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should they increase ascended weapon damage?

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Ascended has more advantages than that, for example the Ascended trinkets are almost all more efficient than their Exotic counterparts (many Exotic trinkets have the wrong jewels or are missing the jewels for their stats entirely).

Then there's also being able to use any stat you want in the game without restrictions (with stat-select or stat-changing).

And there's also infusions to think about, which give up to +90 to a single stat. It sounds like a small amount, but remember damage scalers in this game are all exponential (multiplicative) while in most games they're additive, so even a small difference in stats makes a huge difference in combat which is why the Might boon has been nerfed so much over the years.

Personally I feel like Ascended gear is very strong and provides a huge boost to a player especially in WvW.

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@Qiwiii.6517 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:I think they should get rid of the stat boost on ascended/legendary and stick to QoL improvements. I heard something about a legendary armory that might fix my issues with this garbage build template system. That's worth a lot more to me than 5% stats!

if they were to let you change the stats of ascended gear like you can on legendary equipment there would be no insentive for people to make legendary gear? Can't seem to understand your logic here.

I think you understand perfectly well that ascended gear has advantages over exotic other than the stat boost, actually.

You were complaining about the build template and I assume you mean that they should allow players to change stats depending on which gear template they use even though they only have ascended armor?

How did you get that from what I said?

Translation: QoL upgrades > 5% stats, no specific suggestions were made.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:I think they should get rid of the stat boost on ascended/legendary and stick to QoL improvements. I heard something about a legendary armory that might fix my issues with this garbage build template system. That's worth a lot more to me than 5% stats!

if they were to let you change the stats of ascended gear like you can on legendary equipment there would be no insentive for people to make legendary gear? Can't seem to understand your logic here.

I think you understand perfectly well that ascended gear has advantages over exotic other than the stat boost, actually.

You were complaining about the build template and I assume you mean that they should allow players to change stats depending on which gear template they use even though they only have ascended armor?

How did you get that from what I said?

Translation: QoL upgrades > 5% stats, no specific suggestions were made.


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@Roche.7491 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:I think they should get rid of the stat boost on ascended/legendary and stick to QoL improvements. I heard something about a legendary armory that might fix my issues with this garbage build template system. That's worth a lot more to me than 5% stats!

if they were to let you change the stats of ascended gear like you can on legendary equipment there would be no insentive for people to make legendary gear? Can't seem to understand your logic here.

I think you understand perfectly well that ascended gear has advantages over exotic other than the stat boost, actually.

You were complaining about the build template and I assume you mean that they should allow players to change stats depending on which gear template they use even though they only have ascended armor?

How did you get that from what I said?

Translation: QoL upgrades > 5% stats, no specific suggestions were made.

What you are saying is exotic, ascended & legendary should have the same stat? Just QoL difference.

Much better. no reason to farm just quit, play other games and come back when next expansion hits.

There's currently no reason to farm, so how would this be any different? Players who can't get over the gear treadmill won't play GW2 for long either way.

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I think ascended do increased dmg already it is just a very small difference. Now if the dmg was about to be increased elitist players would let people in their group that got ascended already, despite the fact that stuff like fractals and raids are designed to give you these armor as drops. so in the longterm players who wanted to do the content will avoid it completly and raids gonna have an even smaller playerbase.

you can look at what to wow happened when they brought in the rng imba armor/weapon combos. raids are pretty much nonaccessible to the average user anymore, because people accept players with rng gear only.

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Sure as long as you keep it to pve only and are willing to make pve easier due to gear.

If any thing they need to drop wvw (the only pvp where you use pve gear) to exotic level regardless of the gear ranking. Even blue green etc.. should be scaled up to exotic level as well as ascended legendarily.

This will let pve put out stronger gear sets giving real rewards to girding pve at a higher level then just the story. It will also let wvw become less of a all in build set up and stop messing up balancing as much as it is now.

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I personally think that they have hit the sweet spot with ascended gear. The stat gain is significant enough that it's worthwhile to obtain, yet not big enough to make exotic gear completely obsolete.If you don't consider the stat boost significant enough, simply stick to your exotic gear.

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@MajinSoul.4512 said:I personally think that they have hit the sweet spot with ascended gear. The stat gain is significant enough that it's worthwhile to obtain, yet not big enough to make exotic gear completely obsolete.If you don't consider the stat boost significant enough, simply stick to your exotic gear.

Right? I don't understand the premise of the OP with this in mind.

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@Jski.6180 said:Sure as long as you keep it to pve only and are willing to make pve easier due to gear.

If any thing they need to drop wvw (the only pvp where you use pve gear) to exotic level regardless of the gear ranking. Even blue green etc.. should be scaled up to exotic level as well as ascended legendarily.

This will let pve put out stronger gear sets giving real rewards to girding pve at a higher level then just the story. It will also let wvw become less of a all in build set up and stop messing up balancing as much as it is now.

Wvw balance mess has very little to do with ...ascended (exotics work just as well) and more with broken traits, broken synergies, multiplicative damage modifiers, broken power coefficients, the list goes on. But gear? Nope.

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@Roche.7491 said:Currently the hard work to get a full set of ascended does not equate to the tiny value it gives. Its like a piece of kitten for tons of hours and days

Farming is a choice, if you don't want to farm then okay. If you feel the main reason to play GW2 is to farm, then you're missing out on the game itself.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Roche.7491 said:Currently the hard work to get a full set of ascended does not equate to the tiny value it gives. Its like a piece of kitten for tons of hours and days

The only reason you need to craft ascended gear is if you intend to play fractals at T2 or higher.If you intend to play OW PvE, T1 Fractals, Raids, Strike Missions, or WvW, Exotic gear is 'endgame' gear.

In theory even for fractals you can get away with not having ascended at least for some fractals.

Depending on the fractal, player skill and knowledge about the fractal you could simply negate all the things that would have hit you with agony and without agony ascended is unnecessary.

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@BunjiKugashira.9754 said:While all my characters are equipped full ascended, I don't think ascended should give any more of a boost than it currently does. The preferred way of getting stronger in GW2 has always been player skill with gear playing only a secondary role. Open world content being balanced around exotic gear is something I fully support. Making the gap between exotic and ascended too big would invalidate a lot of content.


I only have one character running full ascended and the only reason for that is Fractals for Agony.

For the most part I max my characters out with Exotic Armour, Ascended trinkets and depending on whether i like a build or love it.. exotic or ascended weapons.Only time those characters get ascended armour pieces is if I happen to luck upon a drop, change the stats and pop it on.But crafting ascended armour is a complete waste of mats imo.. far to big an investment for essentially a meager and mostly irrelevant stat increase.You can get by perfectly fine without ascended gear in PvE and WvW

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@Roche.7491 said:Currently the hard work to get a full set of ascended does not equate to the tiny value it gives. Its like a piece of kitten for tons of hours and daysif you play GiuldWars2 you get ascended set without any pain. It is easy. More better think where find free salvage kit for that ascend

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@lare.5129 said:

@Roche.7491 said:Currently the hard work to get a full set of ascended does not equate to the tiny value it gives. Its like a piece of kitten for tons of hours and daysif you play GiuldWars2 you get ascended set without any pain. It is easy. More better think where find free salvage kit for that ascend

Already halfway farming bears.

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@Ryo.5824 said:Its not the fact that ascended are unbalanced or not as OP or anything like that.What I see in the problem is that Exotic gear is WAY too easy to obtain. Yes ascended is slightly better nowhere close to relevant. The fact that Exotic gear shapes the end game just make grinding people see no reason to grind.I like it though, I hate grinding xD

Exotic being easily available is made on purpose so new players are not tremendously behind veteran players. Not knowing how to play is enough of a handicap.If you think ascended is not worth the hassle, then don't bother with ascended gear ! If you're fine with staying in exotic, stay in exotic.

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