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If we can't get rid of the annoying reactions.


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Could we at least get an option to turn off the notifications for them. I really don't care to get notified that someone is too confused to elaborate  a coherent counter argument to something i said.


(I'm fully aware this will get confused bombed, because people are very original and funny).

Edited by Ashgar.3024
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You can remove certain elements from showing up in your browser, if your browser or an extension allows it. On Ublock Origin, you can add a filter such as:


! 2022-01-30 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com
en-forum.guildwars2.com##.cPost_contentWrap > .ipsItemControls > .ipsClearfix.ipsItemControls_right > .ipsPos_right.ipsReact > .ipsReact_blurb > .ipsReact_reactions


That filter would remove your ability to view reactions to all posts. You could also block other things, like specific reactions. Usually I only use the feature to block things like forum signatures.

Edited by Quench.7091
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7 hours ago, Ashgar.3024 said:

Could we at least get an option to turn off the notifications for them.

No, for the same reason we can't disable them entirely. This forum software sucks hard. I have no idea whatsoever why ArenaNet/NCSoft chose it over XenForo.

Edited by Arnox.5128
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10 hours ago, Ashgar.3024 said:

Could we at least get an option to turn off the notifications for them. I really don't care to get notified that someone is too confused to elaborate  a coherent counter argument to something i said.

Unfortunately, no. For some unexplicable reason, this forum software makes reaction notifications tied to a general notification toggle that disables everything. Honestly, i have no idea why Invision is so insistent on pushing reactions down everyone's throats but they are, and since Anet decided on Invision over all other alternatives, we have to live with it.

Even if it is mightily annoying.

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These ambiguously negative forum reactions are useful when you'd like someone to know that you disagree with their position, but don't trust that their response would be productive.  For example, when dealing with an individual that is rude and insulting.  Or one that has a tendency to derail conversations by hyper-focusing on irrelevancies in a quest to be "right" about something.  There are a variety of reasons why a person might like to make their opinion known in some small way without engaging directly.

I don't have any proof that this is true, but I wouldn't be surprised to find that these annoying reactions actually reduce overall negativity on forums that employ them by giving players an option to provide negative feedback without picking fights, as it were.  Not all conversations are worth having, you know?

Edit: OMG stahp giving me confused emojis!  This plan totally backfired!  Please talk to me and tell my why you're confused! I can't take it anymore!!!

Edit-Edit: Somebody set up us the bomb.

How are you gentlemen !!  All your emoji are belong to us.

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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2 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Not all conversations are worth having, you know?

Sure, but that's still not a good reason as to why general notifications aren't divorced from what are essentially emojis. That seems like a pretty basic forum setting and it's weird that Invision didn't include it as an option.

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15 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

These ambiguously negative forum reactions are useful when you'd like someone to know that you disagree with their position, but don't trust that their response would be productive.  For example, when dealing with an individual that is rude and insulting.  Or one that has a tendency to derail conversations by hyper-focusing on irrelevancies in a quest to be "right" about something.  There are a variety of reasons why a person might like to make their opinion known in some small way without engaging directly.

I don't have any proof that this is true, but I wouldn't be surprised to find that these annoying reactions actually reduce overall negativity on forums that employ them by giving players an option to provide negative feedback without picking fights, as it were.  Not all conversations are worth having, you know?

The request here is about separating reaction notifications from response notifications and I agree with OP: "reaction notifications" are just a useless spam, while there's an obvious reason for someone to want to leave the "response notifications" enabled.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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14 hours ago, Ashgar.3024 said:

Could we at least get an option to turn off the notifications for them. I really don't care to get notified that someone is too confused to elaborate  a coherent counter argument to something i said.


(I'm fully aware this will get confused bombed, because people are very original and funny).

They mostly mean nothing. I gave directions on viewing all of the mount skins from your character sheet and got one. I often read things that aren't remotely confusing or controversial, but still get a confused reaction. 

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Real question, no trolling: Why do you even have the notifications activated? I do not see any benefit from this feature. 

Anonymous mini-poll. Please react to this post if:
- :classic_sad: (sad) you have at least one of the notifications active
- 😆 (laugh) you have all notifications active
- 😢 (cry) you have no notifications active

[EDIT] sad should have been confused, but it is too late to change that. Next time ^^

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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34 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

Real question, no trolling: Why do you even have the notifications activated? I do not see any benefit from this feature. 

Anonymous mini-poll. Please react to this post if:
- :classic_sad: (sad) you have at least one of the notifications active
- 😆 (laugh) you have all notifications active
- 😢 (cry) you have no notifications active

Some people would like to be notified when another person quotes them in a post.  That notification is tied to the emoji notification, so you either get them both or neither.


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+1 for having emoji and quote notifications separated. 

I’ve turned off notifications because I got tired of getting emoji notifications. I don’t care to be informed by special notes if someone gives me a yeah or a nay. I would still like to have quote notifications so I can make sure they understand how wrong they are when they disagree with me 😎 but not enough to continually be clearing out emoji spam. 


Edited by Just a flesh wound.3589
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3 minutes ago, Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

+1 for having emoji and quote notifications separated. 

I’ve turned off notifications because I got tired of getting emoji notifications. I don’t care to be informed by special notes if someone gives me a yeah or a nay. I would still like to have quote notifications so I can make sure they understand how wrong they are when they disagree with me 😎 but not enough to continually be clearing out emoji spam. 


Look at my confused emjoji.  LOOK!  That was me.

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2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Some people would like to be notified when another person quotes them in a post.  That notification is tied to the emoji notification, so you either get them both or neither.

Point for you.

I've tested the notification system as well. It was the most annoying thing I have ever seen. In my situation the notifications on quote does not really make sense. Most do not want a direct answer, they want to write about a certain topic and are quite happy if I offer a useful argument to start. That is not just me, most of the topics on this board work that way. At least that is what I have noticed over the years. People engaging with every single quoter is not the rule and often leads topics to derail completely into sub-discussions.

So I have deactivated all notifications and just check by the interesting topics and my own profile once in a while. 
Big sorry for mixing up sad, cry and confused. For some strange reason, I completely forgot the confused emoji ^^. Modifying the poll would be cheating now. I will just scrap it entirely. Sorry again o/

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6 hours ago, JacobInTheLunchroom.8605 said:

the confused reaction exists to tell someone that they're genuinely stupid without having to waste time giving them reasons they won't accept anyway.

But why on earth would you want to tell someone something they will not accept as their reality in the first place. The main issue with communication is exactly that. You have two people. let's call them Bob and Ann. Bob finds Ann stupid. Ann does not find herself stupid. The question is wether or not Bob knows this opinion of Ann. If he does not, he lacks empathy. it makes him basically a sociopath . So let's asume Bob knows. What could be the reason Bob wants to change this reality?  A good reason might be cause he wants Ann to be a better person. But calling someone stupid will not do the trick.

My main point is. If you know that what you want to communicatie, will have not the effect you desire, it is best to say nothing at all.

Thinking about it, I do not think this post will have the effect I desire.
Ok, you win! I shut up. 

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On 1/30/2022 at 5:35 PM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

These ambiguously negative forum reactions are useful when you'd like someone to know that you disagree with their position, but don't trust that their response would be productive.  For example, when dealing with an individual that is rude and insulting.  Or one that has a tendency to derail conversations by hyper-focusing on irrelevancies in a quest to be "right" about something.  There are a variety of reasons why a person might like to make their opinion known in some small way without engaging directly.

There is still no reason for those reactions to be anonymous, then. Anonymity only encourages trolling.

The original forums did not have a "Confused" or "Crying" reaction for a reason. It's like we moved backwards, from a grown-up forum to a teen-level one... pretty much like the dialogue quality in GW2, really, so I suppose this is what ANet wants and believes to be "trendy." 😂

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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While I originally thought there was value in the emoji system, there is also a lot of room for exploitation: ie; people using it to grief. Separating the notifications would not solve the problem. Even just leaving the option to heart a post still may result in little to no discussion. For example if a person started a thread in which everyone just hearted the original post but had nothing to add, it would be a post destined to obscurity as it eventually scrolled off the front page with no replies, only hearts.

I may have had a different stance on this earlier, but just watching how it's being used paired with the notification system has really shown how it is being misused while also not really contributing to actual discussion. It's more of less a way for people to be lazy while ultimately doing nothing. 

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3 hours ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

I may have had a different stance on this earlier, but just watching how it's being used paired with the notification system has really shown how it is being misused while also not really contributing to actual discussion. It's more of less a way for people to be lazy while ultimately doing nothing. 

It's also primarily used as a way for people to show that they dislike what you said, but have no sensible argument against it.

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8 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's also primarily used as a way for people to show that they dislike what you said, but have no sensible argument against it.

At times there is no sensible argument for something in the first place. But a lot of the time disagreeing with someone, no matter how sound your argument, just gets you branded a troll. People often post things they want / expect people to resoundingly agree with them and the very notion that someone else may disagree with them is wrong and they are not here to "contribute".


The amount of "If you disagree just don't post in my thread, its not for you, its for people who agree with my idea" lately has been on the rise. They don't want reasonable discussion with back and forth well explained talking points. They want an echo chamber.


Definitely could decouple or give them their own category that can explicitly be turned off.



Edited by Sigmoid.7082
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