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Please release EoD a 25th Friday

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7 hours ago, Destroyer.7503 said:

All expension are release friday. Why change for this ?

  • Heart of Thorn Friday 23th October 2015
  • Path of Fire Friday 22 september 2017
  • End of Dragon Monday 28 February 2022

All people play at different rythme. I respect you, but if I want during all week-end that ma choice.

And should you ever become a dev or find yourself in the position of running a publishing firm for games, you can feel free to implement that policy in every release.

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20 hours ago, Destroyer.7503 said:

Dear Arena Net,


We wait EoD from many years. Please release extension 25th friday. You have release HoT and PoF a friday.


  • Heart of Thorn Friday 23th October 2015
  • Path of Fire Friday 22 september 2017
  • End of Dragon Monday 28 February 2022



We understand that need many work but please understand that complicate for many player for make a release a Monday.


As a programmer, its a terrible idea to release new software on Friday as your people have already faced a full week and are already in need of some downtime. If you need to ask them to do more its better to do it during the week. As a gamer I get you, but I would also be ready for them to address launch issues and if they do it on a Friday that may leave unresolved item till mid week. So no, a Monday is better with rested full staff than a Friday with limited staff and a tired team. Not to mention any pre release server load lead time requirements and WvW resets.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
Spelling and addendum
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On 2/1/2022 at 2:23 AM, Destroyer.7503 said:

Dear Arena Net,


We wait EoD from many years. Please release extension 25th friday. You have release HoT and PoF a friday.


  • Heart of Thorn Friday 23th October 2015
  • Path of Fire Friday 22 september 2017
  • End of Dragon Monday 28 February 2022



We understand that need many work but please understand that complicate for many player for make a release a Monday.

It's not a strong logical argument to release it on a Friday just because prior expansions have been released on Fridays.  Maybe they learned from some mistakes. See it from their perspective; releasing it on a Monday lets them fix anything they need to all week. Stay blessed and patient.

Edited by HotDelirium.7984
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23 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Either the majority of players play on a weekday, so the 'new expansion smell' only last short while...or...the majority of the players can't play during the week so that the 'new expansion smell' is still there next weekend.  Which should ArenaNet cater to, and how will it make a difference to 'the new expansion smell'?

I should have been clearer, sorry.

I don’t think ANet should cater to anyone or move the date. I was responding to the idea that one shouldn’t play on launch day, because bugs, and the content is meant to be enjoyed over time, so no rush.

I’m in no rush myself to play through everything, but I remember how joyful  it felt running around the starter zones on launch day with everyone fresh to it.

Five days later, there will still be a lot of  new content energy, but it won’t be quite the same.

Again, not a big deal for me personally. Monday launch makes sense to have the work week for issues that come up. But there is something special about being part of the crowd when the gates are open for the very first time.

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10 hours ago, mercury ranique.2170 said:

Ow yeah, the fresh content smell. I enjoyed it so much looking at this for hours in a row: 
Crystal_Oasis_loading_screen.jpg (1024×512) (guildwars2.com) 

I'll admit, I wasn't there for HoT nor PoF launch, and my fond memories are from vanilla GW2 launch.

As a Lily of Elon user, though, I probably have accumulated hours of staring at that concept art as well, only in 10 to 20 second instalments. 😄

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7 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I should have been clearer, sorry.

I don’t think ANet should cater to anyone or move the date. I was responding to the idea that one shouldn’t play on launch day, because bugs, and the content is meant to be enjoyed over time, so no rush.

I’m in no rush myself to play through everything, but I remember how joyful  it felt running around the starter zones on launch day with everyone fresh to it.

Five days later, there will still be a lot of  new content energy, but it won’t be quite the same.

Again, not a big deal for me personally. Monday launch makes sense to have the work week for issues that come up. But there is something special about being part of the crowd when the gates are open for the very first time.

Its true we've waited many years for this and I hope people have patience. I feel like many people are so hungry for content they are going to blaze through the story in a few days and then cry that its over or the inevitable cliffhanger. It wouldn't surprise me if EOD is mainly just the story of the updated ongoings of Cantha, the new dragon jade and the conflicting struggles with the existing factions. It might just be the prelude to the water dragon possibly. End of dragons doesn't necessarily mean the death of the remaining dragons but maybe the cycle with them, Tyria's dependence on that cycle and the fallout of trying to remove/replace that fundamental aspect of the world.

Edited by HotDelirium.7984
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6 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

...I’m in no rush myself to play through everything, but I remember how joyful  it felt running around the starter zones on launch day with everyone fresh to it.

Five days later, there will still be a lot of  new content energy, but it won’t be quite the same...

Yeah, I was in the first wave of people to enter Grothmar Valley when it initially dropped. It really was fun to run around exploring brand new territory and discovering all the fun stuff on that map, stuff which no one had seen before. Still, there are a couple of issues that put me firmly on the side of those saying we should stick to the Monday launch for this expansion. The first has to do with the developers not having to pull frantic weekend overtime after a full week's work. I had a job where crunch time could have us working 10-12 hour days, 6-7 days a week. It is not fun. For their sake, I'm in favor of the developers having the weekend off and starting fresh on Monday. The second issue is that a Monday start gives them a week to handle bug fixes and patches before the big influx of players on the weekend. I've also been in Tyria when updates were so buggy that they made the game irritating and/or unplayable for a bit. Thankfully that hasn't happened in a while. Let's hope it doesn't happen this time.

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5 minutes ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

 Still, there are a couple of issues that put me firmly on the side of those saying we should stick to the Monday launch for this expansion. The first has to do with the developers not having to pull frantic weekend overtime after a full week's work. I had a job where crunch time could have us working 10-12 hour days, 6-7 days a week. It is not fun. For their sake, I'm in favor of the developers having the weekend off and starting fresh on Monday. 

Yeah, absolutely. I work in live theatre, and that can mean 10 to 12 hour days for a week leading up to a Friday night opening. It is hard to get called in the day after to fix a problem after being there for so long in the week(s) leading up to it.

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25 minutes ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

How about delaying it by couple of weeks instead of releasing it during the most busy month for gaming in 2022?

I wonder how many of the people interested in playing EoD on release are actually interested in any of the other new releases this month?

I had to honestly look up most of the titles that have been thrown around as "competition", and found that none of them appeal to me in any way. I'm just one person, and this is only anecdotal evidence of course, but I wonder how many other gamers don't follow and try each and every game out there, but rather stick with a smaller number.


We'll see at the end of the month, but I for one wouldn't be surprised if we have a healthy playerbase for EoD release despite all the supposed "competition" releasing this month.

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1. Dont ask them to rush the release, the fact that they are releasing on last day on feb cause they already said its late feb might be because the marketing team already pushed them to release on feb (as many other mmos are releasing) but the devs didnt agree with it, now they realised there are lot of things to do/fix. But since they already gave late feb as date, they are putting it at last day of feb. Who knows maybe there will be bugs and crashes during this release, since they might have been rushed.


2. I also do hope they could've released on friday cause, as a player from SEA i know for sure their lauch timings will be midnight for me, since this is my first prepurchased game which im anticipating to play, i would've played over night. But since its monday, i cant :(. I hope they release early ST timings tho.

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Honestly, one can look at this release date as another beta week. Could be several buffs, nerfs, bug fixes, etc. happening within that first week alone since, as someone mentioned earlier in the post, they're possibly forced to release in February due to the numerous marketing announcements even though they may not actually be ready yet,

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On 2/1/2022 at 2:39 PM, Destroyer.7503 said:

If not that not important for you play day one. That not same for all player.


For many player that a good completion to participate at 1st Dragon Stand (exemple). You discovery a new country and you can find new item. You are 1st people in 1 think and that a good completion and have never equivalent of all gold in Guild Wars.

Aside from the aneurysm I got from trying to read this, you seem to have a misconception that you're suppsoed to rush thru an expansion to "be the first" in everything. If you want to race, go play racing games. If you want to be the first in everything, if you want to race others to the finish line, an MMO is not your style. MMOs are meant to be taken more slowly, and enjoy the content bit by bit.


People who rush to the finish line are more often the ones who complain "hurr durr no new content, dead gaeim".


GW2 has content is spades for you to enjoy, and you could spend hours, weeks, months years just playing it all. So slow down and enjoy the game.

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On 2/1/2022 at 12:50 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

28th a much better date. Friday for PoF caused too many issues due to bugs and crashes. I’d rather a Monday and give them time to focus and a weekend to relax.

Yes to 28th



If they choose 28th to me it look more like they need the weekend to finish it so i'd say to then release 4th march or later and not rush it 🤷‍♂️

On 2/1/2022 at 12:29 PM, Destroyer.7503 said:

All people play at different rythme. I respect you, but if I want during all week-end that ma choice.

Even if they keep the 28th you can play all weekend, there is a weekend not too long after the 28th
or perhaps you're trying to do the race to max level and max gear? should be doable at work though 😉

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Wouldn't a tuesday release make the most sense, seeing as that coincides with the gemstore updates. 


Anyways, they've promised a february release, and they waited until the last day of january to announce that the release would be at the latest february date possible. 


The expansion is obviously far from ready. On every single livestream they hide content as best they can, and what they do show still seems full of bugs. A re-scheduling for an earlier release just isn't feasible. They need every single minute of devtime to try and iron out the kinks. 


That is not to say that what we have seen hasn't been good. The elite specs are a bit lackluster, but the maps look great and they've obviously put a lot of work into the story content. But to be honest, I'm just waiting for them to push back release again.

Edited by Athel.2076
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3 hours ago, Athel.2076 said:

Wouldn't a tuesday release make the most sense, seeing as that coincides with the gemstore updates. 


Anyways, they've promised a february release, and they waited until the last day of january to announce that the release would be at the latest february date possible. 


The expansion is obviously far from ready. On every single livestream they hide content as best they can, and what they do show still seems full of bugs. A re-scheduling for an earlier release just isn't feasible. They need every single minute of devtime to try and iron out the kinks. 


That is not to say that what we have seen hasn't been good. The elite specs are a bit lackluster, but the maps look great and they've obviously put a lot of work into the story content. But to be honest, I'm just waiting for them to push back release again.

You mean first of feb for release date info not last january right?

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I'm only going to bring this up one more time...


People really reading too much into a release date. 

Lemme put it this way, if they released it on a Friday and players run into game breaking bugs, they ain't gonna fix that over the weekend. Better to release it at the start of the week when they are actually working so they can fix any bugs or server issues. That way, by the end of the week, it should be a smoother experience for the influx of players. 

And this I can guarantee, no matter how much resource they spend on QA Testing things, there's always going to be issues that slip through, that's just the nature of game development. 


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I personally prefer the Monday release for many of the same reasons already mentioned. I would much rather rather wait 5 days and get to play on the weekend after the biggest bugs/errors have been fixed, rather than waste my weekend frustrated while staring at bugged or overloaded map loading screens and having to replay missions multiple times because of disconnects.

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