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Dallies are amazing. Any one find them fun ?


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Every day I pick three tasks, which are in my opinion the fastest/easiest and write them into our MotD with a small description how it is done. Then I do them on my own and a few personal dailies, which are not linked to official tasks. It is a good start into the day, especially when you have to wake up early. Good to boot up the brain with simple tasks.

In the evening, I log again and complete the neccessary dailies, which I need to achieve my short- and long-term goals. When I have more freetime, e.g. in the weekends or during vacation, I sometimes spend an extended period of time to do all the dailies I am interested in. This includes the LW dailies, WvW, as well as a few gatherings and crafts.

The dailies keep my days structured, help me with the little time I have. I can pick what I want to do and decide when to stop. The daily 2 gold are really helpful. I do not mind about the AP I do no longer get.

What I do not like about the dailies:

  • When there is daily Activity Participation on the list, it is very often Crab Toss
  • Forged With Fire (Hound Master) and Maws of Torment (Demolisher) are the only daily worldbosses from PoF. Other meta-events from other maps and HoT never appear.
  • Taskmaster because the name is rather confusing.
  • When HoT adventures are in the dailies, you have to do a certain one. When PoF adventures are in the dailies, you can pick one you like.

The Festival Dailies are nice. They add a little variety to the repetitive structure of the regular dailies, offering special rewards and interesting tasks. So far I think, with the development of the past 8 years in mind, the current system is the best.

PS: Thanks for the Weekly Raids section.

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I enjoy dailies in that I can log on at the end of the day and do something real quick before bed. The dailies in GW2 are very accomodating for busy schedules, which I greatly appreciate.

The daily events in low maps give me a chance to tag up as well. I'd wait by an event and message in say/map not to start the event until I do. I also tell everyone auto-attack only so that everyone can get credit. Almost every time people actually go along with that. I attribute the few that don't to not paying attention, which happens (it's a video game after all).

My biggest enjoyment is providing mesmer portals for people. This activity is the single most satisfying thing in GW2. I got so much help when starting out in GW1 and I pay it forward every chance I can. Portaling people to JP chests for the dailies, mastery points, vistas is great.

@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"Angel.3916" said:What do you guys think of daillies ?

Currently as the system is I can conceivably get a gatherer daily in my home instance, buy some food with my portable provisioner and hit a Vista and I am done.

Dailies keep me occupied for 10 minutes.....tops.

As it stands the current system encourages some behaviors that aren't positive at all such as Power Crept max level players nuking down mobs in lowbie zones screwing over people trying to level, Hotjoin PvP "daily servers" where one team is expected to lose to the other on purpose, Mesmers cheating people through Jumping puzzles with Portal, and gankers in WvW who camp veteran spawns hunting "pve noobs".

If Anet wants to make this system fun and engaging beyond that they should look at:
  1. Removing the silly low effort stuff like "Event Completer" in newbie zones, the awful World Bosses, the "Gatherer" dailies I can finish in my Home Instance, the jumping puzzles that Mesmers cheese other players through, the ridiculous "Big Spender" "Veteran Creature Slayer" and "Monument Master" from WvW ect.
  2. Replacing the ridiculous kitten with meaningful activities across game modes such as Winning 3 matches in PvP (no Hotjoins), completing 1 explorable Dungeon Path (instead of low effort story mode), downing 5 people in wvw, and completing a raid/strike.
  3. Replacing the liquid gold reward with some kind of currency for cool long-term rewards like weapon/armor skins...stat selectable armor boxes, clovers...or even some kind of RNG mystery/surprise.

The current system stopped being any kind of fun a long time ago.

I believe you completely miss the point of dailies.

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Honestly I find them a chore. There are always 1-3 PvE dailies I don't want to do. Sometimes there are only 3 instead of 4 PvE dailies in total (activity is not a PvE daily). This forces me into either PvP or WvW. Sometimes WvW dailies are fast and easy, sometimes enemy players think it's funny to grieve players waiting for the Veteran creatures.

Often, after I've completed my dailies, I lack time and/or motivation to play the content I really wanted to play.

Monthlies didn't have this problem. You could complete the various categories whenever you felt like it and they were set up broader, often filling without specifically doing monthlies at all.

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@BunjiKugashira.9754 said:Honestly I find them a chore. There are always 1-3 PvE dailies I don't want to do. Sometimes there are only 3 instead of 4 PvE dailies in total (activity is not a PvE daily). This forces me into either PvP or WvW. Sometimes WvW dailies are fast and easy, sometimes enemy players think it's funny to grieve players waiting for the Veteran creatures.

Often, after I've completed my dailies, I lack time and/or motivation to play the content I really wanted to play.

Monthlies didn't have this problem. You could complete the various categories whenever you felt like it and they were set up broader, often filling without specifically doing monthlies at all.

pvp has some easy and fast dailies as well, you just need 1 other person (of which there are plenty [citation needed]) and an empty pvp room (of which there are plenty). kill 3 players, daily top stats, 50 rank points are all done in a single 1v1 in some empty official room in the room browser (NOT hotjoin/ranked) without the need to actually play pvp.

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I like them. I like that I can choose a combination of 3 events from any game type, for example 1 WvW and 2 PvE things, etc. If I can't play much, I usually can still log in for 30 minutes or less and get my dailies. The low effort of some dailies is what keeps me interacting with GW2 throughout the week to accomplish a bit of something when I normally wouldn't log in because I don't really have play time to do much of anything else. I also like how some dailies, Dragon Stand, Triple Trouble, etc. help ensure that these big world boss meta events remain active. It really helps me hit those up during a daily if I never had luck doing them before since there seems to be more people doing it.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:They would be a lot more 'amazing' if they still awarded 10 Achievement Points. :disappointed:

I do dailies most days. Doing them early in the game got me into WvW. That said I cringe a bit whenever I see the Ach notification. I do not receive the 10 points that it tells I just got. It was a rude awakening when I found out. Just seems cheesy, another of those "Anet, really?" moments,

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@"TheQuickFox.3826" said:I like them. Easy gold and AP in combination with the login rewards.Even if I have little time, I can always find time to pick 3 easy dailies.

This is the way I feel about them too. Usually I try to do one WvW daily for whatever reward track I'm working on, and then the rest PvE. I like bounty zergs and the joking around people do when there's a wait for the board to refill after reset. And on those days when I end up doing area events, I almost always find myself thinking "Oh, I should come back to this area more often". It's a nice way to keep a foot in the game when I'm not able to spend long amounts of time.

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