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Nice addition to the game


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It´s nice that now the black-lion-shop icon gets highlighted and notifies me of new stuff to buy there.Really nice, as it is in many mobile games, so I don´t miss out on these exclusive items that are on on sale ( actually just available and not for sale but language) for a short amount of time.I better get some gems and buy the stuff fast to fund the development of my favorite game-modes like wvw and pvp and raids and dungeons and fractals.All my support to you !!!!!!!!!!

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:I'm not much a fan of it either.

The truly puzzling thing is that I don't even think it'll help their sales to have added the highlighting and the change of icon. It feels like effort wasted even if you like the changes.

Agreed - pretty sure players who don't care about the gem store will just click the flashing icon and then immediately click out of the store when it stops flashing before the actual store even loads.

What I'm even more confused about is why they put the effort and resources into changing the lion icon of the gem store...

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@lokh.2695 said:Yeah, changing the icon to a bear seems strange and the flashing is an obvious marketing trick only few steps away from screen filling, non-skipable ads during cutscenes or meta events.

Bit of an exaggeration, is it not...?

A small thing on a small menu bar that can be entirely removed via the settings. Or simply clicked on once.

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...I don't understand the negative reactions here. I, for one, appreciate this change. I only click on the icon when it lights up now. I check out whatever is featured then move on. In the case of the new cape I bought it. This, to me, is a small quality of life upgrade that is useful for the way I play. Have a nice day folks.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:I, too, appreciate the notice. Now I don't need to check the Gem Store every day, or even the Gem Store 'News' thread. I'm surprised there isn't laments about that.

The gem-store should work like this : A new episode of the living story gets released. You play it through and think, after finishing the episode "this bad guy/good guy had a neat looking armor, I would like to have that for my character"Then you browse the gemstore and to your surprise, there's an outfit that looks exactly like the bad guy's.

No fishing for customers, no predatory mobile strategies. The content itself should be the incentive to check the gemstore, not a flashy notification.

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@"Poormany.4507" said:What I'm even more confused about is why they put the effort and resources into changing the lion icon of the gem store...

Because is a small changes, that dont take much time and effort, and can impact their revenues.....

One of the old problems of GW2 was really the amount of small UI issues and "bottlenecks",. i hope them continue in this direction of fine tuning the UI.

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:...I don't understand the negative reactions here. I, for one, appreciate this change. I only click on the icon when it lights up now. I check out whatever is featured then move on. In the case of the new cape I bought it. This, to me, is a small quality of life upgrade that is useful for the way I play. Have a nice day folks.

It's simple, even though it may not be the same resources, it means all the more bugs that were not fixed, all the more material was not released, all the game modes that did not receive updates were left in the dark, but a shiny flashy useless UI was updated instead of those other changes. I can understand why people would be bitter about it. Again you probably have a fixed budget here in dollars and that says budget dollars were spent here versus elsewhere. Gemstore sales help pay the bills, makes sense, but I doubt that people stay with the game because of the cashshop. So agree, whatever marketer prompted that change request, just know you lost a couple hundred in sales this winter from this player alone because of that change.

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@Arzurag.7506 said:It´s nice that now the black-lion-shop icon gets highlighted and notifies me of new stuff to buy there.Really nice, as it is in many mobile games, so I don´t miss out on these exclusive items that are on on sale ( actually just available and not for sale but language) for a short amount of time.I better get some gems and buy the stuff fast to fund the development of my favorite game-modes like wvw and pvp and raids and dungeons and fractals.All my support to you !!!!!!!!!!

In practice, this is the least exploitative game i've ever played. My only real annoyance with the cash shop is its link to the auction house & how it's the default as more of my play has been auction house oriented. They should have a way to directly open the auction house.

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@Firebeard.1746 said:

@Arzurag.7506 said:It´s nice that now the black-lion-shop icon gets highlighted and notifies me of new stuff to buy there.Really nice, as it is in many mobile games, so I don´t miss out on these exclusive items that are on on sale ( actually just available and not for sale but language) for a short amount of time.I better get some gems and buy the stuff fast to fund the development of my favorite game-modes like wvw and pvp and raids and dungeons and fractals.All my support to you !!!!!!!!!!

In practice, this is the least exploitative game i've ever played. My only real annoyance with the cash shop is its link to the auction house & how it's the default as more of my play has been auction house oriented. They should have a way to directly open the auction house.

Talk to an NPC.

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So let me get this:You are annoyed by a feature which allows players who actually enjoy spending money on the game to be notified that there might be something to buy? A feature which probably cost 10 minutes of some developers time (thus just about no time at all).

How does this in any way negatively impact players who do not want to spend money on the game, besides the 1 click every few weeks?Shouldn't all those players who do not enjoy spending money on the game be exhilarated about the fact that others might spend more, thus supporting the developer and game, thus allowing for more resources potentially being diverted to content?

I am a bit confused here. I will agree that I dislike the new icon, but the notification that something new is up is appreciated by myself.

Here is my recommendation:Before going all RAWR! NEW GEM STORE STUFF/CHANGES. RAWR! ALL IS BAD!!!, maybe take 2 minutes to give a change some thought and how it actually might impact you, others and the game overall, then start the rage mode. If this change helps with revenue while not negatively impacting players who do not spend money on the gem store, it's the last type of change to complain about.

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Does it flash? On my PC it just gets a faint blue border when there's something new, but there's no animation to it. I wonder if it's something to do with my settings?

I don't mind it, but then I check the gem store every so often anyway in case there's something I want. There's very little I feel like I need to buy and that can be spaced out. For example I buy 1 bank tab per year, so I'm up to 7 now and will probably get an 8th in August...or whenever they're next discounted after that. At one point I went for a year without spending real money on this game (nothing to do with the game, just my finances) so I definitely don't feel pressured to spend money.

Having said that I hope they don't do anything like Elder Scrolls Online, where the login reward is a foot note on a gigantic, screen filling advert for the cash shop. It doesn't stop me playing and I've learned to ignore it but that kind of literally in your face advertising is obnoxious.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:So let me get this:You are annoyed by a feature which allows players who actually enjoy spending money on the game to be notified that there might be something to buy? A feature which probably cost 10 minutes of some developers time (thus just about no time at all).

How does this in any way negatively impact players who do not want to spend money on the game, besides the 1 click every few weeks?Shouldn't all those players who do not enjoy spending money on the game be exhilarated about the fact that others might spend more, thus supporting the developer and game, thus allowing for more resources potentially being diverted to content?

I am a bit confused here. I will agree that I dislike the new icon, but the notification that something new is up is appreciated by myself.

Here is my recommendation:Before going all RAWR! NEW GEM STORE STUFF/CHANGES. RAWR! ALL IS BAD!!!, maybe take 2 minutes to give a change some thought and how it actually might impact you, others and the game overall, then start the rage mode. If this change helps with revenue while not negatively impacting players who do not spend money on the gem store, it's the last type of change to complain about.

This change doesn't bother me much, but since you are talking about impact, consider this - more people throw money at gemstore for insta skins = less reason to actually make content for game. Why do you think we have come to this new modern game design? Because companies want to put little effort and then milk players for years. That's why you have all these mobile games and live service games. Give me 60 bucks and then give me more money every month in addition to that and we'll give you some skins and shit. Why develop a new game or quality DLCs for existing title, if you can make a skin in few days and people go crazy and will throw you 10€ for each skin (price of entire dlc in many cases).

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@serialkicker.5274 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:So let me get this:You are annoyed by a feature which allows players who actually enjoy spending money on the game to be notified that there might be something to buy? A feature which probably cost 10 minutes of some developers time (thus just about no time at all).

How does this in any way negatively impact players who do not want to spend money on the game, besides the 1 click every few weeks?Shouldn't all those players who do not enjoy spending money on the game be exhilarated about the fact that others might spend more, thus supporting the developer and game, thus allowing for more resources potentially being diverted to content?

I am a bit confused here. I will agree that I dislike the new icon, but the notification that something new is up is appreciated by myself.

Here is my recommendation:Before going all RAWR! NEW GEM STORE STUFF/CHANGES. RAWR! ALL IS BAD!!!, maybe take 2 minutes to give a change some thought and how it actually might impact you, others and the game overall, then start the rage mode. If this change helps with revenue while not negatively impacting players who do not spend money on the gem store, it's the last type of change to complain about.

This change doesn't bother me much, but since you are talking about impact, consider this - more people throw money at gemstore for insta skins = less reason to actually make content for game. Why do you think we have come to this new modern game design? Because companies want to put little effort and then milk players for years. That's why you have all these mobile games and live service games. Give me 60 bucks and then give me more money every month in addition to that and we'll give you some skins and kitten. Why develop a new game or quality DLCs for existing title, if you can make a skin in few days and people go crazy and will throw you 10€ for each skin (price of entire dlc in many cases).

This is so backwards, it hurts... (in relation to GW2, agreed on the general direction of gaming and free to play)

This game is designed around making money via the gem store. You can dislike this fact, but it is reality. Expansions and episodic content (which still is not being monetized) do not make the bulk of the revenue the developer makes/needs. That too is a fact.

Last I checked, the outrage over monetization of convenience things was growing too, see the forum outrage about build templates.

So I will politely disagree that the developer making more revenue via their MAIN monetization stream within their current business plan is bad. You can't take all the good with none of the bad. I personally would love a subscription fee to get some less incentives for gem store items, but I know that a vast majority of the current player base would oppose that. Unfortunately many here want everything without spending a single dime. That is not an expectation which can ever be met.

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