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Thief still hitting for 5k


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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"MarkBecks.6453" said:so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them.

Mesmer Professions do not tell Necromancer Profession 'to learn how to play or come one the forum crying', in fact, we standby Necromancer Profession when it comes to our common Toxic Enemy Profession-Thief Profession. Once again, Thief Profession is the reason why all the professions behave Toxic because why not? Instead of fighting Healthy Competition against Unhealthy Toxicity, Fight Toxicity against Toxicity, .Fight fire with Fire= Balance

We expect you to be be courteous in return

You're way too cringy for being soo wrong about all the time, at least you haven't spammed the thread with bad old videos yet.

You play or main Thief Profession correct?

As a reminder; Mesmer, Necromancer, Warrior, Ranger,
Elementalist Professions are rooted in Guild Wars. Thief Profession and its Toxic Stealth never existed nor would ever cohabitated in Guild Wars for this reason. Guild Wars 2 will forever remain in its Unhealthy Toxic state until Thief Profession is to be completely redesign or to be completely removed from the game alongside its Toxic elements- Toxic +1 shotting and Toxic Stealth


Find me where ‘guardians’ are more rooted in GW than thief.

-here is an interesting read-

Pssst: look up assassin. Minus stealth, the skills are oddly similar.

Don’t waste my time.

Stealth isn’t going away.

'As assassins are weak in terms of armor, they can die very quickly if they do not keep an eye on their surroundings and health. Moving far beyond your group, especially moving far from your healer(s), can quickly result in death.'

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The only thing I really have a problem with when facing Thief is Deadeye combining Reveal removal + Death's Retreat, because these two skills counter the very means by which someone is supposed to catch and subdue a Thief.

Otherwise, I think the class is more broken than overpowered, balanced around bad mechanics and as a result if you don't use them then you end up incredibly weak, and its just not fun to play unless you're going for OTP builds and just, ugh.

But I've already talked about this in another thread and don't see the point of repeating it here.

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"MarkBecks.6453" said:so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them.

Mesmer Professions do not tell Necromancer Profession 'to learn how to play or come one the forum crying', in fact, we standby Necromancer Profession when it comes to our common Toxic Enemy Profession-Thief Profession. Once again, Thief Profession is the reason why all the professions behave Toxic because why not? Instead of fighting Healthy Competition against Unhealthy Toxicity, Fight Toxicity against Toxicity, .Fight fire with Fire= Balance

We expect you to be be courteous in return

You're way too cringy for being soo wrong about all the time, at least you haven't spammed the thread with bad old videos yet.

You play or main Thief Profession correct?

As a reminder; Mesmer, Necromancer, Warrior, Ranger,
Elementalist Professions are rooted in Guild Wars. Thief Profession and its Toxic Stealth never existed nor would ever cohabitated in Guild Wars for this reason. Guild Wars 2 will forever remain in its Unhealthy Toxic state until Thief Profession is to be completely redesign or to be completely removed from the game alongside its Toxic elements- Toxic +1 shotting and Toxic Stealth


Find me where ‘guardians’ are more rooted in GW than thief.

-here is an interesting read-

Pssst: look up assassin. Minus stealth, the skills are oddly similar.

Don’t waste my time.

Stealth isn’t going away.

'As assassins are weak in terms of armor, they can die very quickly if they do not keep an eye on their surroundings and health. Moving far beyond your group, especially moving far from your healer(s), can quickly result in death.'

Yup, still true, what's your point?

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"MarkBecks.6453" said:so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them.

Mesmer Professions do not tell Necromancer Profession 'to learn how to play or come one the forum crying', in fact, we standby Necromancer Profession when it comes to our common Toxic Enemy Profession-Thief Profession. Once again, Thief Profession is the reason why all the professions behave Toxic because why not? Instead of fighting Healthy Competition against Unhealthy Toxicity, Fight Toxicity against Toxicity, .Fight fire with Fire= Balance

We expect you to be be courteous in return

You're way too cringy for being soo wrong about all the time, at least you haven't spammed the thread with bad old videos yet.

You play or main Thief Profession correct?

As a reminder; Mesmer, Necromancer, Warrior, Ranger,
Elementalist Professions are rooted in Guild Wars. Thief Profession and its Toxic Stealth never existed nor would ever cohabitated in Guild Wars for this reason. Guild Wars 2 will forever remain in its Unhealthy Toxic state until Thief Profession is to be completely redesign or to be completely removed from the game alongside its Toxic elements- Toxic +1 shotting and Toxic Stealth


Find me where ‘guardians’ are more rooted in GW than thief.

-here is an interesting read-

Pssst: look up assassin. Minus stealth, the skills are oddly similar.

Don’t waste my time.

Stealth isn’t going away.

'As assassins are weak in terms of armor, they can die very quickly if they do not keep an eye on their surroundings and health. Moving far beyond your group, especially moving far from your healer(s), can quickly result in death.'

Yup, still true
, what's your point?

Explain Thief Profession weaknesses and what are they?

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"MarkBecks.6453" said:so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them.

Mesmer Professions do not tell Necromancer Profession 'to learn how to play or come one the forum crying', in fact, we standby Necromancer Profession when it comes to our common Toxic Enemy Profession-Thief Profession. Once again, Thief Profession is the reason why all the professions behave Toxic because why not? Instead of fighting Healthy Competition against Unhealthy Toxicity, Fight Toxicity against Toxicity, .Fight fire with Fire= Balance

We expect you to be be courteous in return

You're way too cringy for being soo wrong about all the time, at least you haven't spammed the thread with bad old videos yet.

You play or main Thief Profession correct?

As a reminder; Mesmer, Necromancer, Warrior, Ranger,
Elementalist Professions are rooted in Guild Wars. Thief Profession and its Toxic Stealth never existed nor would ever cohabitated in Guild Wars for this reason. Guild Wars 2 will forever remain in its Unhealthy Toxic state until Thief Profession is to be completely redesign or to be completely removed from the game alongside its Toxic elements- Toxic +1 shotting and Toxic Stealth


Find me where ‘guardians’ are more rooted in GW than thief.

-here is an interesting read-

Pssst: look up assassin. Minus stealth, the skills are oddly similar.

Don’t waste my time.

Stealth isn’t going away.

'As assassins are weak in terms of armor, they can die very quickly if they do not keep an eye on their surroundings and health. Moving far beyond your group, especially moving far from your healer(s), can quickly result in death.'

Yup, still true
, what's your point?

Explain Thief Profession weaknesses and what are they?

Ah, got me here, thief profession has no weaknesses which is the whole reason why it's been relegated to +1ing and decapping points in pvp for the past 20 years. o/

Seriously, go play the game a bit more instead of sitting on the boards and pushing your silly agenda, because you don't understand how the game works.

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Honestly , just respawn please, take a few hundred deaths until you learn how to kill them. People need thicker skin. Just respawn and get better, every death gets you closer to realising it is not the thief that's killing you it's your ability and theory crafting. (Not thief main btw, I literally play everything so I am not bias to any profession). Thief's deserve good build options like anyone, they deserve stealth, if you land your burst well enough they die quick, so you find thief's utilising there stealth ability ( and rightly so ) to evade being hit and repositioning. Just become better, please, theory craft, and die with honor. Get better.

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@"Strider Pj.2193" said:We are complaining about 5k crits now?


I don't think you understand the most fundamental part of the "increase TTK (on me)" argument most people who were happily anticipating this patch based their whining on lol. It never was about the damage. It was about why they're dying and not getting lots of kills while not using their brains.

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@DeceiverX.8361 said:

@"Strider Pj.2193" said:We are complaining about 5k crits now?


I don't think you understand the most fundamental part of the "increase TTK (on me)" argument most people who were happily anticipating this patch based their whining on lol. It never was about the damage. It was about why they're dying and not getting lots of kills while not using their brains.

Unfortunately I get it... And I am not surprised at the OP considering the other threads that they have created.

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@MarkBecks.6453 said:so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them.

Mesmer Professions do not tell Necromancer Profession 'to learn how to play or come one the forum crying', in fact, we standby Necromancer Profession when it comes to our common Toxic Enemy Profession-Thief Profession. Once again, Thief Profession is the reason why all the professions behave Toxic because why not? Instead of fighting Healthy Competition against Unhealthy Toxicity, Fight Toxicity against Toxicity, .Fight fire with Fire= Balance

We expect you to be be courteous in return

Nah, delete mesmers. They're far more awful that thief is.

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Whenever some of us folks see threads with thieves and mesmers complaining about each other, we can only help but smile a bit because its basically a proverbial slapfest between pancreatic cancer and leukemia. With that said, so far post patch I've personally seen more thieves roaming around than mesmers, its a super small sample size and I'm sure the latter can still be awful to fight. I kind of want to roll a burn guard, I hear they got off relatively scot-free and I want to three-tick all of these bunker builds.

Also, smh @ people who forget that mesmers, rangers and engineers have plenty of access to stealth and mobility should they choose to build for it. I don't personally use much stealth on my soulbeast, Anet's patch made my smokescale so sick I was ultimately forced to take it to the vet and have it put down. =(

~ Kovu

edit- Honestly I clicked on this thread expecting the first post to be satirical. 5k is nothing from a thief.

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@MarkBecks.6453 said:so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them.

You proved many times before that you have no idea what you're talking about and this time is not different.

says a Thief Profession player

Nah, I play multiple classes and if you actually ever read what I write, I never(?) try to push stupid buffs on any proffession, also actually advocated for some nerfs or adjustment to anything I play as well. So whatever point you're trying to make here -you probably need to re-evaluate your knowledge/opinion, because it's false.

And if you ever read what i continually advocated for, is to expose Toxicity for what it is and to have it either to be redesign with healthy competitive elements or to be completely eradicated. Also to defend Professions who are blamed for it and to expose those who are abusing Toxicity

Nobody really reads what you say because its utter nonsense. De is toxic, well shadow arts is so let's blame every single theif build.

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@MarkBecks.6453 said:so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them.

Mesmer Professions do not tell Necromancer Profession 'to learn how to play or come one the forum crying', in fact, we standby Necromancer Profession when it comes to our common Toxic Enemy Profession-Thief Profession. Once again, Thief Profession is the reason why all the professions behave Toxic because why not? Instead of fighting Healthy Competition against Unhealthy Toxicity, Fight Toxicity against Toxicity, .Fight fire with Fire= Balance

We expect you to be be courteous in return

Thief doesn't need a redesign imo, and historically Mesmer has been a lot more toxic to fight against. I would take fighting a thief any day over the pre-nerf condi mirage.

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"MarkBecks.6453" said:so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

And i am both a Necromancer and Mesmer Profession main. Shame on you to tell a Mesmer player that, knowing well enough Thief Profession continually remaining the prime Toxic Profession to the health of the game. As Anet continually refuses to no address their Toxicity by not redesigning them.

Mesmer Professions do not tell Necromancer Profession 'to learn how to play or come one the forum crying', in fact, we standby Necromancer Profession when it comes to our common Toxic Enemy Profession-Thief Profession. Once again, Thief Profession is the reason why all the professions behave Toxic because why not? Instead of fighting Healthy Competition against Unhealthy Toxicity, Fight Toxicity against Toxicity, .Fight fire with Fire= Balance

We expect you to be be courteous in return

The player that opened the post is asking for a thieves nerf based on the fact that he is not able to kill a thief. A thief that hit him for 5k damage (not 20k..).

If we want to have polite and useful discussions we must talk about objective data.

  1. Thief has is counter builds. Permastealth is a problem? Yes, as thief I don't like it.

  2. Thief damage is fair? Yes, consiedering other classes.

  3. 5k critical hit is too much? No, considering that all classes can still reach 13-14k critical damage with some skills.

  4. This trait is based on one player single experience: don't come here talking about Mesmer VS Necro, Soulbeast VS Thieves, Thief VS Mesmer. If I'm a bad thief and I lose against a necro, I can't go on forum asking for necromancer nerf because "I can win against one of them".

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@SehferViega.8725 said:

@"MarkBecks.6453" said:so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

The number of "Thumbs Up" that this post received is a reminder that the forums are populated largely by gankers, so expect a lot of pro-thief backlash here.

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@"MarkBecks.6453" said:so playing Mesmer against regular thief and 3 of us cant catch or kill him, he went underwater and sat their with zero damage from my Mesmer, (please check, that's either an exploit or a bug which he fully knows about), then 1 minute later he hits me for 5k crit, heartseeker. Please Anet if you going to tone down all the power, you need to relook at thief, I cant kill him, but he can critically hit me for that much damage. Not only that, takes down a camp while we fighting him, something stinks here

my 4'000 power Reaper still hits for 13k Death's Charge (tested against a war, not a paper full berserker ele).A skill that before patch was able to hit for 20k crit, after a 30% damage reduction it still be able to hit for 13-14k crit..What are you talking about? Mesmer can still oneshot a thief in WvW. You should learn how to play your class before come on forum crying.

The number of "Thumbs Up" that this post received is a reminder that the forums are populated largely by gankers, so expect a lot of pro-thief backlash here.

Feel free to elaborate.

On the other hand the fact that you complain about "thumbs up" on this post (again, feel free to elaborate why), but not about the "thumbs up" on the thread complaining about 5k hit on a mesmer just because it's directed against the thief class shows how objective you are and how much what you write is worth.

@XenesisII.1540 said:Being in stealth should make you lose the ability to dodge. - An amputated Mirage.

No, it absolutely should not.

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