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What exactly is warriors unique thing?


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If you exclude banners, warrior damage is subpar at the moment, especially because you profit more from them than others. Its simply a waste to not run banners if there are none (except discipline as condi). Not to mention that you really need that precision as a power spec. Signet of fury isnt really an alternative because you loose the 150 ferocity. General support is rather weak too since might stacking is only on 5men with short duration at a big dps loss, warhorn has plenty of effects but they are not good enough in the end to take it and heal warrior is just a big meme like chrono mantra heal (PvE perspective).

A full dps warrior, which is only in berserker spec, is too reliant on boons and the dps suffers if you are not in berserk mode. Personally I dont really like the design to use 3 rage skills to keep it permanently up with alacrity because you just spam them on cooldown and the only effect that matters is the extention. 


Anyway BTT: 

adrenaline and bursts are the core mechanics (berserker partly suffers from it), fast hands for the 5sec weapon swap in discipline which makes it almost always mandatory because warrior just feels bad without it and banners I guess

Im a bit torn on the cc part because other classes have a lot also, like mesmer.

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You want boon removal (spellbreaker's thing)? Get a scourge or core necro.
You want damage that hits just as hard as berserker, and in a constant AoE, without survivability penalties and negative modifiers? Reaper.
You want a support? Scourge, scourge, scourge. Guardian, guardian, guardian.

Warrior gets outdone by necromancer, and other classes, in every single one of its niches, without similar trade-offs.

Edited by NorthernRedStar.3054
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1 hour ago, NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

You want boon removal (spellbreaker's thing)? Get a scourge or core necro.
You want damage that hits just as hard as berserker, and in a constant AoE, without survivability penalties and negative modifiers? Reaper.
You want a support? Scourge, scourge, scourge.

Warrior gets outdone by necromancer in every single one of its niches, without similar trade-offs.

"b-b-but warrior extremely mobile! Faster than thief smh smh!" 

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19 hours ago, artharon.9276 said:

welp the topic escalated into warrior bash fest '21 quickly. 

yeah we got it. in pve the meta deals 1.097962653066645 times more damage than warriors.

number is accurate btw. 😂


Exactly since those kitteners don't have the BANNER.


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On 7/5/2021 at 8:59 AM, artharon.9276 said:

welp the topic escalated into warrior bash fest '21 quickly. 

yeah we got it. in pve the meta deals 1.097962653066645 times more damage than warriors.

number is accurate btw. 😂


Well I mean tbf warriors have no place other than banner bots. Other classes outshine us in every single mode without fail and there is one and only one reason to ever bring a warrior, if we lost those you know as well as I warriors would not be worth taking in anymode of this entire game. 

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20 minutes ago, Atticus.7194 said:

Well I mean tbf warriors have no place other than banner bots. Other classes outshine us in every single mode without fail and there is one and only one reason to ever bring a warrior, if we lost those you know as well as I warriors would not be worth taking in anymode of this entire game. 

Might result in the class getting buffed then.


Remove Banners. Buff Warrior.

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Highest base HP in the game (along Necro), while also having heavy armor.

And yeah, that makes a difference, Ele people like to point that a lot when comparing to Guardian, it's 20% extra damage reduction or something, and that's huge for War.

And i know, it's not this super awesome broken the be all thing, but it's an amazing bonus that is always overlooked when people talk about Warrior.

Edited by Brandon Uzumaki.1524
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On 7/10/2021 at 5:41 PM, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

Highest base HP in the game (along Necro), while also having heavy armor.

And yeah, that makes a difference, Ele people like to point that a lot when comparing to Guardian, it's 20% extra damage reduction or something, and that's huge for War.

And i know, it's not this super awesome broken the be all thing, but it's an amazing bonus that is always overlooked when people talk about Warrior.

The hp base isnt even worth mentioning when they dont have anything else to cover,which necro does have. Hamm got killed,Mace got killed,all Cc applications got killed destroying lots of builds. So now its just either a full tank condi or a zerk solely relying on dmg only.

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On 7/10/2021 at 11:41 AM, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

Highest base HP in the game (along Necro), while also having heavy armor.

And yeah, that makes a difference, Ele people like to point that a lot when comparing to Guardian, it's 20% extra damage reduction or something, and that's huge for War.

And i know, it's not this super awesome broken the be all thing, but it's an amazing bonus that is always overlooked when people talk about Warrior.

armor and HP dont scale against more people

while evade and invuln do



warrior can do good in 1v1, but when it becomes 1v2 1v3 or team fight 3v3 4v4, other classes will be more forgiving

one of the multiple reasons why warrior never team fighted since 2012 outside of support. because warrior gets deleted in teamfight before PoF, most likely main reason they made full counter...but full counter is just...a cheap way to fix the core issue...


and in pve, 

armor and HP doesnt scale well against bigger hit,

but aegis will scale, no matter how much damage one hit from raid boss or from small monster.

berserker get destroyed in open world against mobs or bosses.

again, hp and armor doesn scale well against more people nor big hits.

same reason they made full counter...again, cheap way to fix the core issue..


i would say warrior's base HP and armor has been the greatest down fall for warrior from receiving proper functional skill.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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Yeah our high base stats are always drooled over by the other classes, but they then forget that we don't have the same amount of evades, ports, blocks, invulns, blinds, aegis, protection, resolution, or barrier that they do.


Core warrior could use more protection, more resolution, and some reworks to core weapon sets like OH sword and MH mace to make their blocks/counter attacks more effective. Hammer even could get an evade on Staggering Blow, and a projectile reflect and Hammer Shock. Savage Leap could use an evade on it as well. Give core warrior all of that and it still would not have the amount of cheese defenses that other classes have.

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On 7/14/2021 at 11:23 AM, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Used to be the ability to stay on the offensive in a fight with decent sustain and tools to ignore condis/damage.



This is really the answer along with high CC uptime.  It was slower and more readable than other professions, and prior to the expansion powercreep warrior was one of the only classes which could constantly press an attack while having the raw stats and negation options to not die.  It forced other people to outplay you most of the time, and was harder than other classes to make highlight "outplay" moments.  You were kind of a "big boss" of the classes.


This was fantastic for 1v1/1v2 because you could pretty quickly down one target using cooldowns to absorb both sources of damage, and just beat down the other with stats after the first went down.


With immense powercreep on mechanics and stats on other professions starting with HoT (Marauder gives squishier classes playing offensive builds more relative HP with almost no damage losses, for example), Warrior's simplicity is a bit of an issue because it's just not able to smack around its enemies by stat-checking them, and makes the outplays a lot easier on other professions and a lot harder to make outplays against them, too.


Really without turning down the stats and power levels more towards pre-HoT, I don't know how to fix war.

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On 7/18/2021 at 8:07 PM, DeceiverX.8361 said:

This is really the answer along with high CC uptime.  It was slower and more readable than other professions, and prior to the expansion powercreep warrior was one of the only classes which could constantly press an attack while having the raw stats and negation options to not die.  It forced other people to outplay you most of the time, and was harder than other classes to make highlight "outplay" moments.  You were kind of a "big boss" of the classes.


This was fantastic for 1v1/1v2 because you could pretty quickly down one target using cooldowns to absorb both sources of damage, and just beat down the other with stats after the first went down.


With immense powercreep on mechanics and stats on other professions starting with HoT (Marauder gives squishier classes playing offensive builds more relative HP with almost no damage losses, for example), Warrior's simplicity is a bit of an issue because it's just not able to smack around its enemies by stat-checking them, and makes the outplays a lot easier on other professions and a lot harder to make outplays against them, too.


Really without turning down the stats and power levels more towards pre-HoT, I don't know how to fix war.


Tune skill quoficients?

slighlty up base value but less scaling?

IF players want subpar damage they need to get +damage banner and might up.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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6 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:


Tune skill quoficients?

slighlty up base value but less scaling?

IF players want subpar damage they need to get +damage banner and might up.


Tuning coefs only works to a point - design and lack of interactivity of the newer specs is a bigger issue to be honest.  Warrior could only pass by otherwise being numerically broken with such a simple kit, which is what early soulbeast and boonbeast look like now.  It's not healthy, fun, or interactive for anyone.


There's also no such thing as base damage in GW2.  It's all coefs.

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they always need to find ways to shorten the distance between them and the target.


mesmers, rangers, thieves, etc, hit hard and they are ranged and can disappear and teleport, making you guess where they are.


necros = redcircles, barriers/4 bars of health, condi dmg where you die after 3 seconds, RANGED mostly.


that means the matchup between warriors and each of them always favors the ranged.


but why are you playing a warrior? coz losing vs those classes are natural, it's not your fault. you can even call it an excuse. acceptable. valid excuse. but if you beat them, the adrenaline rush multiply by sevenfold..


now, warrior vs warrior is different thing. it's like equal fight. unless he brings his friend to fight you while you're solo. if that's the case, you know, 2vs1 - doesn't matter. move on and do keep your pipping at 6 maxed.. but i'm sure that there are pro-players out there that can do a 2vs1 or maybe a 3vs1. they're your prized targets. search them anywhere around wvwvw or spvp.


to conclude, playing a warrior is like playing a character that operates following the current laws of physics irl..

Edited by alcopaul.2156
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On 6/29/2021 at 12:39 AM, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

I always thought it was Fast Hands.  

Fast hands should always have been a built in feature for Warrior, it is such a downgrade to not play with it because you lose on a great amount of burst skills to use back to back which is where most of the damage/setups come from.

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