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Did we really need *more* legendaries?

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3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Hopefully you bought legendaries that you like. Hopefully those who pursue gen 3 legendaries go for the one's they like. How is variety a bad thing?

It limits variety, because the latest legendaries are the "bests" skins, and everyone will use those to show off their grind instead of other skins.

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7 minutes ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

It limits variety, because the latest legendaries are the "bests" skins, and everyone will use those to show off their grind instead of other skins.

Feel free to just ignore them and stunt on them with your superior fashion sense, then, I suppose.


Like, I just don't see how other people grinding for stuff that looks a bit gauche is really a *me* problem.

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21 minutes ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

It limits variety, because the latest legendaries are the "bests" skins, and everyone will use those to show off their grind instead of other skins.


Just going to throw it out there that IMO Twilight is the best looking Greatsword...and that's a Gen 1 Legendary. I'm sure I can find other examples like that but I'm obsessed with Twilight (saving up for the gem cards to buy it rn - don't judge me, I'm very casual) so don't look at others.

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17 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Except legendaries are counterintuitive to fashion. They’re harder to obtain, which makes people wear them for prestige and not because they’re the best matching.

Double post please delete


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14 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Except legendaries are counterintuitive to fashion. They’re harder to obtain, which makes people wear them for prestige and not because they’re the best matching.

I don't know what people you're talking about. I wear them to match my fashion. I build outfits around them. In fact, if rangers ever got a rifle, I know what legendary I'd give to my Norn Pirate Captain Arrgh.  Some people wear legendaries for prestiage, but I don't believe most do.  I do believe a lot of people plan their look around the legendary in the same way people who like a certain weapon will dye their characters to match the weapon. We can't change the weapon color but we can change our character's color scheme.


Do we need more legendaries? If you're not buying them, sure because they give me something to  work on. A long term goal. I've never spent a dime on gems to get either a legendary or the mats to make a legendary.  But yes I enjoy making them and the ones I haven't made now are the ones I don't think would fit any of my characters.

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2 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

It limits variety, because the latest legendaries are the "bests" skins, and everyone will use those to show off their grind instead of other skins.

That doesn't make sense ... we are talking about cosmetics here. What is best is simply a matter of personal preference.  Personally, there are exotic weapons from release that look better than most Legendaries, so no, the latest Legendaries aren't the best skins. They are just different. 


I mean, you actually said variety is limited because Anet is offering more Legendary items. Think about how wrong that statement is. 



Edited by Obtena.7952
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Spent $200 for legendary...omg.  for me is kind of waste, gen1 legendary is not hard to work on these days.   I have 11 legendaries,  7 of them i had craft in a yrs and half. never rush for it.   just do some daily kill and event and enjoy the game.

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17 hours ago, LuRkEr.9462 said:

I didn't think I would see a post not wanting new legendaries lol


A new tier of legendary weapons is just more options for shinies, there are so many players who craft legendaries either for convenience or pride. 

And there is me crafting legendary items only for function not hesitating to swap out skins if I do not like the look

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To you downers over the alleged lack of "prestige" of legendaries due to how some of them can be purchased/ their components purchased:  Not all of us can afford to spend real world money on gems to gold just to buy these weapons, especially during the last year.  A plurality of people actually do play the game to earn the various materials and components to craft these, we're going so for the challenge, Prestige be damned.  Why do you feel the need to put-down the lot of us?



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8 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

It limits variety, because the latest legendaries are the "bests" skins, and everyone will use those to show off their grind instead of other skins.

And that's where you are wrong. When i craft legendaries, i go for the ones i like better - and not every gen2 is better (i'd say it's about half of one, half of another for me at this point - with some legendaries that i'd only craft for QoL, but reskin them immediately). And i still see a lot more of gen1 skins around than gen2 ones.

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The one new announced trinket from the story (I think another amulet?) is nice to have - because of different achievements to obtain it. (For people that might not want do the other stuff.)


For the new generation of weapons:

The solution is not to let you bait into paying tons of money just for skin. The new legendaries might come with different recipes. For people that want to get them for the convenience (stat changing for free) and for getting players to play the future content. (Probably needs you to play the maps of the next expansion.)


For skins: There is tons of other stuff where you would need to pay a big load of money if you really wanted everything from the gem store that looks "flashy". Instead of trying to get everythign it would be better to just get the stuff you really like. I also usually try hard for completion but for GW2 I made up my mind to not get everything. It being too grindy/expensive made this decision easier for my. Easier to convince myself.


Then a lot of the regular skins look better for me than most legendaries. And why do you think the new ones are "flashier"?  They are also legendaries - same item level. Some might like the new ones better. Some might like the old ones better. More choice - which is better for everyone.


People that think this is bad ... really need to fight against themselves ... against the need to have everyhing. (Otherwise this will be a problem in other parts of the game as well. And for other skins.) Don't see anything bad about making another optional way (with probably a new/different recipe) of obtaining some legendaries. Only pros, no cons.


Edit: For the ones that can't be bought directly at the TP he might just have done the collections himself by buying every possible ingredient that is tradeable from the TP - for gold he got from trading gems into gold. There are still the expensive gifts ...

Edited by Luthan.5236
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It's good to have more options. I want to craft a legendary shortbow, but I don't like the appearance for existing ones (Chuka, The Dreamer). I hope for something better. Legendary weapons are not about skins... but about QoL features, so you don't need to buy weapons anymore.

You've spend 200$ on skins... but Legendary Weapons (in my opinion) are not the best skins in the game. Many BLC skins are much better in appearance. I use regular skins on most of my lege weapons (like Shiny Rifle over The Predator, or Inquest Sword over Bolt). I have covered my entire Legendary Armor with regular skins, because I didn't made it for skins, but for QoL features and personal achievement. I don't need to show everyone that I got some legendary items. I use whatever looks good on my characters.

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12 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

It limits variety, because the latest legendaries are the "bests" skins, and everyone will use those to show off their grind instead of other skins.


Nonsense.  I still roll with my Dawn and Incinerator on a few characters as do many other people.  In no world does adding more variety limit variety.  That not even how english works.

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On 5/2/2021 at 4:32 AM, Mortifera.6138 said:

I spent $200 during the gem card sale to purchase 3 legendary skins. Now ANet announces there are going to be gen 3 legendaries. In other words, my legendary skins will be supplanted by flashier, more up-to-date looking skins. Is everything being added to the game just a grind for legendary-everythings? How can food be "ascended"? Kitten design.


Personally more Legendaries are welcome. Would really prefer they be acquired in some other method than the mass materials methods but the precursors would be welcome additions to loot tables as well. You want those high end shiny item as rare drops so that people that do get a lucky  get those "oh ah" moments if they get one.  Allowing them to be traded also would be a plus and give crafters more goals.

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20 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

It limits variety, because the latest legendaries are the "bests" skins, and everyone will use those to show off their grind instead of other skins.

I disagree that the latest legendaries are the "best."  "Best" is a matter of opinion.  There are Gen 1s and Gen 2s that I like, ones that I don't like.  I'll craft the ones I want the most, and they aren't the latest ones.


Count me in as looking forward to seeing what the next expac will bring!

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On 5/2/2021 at 10:32 AM, Mortifera.6138 said:

I spent $200 during the gem card sale to purchase 3 legendary skins. Now ANet announces there are going to be gen 3 legendaries. In other words, my legendary skins will be supplanted by flashier, more up-to-date looking skins. Is everything being added to the game just a grind for legendary-everythings? How can food be "ascended"? Kitten design.

You answered your own question. People pay $$$ for gems to convert them to gold and buy legendary weapons with it.

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On 5/2/2021 at 10:32 AM, Mortifera.6138 said:

I spent $200 during the gem card sale to purchase 3 legendary skins. Now ANet announces there are going to be gen 3 legendaries. In other words, my legendary skins will be supplanted by flashier, more up-to-date looking skins. Is everything being added to the game just a grind for legendary-everythings? How can food be "ascended"? Kitten design.

$200 for 3 legendary skins is a great value for your money considering that if you wanted to spend the same amount of money to buy gems outside the 20% sale->converting them into gold->buying 3 legendary weapons from the tp would cost you more than what you paid for.

Fashion wars is not something that can help you clear the new content therefore it's not the end game in terms of game progression but I can't deny the importance on cosmetics as they keep a lot of players interested in the game. I don't understand what you are complaining about.

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I was watching someone use the Vermillion greatsword skin the other day and thinking.. man.. did I not know about this legendary?

I mean the trail on that thing was pretty crazy. 

As far as legendary weapons go, it's so much of a grind that I've credit card farmed the vast majority of mine and it's not something that I'm proud of or work towards.

But I do think providing more ways to obtain legendary accessories/amulets/rings other than set game modes is a good idea.

I'm really hoping we get a fractal/living world version of a legendary ring so I can complete my set without having to feel like I need to get into a raid wing. An amulet is cool if it gives me the chance to further the current animation.... but being able to obtain another ring as I still haven't gotten the wvw one due to skirmish ticket costs.... would be nice. 

That being said, I partially wonder if there's something different about the gen 3 legendary weapons. Potentially new weapon types or water weapons being converted to land weapons? And maybe that's part of the reveal as a sudo-teaser before the July announcement. If we see spears/tridents/etc being added to the gen 3 precursor options I feel like that's a pretty decent indication that we may get some different weapon options in the expansion.

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On 5/2/2021 at 9:55 AM, Mortifera.6138 said:

Except legendaries are counterintuitive to fashion. They’re harder to obtain, which makes people wear them for prestige and not because they’re the best matching.

prestige is part of fashion, it might not be a fashion of matching skins, but it's fashion nonetheless.

IRL people wear overly expensive clothes despite there being cheap brands that look the same, and they do it for prestige.


Prestige IS a fashion statement


I should also say, you spending 200 bucks on legendaries is  completely irrelevant to whether anet should make new legendaries.

I barely ever make legendaries, and I'm really pumped that they're making new ones bc elite players will have something to strive for.

Edited by BlackBullWings.2734
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