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Completely disapointed with endgame community

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I like the game, have 2 lvl 80 characters and expansions. Once got to the "endgame" (lvl 80 and expansion content), my will to keep playing was completely drained by the toxicity of the endgame part of this community. No, its not the "perfect" community that people say it is.


I got kicked from group content (fractals and dungeons) many many times, without even being told why. I got called a hacker for not dying to a boss when most people died to it, many many times I got insulted, harassed and disrespected. This, to the point of being told to get refund of expansions I bought, for "being bad".


And if I say ANYTHING, I get called a child, girl, told that I'm crying, by everyone in the instance.  And I am pretty sure people will do the same in this thread.


Endgame community drove me away from the game.


That being said, bye to all, will delete both characters I have. Sadly can't get refund anymore as it has been a long time I bought the expansions. 

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Sounds like you joined a group looking for something, while not being that something.

All welcome partys exist, start your own if you dont see one.

If  I look for a bs=banner support only warrior can fill that role.

You join with anything but a warrior, your out when I see you healthbar zone into instance.

Edited by Linken.6345
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Feel the same. Even I, a veteran of of all the years, have experienced such bad behaviour. It became worse when raids were introduced as I noticed but the toxicity sure as hell existed even before fractals were a thing where people usually got kicked from dungeons when playing a ranger, a necromancer or when having less than 10k AP. However you could evade that much better than the mess of these days. 

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Fractals are normally pretty cruisey, I find people are more willing to fail a fractal then remove the dead weight or find a healer, even if they complain the whole time.


I will agree with you in pvp, people regularly get very salty and report each other over the smallest grievance. I had a guy report me for telling him off about trying to get another player reported. 

I have had people claim I'm cheating since I have too many stuns or dodges which makes no sense since there are no cheats like that. 

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3 hours ago, Marauder.4297 said:



I like the game, have 2 lvl 80 characters and expansions. Once got to the "endgame" (lvl 80 and expansion content), my will to keep playing was completely drained by the toxicity of the endgame part of this community. No, its not the "perfect" community that people say it is.


I got kicked from group content (fractals and dungeons) many many times, without even being told why. I got called a hacker for not dying to a boss when most people died to it, many many times I got insulted, harassed and disrespected. This, to the point of being told to get refund of expansions I bought, for "being bad".


And if I say ANYTHING, I get called a child, girl, told that I'm crying, by everyone in the instance.  And I am pretty sure people will do the same in this thread.


Endgame community drove me away from the game.


That being said, bye to all, will delete both characters I have. Sadly can't get refund anymore as it has been a long time I bought the expansions. 


I'm so sorry to read this and see you go, OP.

Yeah...this is a serious problem with gaming. Endgame veterans simply SHOULD know better and not behave like gatekeeping, elitist, spoiled brats with an entitlement and superiority complex. Because THAT is how games die. And yes, I am with you, OP, on the gw2 community not being as "ideal" as people say it is. Although other games have worse communities, that does NOT give this game an automatic pass to be a-holes.

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Sorry to see you go OP.

I've dabbled in end game content such as Strike Missions and Fractals (only T1 though), and found most people pretty friendly with a few salty people scattered here and there, so it sounds like you've had some bad lucky maybe? I've been in groups where there is a player that constantly wipes the party (e.g., healer that doesn't heal, etc.) and yeah, they usually get kicked after a couple tries. But, that's the sad reality of random party encounters in most multiplayer games. People "count on you." However, I don't think I've ever experienced anything to the level you describe (personal insults, etc.). WvW and PvP can get the most trashy, but I still find it pretty mild compared to other competitive games. 

I am sure others feel like you. Although you may already be long gone, for the others still trying to stick it out, try to find some friendly guild members who run stuff together or make your own LFG and label it with something like "Casual" or "Chill" to keep elitists in check. After all, the real end game isn't the AI, it's your fellow humans, and it can often quite difficult.

Edited by firedragon.8953
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I have met toxic player in GW2, saying there's none would be a fairytale. But overall these kind of toxic behavior are very rare in this game. Most of the time player are chill and helpful.


The only endgame thing that can be daunting is Raid. Unlike Fractal where there is an entry for new player in the form of T1 Fractal, I cant find something similar for Raid so it feels like the moment you join the raid you are expected to know all rotation and mecanic from the get go. But this is going off topic.


An unlucky experience, it's a shame.

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Sorry to hear that.

Maybe you just didnt find "your" guild yet. If u find a good guild you gona find friends for life. (I even met my guild in RL and they were at my wedding :D)

Also...maybe just creat your own group and change the description to "need help with xyz" or "chilled run". Someone who is willing to help, is usually not toxic.

Also endgame is what ever u want it to be...for some it might be fractals...for me its chatting on discord and running around with my friends in the guild and start dancing infront of random player 😉

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1 hour ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Coincidentally, I have also met a turret Engi who shared your account name in a casual guild I once in. Who is so self-centered that it's usually his way or no way.

He made no contribution in battles, never listened to pre-fight briefing, never followed party calls, first to trigger a boss fight before everyone else yet often rage at party members for the mistakes he made.

I offered a kit suggestion and he thinks I'm trying to be his mother.

After making 3 paths of casual CoE with this guy it really ruined my day.

I believe in the majority of  fractal/dungeon games, people were kicked for his attitude instead of skill level.

That makes a whole lot more sense. I mean even when I do conquest pvp and I get into a 1v1 where the most salt happens I always say “nice duel" at the end even if I lost. This reduces the rage alot more. 

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It's disappointing but not entirely surprising. IMO the GW2 community is better than many others I've seen because there are friendly people, patient people and people willing to help, but the opposites definitely exist as well. I'm always a bit hurt when I see someone in the Players Helping Players section saying they're sure they'll be mocked or flamed for asking about something other people will consider obvious or easy, but I also understand where they're coming from because I know of other forums where you'd be lucky to find one useful reply buried 2 pages into stupid "jokes", insults and irrelevant memes and even luckier if you can pick it out of the sarcastic fake advice designed to waste time or make things worse.

Several years ago I was briefly in a guild which claimed to help new players but was awful. The leader was constantly insulting people, using language I couldn't repeat here even if I wanted to. If it wasn't in guild chat (which I tend to think is different because it's a closed and self-selecting group) I'd have reported them for verbal abuse multiple times. Even worse a lot of the "help" consisted of carrying people through content under strict orders that they must stand still, doing and saying nothing and if they disobeyed they'd be kicked, then refusing to even explain what the "teachers" were doing because "you stupid noobs wouldn't understand".

I left after a week or so and I don't think the guild exists any more (I haven't seen them recruiting in years) but it always bothered me knowing that would be some people's first and maybe only introduction to other GW2 players and group content and they'd probably be left with the impression that's how it always is.

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12 hours ago, Marauder.4297 said:



I like the game, have 2 lvl 80 characters and expansions. Once got to the "endgame" (lvl 80 and expansion content), my will to keep playing was completely drained by the toxicity of the endgame part of this community. No, its not the "perfect" community that people say it is.


I got kicked from group content (fractals and dungeons) many many times, without even being told why. I got called a hacker for not dying to a boss when most people died to it, many many times I got insulted, harassed and disrespected. This, to the point of being told to get refund of expansions I bought, for "being bad".


And if I say ANYTHING, I get called a child, girl, told that I'm crying, by everyone in the instance.  And I am pretty sure people will do the same in this thread.


Endgame community drove me away from the game.


That being said, bye to all, will delete both characters I have. Sadly can't get refund anymore as it has been a long time I bought the expansions. 


Not sure if you're still reading here but I'll give it a little try at least.


First off, much of the endgame content uses set roles, and this has caused the LFG to develop a language code that you should know about. Otherwise people might think you're trying to leech your way into groups. I'm not sure if there's a good list of the abbreviations commonly used, but here's a few at least:

HFB - Heal FireBrand A specialized heal/support role for a guardian

ALAC - a person giving alacrity to the team. This is most commonly filled by a renegade, though some groups accept others.

BS - BannerSlave, a warrior buffing the team with banners.

DUDU - Healer Druid

QUICK - a supplier of party-wide quickness, often a firebrand (QFB)

KP - KillProof, means you need to show evidence of completing the content in question

LI - Legendary insights, proof that you've done a certain amount of raiding

There's a lot more, but these are at least somewhat common.


I would suggest that you either make your own party for the content you wish to play, or join "all welcome" groups. Also it's good etiquette to say that you're new - this way people can help you get to know the content. It might also be a good idea to read up on the content on the wiki or look at videos of it. Helps with understanding what will happen.

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30 minutes ago, dace.8019 said:

GW2 is the only community I know of that has groups of people who will spend 20 minutes LFGing for someone running a build that will save them 1 minute in a run.

It happens in other games too. In Elder Scrolls Online if you go to one of the locations popular for finding trial (aka raid groups) you'll see people spending ages spamming chat (there's no LFG for raids in that game) asking for specific builds and arguing with people who try to suggest a 'lesser' alternative because it might take a bit longer. I've heard from a friend of mine that a similar thing is already happening in New World.

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Was this on NA or EU server? Cause reading the forums, NA tends to be the more toxic one, and i haven't seen any toxic people in EU yet. That doesn't mean they don't exist, it's just that, my experiences are totally not what you describe, and i've seen people rant about toxicity in NA more on the forums... So take that for what you will, doesn't mean it's true, just that i've read more people complaining about toxicity that were from NA posts than EU.


The "other side of the coin" of this is of course how you are interacting with people and what you consider toxic. You didn't give much specifics, like, what did you say when they called you a child? What did you say when they kicked you out of the group, or do etc...


In any case, if you still haven't deleted all your characters, try to take a break from the game, then return cool headed and just don't do the content that annoys you...

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In my experience, GW2 has BY FAR the least toxic community of any game I've ever played.

I would be glad to chat with you to better understand what you are blaming the community for. By the way, having a levels 80 char is quite far from the "endgame content". Maybe, if you tried somehting like jumping from "ending the expensions" to "PvE raids", thats could be the problem.

Edited by Quadeard.8457
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Dungeons is a abandoned content, left only to speed runners "try hard" without much pacience.

How dungeons is presented to new players is extremy misleading. First because of the level, some says its level 40, the new player whos really level 40 jump in a group.

New players dont wander much LA so they didnt notice much fractals, but Dungeons are everywhere in new players zones.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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You are wrong.

The first 80 levels are just the tutorial of the game.

Endgame is FAR AWAY.
Endgame starts at tier 3-4 fractals, raids, 100+ rank WvW.

But even with fractals you can't just join any group, you need to know what it is, which fractal, which build needed, what the group want. Healer? DPS? Boonstrip? Shield?

At lvl80 you should only do fractals or any mentioned instanced contents if you know your class well and/or you finished at least one elite specialization.


Edited by Zentao.6314
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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

It happens in other games too. In Elder Scrolls Online if you go to one of the locations popular for finding trial (aka raid groups) you'll see people spending ages spamming chat (there's no LFG for raids in that game) asking for specific builds and arguing with people who try to suggest a 'lesser' alternative because it might take a bit longer. I've heard from a friend of mine that a similar thing is already happening in New World.

heaven forbid you gain champion points in pve. Because everyone in Eso looks at your champion score and expects you to be a pro if you have a certain number.  I had a bad experience running regular dungeons in that game.  Hell, my 65 year old father doesn't run dungeons in eso anymore because of the toxicity.

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I think the biggest mistake people make when trying to get into raids or CMs in this game is to pug right off the bat. That will be a nightmare experience. My advice before you do anything you regret and high emotion can make us to silly things like delete chars. Go over to the group content forum and look for a training raid group, or ask around for a raid training guild or even a guild that is starting raiding. Then you can work your way into a static group. People think they can just pug raid when 80 in this game like LFR in wow, it isnt like that here and pugs can be brutal. So get some experience under your belt, dont take the game so seriously,  with a little time and experience and making new friends you can raid. 

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