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Make skyscales mandatory

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I liked the skyscale quest.

I knew about map currency and charged quartz nearly 6 months before starting it though, so maybe since I could enjoy LWS4 maps and slowly charge up crystals in advance made it seem less grinding.

It takes some time, but it isn't hard. I just chipped away at it over time.  So, yeah, I found it quite enjoyable.

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Took me all of a single day to grind 250 of each ls4 currency. But I was thrashed after it.


The OP is overreacting, the questline is not that bad. Plus theres more ways of getting the currencies compared to release.


I do wish I had known of the currencies during the days of the enforced 3day timegate. I was so angry when it finally was revealed when the quest discoveries continued when I had nothing to do the days prior.  But I toughed it out and do not regret it.

Edited by LucianDK.8615
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2 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

They are now with the legendary armory, since the new devs have no clue about the vision of the core game.

They’ve been for a loooong time- ascended stats that can be changed between battles.


Yes, skyscale is certainly convenient. But it really is a casual grind, especially now with the ‘return to ____’ quests making it insanely easy to get the map currency (seriously I did the whole release today in two hours)


absolutely vote against making it ‘mandatory’, because between the other mounts, you can do everything it can

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Can we just have a few things in game that requires some dedication?

Getting a Skyscale is not hard. At all. It just needs some time and dedication. It is nice to have some items in game of which the owner can say: I put some serious effort in this.


And if you are ever lost: AyinMaiden has covered every detail of it in her excellent video guides on YouTube.


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I was exhausted by the end of it, but it truly made me appreciate it so much more. I do not think the grind on this should be changed though. Comparing the effort or method to how other games in the genre do it and whether it is grindy or not is moot. 

Either you want this, or you don't. 

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3 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Stopped reading at: "it only took me a few weeks".

That is an insane grind.

Stopped reading after "That's an insane grind"

... oh wait.


Seriously though I got mine over time without actually trying to get it.  I just play the game and then realize I'm close to getting something and work taht last bit intentionally. 

With the skyscale, I already had all the materials I needed because I was just playing through season 4 like a regular person.  As far as the questing, I just did that part a little bit here and there.  Then I got one.


If you want everything right now, you're unusally acute time preference will make life horrid.  You'll get your skyscale whenever you get it, no need to get worked up.


I got my legendary PvP backpiece after I realized I had everything to just throw into the mystic forge.  I wasn't trying to get it, I just play ranked PvP.  Now I have a legendary piece of gear for all my characters.

This isn't a grindy game.  It's just a game you play and you get cool stuff just for playing it normally.  That's how I get everything in GW2.  I just play the game and "oh cool, I can get _________"  Sometimes I don't even need to notice, because a bouncy chest appears for an achievement I didn't even know existed.


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Just like Legendary pieces, if you look at it from the overall acquirement, yes it does seem daunting. Specially more so if you feel like you NEED to have it RIGHT NOW. If you take it step by step and complete what you can  in sections (a guide helps) it's not too bad. Also helps if you have a person working with you to get it.

Do you NEED the skyscale? No. The Rabbit can jump higher, the griffon is faster in the air overall, the roller beetle is much quicker and the Jackal is better for combat ( due to the barrier it gives). The sky scale is just convenient, and even after you unlock it you still need to put some MP into it for it to be fully functional.


Even if you did it a bit at a time, you will have a ton of time from now until February to acquire it. It's not hard, just time consuming. 

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I'm not sure the OP knows what mandatory means. If anet implemented the suggestion, everyone would be required to go through the process of obtaining a skyscale. As it stands you can decide if that process is too grindy for you  or not.


For what it's worth, everyone in my small guild of real life friends got their skyscale within a few months of its release, and some of them literally only play GW2 for 2 hours a week.

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I totally agree with OP that some items and achievements needs rework.

Example is icebrood saga mastery achievements is much more worst than getting skyscales.

Also for people saying it was simple, but they needed a guide to do it, is hilarious.

A game becoming a second job.

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9 minutes ago, Alarm.7286 said:

I totally agree with OP that some items and achievements needs rework.

Example is icebrood saga mastery achievements is much more worst than getting skyscales.

Also for people saying it was simple, but they needed a guide to do it, is hilarious.

A game becoming a second job.


You don't "need" a guide to do it, it just makes it quicker. For the treasure hunting part, there are markers on the map where the things are. The requirements are travel around the map and play specific parts of the open world. If people don't enjoy that part of the game, then I wonder why they want the mount anyway.

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the skyscale is an endgame goal. just like legendaries are totally optional but very grindy to get. you can get a skyscale much faster then a legendary soooooo whats the issue.


while you are grinding skyscale you still have the gryphin that is just as good untill you get skyscale. i myself did when it came out and did not have the luxury of the return meta throwing out 250 map currency for free.

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I mean, you have to admit. Partly you are already lost without Skyscale.
I've been doing bounty achievements the last few days and it's been a farce with how close I've mostyl been to hitting the boss. Mostly I still got participation, but there were also bosses where I have hittetd exactly when he died, and got nothing ...
With a skyscale you can bridge a lot of distance in a short time that others (especially if they don't know the map that well) have to overcome with bunny and all.

On the other hand, there has probably never been a better time to do the Skyscale, since you get 250 mapcurrency for the repeat achievements. And the likelihood of spending all of it on stuff (requiem armor *cough*) is very low, so you're in a better position than the older players.

And from this point of view, the Skyscale is nothing else than the other mounts for people who don't have mounts. They will always have a disadvantage in terms of speed. Because players through power-creep and co. like to melt stuff instead of thinking that maybe others need this boss too ^^''.

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Ah, another Mortifera troll thread! Nice, I've been missing them 🙂


As for the topic at hand, I didn't find Skyscale all that grindy. Sure it was a bit of an annoyance having to do the 3 collections in Dragonfall back-to-back,when they were more or less the same, but apart from that I found it varied and quite enjoyable.


But I guess to each their own.


And no, making it "mandatory" would only mean that everyone would HAVE to go through the all the steps and get the skyscale in order to be allowed to continue to play. That would not be an improvement for those that have opted out of getting one.

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You only need tier three in the return achievements to get the currencies, which are the most grindy part of skyscale. You should be able to get tier three without doing any meta events or zone bosses. 
Do the gathering, the story instances, adventures, hearts, random events. It doesn’t take playing at prime time unless you want to do full completion for the amulet.

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Quite strange to read these complaints as a long time mmo player, considering that back in 2005 we had to farm gold like crazy for days just to get a faster ground mount in wow 😄 
And by farming I mean spending 8-12h+ every day just killing the same mobs in the same areas, mining the same nodes and picking the same herbs, while battling other players in PVP at the same time who also want to farm the same stuff.


Almost everyone eventually got one as well, and the only complaints that I can recall were that paladins and warlocks could get their epic mounts from quests without having to farm as much gold.

Skyscale is incredibly easy and casual to obtain compared to things in MMOs more than a decade ago, so I mostly just had fun adventuring and timing all my activities to the time gates made the whole ordeal take only 3 days, starting with 0 LW4 map currencies.


The game also shoves money into your pocket instead of trying to steal it at every turn like most other MMOs, so you can make the whole process even faster by buying consumables that let you skip all the jumping puzzles and world bosses.

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