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Why do you expect so much from people in Dragon's End meta?!?! [Merged]

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Heard people now leave early if they see the dps isn't going anywhere and players keep getting downed all the time. 
Lots of afkers too because people are fed up with repeatedly doing events on that map - means those people aren't getting the damage buff.

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27 minutes ago, Friday.7864 said:

Heard people now leave early if they see the dps isn't going anywhere and players keep getting downed all the time. 
Lots of afkers too because people are fed up with repeatedly doing events on that map - means those people aren't getting the damage buff.


Its a great gold mine right now though, just keep joining maps and asking "i'll leave the map if you pay me" 

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They announced some changes but they still insist on this being an elitist meta where everyone is supposed to be good or get out. Which is already happening, people are being asked to leave unless they're raiders or such

I really feel sorry for the casual players who just wanted to experience the expansion and unlock their turtle.

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Learning this fight is very much like learning PvE raid fights. I've never been in a group that's actually won yet--The closest I've gotten maybe thrice is 20% (this is pre-midday patch 3/4 CST)--but as I am someone who actively enjoys learning raid fights, I am enjoying myself and actively feel like I--and my team--am improving and believe that victory is within our grasp. The only time I actually felt angry with this meta was when I waited hours for it to start again, only for an escort NPC to bug and instantly ruin the entire meta.


However, there are people who avoid PvE raiding for a reason, and that added to how the siege turtle is locked behind this meta causes a bit of a problem, I feel. I'm mostly having a good time, but every time a map fails a LOT of people are VERY angry in map chat.

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Another day, another 0% wipe (yes, head literally went to 0%) with boss spamming ALL mechanics and wasting time switching sides. WE  GOT TAIL AT THE END TOO GOOD JOKE LOL NOT REALLY

I got whirlpooled TWICE at 2% too and that was AFTER my leap went through the hitbox yeeting me off the platform. gg no re

Edited by rune.9572
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Ok - so 2x now with the new (supposedly nerfed) version of the meta - failed 2x times now getting just below 20%. on the boss health. It really doesn't feel any different and doing the greens are confusing the first time (I think they ported this mechanic from the greens in the Dhuum raid mostly and then made it even harder - because in Dhuum you just fly through 5 orbs and you are done).  You spend more time dodging waves and running from one end of the platform to teh other than you do actually doing any damage. Overall DPS plummets like a rock as you get below 40% because the mechanics just seem to come faster and the prevent you dps'ing the boss. At this point I am loathing this fight and would rather deal with the RNG of the walls in soulless horror all day than do this. I just want my turtle egg - and then I will never do this awful and painful meta again.

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3 minutes ago, inaho.2046 said:

... and then I will never do this awful and painful meta again.

This is a big problem.  By having so much of this meta over tuned (huge HP pools on just about everything, considering the amount of people in high end gear doing this stuff), there is a real chance people just burn out thrashing against the event and not getting anything in return.  Even if the meta gets fixed, how many people will be exhausted by it and just not want to, even for fun.

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Yeah, this needs rework, Anet. Remove the RNG nature of this because getting tail tail tail tail tail tail isn't fun, and just drags out the fight.


I don't even want to do this fight anymore after 30+ hours of attempts, I'm done.

How about giving us another way to start the turtle questline so we don't have to put up with this mess?


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This would be fine if the turtle wasn't tied into the meta. If everyone gets fast at green it will succeed. You get 6 jumps, you can spam them to climb, just climb to a memory and your jumps are reloaded back to 6. My first green i failed because I didn't realize you could spam jump. My second try took about 30 seconds, it was easy. Everyone, I highly recommend to just get good at green it wont guarantee a victory, but it will improve the odds greatly for a completed meta. So anet don't change it, just provide another way to unlock the turtle. I say all this after failing for 34 hours with no completed meta yet. In my opinion Anet knocked it out of the ballpark with this new xpac.

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The last nerf isn't enough. Nerf that again please.


Why not putting the difficulty into the personal story (& raids) rather than the open world?


Maps are full, it's fail on fail and now Commanders are kicking at any mistake... Not fun at all.

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The Aoe are too insane. The ground is solid aoes it's hard to even tell friendly buffs from enemy aoes. Many people can't even tell what is happening.

Target locking is often difficult because the ads get so dense.

Especially for ground target CC (ie DH wells), people can't figure out where to put things to have it hit Soo-Won because there is so much noise they can't see anything.

We are already at the point where only "people who know how to do greens" are the only ones allowed to do them without being kicked. People who are just getting started are treated as trolls for trying the greens. I personally have never done greens and people basically scream at you to not troll if you even touch the green.

Edited by Boogiepop Void.6473
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Just sat through two very organized groups describing and commanding everything through voice call and map chat.  Second one was flawless. Greens went perfect, CC was perfect, portals up from mesmers to portal people back and forth from head to tail...everything was flawless. At 2% remaining she switched sides, tail came up, bubbled + whirlpool. Failed with 1 second remaining at 1% left. This was raid-level group strategizing and to come so close and still fail sucks a bit. The targeting is really hard with all the adds, then constant back and forth, the whirlpools where you can't even help your teammates.. Just a *little* too overtuned.

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31 minutes ago, Widowmaker Z.4802 said:

And so it begins, saw someone selling runs in LFG.

How do you sell runs in an open world map you can’t control who joins? Also, how much?  I wonder how many raids my raid static would have to sell to buy a run for all our turtles? 

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I was on an extremely well coordinated map, and we managed to get the boss down to 1%. Everyone just trying to push that last 1% and then the dragon does the spin move which wasted 7 seconds and for the last 4-5 seconds that 1% did not drop and we failed.

Either increase the time of the fight.

or adjust the phases at 25% health instead of 20% health. 

The visuals need to be looked into as well. There is no way this was tested and everyone playing was getting a decent frame rate. Parts of it was a slide show mess. 

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I wouldn't say over-tuned, overall the boss is basically a DPS Golem with attacks that can one-shot you if you're not paying attention. My real problem is how reliant on AI RNG the fight is. Saw one run where the boss had 6 break-bars and spawned the tail only once for the first 3 phases then completely fall apart because the last 2 phases spawned tail without any intervals to properly DPS. Would literally kill the tail, and then not 5 seconds later Aurene would be telling us to kill the tail AGAIN. 

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No idea why RNG is a factor for which mechanics are used. Had another group do everything perfectly. Buffs, green, DPS and even the wave. Soo decided she wanted to use her tail attacks and evade for basically the last 35% of the fight. We were at 50% with 10 minutes left over and failed at 25%. Got 2 breakbars, but people were constantly running to tail. Not to mention the visual madness of trying to target the right thing between Soo, mobs and bubbles. And then she moves below the arena sometimes so new people just stop attacking.

This just isn't fun.

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