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What's your most hated map in Guild Wars 2 so far and why?

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I could make a poll but it would be too long and everyone has different opinions and reasons. I'm just interested and a bit bored.However I love almost everything in this game there's one particular map that I always hated even to this date. I simply hate multi level maps because I lose orientation so easily in those so mine would be Tangled Depths. Despite all that I think the map design overall is very beautiful but it's just the navigation that has been a thorn in my eye (heart) even to this day.I'm sure there are a few maps as well for me but this one has stood out for me the most.Tell me what's yours.

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Dry Top.

It's just so awful to traverse, especially without Skyscale... Also, the meta being a sandstorm that makes it hard to see anything doesn't help.

Beyond that... I think it's a tie for literally every map that has Brandstorm in it, because Brandstorm is the stupidest and most annoying thing. Which is a shame, because branded areas look really cool, it's zap just zap that zap getting zap constantly zap hit zap and zap set zap on zap fire zap gets zap REALLY zap old zap really zap fast zapI know that you have the Skimmer which can alleviate it, but the Skimmer is a really freaking lame mount to use. Also, I hate the way that the lightning saves itself until you land and then instantly zaps you. Like, really? The storm is sat there waiting for me to touch the floor?

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@Taril.8619 said:Dry Top.

It's just so awful to traverse, especially without Skyscale... Also, the meta being a sandstorm that makes it hard to see anything doesn't help.

Beyond that... I think it's a tie for literally every map that has Brandstorm in it, because Brandstorm is the stupidest and most annoying thing. Which is a shame, because branded areas look really cool, it's zap just zap that zap getting zap constantly zap hit zap and zap set zap on zap fire zap gets zap REALLY zap old zap really zap fast zapI know that you have the Skimmer which can alleviate it, but the Skimmer is a really freaking lame mount to use. Also, I hate the way that the lightning saves itself until you land and then instantly zaps you. Like, really? The storm is sat there waiting for me to touch the floor?

Yeah, worst maps are Dry Top and Vabbi. But do not underestimate the mighty Skimmer, it totally rules Triple Trouble, for instance.

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1) Thunderhead Peaks might be the biggest waste of map space in the entire game. A terrible north meta in terms of implementation and a map just empty of variety and things to do. Pretty, but virtually nothing outside the actual Keep saves this waste of a chance map

2) Domain of Kourna. Clearly unfinished (and I believe admitted to as well), there was so much more that this map could have been. Its only saving grace is there's plenty to dip in and out of to do. It's just not strong enough out for the conclusion of the Scarab Plague and Joko's story

3) Siren's Landing. A strong amount of lore in such a small space doesn't save this trainwreck of a map. It's like they had no idea what to do with it and just shoved some randomly themed events and a meta into it. Like Thunderhead - pretty, but pointlessI did enjoy the JP though.

Honorary mention to Bjora. It had potential, but it really isn't very organic in layout and doesn't do enough that is very interesting. Plus Drakkar was wasted in my opinion.

I'm going to balance it with maps I love, since that's fair and gives better context;

  • Frostgorge - the perfect core map. It literally gets everything right from it's look, to its variety, to it's organic feel, to a classic World boss
  • Draconis Mons. This just shows off what Anet can do with verticality, exploring nooks and crannies, lots of events, natural beauty and just original design. By far one of their best ever maps
  • Silverwastes. For meta simp;licity and storytelling it is perfect. None of the other ones touch it for gameplay, accessibility and longevity
  • Sandswept. Prob one of the most naturally organic maps from a geographical design. Simply breathtaking in scope for the small size, with wonderful little stories that take place across the relaxing sea village, through to the Djinn's story, right through to nice little attention to details and Inquest stories around the cube.

There's plenty more I love too - Labyrinth Cliffs, Bloodstone Fen, Mt Maelstrom, Queensdale, Lornar's Pass, Gendarren, Amnoon, Verdant Brink, Grothmar. I certainly like way more than I hate

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@Randulf.7614 said:1) Thunderhead Peaks might be the biggest waste of map space in the entire game. A terrible north meta in terms of implementation and a map just empty of variety and things to do. Pretty, but virtually nothing outside the actual Keep saves this waste of a chance map

2) Domain of Kourna. Clearly unifnished (and I believe admitted to as well), there was so much more that this map could have been. It's only saving grace is there's plenty to dip in and out of to do. It's just not strong enough out for the conclusion of the Scarab Plague and Joko's story

3) Siren's Landing. A strong amount of lore in such a small space doesn't save this trainwreck of a map. It's like they had no idea what to do with it and just shoved some randomly themed events and a meta into it. Like Thunderhead - pretty, but pointlessI did enjoy the JP though.

Honorary mention to Bjora. It had potential, but it really isn't very organic in layout and doesn't do enough that is very interesting. Plus Drakkar was wasted in my opinion.

I'm going to balance it with maps I love, since that's fair and gives better context;

  • Frostgorge - the perfect core map. It literally gets everything right from it's look, to it's variety, to it's organic feel, to a classic World boss
  • Draconis Mons. This just shows off what Anet can do with verticality, exploring nooks and crannies, lots of events, natural beauty and just original design. By far one of their best ever maps
  • Silverwastes. For meta simp;licity and storytelling it is perfect. None of the other ones touch it for gameplay, accessibility and longevity
  • Sandswept. Prob one of the most naturally organic maps from a geographical design. Simply breathtaking in scope for the small size, with wonderful little stories that take place across the relaxing sea village, through to the Djinn's story, right through to nice little attention to details and Inquest stories around the cube.

There's plenty more I love too - Labyrinth Cliffs, Bloodstone Fen, Queensdale, Lornar's Pass, Gendarren, Amnoon, Verdant Brink, Grothmar. I certainly like way more than I hate

Finally a voice of reason. I would sign everything that you wrote.

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I find most everything different and fun, and have developed much more of a respect for the HoT zones, especially when navigating them with only HoT masteries. When you get used to them, the mushrooms and updrafts and gliding are a lot of fun.

So I'll circle back to Orr. Nothing in particular, they were just the first 'heartless' (did there, I see) areas, and the lighting makes my characters all look sad and pasty, and it will forever represent the LotR trope - where you start in sunny, grassy lands with relatively benign conflicts and slowly trudge your way across the world and the environment gets cold, and jagged, then the lighting goes all emo, and demons, and fire, yada yada.

Thankfully, most of the LW content doesn't follow that. There are some, but then they also give us things like Lake Doric and part of Drizzlewood and the, uh, Charr party zone (forget the name). And even the snowy things they do aren't all drab, and when they are a harsh, they have a neat mechanic that goes with it.

So for me, it's just the original Orr.

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Brisban Wildlands, one of the largest land masses in the original game, has no meta (skrittsborough is a joke), ugly textures everywhere, one of the most "plain" maps in terms of details, lack of innovative/interesting locations, lack of dynamic events compared to other zones. When HOT was announced with 4 maps and people were complaining that they are too few, I said I'd take one Verdant Brink over 5-6 Brisban Wildlands any day as VB has more actual content than 5-6 BW maps combined.

Map size (in land mass) doesn't equal a more "full" map in things to do.

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Istan. I really hate this map. I think the reason I hate it the most is I had fond memories of GW1 Night Fall. I played Night Fall a bit and I really like the Istan city, but do not remember it much. In GW2 it felt hollow, and the rest of the map is bad in both design and flow.

Domain of Kourna. The map is very poorly designed and utilized. Also, the gray color scheme in it is terrible.

Draconis Mons. Bad vertical design. This is sad considering that we were not to far from HoT and Anet really knocked out of the park with verticality in HoT maps. The verticality in VB is master piece in design.

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@Croc.1978 said:

@Batel.9206 said:Draconis Mons. It's a hassle to navigate, and
everything in the map
is so drenched in painfully bright, over-saturated colors that it hurts my eyes to look at it all.

Stop it, please! You people are desecrating my favourite maps! 1. Verdant Brink 2. Draconis Mons 3. Auric Basin!!!

Everyone has different personal opinions on what they dislike even though a lot of the reasons they give to support them could be used against many maps including the ones that they like. We all have personal biases and what we find annoying in one map we can actually not care about in another.

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All PoF maps really, but the worst is desolation.

@Raknar.4735 said:Iron Marches, because the meta event never works.Domain of Kourna and Siren's Landing share 2nd place.

Is it eternally stuck or just never works? Because if it's eternally stuck, i know the reason for that. It's the same reason most of the events are stuck in iron marches, the AFK farmers.

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People are mentioning a lot of maps I love. ^^ Spent a lot of time farming geodes and quartz on Dry Top, and I'm still fond of it.

I hated the PoF desert maps...all of them. Big, flat, empty, boring, undistinctive, and you could not stand still long enough to look at the map without things oozing out of the sand to kill you, could not harvest a tree or ore node without finding it booby-trapped with sand eels and lions.

I hated Draconis Mons at the time I played it, but keep meaning to give it another chance now with the mounts. I have a feeling Skyscale will make it a lot better.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@"Raknar.4735" said:Iron Marches, because the meta event never works.Domain of Kourna and Siren's Landing share 2nd place.

Is it eternally stuck or just never works? Because if it's eternally stuck, i know the reason for that. It's the same reason most of the events are stuck in iron marches, the AFK farmers.

It does sometimes work after a new map instance is created, like on patch day.But the NPCs you have to protect during the Meta chain event "Defend the siege devourer while it assists the troops" are stuck/bugged most of the time.

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