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It's me, or toxicity increases every year?

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It's me, or toxicity increases every year?

! This discussion is solved:! >! I'm a patient person. You don't see me toxic whatever happens. It doesn't matter how bad you play, that you have no clue what a breakbar is, or if you are always too stupid to dodge an attack whose animation is displayed for 3 seconds before it occurs... even if this all happens even though you have already reached over 35k achievement points and someone would assume that all along the way you learned some basics. Not even then am I rude to you, I'll try to help instead!! >!
! >! What I wrote applies to 3 guys at a party and 2 had over 35k achievement points. As they keep failing and dying, you can imagine how many times we had to restart all boss fights. At some point I had clearly enough, but I just told them that „I swap to Heal Scourge to carry, before we will hang out here even longer“. The boss was now pretty easy, as expected having a Heal Scourge. Nevertheless, I had to rez them all several times. They were totally overwhelmed with dodging few simple attacks, and although they could even use the Special Action Key every few seconds to dodge a third time. But I didn't say anything about it. Not a single word!! >!
! >! After the boss I wrote nothing else than „Well, it was a good idea to swap!“ ..and who would disagree in such a situation? Then a hurricane of toxicity hit me with a kick from the party at the end. They seriously thought it was their own performance! In 8 years I've honestly never seen something like that, not in this form. You should have seen their performance. If someone is just arrogant, I don't care. But you should also be able to afford arrogance. I mean you can't be arrogant when you're trash.! >!
! >! I didn't even said anything to them. I'm a kind person, maybe I just think my part for myself, but I'll try to help instead of being toxic. So what did I do to get treated like this and ended up getting kicked out of a party like this? It doesn't hurt me, but I'd like to understand! But that will probably remain a mystery. ^^!! ---!! Jump to my answer:! https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1450717/#Comment_1450717!! ---!! So, it would be nice if we could keep talking about what the title says in general. :sweat_smile:

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To answer your thread title; toxicity might increase for individual players who've been around forever and get more impatient with less experienced allies by the year, but that's a personality issue unrelated to the game itself - Sort of like when you've been driving for a while and get sick of the people who don't seem to understand the rules of the road.

I try to exhibit patience regardless of who I'm playing with or how efficient they are, but not everyone is me and not everyone has time to be me (ie: people trying to finish a raid or other group content might not have the luxury of moving at a slower pace, especially if they have limited free time for gaming).

As to why you got kicked, it's possible the others took your remarks as sarcasm or toxicity even if you didn't mean them that way. Happens. The word 'carry' is often derogatory, because by default it implies you'll be doing the heavy lifting because you believe the others can't. I can't think of too many people who would enjoy those implications coming from a stranger.

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I don't think it does, it just always happened here and there and it will always keep happening. They were wrong (at least according to your version of the situation and we have no details on a "huragan of toxicity" :p ) sure, but you also seemed to just want to rub it in a bit which could have annoyed them on top of feeling bad for failing the content without someone "playing around them". How I see it based on your post, it's a bit as if someone decided to keep throwing sparks around and when finally something burns, it's the surrounding's fault because the sparks were so small and previously irrelevant. Or... you know... maybe you just didn't hit anything flammable enough until you did.

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:To answer your thread title; toxicity might increase for individual players who've been around forever and get more impatient with less experienced allies by the year, but that's a personality issue unrelated to the game itself - Sort of like when you've been driving for a while and get sick of the people who don't seem to understand the rules of the road.Well, you can't expect professional players if you don't make it clear beforehand. But I've seen that a lot too... There is a player failing, for example, but he just have 2k achievement points. What can you expect from someone with 2k? You're the experienced player who has to tell him how to deal with situations like this...

@AgentMoore.9453 said:As to why you got kicked, it's possible the others took your remarks as sarcasm or toxicity even if you didn't mean them that way. Happens. The word 'carry' is often derogatory, because by default it implies you'll be doing the heavy lifting because you believe the others can't. I can't think of too many people who would enjoy those implications coming from a stranger.Never heard that before... For me it's nothing special, I mean Heal Scourge is a good carry for some situations, doesn't matter who takes him... I'll remember that, thanks!

@"Sobx.1758" said:we have no details on a "huragan of toxicity" :p )If I would report them, they would get instantly banned for some time. So trust me, you don't need all details here! ^^

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@Sileeent.5861 said:It's me, or toxicity increases every year?

I'm a patient person. You don't see me toxic whatever happens. It doesn't matter how bad you play, that you have no clue what a breakbar is, or if you are always too stupid to dodge an attack whose animation is displayed for 3 seconds before it occurs... even if this all happens even though you have already reached over 35k achievement points and someone would assume that all along the way you learned some basics. Not even then am I rude to you, I'll try to help instead!

What I wrote applies to 3 guys at a party and 2 had over 35k achievement points. As they keep failing and dying, you can imagine how many times we had to restart all boss fights. At some point I had clearly enough, but I just told them that „I swap to Heal Scourge to carry, before we will hang out here even longer“. The boss was now pretty easy, as expected having a Heal Scourge. Nevertheless, I had to rez them all several times. They were totally overwhelmed with dodging few simple attacks, and although they could even use the Special Action Key every few seconds to dodge a third time. But I didn't say anything about it. Not a single word!

After the boss I wrote nothing else than „Well, it was a good idea to swap!“ ..and who would disagree in such a situation? Then a hurricane of toxicity hit me with a kick from the party at the end. They seriously thought it was their own performance! In 8 years I've honestly never seen something like that, not in this form. You should have seen their performance. If someone is just arrogant, I don't care. But you should also be able to afford arrogance. I mean you can't be arrogant when you're trash.

I didn't even said anything to them. I'm a kind person, maybe I just think my part for myself, but I'll try to help instead of being toxic. So what did I do to get treated like this and ended up getting kicked out of a party like this? It doesn't hurt me, but I'd like to understand! But that will probably remain a mystery. ^^

It is hard to dissect this situation specifically since you are only half of the story. However, you are complaining here about the play of other players, talking down about how they played and their attitudes, yet also talking about how you are innocent of the situation.

It is possible that if we were to hear the other players take on what happened we might find that you did do something to annoy the other players. Or you might find that they were acting selfishly and you had nothing to do with it. If you don't know why it happened, then you have to let it go. If you do know why it happened, then you can use it as a learning experience.

The concern here reading your post is that you stated you made a decision to be helpful or be toxic. I appreciate that sometimes randoms in a PUG can be frustrating, but, there should hopefully be many other choices before being deliberately toxic.

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@"Luthan.5236" said:What boss? 35k AP just means they played a lot of other content. Maybe they even tried to avoid group content usually. The pro raiders just have low AP because they only raid and do none of the other stuff... I think. :D

As someone who has high AP myself but fail at some content pretty hard I can attest to this.To the OP: sometimes there are factors you don't know about like ping, and graphics; if they are communicating in whispers or distracted by something or if they are just tired from a long work shift previously. Also they might have been just as frustrated as you.I think the most toxic behavior I've encountered is that lately no one wants to explain how to do an encounter. My BF and I did a certain fractal for the first time recently and both of us were 100% clueless - which we explained to our pug party before we even began. As we screwed up and were lost, the party leader repeatedly harangued us while failing to explain what to do. They then blamed us for wasting their time.

I kind of worry for new players tbh. I am not new but I am definitely new to some content! I think playing with the mindset that people "should know by now" is not a good one to have.

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Players easily get offended when you dare to criticize them. This happens in all game modes. Most related discussions happen to exist in the Fractals/Dungeons/Strike Missions/Raids sub-board. But as we are currently not there and the moderator hopefully not moves this thread, we can have a look on an often ignored element of the situation:

If something does not work as it should, people get stress. It can lead to higher performance, but often it does lead to even more mistakes. However, many groups refuse to cool down after a wipe. Sometimes the fast ones rush forward and block waypointing for the rest, sometimes they keep smashing their heads against the bosses over and over until they fight in underwear. The correct approach would actually be to sit down, cool down and quickly analyze what exactly went wrong. This mini-discussion should be moderated by a calm person, as the heated characters often vent their frustration on the player with the lowest DPS. It may be correct in several cases, but just shouting at a single player does not kill the boss ^^.

The real problem with the blaming-process is, what happens in the head of the accused. Depending on what they were told and how offensive the approach was, they mostly suffer from extended stress. This leads higher tension. In the best case, they will act like a machine in the worst case they will mess up even the simplest tasks. After the next failure, you usually have to make a break and let people cool down for real. Certain players with very high temper tend to start a kick-query then, which happens to be accepted quite fast nowadays. The person gets replaced by another.

But this fresh player is not in a good situation. They just happened to join a team under high pressure that failed a couple of times in a certain encounter. The reason for the failure was blamed to be a single person and removed from the group. That means, that the new party-member is carefully supervised. Even the slightest mistake can lead to an even faster kick-query, often without even communicating the problem at all. For the other members of the party, it is still the same group, no new situation at all. So why change anything? The new player, who got kicked after barely a single try? They barely understand what happened, shrug and move on.


I can relate the situation OP talked about. A couple of weeks ago, I joined a public DRM. During the final encounter, my team-mates dropped like flies. Whenever I had one resurrected, two others were downed. I had to carry the boss, its breakbar, the adds and keep the other participants alive without a proper heal-ability on my char. Although it is quite stressful, I really enjoy those situations. People rarely appreciate your 'work', some even blame you for the troubles. Do not brag about it. If you want to say something, say "gg" and move on.


The patience of players appears to be lower nowadays. Kick-queries are sometimes initiated for mistakes, which are sometimes just caused by lagg. It appears to happen even in content that does not require perfect performance at all. Once had a horrible situation in COF 1 in the brazier room. One of our team-members did not know the mechanics and walked out of their brazier all the time. Instead of explaining the mechanics to them, one other player initiated a kick-query. Before I managed to reach the decline-button, two others already accepted. Unhappy times. Unhappy.

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You criticized them, watched them struggle, then rubbed their faces in it. Way to go condescending to help those poor guys out like that! You're really killin' it with that kindness! It's a shame they were so arrogant, though, right?

If it were me, I'd try to get through it and if it just wasn't working out I'd leave. Kicking players, berating them, etc. It's just about causing drama. I don't need it.

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Toxicity is often a result of players of different skill, experience or approaches to the game ending up in the same group. It was easy to avoid it before, when there were more overall players (so, more players in each group), and the content was more open. Now that each player group shrinks, it's harder to completely fill the group with players of similar mindset. Additionally, the more some content gets targetted at relatively narrow groups of players, the more likely is that an attempt from someone from outside that group trying to go in and check the content will go badly and cause toxicity (quite often with both sides fully certain it was the other player that intiated it). And, of course, the older the game is, the greater the gap in experience between old veterans and new players (and ofteh the lower understanding of those veteran players for mistakes made by new ones - they no longer remember how they were when they were as new to the game).

In short, it's not like there's more toxic players in the game (or that the percentage of toxic players is higher). It's that the situations that trigger toxicity happen more often nowadays.

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I find most of the toxicity to be from players who have played for many years and love to announce it. Think most of them are bored, or expect everyone to have the same experience level. Personally, haven't had any issues, I find the community helpful and friendly over all.

AP doesn't equal fractal/raid experience. There are quite a few ways to get those besides such content. If it is at a higher tier, perhaps they simply ground their way their with friends or guild and didn't necessarily learn fights or tactics.

When groups are struggling, take a moment to politely ask if anyone has questions or if they're unfamiliar with a boss. Some people are shy to volunteer their newness to content. In the case of fractals, some groups blaze through them so fast, newer players to them may be left confused or lost.

Maybe they didn't like criticism, even if it sounded helpful or light-hearted in OP's mind. Too many variables to determine. As a whole, no the same people who are toxic have always been toxic and fortunately they are a very small minority.

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@"Sileeent.5861" said:It's me, or toxicity increases every year?

I'm a patient person. You don't see me toxic whatever happens. It doesn't matter how bad you play, that you have no clue what a breakbar is, or if you are always too stupid to dodge an attack whose animation is displayed for 3 seconds before it occurs... even if this all happens even though you have already reached over 35k achievement points and someone would assume that all along the way you learned some basics. Not even then am I rude to you, I'll try to help instead!

What I wrote applies to 3 guys at a party and 2 had over 35k achievement points. As they keep failing and dying, you can imagine how many times we had to restart all boss fights. At some point I had clearly enough, but I just told them that „I swap to Heal Scourge to carry, before we will hang out here even longer“. The boss was now pretty easy, as expected having a Heal Scourge. Nevertheless, I had to rez them all several times. They were totally overwhelmed with dodging few simple attacks, and although they could even use the Special Action Key every few seconds to dodge a third time. But I didn't say anything about it. Not a single word!

After the boss I wrote nothing else than „Well, it was a good idea to swap!“ ..and who would disagree in such a situation? Then a hurricane of toxicity hit me with a kick from the party at the end. They seriously thought it was their own performance! In 8 years I've honestly never seen something like that, not in this form. You should have seen their performance. If someone is just arrogant, I don't care. But you should also be able to afford arrogance. I mean you can't be arrogant when you're trash.

I didn't even said anything to them. I'm a kind person, maybe I just think my part for myself, but I'll try to help instead of being toxic. So what did I do to get treated like this and ended up getting kicked out of a party like this? It doesn't hurt me, but I'd like to understand! But that will probably remain a mystery. ^^

Might be time to KP/LI gate for you to avoid those situations (if you are able to do so), at least until that dries up too.It's unfortunate that it makes one miss out on opportunities to help and teach yet unproficient players who are willing to improve and learn, but with dwindling new releases and therefor attraction to the content that requires some skill, those will just keep getting fewer and fewer as less and less people get into the game for that type of content with it not being provided anymore or marketed.

Doesn't matter how patient, helpful and anti-toxic you are, there's only so much of carrying god's gift OW'lders, just to then get raged at or being called toxic or elitist for offering help when things clearly aren't working, anyone can take.

I remember plenty situations like trying to help some newer low/no KP players through their first Fractal CM's and being stuck at Siax for 30m+, trying to explain to them in the most patient and non-condescending, matter of fact way that they have to kill the 4 adds that spawn to stop the group wipe he's channeling, and how they shift position in the second phase. Yet try after try after try we wiped at that spot, even when I silently swapped to a hybrid build and solo'ed two of the four, they just couldn't find and kill the adds in time, walking around aimlessly.After countless more attempts ending in failure, I went for one last "Please just listen to me and let me tell you where the adds spawn and shift to in the second phase and let us do this" (that being the third time and only thing in nature I said in chat at all, waiting for anyone to respond), and got raged at and kicked by the group for "being an toxic elitist and telling them how to play".There is just no winning there.

If you have to chose between demanding KP and having fun, fast non-toxic runs after which people thank each other, or dreadful slow runs that you have to carry just to get shit on and being called names for, losing out on meeting some motivated new players is unfortunately a worthwhile trade imo.

In any case, yes the pugging experience has rapidly been getting worse and worse for quite some time now, most to all good players I still know from doing that content flat out refuse to PuG these days and rather not play at all if the static falls through for a day (further decreasing quality of the PuG pool).KP, unfortunately, is the best anti-toxicity measure available for pugging. If you are a more dedicated player planning to stick with the content, a static or at least network of decent players (both skill and personality wise), is the way to go though.

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:To answer your thread title; toxicity might increase for individual players who've been around forever and get more impatient with less experienced allies by the year, but that's a personality issue unrelated to the game itself

Toxicity is always related to people's personality. D'uh! ;)

@Sileeent.5861 said:It's me, or toxicity increases every year?

Yes, many kids who are being raised by social media and gaming rather than good real life examples have never learnt manners or have been taugh by the internet that being disrespectful and insulting is acceptable online behavior.

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A simple "We did it!" instead of implying you carried them would have sufficed. Even if you did technically carry them (from what we know of your side of the story).Acknowledge your party, even if they didn't do much, or had a hard time through the game. Achievement points have nothing to do with someone's ability, and you don't know why someone may struggle.

If that's all that happened, no previous conversations or anything, then it may have been a slight overreaction on their part, i mean, i've been in parties where someone switched, told the exact same thing and no one had a problem with it.

But i suspect there's more to it than just what you said.

In any case, this all could have been easily avoided if you just used "we" instead of "i".

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This has nothing to do with increase of toxicity or not. You have just found out why they are so bad. If you cannot properly evaluate your own skill nor can you accept criticism about it then you will never improve. Why fix what is not broken and since nothing is broken(in your opinion) then nothing needs fixing or changing.

As for your behavior, it was unnecessary. Personally ... well I never would have gotten myself into that situation in the first place but if somehow I managed to get myself into that situation I would have just sigh and left. Improvement has to start from the person who needs improving, any external attempt before that is pointless.

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@"Veprovina.4876" said:A simple "We did it!" instead of implying you carried them would have sufficed. Even if you did technically carry them (from what we know of your side of the story).Acknowledge your party, even if they didn't do much, or had a hard time through the game. Achievement points have nothing to do with someone's ability, and you don't know why someone may struggle.

If that's all that happened, no previous conversations or anything, then it may have been a slight overreaction on their part, i mean, i've been in parties where someone switched, told the exact same thing and no one had a problem with it.

But i suspect there's more to it than just what you said.

In any case, this all could have been easily avoided if you just used "we" instead of "i".

Hi there, noob here. I don't think it's a "slight" overreaction.I don't really see the point of being polite at the expense of honesty.How am I supposed to know I am doing badly if no one is telling me? You can tell people they need to improve at something without being hurtful.Critique is important for a group if you face a challenge you can't seem to overcome and being able to understand critique as that and not as an insult is a basis anyone should possess in order to be a functional decent human being. Doesn't matter if in a video game or in real-life.

A few days ago I did fractals for the first time and specifically searched for a group that said "anyone is welcome" and made it clear I haven't done any of them before and just wanted to try them out. One of them explained to me how it works and I still made some stupid mistakes, most likely because I was a bit nervous making these mistakes.He still carried the fight. Afterwards he said I panic roll too much and should try to time my aegis better for blocking attacks instead just using it for the heal.I thanked him for the advice and carrying and that's it.In a situation like OP described there are only two reasonable reactions to what he did.Either respond with something like "good call" or even better, ask for advice.

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@Sileeent.5861 said:I didn't even said anything to them. I'm a kind person, maybe I just think my part for myself, but I'll try to help instead of being toxic. So what did I do to get treated like this and ended up getting kicked out of a party like this? It doesn't hurt me, but I'd like to understand! But that will probably remain a mystery. ^^

What did you do? You reminded them of their previous failures and implied that it was your change which made the difference. Even though that did make the difference, it didn't fit in with their power fantasies and reminded them of the hit to their self-esteem failing several times provided. No one likes to think they're bad at the game, thus why you see so much blaming others for failure in just about every game out there.

Just a(n) (informed) guess.

And no, I don't think toxicity is up, just that you may be encountering it more. Such things have been happening in games going back as far as I can remember (which is 2005 in Guild Wars).

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@Malitias.8453 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:A simple "We did it!" instead of implying you carried them would have sufficed. Even if you did technically carry them (from what we know of your side of the story).Acknowledge your party, even if they didn't do much, or had a hard time through the game. Achievement points have nothing to do with someone's ability, and you don't know why someone may struggle.

If that's all that happened, no previous conversations or anything, then it may have been a slight overreaction on their part, i mean, i've been in parties where someone switched, told the exact same thing and no one had a problem with it.

But i suspect there's more to it than just what you said.

In any case, this all could have been easily avoided if you just used "we" instead of "i".

Hi there, noob here. I don't think it's a "slight" overreaction.I don't really see the point of being polite at the expense of honesty.How am I supposed to know I am doing badly if no one is telling me? You can tell people they need to improve at something without being hurtful.Critique is important for a group if you face a challenge you can't seem to overcome and being able to understand critique as that and not as an insult is a basis anyone should possess in order to be a functional decent human being. Doesn't matter if in a video game or in real-life.

A few days ago I did fractals for the first time and specifically searched for a group that said "anyone is welcome" and made it clear I haven't done any of them before and just wanted to try them out. One of them explained to me how it works and I still made some stupid mistakes, most likely because I was a bit nervous making these mistakes.He still carried the fight. Afterwards he said I panic roll too much and should try to time my aegis better for blocking attacks instead just using it for the heal.I thanked him for the advice and carrying and that's it.In a situation like OP described there are only two reasonable reactions to what he did.Either respond with something like "good call" or even better, ask for advice.

Can you be more transparent on whose side you're taking?Cause the way you worded your posts is very confusing.You quote me and start the post with "hello, noob here". Is that implying i called someone a noob?Also slight is in quotation marks. Does that mean you think the reaction was too severe or not severe enough?And are you the person OP is talking about in their post or what? What's your story have to do with anything?Cause you worded everything that it all contradicts itself so i don't exactly know what point you're arguing...

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:A simple "We did it!" instead of implying you carried them would have sufficed. Even if you did technically carry them (from what we know of your side of the story).Acknowledge your party, even if they didn't do much, or had a hard time through the game. Achievement points have nothing to do with someone's ability, and you don't know why someone may struggle.

If that's all that happened, no previous conversations or anything, then it may have been a slight overreaction on their part, i mean, i've been in parties where someone switched, told the exact same thing and no one had a problem with it.

But i suspect there's more to it than just what you said.

In any case, this all could have been easily avoided if you just used "we" instead of "i".

Hi there, noob here. I don't think it's a "slight" overreaction.I don't really see the point of being polite at the expense of honesty.How am I supposed to know I am doing badly if no one is telling me? You can tell people they need to improve at something without being hurtful.Critique is important for a group if you face a challenge you can't seem to overcome and being able to understand critique as that and not as an insult is a basis anyone should possess in order to be a functional decent human being. Doesn't matter if in a video game or in real-life.

A few days ago I did fractals for the first time and specifically searched for a group that said "anyone is welcome" and made it clear I haven't done any of them before and just wanted to try them out. One of them explained to me how it works and I still made some stupid mistakes, most likely because I was a bit nervous making these mistakes.He still carried the fight. Afterwards he said I panic roll too much and should try to time my aegis better for blocking attacks instead just using it for the heal.I thanked him for the advice and carrying and that's it.In a situation like OP described there are only two reasonable reactions to what he did.Either respond with something like "good call" or even better, ask for advice.

Can you be more transparent on whose side you're taking?Cause the way you worded your posts is very confusing.You quote me and start the post with "hello, noob here". Is that implying i called someone a noob?Also
is in quotation marks. Does that mean you think the reaction was too severe or not severe enough?And are you the person OP is talking about in their post or what? What's your story have to do with anything?Cause you worded everything that it all contradicts itself so i don't exactly know what point you're arguing...

I thought it's pretty clear. I'm a noob rn. I'm new to the game. Noob, newb, newbie. You know. The meaning of the word. ^^'That's all there is to that.I put quotation marks on "slight" to emphasize which part specifically I disagree with. It's a massive overreaction.My story has something to do with it because I've had a somewhat similar experience, in the sense that one person pretty much carried the group, but from the other perspective and the reaction of the people OP was playing with made absolutely no sense to me, even from their perspective.I don't think I am contradicting myself, I think you are trying to read something between the lines when there's nothing there. No offense.

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