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what do you think about this in bitterfrost frontier?


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i started again to farm winterberrys because i need volatile magic, long time i was not in this map.
but to me this map is nothing then pure frustration. the respawn timers of the mobs at the berrys need some fix. (i think more ppl want this)
i always see that when some player killed the mobs and looted the berrys and go further and 2 seconds (TWO WHOLE SECONDS)
there are no players then when another player get there the mobs spawn again. this is pure frustration. 
it makes me angry in a few minutes while i am on the map. this takes so much time (for condition dps) that i every time on a berry
i first have to kill the mobs, i can't just ignore and run away because the freezing (slow walking) and the mobs follow you till the other side of the map.
WHY is this designed like it is? you as devs can imagine that this is pure frustration? i don't believe its intented to make players angry in a game (maybe
some challanges, but just gathering herbs...) 
combat is fine but not every time while a new player reach the berrys.
in other zones while i am on a low lvl character and have to kill some bandits i sometimes have to wait for respawn because i otherwise can't finish the heart.

ppl that are oke with it like it is now have i think professions which can easy escape. or have too much time.

guildy said that the reason is because it is unlimited gathering till you are out of characters. but still it needs a fix. this can't be a valid reason to make ppl angry

Edited by titje.2745
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I have 1 alt of each profession, sometimes i farm there with each one, i didnt noticed any problem.

Yeah they have short spawn rate,  and seems have range issues, but their "position" is very predictable.

Do you have mounts? if u have skycale/griffon u can skip even more fights.

Also the mobs theres dont have huge HP (unlike other maps), and they dont hit hard like white mantle , glass cannon builds do fine there, 

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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1 hour ago, titje.2745 said:

, and 1 veteran and some mobs can kill me. 

Then why are you on this Map?  If you can’t kill a vet with a mob, then maybe you shouldn’t be farming this map.  The only time these kill me is if I am afk…  


likley Anet realizes the farming potential of this small area and wants people to have to work for it a little more.

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2 hours ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Then why are you on this Map?  If you can’t kill a vet with a mob, then maybe you shouldn’t be farming this map.  The only time these kill me is if I am afk…  


likley Anet realizes the farming potential of this small area and wants people to have to work for it a little more.

I can kill them but i didn't, i try to gather the berrys and then move on, instead of wasting time for killing and when i gather the herbs i have to attack them again. and sure i have to work a little for it. but it is ridiculous that at every bush i have to first kill mobs (which got killed a few seconds ago by another player) i can not name another zone where mobs spawn that fast as bitterfrost. even at the treasure muchroom in bloodstone fen the mobs don't spawn so quick back. i see this as making players angry, nothing more. normally the mesmer sword skill 2 can kill some mobs with 1 attack. but here not. 

and i was on that map for berrys -> volatile magic -> other items. before it was a quick way to get the item what i needed.
but today it looks like it got even worse then before.  same for the mob that freeze you, there are so many mobs in a small place just to annoy you. and about work a little more, i better spend time on something else a collection or something else, instead of some mobs. 

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30 minutes ago, titje.2745 said:

I can kill them but i didn't, i try to gather the berrys and then move on, instead of wasting time for killing and when i gather the herbs i have to attack them again. and sure i have to work a little for it. but it is ridiculous that at every bush i have to first kill mobs (which got killed a few seconds ago by another player) i can not name another zone where mobs spawn that fast as bitterfrost. even at the treasure muchroom in bloodstone fen the mobs don't spawn so quick back. i see this as making players angry, nothing more. normally the mesmer sword skill 2 can kill some mobs with 1 attack. but here not. 

and i was on that map for berrys -> volatile magic -> other items. before it was a quick way to get the item what i needed.
but today it looks like it got even worse then before.  same for the mob that freeze you, there are so many mobs in a small place just to annoy you. and about work a little more, i better spend time on something else a collection or something else, instead of some mobs. 

Maybe this will make more sense then:  every ‘farm’ has its issues.  Either it’s mind numbingly boring, or items are spaced out, or you have to wait for a spawn, or have to deal with mobs..  


If the particularly issue with a farm is something you don’t want to deal with, farm something else.  It really is that simple.

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Timing does make a huge difference. If someone else as already aggroed mobs at a berry bush, you can harvest and run off while they bear the slowdown of fighting and waiting to get out of combat.

It does kinda suck to do the work to clear an area, sometimes fighting off new mobs spawning even as you defeat the ones you found at the node, while people zoom past, harvesting and moving on.

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Yet another "love it or leave it" reply 🙄

As if dealing with mobs that are literally designed to annoy you by flying around (immune) or slow you down (chill) was some sort of achievement...


I'll message you ingame OP, maybe we can work out a spec / gear setup to help you on that map.

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37 minutes ago, Solstice.5790 said:

Yet another "love it or leave it" reply 🙄

As if dealing with mobs that are literally designed to annoy you by flying around (immune) or slow you down (chill) was some sort of achievement...


I'll message you ingame OP, maybe we can work out a spec / gear setup to help you on that map.

I mean, your comment is a fair one and I am glad that you are offering the OP assistance.


Its difficult though, when the first thing someone wants is to ‘nerf’ an area because they can’t farm it fast enough instead of asking for advice first on ways to improve their experience.  

Oh..  and I REALLY love your use of the eye roll 🙄 emoji!!!  Woot woot!

Edited by Strider Pj.2193
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All living story maps are frustration.. its why i avoid them mostly like a plague.. The worst imo is the one north of Divinitys Reach.. Nothing but hate to that map.. I guess thats why its always so dead.


5 hours ago, MikeG.6389 said:

Well, the berries could also spawn right in your inventory when you log onto the map. That way you would avoid all those nasty mobs.


I wish for this at this point.. I guess thats why i play Fallout 76 more these days than Guildwars 2..

Edited by Dante.1508
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When you use a character for gathering stuff, you usually change the build a little. If the character's only purpose is to gather, it is geared for that purpose. If you try to do this with a fractal or raid build that has 0 sustain and movement abilities, it can get a little more difficult.

So at first, I would like to ask you what build you use while farming those Winterberries?

Bitterfrost Frontier hints:
- almost every mob there can apply chilled. Scroll down to the middle of the page, where it says "Skills that remove chilled". There is a lot of stuff listed, below there are even things like condition-removal food and gear listed. Check if you have any of these and use it. If you use the food, which usually applies condition-cleanse on heal, equip the heal-skill with the shortest cooldown.

- Icebrood Wolfs use those annoying leap-attacks which can chill and cripple you. They usually start the fight with that attack, so it is rather easy to block or evade them. 

- there are always players who want to dispose of the mobs instead of running away. It is the same 'stupid' problem as with instanced content, as every NPC has a chance to drop loot. But people do not want that loot and rather skip. If you only want berries, you are free to run away. The aggro-range of the mobs can be quite long, but once the next player is within range and starts attacking, they usually lose interest in you.

- stealth works great in BFF. Thief and Engineer/Scrapper are great to apply that. If you run one of these, just select the proper skills. 

- mobility abilities, such as Leap, Retreat, Shadowstep and Teleport, can help you get away when done with a node. Some of those skills only work with enemy-targets. If that is the case, look around for an NPC in your next direction and use the skill. As long as it is far away, it will only work as a quick escape for you.

- movement-speed itself helps a lot as well. Swiftness is useful, even with mounts. But Superspeed is awesome in that map. Even in a crippled or chilled state, you can easily get away. Does not have to last very long, just long enough to the out of combat, so you can mount up. 

- if you happen to have Mount Stealth, use it and dismount only via interacting (F) with the gathering nodes. Many times, the NPCs will not recognize you as a threat, although the stealth-effect breaks the instant you dismount. 

- if you intend to dispose of the mobs instead of running, make sure to use crowd control at the beginning of the fight to prevent the mobs from using their annoying attacks. Using area pulls, such as the Tail Spin of the raptor, you break the attacks and have the all in one spot. That helps disposing of them quickly, just burst damage and move on. 

- this map sadly has a lot of Corrupted Griffons. As with its branded counterpart, it is completely pointless to attack it, when it is up in the air. If you fight one of these and you cannot kill it before it starts flying, just move on.

- quickness still speeds up gathering. Try to use it when you are about to gather nodes which have mobs around already. It is not much, depending on the tools and glyphs you use, but it helps.

- glyphs are rather expensive for gathering tools. There is an acceptable alternative. They have added karma vendors to the major cities and convenience lounges a while ago. Those sell gathering tools with glyph-effects, but with limited charges. If you have enough karma, you can go for Reaper's Harvesting Sickles, which gather all nodes nearby simultaneously. This speeds up the berry farm significantly.

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If I understand the complaint correctly: killing mobs with a quick respawn timer slows down the rate at which I can gather resources.


The problem is you are thinking of “farming” much too literally; it’s more like hunting game than pulling turnips out of the ground. GW2 is not supposed to be about picking berries, it’s about combat, where picking berries is the reward.

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17 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Are you sure that you're farming the right map? Volatile Magic is LS4, while Bitterfrost is an LS3 map (and thus berries give Unbound Magic).

yes you are right sorry, but its unbound magic


it bothers me that some ppl just accept everything. yes the game is nice but some things are just annoying. those players don't care if they spend 1 hour to gather some berry's which can be gathered within 15 minutes (exsample) if the mobs had 'normal' spawn times. like other zones.
they accept everything (i see this kind of ppl in every forum, as long it annoys someone else they are on the side of the devs) 


Edited by titje.2745
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I think bitterfrost frontier is a great map and one of the most enjoyable farms in the game.  But if you struggle with fighting a few trash mobs, then your experience will obviously be less enjoyable.  That's a pretty big hill to climb, so I'm not even going to bother suggesting the usual "git gud". 

Instead, I suggest you look into better builds for solo play.  Every class has builds that should allow you to survive and conquer trash free of any knowledge or skill.  If you need a suggestion for such a build, I recommend staff mirage.  It doesn't get any easier than pushing 1 and dodge and you can even stand in fire like a baked potato and still win!

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16 minutes ago, titje.2745 said:

(i see this kind of ppl in every forum, as long it annoys someone else they are on the side of the devs) 


I don’t think people are ‘on the side of devs’.


Again, you are making a choice to ‘bypass’ mobs in order to ‘farm’ stuff.  That isn’t how the game is designed….  

If this is too onerous, find another way.  

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