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Will the new expac just "preach to the choir"?

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@"Faline.8795" said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?

The fact that it is very likely going to be Cantha themed already answers your question. This in and of itself is a safe and boring choice. Who can blame them? Entertainment media companies these days rarely do anything original anymore. Why should features be unique and genre challenging when they can't even get out of the wayback machine plotwise. Here's to the next few years of going places we've already seen in GW1, more Star Wars and Marvel, and generally no new ideas. Hooray!!

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@Brimstone.3807 said:

@"Faline.8795" said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?

The fact that it is very likely going to be Cantha themed already answers your question. This in and of itself is a safe and boring choice. Who can blame them? Entertainment media companies these days rarely do anything original anymore. Why should features be unique and genre challenging when they can't even get out of the wayback machine plotwise. Here's to the next few years of going places we've already seen in GW1, more Star Wars and Marvel, and generally no new ideas. Hooray!!

This is a company that has to earn some money, can you really blame them that they are sending us to Cantha, which has been the most requested location by the playerbase for years by far? Yes, it is a safe choice, but why is that a bad thing? Why does it automatically have to be "boring" for you?

Why not give something to the players that would actually satisfy them? There were loads of threads asking for Cantha, it is obvious that this is what the playerbase wants and what will create the most hype for their next expansion. Just look at the boards here, there are new threads about speculations coming up all the time, just because they have shown us a picture that implies that we are finally going to Cantha with the story.

From a business point of view, it was just the most logical and best choice.

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Doesn't matter. Like lots of other stuff in gaming, people mope and complain about it, but then go and buy it anyway.

I'm personally excited as i enjoyed factions way more than nightfall, and Path of Fire just didn't do it for me. Plus it makes sense we would be going to a place we visited in GW1 as its established lore finding out how it turned out 250 years later like the rest of the areas.

Yes it would be nice to visit other continents as well, but let that be for the future. As far as lore is concerned, I cannot see many humans travelling father south west of Cantha to those duel islands, and sure there may be colonies further North/ North East of Core Tyria, but since the dragon problem is conveniently centralized locally within the specified section of the main continent, instead of the actual planet, I'm sure whatever "problem" they would be having, wouldn't involve dragons or rouge gods or anything.

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@"Faline.8795" said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?


'Preach to the choir requires to see eye-to-eye with the choir'

more of the same because the Truth continues to suffer...the root cause problems continues to be shoved under the rug thus new players experience will continue to suffer as well

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Faline.8795" said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?

Let's hope it does ... because it's the 'choir' that pays the bills.

Yes, that is true. But are they paying the bills enough? Is this new expact GW2's "last chance" to lift itself before ANet gives up?

And do they really just want to keep what they have? Are they really not going to go for new blood?

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@Faline.8795 said:

@Faline.8795 said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?

Let's hope it does ... because it's the 'choir' that pays the bills.

Yes, that is true. But are they paying the bills enough? Is this new expact GW2's "last chance" to lift itself before ANet gives up?

And do they really just want to keep what they have? Are they really not going to go for new blood?

I don't know ... but if you think 'new players' are going to adopt a 8 YO game to fill that gap, that's probably LESS likely than Anet going back to it's roots and giving players what they want who DID make this game going at the beginning.

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Sure ... I guess one of the elite spec could be Bard? GW1 also had chants as a skill type.

or for a more serious response, that is an ignorant question. All classes can already perform all roles to some degree. Elite specs simply skews it in a direction allowing a class to be more specialized into something.

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Bring new players? I doubt it... HoT killed off a significant portion of the original player-base, and PoF was an effort to retain what was left.

Whatever this new XP is gonna be (and I honestly hope it's something great), it's going to be a challenge to recover from previous losses.

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@Faline.8795 said:

@Faline.8795 said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?

Let's hope it does ... because it's the 'choir' that pays the bills.

Yes, that is true. But are they paying the bills enough? Is this new expact GW2's "last chance" to lift itself before ANet gives up?

And do they really just want to keep what they have? Are they really not going to go for new blood?

I see this "new blood" referenced a lot on Pg 1 of this thread, but I'm curious: What is it that you think a new player is actually looking for from GW 2? You see, that long time established players might be burnt out on what's here, new players haven't experienced any of it yet. It seems to me, from the prospective of a "relatively new player", that there's a lot of projection going on; "We're going to be unhappy, but just saying that won't leverage any sympathy, so let's claim it's going to adversely affect new players, that'll give our arguments some weight".

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@"zityz.6089" said:Doesn't matter. Like lots of other stuff in gaming, people mope and complain about it, but then go and buy it anyway.

I'm personally excited as i enjoyed factions way more than nightfall, and Path of Fire just didn't do it for me. Plus it makes sense we would be going to a place we visited in GW1 as its established lore finding out how it turned out 250 years later like the rest of the areas.

Yes it would be nice to visit other continents as well, but let that be for the future. As far as lore is concerned, I cannot see many humans travelling father south west of Cantha to those duel islands, and sure there may be colonies further North/ North East of Core Tyria, but since the dragon problem is conveniently centralized locally within the specified section of the main continent, instead of the actual planet, I'm sure whatever "problem" they would be having, wouldn't involve dragons or rouge gods or anything.

The fact that the Dragons are surrounding Central Tyria, with some of them existing just on the outskirts, is consistent with the lore that they're attracted to civilsations and magic, and thus shows how unlikely it is that there's significant life elsewhere on Tyria.

As far as we know, Tyria had no land bridge like Earth, most life would be stuck on the same continent it evolved. Of course, this isn't the case of Orr and Elona because they're physically connected to Central Tyria, and the Humans were spread by the Gods; the same would not be true for any of the races that were native to Tyria such as the Jotun, unless they also used Mists portal magic.

I don't know why people think that the rest of Tyria--especially remote islands--are brimming with sentient life.

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@Brimstone.3807 said:

@"Faline.8795" said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?

The fact that it is very likely going to be Cantha themed already answers your question. This in and of itself is a safe and boring choice. Who can blame them? Entertainment media companies these days rarely do anything original anymore. Why should features be unique and genre challenging when they can't even get out of the wayback machine plotwise. Here's to the next few years of going places we've already seen in GW1, more Star Wars and Marvel, and generally no new ideas. Hooray!!

Considering there are still 2 thirds (or was it more like 3 quarters?) of that continent are unexplored it's far less of a boring choice imo

Showing off the change in the last 250+ years is also something very interesting.

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@Fueki.4753 said:The thing that connects Cantha with the current story line might be Bubbles.Bubbles also might be the enemy Jormag wants the commander to defeat.I can totally see a more of the current story within and around Cantha.

This is probably the main thing I am curious about atm.We know an expansion is coming and it's going to be Cantha but with the current storyline there isn't all that much to connect the two.Granted there is still a good chunk of icebrood saga left to go which will likely reveal everything but right now the speculation is all about Bubbles lol

Im curious about the Canthan Empire just as much as I am of Bubbles, I wanna know what's been going on over there in the last 250ish years.We know the Canthans are or were largely xenophobic before we lost contact with them but we don't know much else beyond that.For all we know the threat on the horizon might be Bubbles.. or it could be the Canthan Empire.. or it could be something entirely unknown that we couldn't possibly predict.

Man I can't wait to find out what's going to happen over the next 2 years, very exciting time to be a Guildwars fan ^^

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"Faline.8795" said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?more of the same because the Truth continues to suffer...the root cause problems continues to be shoved under the rug thus new players experience will continue to suffer as well

What "truth"? What root cause problems? What was shoved under the rug that makes the new players suffer in the light of releasing a new expansion?You realise that in your post you've said pretty much nothing, right?

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@robertthebard.8150 said:

@Faline.8795 said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?

Let's hope it does ... because it's the 'choir' that pays the bills.

Yes, that is true. But are they paying the bills enough? Is this new expact GW2's "last chance" to lift itself before ANet gives up?

And do they really just want to keep what they have? Are they really not going to go for new blood?

I see this "new blood" referenced a lot on Pg 1 of this thread, but I'm curious: What is it that you think a new player is actually looking for from GW 2? You see, that long time established players
be burnt out on what's here, new players haven't experienced any of it yet. It seems to me, from the prospective of a "relatively new player", that there's a lot of projection going on; "We're going to be unhappy, but just saying that won't leverage any sympathy, so let's claim it's going to adversely affect new players, that'll give our arguments some weight".

True. My problem with this 'new player' claim is that it's a fallacy. Technically, all the current content qualifies as new for a new player ... but for some reason people think an expansion will bring them in? I don't get that logic.

If anything, I think the longer a game is out, the harder it will be for new players to get into it and that includes more expansions.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Faline.8795 said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?

Let's hope it does ... because it's the 'choir' that pays the bills.

Yes, that is true. But are they paying the bills enough? Is this new expact GW2's "last chance" to lift itself before ANet gives up?

And do they really just want to keep what they have? Are they really not going to go for new blood?

I see this "new blood" referenced a lot on Pg 1 of this thread, but I'm curious: What is it that you think a new player is actually looking for from GW 2? You see, that long time established players
be burnt out on what's here, new players haven't experienced any of it yet. It seems to me, from the prospective of a "relatively new player", that there's a lot of projection going on; "We're going to be unhappy, but just saying that won't leverage any sympathy, so let's claim it's going to adversely affect new players, that'll give our arguments some weight".

True. My problem with this 'new player' claim is that it's a fallacy. Technically, all the
content qualifies as new for a new player ... but for some reason people think an expansion will bring them in? I don't get that logic.

If anything, I think the longer a game is out, the harder it will be for new players to get into it and that includes more expansions.

I think alot of that comes from the marketing thats done for other games expansions. Im not ive ever seen a GW add on TV/Netflix/Youtube etc or but ive seen WOW and ESO advertisements -alot-

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