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Menders needs to go


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I really hate to see amuletts getting removed, but most support especs have such an strong heal, that they just heal against the dmg of most classes (scourge guard) nerfing the coefficients would be a other way arround, but maybe they should do both sustain in teamfights is ridiculous high and the game and pvp was never designed (as far as I know) with a pure healer more with light support (boons, revives, small heals, using combo fields, removing conditions)

Delete menders and marshall.Sage and avatar can stay tho even avatar is not used by anyone but it's because menders is straight up better and sage too since 1000 condition stats are better than 1k power and keit without ferocity

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@Avatar.3568 said:

@HokenPWNZ.7628 said:kitten, plz no. I just tryed mender thief one weak ago. It was fun

Remove Avatar amulet +++ such toxic

Avatar is just useless, you deal the exact same dmg as menders does but you have 500 less healing power

Tell me 1 build where avatar does make senses

I'm not serious. it's just a reference to your nickname =)

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Nah, the problem with Menders is the vitality. Keep Marshal so that people who wants to support will have to risk their own life rather than sit on a high health pool they can sustain on yet not be useless because of the hybrid damage it offers, there is clear evidence that vitality act as a buffer for people to simply face roll without thinking much as they support.

I was actually talking about this with my AT party and it comes as no surprise to why Magi was also removed.

When people can just tank lots of damage and be heal bots is the real issue with bunkers as of late, with how we got the nerf patch, Menders became the new Magi.

If players want to keep menders, remove vitality and tweak it like as those suggestions go;

  • 1200 Power , 900 Precision , 900 Healing Power
  • 900 Power , 1200 Precision , 900 Healing Power
  • 900 Power , 900 Precision , 1200 Healing Power

Just had enough with people playing low risk bunker builds, it's time to have some risks into it. Make damage mitigation buffs/conditions and properly timed healing matter again.

If they want vitality and healing, Sage exists.

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@"Shao.7236" Thats exactly right here .... the issue of healing (support) classes are just "broken" is the fact they heal (support) their team mates while also beeing pretty hard to kill so it sometimes ends ub in situatuions like : No support in team instantly loose against a full dps team.... why? not because full dps is just useless but cause you need so fcking long to kill a support that the dps ones kill your team easily while you complete pressure the support one with your full team and didnt get him killed nearly.

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@Shao.7236 said:Nah, the problem with Menders is the vitality. Keep Marshal so that people who wants to support will have to risk their own life rather than sit on a high health pool they can sustain on yet not be useless because of the hybrid damage it offers, there is clear evidence that vitality act as a buffer for people to simply face roll without thinking much as they support.

I was actually talking about this with my AT party and it comes as no surprise to why Magi was also removed.

When people can just tank lots of damage and be heal bots is the real issue with bunkers as of late, with how we got the nerf patch, Menders became the new Magi.

If players want to keep menders, remove vitality and tweak it like as those suggestions go;

  • 1200 Power , 900 Precision , 900 Healing Power
  • 900 Power , 1200 Precision , 900 Healing Power
  • 900 Power , 900 Precision , 1200 Healing Power

Just had enough with people playing low risk bunker builds, it's time to have some risks into it. Make damage mitigation buffs/conditions and properly timed healing matter again.

If they want vitality and healing, Sage exists.

As a support class, why it needs power, precision, or conditions dmg etc.?

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@Crozame.4098 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Nah, the problem with Menders is the vitality. Keep Marshal so that people who wants to support will have to risk their own life rather than sit on a high health pool they can sustain on yet not be useless because of the hybrid damage it offers, there is clear evidence that vitality act as a buffer for people to simply face roll without thinking much as they support.

I was actually talking about this with my AT party and it comes as no surprise to why Magi was also removed.

When people can just tank lots of damage and be heal bots is the real issue with bunkers as of late, with how we got the nerf patch, Menders became the new Magi.

If players want to keep menders, remove vitality and tweak it like as those suggestions go;
  • 1200 Power , 900 Precision , 900 Healing Power
  • 900 Power , 1200 Precision , 900 Healing Power
  • 900 Power , 900 Precision , 1200 Healing Power

Just had enough with people playing low risk bunker builds, it's time to have some risks into it. Make damage mitigation buffs/conditions and properly timed healing matter again.

If they want vitality and healing, Sage exists.

As a support class, why it needs power, precision, or conditions dmg etc.?

And what stats would you suggest then?

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@Gamble.4580 said:No if u do this 5v5 will just be heavy dps comps and u bananas can’t handle that. If anet deleted support I would take the queen to leave and just play cod for the same feels. I hope anet don’t read these forums

I love how across all games everytime the support role is targeted said game is immediately threatened to devolve into Call of Duty.

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@Shao.7236 said:Nah, the problem with Menders is the vitality. Keep Marshal so that people who wants to support will have to risk their own life rather than sit on a high health pool they can sustain on yet not be useless because of the hybrid damage it offers, there is clear evidence that vitality act as a buffer for people to simply face roll without thinking much as they support.

I was actually talking about this with my AT party and it comes as no surprise to why Magi was also removed.

When people can just tank lots of damage and be heal bots is the real issue with bunkers as of late, with how we got the nerf patch, Menders became the new Magi.

If players want to keep menders, remove vitality and tweak it like as those suggestions go;

  • 1200 Power , 900 Precision , 900 Healing Power
  • 900 Power , 1200 Precision , 900 Healing Power
  • 900 Power , 900 Precision , 1200 Healing Power

Just had enough with people playing low risk bunker builds, it's time to have some risks into it. Make damage mitigation buffs/conditions and properly timed healing matter again.

If they want vitality and healing, Sage exists.

See menders doesn't give much damage and at the same time supports need something more then heal and condi cleanse to be considered viable in play, and usually supports don't have some ou shit im out button. Another issue with supports is that arenanet did not design them to be that from the get go so we get some wild shit when some player breaks the code. Also the amulets you suggest would not fair any better cause by the look of them they are support warrior wet dream while the low hp classes will suck, but then again support that is not a punching bag that can't retaliate, might be better.PS: I also don't get why they keep nerfing the heal power coefficients at some point the stat will be useless and running any other amulet with heal multipliers will be the go to.

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IMHO the problem is not that we have too much choices of stats, but too little.

The whole change to an amulet system for sPvP was a bad one because it ended mixing and matching stats and with it axed a lot of build variety.And it annoys me that every week there is at least one thread where players demand one of the remaining amulets to be removed.And the problem is that ArenaNet actually listens to this and therefore axes the whole idea of creative build crafting. Leaving just a few viable cookie cutter builds that are hard to counter because the stats that counter it have been removed long ago.

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ANet removes amulet, community - nooo, wtf, learn to play instead of deleting stuff, soon we will be left only with sticks and 5hpCommunity month later - rune of X needs to go, amulet of Y is too OP, pls delete

PS: I feel bad for power ele players (if there are still any left). Getting ricochet hit as usual

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Tanky meta is more problematic the higher the rank is, bursty meta is more problematic the lower the rank is. Which meta is more fun is subjective, and both extremes are obviously bad for all ranks, but I'd say there have been more unfun tanky metas than unfun bursty metas since launch. Current balance is way better than people give ANet credit for, there are more viable builds than ever with really only a few things overperforming, and a lot of room for individual player skill to shine on those flex picks.

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@Widmo.3186 said:ANet removes amulet, community - nooo, kitten, learn to play instead of deleting stuff, soon we will be left only with sticks and 5hpCommunity month later - rune of X needs to go, amulet of Y is too OP, pls delete

PS: I feel bad for power ele players (if there are still any left). Getting ricochet hit as usual

Once the governing body starts indulging with the cancel culture ...it's there the whole structure starts to collapse because the demands won't stop coming once answered in the first place

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:

@ollbirtan.2915 said:No.Stop. Asking. For. Removals.Learn. To. Play.

Lear to play issue...

AT win live on stream by full menders comp

And? We had all sorts of comps win ATs throughout the years. Shall we remove every single amulet for you to be happy?

Full mender comp ... lad full mender just lol ... worms just showed what is wrong with the game ... but to be honest it isnt any amu. it is more or less the community

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@Raiden The Beast.3016 said:

@ollbirtan.2915 said:No.Stop. Asking. For. Removals.Learn. To. Play.

Lear to play issue...

AT win live on stream by full menders comp

And? We had all sorts of comps win ATs throughout the years. Shall we remove every single amulet for you to be happy?

Full mender comp ... lad full mender just lol ... worms just showed what is wrong with the game ... but to be honest it isnt any amu. it is more or less the community

Comps like the WURM is allowed because what used to keep in check revs and renegade got gradually nerfed out of the game , this community always gets what they deserve

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@eksn.7264 said:Tanky meta is more problematic the higher the rank is, bursty meta is more problematic the lower the rank is. Which meta is more fun is subjective, and both extremes are obviously bad for all ranks, but I'd say there have been more unfun tanky metas than unfun bursty metas since launch. Current balance is way better than people give ANet credit for, there are more viable builds than ever with really only a few things overperforming, and a lot of room for individual player skill to shine on those flex picks.

one of the most well said posts in a while. everyones so doom and gloom after anet cut off their big numbers addiction. there are still some tweaks to be made but overall its way better, pre megapatch pvp was an absolute meme.

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