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About take a break to play other games

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It's something I've been thinking about and I would like your opinion.

I started playing 2 months ago and got about 300 hours of play, and 2600 AP. I have the expansions and completed the HoT, got Raptor too. I really like GW2 and have fun playing it,but now I'm a little aimless and want to play other single-player games (like The Witcher and others) that I've never played before, and honestly, you can't focus on an MMORPG and Single-player at the same time, even quarantined.

So, the solution I see is to take a break from GW2, what do you think? Have you been through this situation? If so, what kind of break would be best? Still do the daily (2 gold and Tequatl / Anomaly) only or stop for once?

Thank you! Because when the quarantine is over, I will have to dedicate myself to IRL activities and I will definitely have little time to play the single-players I intend to play.

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breaks help, I take breaks to play other games, or to play with code.I login at daily reset, grab dailies from a pvp match and on occasion a wvw yak, monument, or vet to get 3/3, then log off.my pve gets rusty, but keeps my pvp/wvw semi sharp.I tried a full break for awhile once, could barely manage the camera when I returned.

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Id recommend at least doing the daily for the 2 gold. If you just do the basic minimum it doesn’t take long. It doesn’t hurt to have a nice nest egg of gold waiting for you when you do return. It also keeps the game and how to play it fresh in your mind so it’s not a shock to come back after a long gw2 vacation and have to relearn how to play.

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Take a break before you get too deeply embittered. Like the others said, at least do the daily and get login rewards. It'll make your return that much smoother.

I'm personally very, very burned out right now. One of the few things left for me to chase is getting the last few legendary trinkets, and one of them required me to be in wvw. I love pvp, but hate wvw with a passion, and being in wvw for so much of my game time really made me sick of gw2 as a whole. I'm now finding it hard to get that magic feeling back, but having new things to chase outside of wvw with the new living world episode is helping a lot.

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If it's just a thing of feeling aimless, keep your hand in with minimal activities (dailies, Teq and Anomaly work for that it they float your boat. If you were unhappy or disgusted with some portion of the game, I'd recommend a complete hiatus until whatever caused the upset loses its prominence in your mind.

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As someone who quit GW2 months ago, I think it’s best to do what you feel like doing.

Initially, I still did the dailies for 2g and the Gift of Battle. I also gathered resources on characters parked at places. Later, even that got to be more than I cared to do so I just logged on for the daily log-in bonuses; no more dailies, Gift of Battle, etc. Since a friend returned and wants me to return, I occasionally log on to play with him, but as soon as he stops playing again, I doubt I’ll even log on for the daily rewards going forth. I tried returning a few times, but the game is still the same shallow mess of visual clutter and painfully bright flashes.

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GW2 is designed to be a game you can take breaks from if you feel like it. That's one reason they haven't increased the level cap since launch and haven't added new tiers of equipment for years, it means people can come back to the game after weeks or months or even years and they'll still be ready to jump into new content instead of having to rush to catch up on what they missed. Or similarly just play a little bit each day doing what they enjoy and not worry that they're not doing enough to keep up.

I don't think there's a right or wrong way to do it. If you're still enjoying GW2 and just want to play other things as well then continuing to do the daily or other quick activities which appeal to you while focusing on other games is a good choice, but I don't think a complete break would cause any issues either if you wanted to do that. The important thing to remember is games are supposed to be fun - if you're forcing yourself to play (or forcing yourself to avoid one you want to play to focus on another) then there's a problem but if you're enjoying it then whatever you're doing is fine.

As for me, I've taken breaks from GW2 sometimes but it's never that structured. I've never been the type to focus on just one game at a time, so I never conciously choose to stop playing one and focus on something else instead, I just play whatever I feel like at the time. Sometimes that's mostly one game, sometimes it's a mix. I average about 2 hours per day for GW2, but in practice it varies hugely. Today I've played about 4 hours in total, but the day before yesterday I didn't log in at all because I was doing other things instead. Tomorrow, who knows?

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@Leevett.5186 said:It's something I've been thinking about and I would like your opinion.

So, the solution I see is to take a break from GW2, what do you think? Have you been through this situation? If so, what kind of break would be best? Still do the daily (2 gold and Tequatl / Anomaly) only or stop for once?

Thank you! Because when the quarantine is over, I will have to dedicate myself to IRL activities and I will definitely have little time to play the single-players I intend to play.

300 hours is too much. I suggest to “stop at once” once quarantine ends.

Dailies are design to prolong the lifetime of a game. Games shouldn’t be a chore but an enjoyment. Don’t mind others who spent 1000 hours & complete achievements.

I just finished the game this may and will resume life this june.

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Sure take a break, even from doing the full 2g dailies. Just collect the daily login chest and log back out. The laurels and mystic coins will pile up which can give you a nice chunk of in game currency when you return. It’s a game, it’s not meant to be a chore.

Even if just getting the daily login chest is too much then just log in when a new living story is released so it’s unlocked on your account.

Good luck with how you decide to proceed.

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I am not sure what your asking here, I mean you seem like your an adult and can make your own decisions, we cannot tell you how you feel, it seems to me you already know the answers trust yourself more and stop looking to others for the answers, no one can control your own life but you, personal responsibility is everything trust me, once everyone does this more the world will be even better. Guild wars 2 is the perfect mmo to step away from to play other games and come back since there is no subsribtion and real reason to feel left behind. At the end of the day it is your time your using, just gotta ask yourself what is valuable to spend your time on.

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Sure, take a break. You’ll either come back because you miss the atmosphere/ gameplay or stay away because it feels right. I myself kind of struggled with HOT - it took too much effort to complete. I didn’t like the zones and story. I quit half way and moved on to POF. Loved every second of it. Mastered the raptor, the springer, the skimmer and the jackal. Now on my last 3 objectives to get my griffon mount. Guess I’ll get back to HOT and then work on LWS2/3/4 before I get into the icebrood saga. Got the game on 16-4 and have been thoroughly enjoying it ever since. Can’t remember firing up another game since I started this so I get what you’re saying.

I feel that GW2 is just fun, don’t have too many goals: progression doesn’t really matter. You can run around in the same gear 5 years from now and still do well in new content. That also means you can easily take breaks without feeling punished, which is good.

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I took a long break to play Divinity Original Sin. It was a great change of pace (and gameplay). I actually finished the game which is a novelty for me when it comes to single player games. Then I started Divinity Original Sin 2 and lost interest after the first chapter, couple of things that did not feel right after the first game. But by then I had a taste for GW2 again. May try Divinity OS 2 again in the future, with a more open mind though. I really like the gameplay of those games.

Nothing wrong with switching your MMO itch up with your single player RPG itch!

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@Leevett.5186 said:, and honestly, you can't focus on an MMORPG and Single-player at the same time, even quarantined.

Says who? I do this even outside of lockdown.

Play what you want when you. Solo game, mmo - neither are going anywhere so play what you want when you want.

If you don't want to play GW2 right now, it really isn't an issue. Just come back to it another time if you don't feel you can do justice to multiple games on the go. You don't need to seek the opinion of others to go on a break from a game.

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I took a 6 year gw2 break. The game changed significantly in the interim and I did run into some glitches with my crafting professions on 1 character and support was not that useful but eventually they fixed things.

I had an unreal amount of mail when I came back.

I missed all of living world season 1 and would have liked to have seen Lions arch getting nuked. I don't really like Lions Arch Sea World look.

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@Leevett.5186 said:It's something I've been thinking about and I would like your opinion.

I started playing 2 months ago and got about 300 hours of play, and 2600 AP. I have the expansions and completed the HoT, got Raptor too. I really like GW2 and have fun playing it,but now I'm a little aimless and want to play other single-player games (like The Witcher and others) that I've never played before, and honestly, you can't focus on an MMORPG and Single-player at the same time, even quarantined.

So, the solution I see is to take a break from GW2, what do you think? Have you been through this situation? If so, what kind of break would be best? Still do the daily (2 gold and Tequatl / Anomaly) only or stop for once?

Thank you! Because when the quarantine is over, I will have to dedicate myself to IRL activities and I will definitely have little time to play the single-players I intend to play.

I've had a couple long breaks in the past. Mostly after accomplishing long term goals.So far, Anet always found a way to bring me back. This time it was announcing XP3 (and Cantha especially).

Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 remains the only MMO I play (and will ever play cause I don't want to let myself suck into another story) and I don't see that changing soon, unless they really mess up. But breaks are important, and this game makes it easy. No subscription and all.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Leevett.5186 said:, and honestly, you can't focus on an MMORPG and Single-player at the same time, even quarantined.

Says who? I do this even outside of lockdown.

Play what you want when you. Solo game, mmo - neither are going anywhere so play what you want when you want.

If you don't want to play GW2 right now, it really isn't an issue. Just come back to it another time if you don't feel you can do justice to multiple games on the go. You don't need to seek the opinion of others to go on a break from a game.

I, too, play Guild Wars 2 and other games every day, and always have. No need to only play one game per day/week/month/etc.

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