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Siege damage should be brought in line


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Cannon/arrow carts/ballista are doing massive power creep damage, we have so little damage it's impossible to pressure siege campers, and takes a very long time to destroy siege while ballista almost 1 shot's with unblockable cc, arrow carts can down people in 3-4 ticks with big aoe, and cannon does big damage with chilled+cc.If we must be brought in line so hard one berserk is camping other berserk cleave to rez friends with no consequence, siege should be brought in line too, on the other hand I may go open field siege tonight for keks. btw golem auto attacks are stronk, and put my dps to shame.

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@Gwaihir.1745 said:You seem to want to play pvp not wvw.

Ballista/arrow carts/cannons are almost never used against an NPC, they are used almost always against players.Used by a player, against a player(pvp)Until you can show a server(world) composed of NPC'sWvW (world vs world) is pvp.I'm not a fan of the patch, but if we are to remove power creep, and damage on CC, then siege should be considered, because it is currently over performing.

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Seriously, someone complains about siege weapon damage? For real?Any average 80-level 15-man (and i overestimate this number) group with at least Exotic-grade gear and at least semi-intelligent composed builds can dance within the enemy Cannon range indefinitely, all while in the meantime laughing at the Cannon operator desperately trying to kill at least one of them. No one can convince me about the opposite. If any 15-man group is incapable of this, the problem is called "learn to play". Of course, if everyone is in Berserk gear, or, I almost not dare to say below-Exotic-grade equipment, then ... heck, even in Exotic Berserk a properly coordinated 15-man guild group with voice communication can do that, with some amount of effort. Ofc, 5 sup ACs focusing in one smal chokepoint can be a problem, but definitely not an unsolvable one.

Hint 1: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/ToughnessHint 2: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo ( = you know, Teamwork OP )Hint 3: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Siege_DisablerHint 4: Beware! Higher Difficulty! Place a Trebuchet in the safe distance -> use that Trebuchet to destroy all defenders sieges -> wreck the objective as usual

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@"Faenar.8036" said:Seriously, someone complains about siege weapon damage? For real?Any average 80-level 15-man (and i overestimate this number) group with at least Exotic-grade gear and at least semi-intelligent composed builds can dance within the enemy Cannon range indefinitely, all while in the meantime laughing at the Cannon operator desperately trying to kill at least one of them. No one can convince me about the opposite. If any 15-man group is incapable of this, the problem is called "learn to play". Of course, if everyone is in Berserk gear, or, I almost not dare to say below-Exotic-grade equipment, then ... heck, even in Exotic Berserk a properly coordinated 15-man guild group with voice communication can do that, with some amount of effort. Ofc, 5 sup ACs focusing in one smal chokepoint can be a problem, but definitely not an unsolvable one.

Hint 1: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/ToughnessHint 2: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo ( = you know, Teamwork OP )Hint 3: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Siege_DisablerHint 4: Beware! Higher Difficulty! Place a Trebuchet in the safe distance -> use that Trebuchet to destroy all defenders sieges -> wreck the objective as usual

Shooting random groups from within a keep is very low risk/high reward, 1 person on common siege shouldn't decimate players or groups solo with no effort from massive damage AoE CC's.People like to sit on bay siege to shoot siege at the camp, but they shouldn't be rewarded kills for it.Omega golem with 240k/260k(cant remember the health pool size atm), is auto attacking for 2x player damage.People complain about power creep over learn to play issues so we are here.

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Arrow carts do damage?

We were trying to siege Mendon one day, and they kept disabling all our siege, so eventually we just stacked in one spot and outhealed all the damage while we took out the door with just player attacks, it took about 15-20mins and no one ever went down.

Now, 45+ stacks of Burning from a mortar, that's a different story..

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:Now, 45+ stacks of Burning from a mortar, that's a different story..

How so? It is a single condi easily cleared by scrapers and guardians...

Really, and was this one AC? Yeah you can out heal that no problem. Now try 5 of them with other defenders raining skills on you. There's no out healing that.

How do you even get hit by more than 2 mortars? Most of the time it's just 1 anyway, and it does 3 burn stacks at once, not 15.

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@steki.1478 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:Now, 45+ stacks of Burning from a mortar, that's a different story..

How so? It is a single condi easily cleared by scrapers and guardians...

Really, and was this one AC? Yeah you can out heal that no problem. Now try 5 of them with other defenders raining skills on you. There's no out healing that.

How do you even get hit by more than 2 mortars? Most of the time it's just 1 anyway, and it does 3 burn stacks at once, not 15.

It also doesn't scale based on users condi damage, iirc. Honestly the burn from mortars are completely worthless compared to the regular shot when one does hard CC and demolishes siege and the other gives a few pathetic burn stacks.

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:

@Hannelore.8153 said:Now, 45+ stacks of Burning from a mortar, that's a different story..

How so? It is a single condi easily cleared by scrapers and guardians...

Really, and was this one AC? Yeah you can out heal that no problem. Now try 5 of them with other defenders raining skills on you. There's no out healing that.

Chaba clearly quoted a post on burning.

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How about using strategy and tactics to counter sieges? If you're attacking there are countless angles that completely favor the attacker over the defender. It's nearly if not entirely impossible to get AC fire on many very strong cata spots during a siege and if you already downed the wall, then mount up, dodge dodge and dismount to push through some AC fire. Even from multiple carts it won't one shot you. This is a learn to play issue. After such a long time of ACs being worthless they're not finally doing their job again. I can see them being nerfed a little, but not as much as you are asking for I am sure.

Ballista have always dealt a ton of damage btw. But they have a 5 second cooldown between attacks. Any enemy will get out of combat and heal it all back up through regen before you can kill somebody with that.

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@avey.4201 said:Cannon/arrow carts/ballista are doing massive power creep damage, we have so little damage it's impossible to pressure siege campers, and takes a very long time to destroy siege while ballista almost 1 shot's with unblockable cc, arrow carts can down people in 3-4 ticks with big aoe, and cannon does big damage with chilled+cc.If we must be brought in line so hard one berserk is camping other berserk cleave to rez friends with no consequence, siege should be brought in line too, on the other hand I may go open field siege tonight for keks. btw golem auto attacks are stronk, and put my dps to shame.

I dont see any of these problems to be honest.How can you say that it takes too long to destroy sieges?!U can spend 30 min setting up superior sieges in a tower just to see them getting deleted by 3 guys focusing on one at time and im not even talking about AoEs.

Are you talking about a specific situation like,i dont know,trying to flip a camp and having people setting up a balista or ac?

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Yup everything is out of hands. Pre patch was perfect!!!! best gw2 experience now it's not good. Condis are back to what they were. Bunker stats do nothing. hits are hitting anywhere anytime. Stun breaks are terrible. Timing is off. Slow and mediocre. Why did i re-installed this over the weekend :( back to square one like i did in the condi bomb era playing something else :P

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@avey.4201 said:Cannon/arrow carts/ballista are doing massive power creep damage, we have so little damage it's impossible to pressure siege campers, and takes a very long time to destroy siege while ballista almost 1 shot's with unblockable cc, arrow carts can down people in 3-4 ticks with big aoe, and cannon does big damage with chilled+cc.If we must be brought in line so hard one berserk is camping other berserk cleave to rez friends with no consequence, siege should be brought in line too, on the other hand I may go open field siege tonight for keks. btw golem auto attacks are stronk, and put my dps to shame.

Not really feeling it on my side. It's one of the reasons to put points into reducing damage from siege as one of your first selections. After that it's really just a bunch of mosquito bites...

What I would like to see from a reality perspective is the Trebuchet should do more damage the further out it hits just like the catapult does. The rock goes higher...it comes down faster....

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