingame experience.

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@ugrakarma.9416 said:apples and oranges,....,errrr Blizzard is older game company with huge financial assets, it can afford a entire movie if they think worth it.

This argument is repeated from time to time. And its horrible.And its looking for excuses rather than trying to improve.

It no matter if they are bigger or older that much. Its all about passion.There's some much younger companies than ArenaNet which can compete with Blizzard nowadays.While ArenaNet can't.Blizzard wasnt always big, old and rich. And they don't become rich just like that. It requires a lot of work.They made hight quality products even when they was small.

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@Xar.6279 said:

@ugrakarma.9416 said:apples and oranges,....,errrr Blizzard is older game company with huge financial assets, it can afford a entire movie if they think worth it.

This argument is repeated from time to time. And its horrible.And its looking for excuses rather than trying to improve.

It no matter if they are bigger or older that much. Its all about passion.There's some much younger companies than ArenaNet which can compete with Blizzard.While ArenaNet can't.Blizzard wasnt always big, old and rich. And they don't become rich just like that. It requires a lot of work.They made hight quality products even when they was small.

is simple and logical, saying that GW2 need is Blizzard budget levels cinematics is like saying that all a poor man need to improve their wage is buy a $1million ferrari to reach their work more fast and then impress their boss....... then if GW2 spend $1million in cinematics with graphics more advanced tha game really is, perhaps this will bring new players?......Blizzard had a long list of sucessful profit in games since SNES rock n' roll racing....aka money in their pockets since 1991.

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Im pretty sure that ArenaNet with Blizzard's budget would completly waste it.I may be wrong of course but IMO they wouldnt handle it at all.

They already had very big potential. They was best/fastest selling mmo in history etc, etc.And they already wasted potential they had.Right now GW2 is working only because they had VERY good start.They're still alive only because of this momentum.Without it this game would have ended like Wildstar a long time ago.

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@Xar.6279 said:Im pretty sure that ArenaNet with Blizzard's budget would completly waste it.I may be wrong of course but IMO they wouldnt handle it at all.

They already had very big potential. They was best/fastest selling mmo in history etc, etc.And they already wasted potential they had.Right now GW2 is working only because they had VERY good start.They're still alive only because of this momentum.Without it this game would have ended like Wildstar a long time ago.

Gw2 Devs , could simply copy WoW ideas for the next 2 months , while they are reorganizing :)

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"ugrakarma.9416" said:then if GW2 spend $1million in cinematics with graphics more advanced tha game really is, perhaps this will bring new players?If GW2 spent $1million for new content, that would probably bring in new players as well as old ones.

Engine revamp, graphics update, lots of expert coders, more economists, a very larger balance team to improve competitive modes(wvw & pvp).GW2 has good artists, look at their maps 4 out of 5 are masterpieces, the soundtracks, the concepts is all there. what they need more atm, is more "hard code structure" guys.

The GW2 problems can be summed at their "artistic team"/designers instincts/ideas being limited by core engine limitations that cripples development time.

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Don't you like, Guild Wars 2 Living World: The Icebrood Saga Announce Trailer? I guess not. I think it's great. Maybe I'm just easily pleased but all the trailers (even the smaller teaser ones like for Heart of Thorns) I thoroughly enjoyed, and got me excited for what was to come.

I've always enjoyed the art style GW2 mostly uses in their trailers, etc. I feel it sets them apart and is definitely more artistic than the classic CGI. Sure, the style they use has some limitations in presentation, but on the whole I think it compliments the game well as a whole (e.g. the styling is used throughout the game itself to, such as in the UI elements). I do really tire (and I think most gamers these days see through) games that have great CGI trailers but their in-game graphics are significantly sub-par by comparison. I appreciate that GW2 doesn't try to pull this ruse on its player-base/audience.

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I'm fine with how Anet does things. From the start (of GW2, not 1) they chose to use in-game footage and assets to show off how the game really looks instead of doing a high quality trailer where the models are far lower quality (and sometimes with a completely different art direction) because at the time both MMOs and video games in general would often use custom trailers with outside programs instead of in-game footage.

Maybe it's not as flashy but there's no dramatic difference between a trailer and the actual game. What you see is what you get. And judging by the Bound By Blood trailer, they've added new bones, animations, and textures for new characters which means cinematics will look better going forward.

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@"Hoover.6394" said:Just watched wow’s new cinematic, the shadowland, it wowed me! I feel Gw2 need some thing like that level to get new players, what u guys think?

Oh look it's our scheduled "Blizzard is doing [x] so Anet should" post.

Hey can you start a new thread saying "Anet should collect money for tournament prizes via mtx and contribute nothing to the prize pool"?

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I watched the new WoW cinematic too and it bored me right out. At first it was yes they are finally expanding on Bolvar being the Lich King which immediately went oh, Mary Sue Sylvanas Thrall/Garrosh 'It was merely a setback' 2.0 again. Let's retcon the established lore even more to fit with the current 'plot'.Honestly I loved the Bug in the System trailer but these two vids are my freaking favorite and I'd hope Anet takes notice and tries this.

Honestly those kind of trailers makes me wish this game had more people making gmvs/etc for it on youtube and that.
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