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What do you use for Storage Bags?

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Trying to make my Storage more efficient on my toons.

Which bag types would you (or do you) use in order to maximize your efficiency?

I don't mean size necessarily as I am not likely to get larger than 20 slot bags.

But whether you use invisible, siege master, craftsman, etc..

Just looking for suggestions.

Thanks ahead of time!

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Have you seen the article https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag

I have olmakhan bandolier of various tiers other than the Boreal and standard 28 slot ones (32 slot ones never were worth it over a bag slot even when Supreme runes were ~5g).https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Simple_Olmakhan_Bandolier

Tengu bag isn't great for my use case since you can't sell from it directly so if you accumulate fractal encryptions or heavy loot bags they don't have the right click sell on TP option.

If you're not using shared inventory slots for unid gear, then put them in invisible bags to use the salvage all function efficiently.

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On all but my two main toons, by bags are simply: 1x starter bag, 3x 18-slot regular, 1x 18-slot invisible. I have a strong dislike of bags that change where items go so outside the olmakhan bandolier (because I wasn't going to not use something that had over 20 slots) I never use them. I have a whole system set up for storage that initially may take some getting used to but it takes seconds for me to deal with now.

Two of the main things I'd suggest are:

  • Either keep unid gear in a shared inventory slot or have a seed of each in an invisible bag so you don't accidentally salvage them.
  • Make liberal use of Obsidian Sanctum (or Mistlock or another lounge that teleports you back to where you were) to drop stuff in your bank or sell.

Once you have those things under control, it's easier to deal with everything else, imo.

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My bottom bag is always an invisible one, for storing anything I don't want to accidentally sell or salvage, anything that needs to go in the bank and anything I'm not sure about or don't have time to sort out yet. The next one up is an oiled bag to collect junk items, just so I know any unfamiliar items higher up my inventory aren't junk and are worth checking to see what they are. All the rest are just normal bags.

I do use the Olmakhan bag on one character, because it was a cheap 32-slot bag and I liked the collection to get it but I'm not a big fan. I've gotten used to containers appearing one bag down on that character but if I could convert it to a normal bag I would and I'm not going to get ones that do the same on my other characters.

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majority of my toons had Halloween Pail (30ish) , thanks to PoF they became a bit redundant, so I've been buying character toons to chuck them on

and align bags based on the armor classes... the Olmakhan bags were meh! to me, then came the Boreal and I went OH SHIT! started decking out all my norns with them.

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I use normal bags without any special function. I also have unlocked all bag slots on my character. Have some smaller bags on them as well - slowly increasing every now and then.

Mostly I have a custom sort order that should not be affected by automated sorting buttons or automated placement on loot. Is a bit more work every now and then - but manageable. Especially when keeping certain stuff (unidentified gear) and using/selling in stacks only. The annoying thing seem the crests that can't be salvaged. Would need to occupy a few slots to gather them up or (what I do) always sell them once you get a few - after every "run" where stuff gathered up. Other bag types would not help that much here Still needs to open the TP to sell ...

I think about 70 percent of the inventory on my main is occupied by permanent stuff. Cause he also keeps boosters and WvW blueprints and stuff ... for quick access. (While alt chars only keep a minimum thing. I do only use them for leveling them and doing story and maybe some achievements I could not do with my main where a different professoin is better.)

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I usually have an invisible bag for gear that I don't want to accidentally sell, and then a siegemaster's satchel to hold consumables (don't care as much)

One thing I just realized is that craftsman bags are useful; I put it at the bottom so all the crafting materials from salvages don't make a mess up there. Also Shared Inventory Slots are the best.

I would have put the invisible bag down there, but problems come with swapping 2 handed weapons and also some consumables are put there as filler to take up the 20 slots


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I have all bag slots unlocked and filled all slots with 32 slot bags.

not something one urgently needs but once you have that you not want to miss all the inventory space again.

i can just identify a whole stack of loot and salvage it in 2-3 clicks.

i would anytime craft the bags again.

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My set up for my toons is to have at least: 1x18 oiled bag, 1x18 invisible bag (pushing it up to 20), if possible 1x18 crafting bag (also pushing it to 20).

These types of posts, I find quite fascinating. It always fascinates me how different people play and how they use their bags to get most out of the game.

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@CalamityO.2890 said:My set up for my toons is to have at least: 1x18 oiled bag, 1x18 invisible bag (pushing it up to 20), if possible 1x18 crafting bag (also pushing it to 20).

These types of posts, I find quite fascinating. It always fascinates me how different people play and how they use their bags to get most out of the game.

Exactly why I asked. ?. I’ve played for 8+ years and still need to tweak my storage

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My mains have 9 bag slots, which I fill as follows:

  • Siegemaster's Satchel (auto-sorts consumable items, like food, pots, karma etc.)
  • Reinforced Olmakhan's Bandolier (auto-sorts containers and consumable items. I put the Siegemaster's Satchel first so consumables go in there first, leaving containers to go into the Bandolier. Lootbags, Champ bags etc. go here)
  • Fractal Exotic Equipment Box (auto-sorts Exotic items)
  • Fractal Rare Equipment Box (auto-sorts Rare items)
  • Fractal Masterwork Equipment Box (auto-sorts Masterwork items)
  • 32-slot Nomad's Locker (auto-sorts weapons and armor. Due to its placement, only Fine and Ascended(!) items will fill this box)
  • 32-slot Cowrie League Saddlebags (auto-sorts crafting mats and upgrade components)
  • 32-slot Hamaseen Pannier (auto-sorts junk items)
  • 32-slot Courier's Locker (functions as an invisible bag. I use this bag to keep my character's gear so it doesn't even get lost or sold).

Between these bags I basically know at a glance what sort of loot I got from an encounter, and it's easy to sort and sell loot.

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